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Invisibility has Gotten out of Hand

Vlad Morbius.1759

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> @"Handin.4032" said:

> There are really 2 big things which make stealth in gw2 much more OP than many other MMOs.


> 1: You do not drop stealth if you attack, and MISS - or if your attack does not deal direct damage (E.g. Caltrops do not drop stealth). So, even if you have a player which dodges your first attack, you can still attack while stealthed. In every other MMO I've played, the moment you attack you drop stealth, regardless if it hits or miss and if it is an attack skill (versus a heal or buff).

> 2: You do not drop stealth when you take damage (or show any visual markers). This again means that you can attack, disengage and even if they hit you with a big burst, it may likely not drop you out of combat, allowing you to disengage and heal.



These are only relevant for in-combat stealth. Which, mind you, *is already weak*. The problem with stealth is out of combat stealth, and thats despite the fact that GW2s out of combat stealth is already weaker than in other MMOs (where you can usually just press one button for permanent stealth).


> Both of these result in stealth being low risk but very high payout. Whether you are single thief roaming, or an entire Zerg stealthing. In fact, big groups using stealth is a bit more of the issue - even if you see them stealth, and can apply some burst, without a painter trap or similar, it will not reveal them. They can even stack stealthed and heal (which does not drop steal) through a burst if an opposing group has an idea where they are. Some of the videos posted here shows just this happening: a thief applying an opening burst while in stealth, missing, and still remaining in stealth - even if they take some damage in return. Most games, having stealth invokes a trade off (e.g. slower movement, having to risk dropping it if you take damage or miss) with the *huge* bonus of having the 1st move in an engagement, and a way to disengage. In GW2, you don't have any of those tradeoffs, but still the substantial bonus. Painters do counter, but they're on a much longer cool down, a somewhat small AoE (or for thrown, a big animation) and take supply - they are not a good viable counter. Pulse detection was a decent counter, then it got shunted to a POS gadget (gadgets are a whole other rant...).



No, they dont. See the part that youre missing is the inherent risk in-combat stealth gives. Which is that while youre in stealth, the enemy can hit you, but you cant hit them. And entering stealth is usually slow and easily punished. Thats why in-combat stealth is already weak. The tradeoff for in-combat stealth is that you give the enemy free hits in exchange for maybe avoiding some. Its a trade that is pretty much never worth it. Thats why in-combat stealth isnt very good. But out of combat stealth is great. That one just needs a max duration.


> tl;dr: Stealth doesn't need to be removed. They just need to modify it so it involves more risk/tradeoffs. There are ways to do this without killing Thief, or Zerg play (e.g. drop stealth if you miss an attack, or show footprints if you take damage).


The former does nothing to affect out of combat stealth but weakens in-combat stealth. Same for the other one. These are bad changes that hit the wrong thing.

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> @"UNOwen.7132" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > messing with ooc smoke fields or max stealth duration doesn't fix the actual problem while at the same time it messes up organized play. how about this: you enter stealth and any skill used outside the smoke field (or shadow refuge) reveals you (1 sec grace period), entering within 130 range of enemy reveals you (change teef melee stealth attacks to 240 range dashes), delete DE reveal removal, up revealed duration to 6 sec (lol 3 sec is practically non existent, who needs to stealth that often anyway except for spammers/ griefers?), and finally get rid of watchtower/ sentry mark.


> No, actually that *does* fix the problem. The problem being long out of combat stealth. What you suggest on the other hand does indeed *not* fix the problem, and instead adds more problems. Youre making the already weak in-combat stealth even weaker, while leaving the overperforming out of combat stealth untouched.


if they're ooc then how are they a problem, since they aren't interacting with any players? its when they enter combat that the problem arises. ooc stealth engages are strong and imo should remain so, and having 3 sec and up grace periods in combat are strong and shouldn't remain so. in combat stealth isn't weak, you're trippin and everyone knows it. anyways unless you limit ooc stealth to useless levels for not just the roamer but the group that stealth engages, it won't change anything. i think you miss the issue in its entirety, the thread is all about stealth being too strong in combat. if you don't agree then fine we won't really be able to convince each other of anything. what about revealed duration, should it be increased?

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > Somedays I miss my old ghost trapper teef build. To be able to kill groups of people and never show myself once was troll-tastic. I even got reported many times due to people think I was "hacking" xD

> >

> > It was OP for 1 reason....it could kill you and you would never see them the whole encounter.


> +1 correct



But it's no longer a thing, so how is this relevant in any way here? :D

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> @"Handin.4032" said:

> There are really 2 big things which make stealth in gw2 much more OP than many other MMOs.


> 1: You do not drop stealth if you attack, and MISS - or if your attack does not deal direct damage (E.g. Caltrops do not drop stealth). So, even if you have a player which dodges your first attack, you can still attack while stealthed. In every other MMO I've played, the moment you attack you drop stealth, regardless if it hits or miss and if it is an attack skill (versus a heal or buff).

> 2: You do not drop stealth when you take damage (or show any visual markers). This again means that you can attack, disengage and even if they hit you with a big burst, it may likely not drop you out of combat, allowing you to disengage and heal.


> Both of these result in stealth being low risk but very high payout. Whether you are single thief roaming, or an entire Zerg stealthing. In fact, big groups using stealth is a bit more of the issue - even if you see them stealth, and can apply some burst, without a painter trap or similar, it will not reveal them. They can even stack stealthed and heal (which does not drop steal) through a burst if an opposing group has an idea where they are. Some of the videos posted here shows just this happening: a thief applying an opening burst while in stealth, missing, and still remaining in stealth - even if they take some damage in return. Most games, having stealth invokes a trade off (e.g. slower movement, having to risk dropping it if you take damage or miss) with the *huge* bonus of having the 1st move in an engagement, and a way to disengage. In GW2, you don't have any of those tradeoffs, but still the substantial bonus. Painters do counter, but they're on a much longer cool down, a somewhat small AoE (or for thrown, a big animation) and take supply - they are not a good viable counter. Pulse detection was a decent counter, then it got shunted to a POS gadget (gadgets are a whole other rant...).


> tl;dr: Stealth doesn't need to be removed. They just need to modify it so it involves more risk/tradeoffs. There are ways to do this without killing Thief, or Zerg play (e.g. drop stealth if you miss an attack, or show footprints if you take damage).


The risks are there, you're trying to oversell your point. There is a timer before another stealth attack if you miss and you can take damage while in stealth. The window of stealth attacks is too long and stealth is too sturdy in close proximity. This isn't every other MMO.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

> > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > messing with ooc smoke fields or max stealth duration doesn't fix the actual problem while at the same time it messes up organized play. how about this: you enter stealth and any skill used outside the smoke field (or shadow refuge) reveals you (1 sec grace period), entering within 130 range of enemy reveals you (change teef melee stealth attacks to 240 range dashes), delete DE reveal removal, up revealed duration to 6 sec (lol 3 sec is practically non existent, who needs to stealth that often anyway except for spammers/ griefers?), and finally get rid of watchtower/ sentry mark.

> >

> > No, actually that *does* fix the problem. The problem being long out of combat stealth. What you suggest on the other hand does indeed *not* fix the problem, and instead adds more problems. Youre making the already weak in-combat stealth even weaker, while leaving the overperforming out of combat stealth untouched.


> if they're ooc then how are they a problem, since they aren't interacting with any players? its when they enter combat that the problem arises.


ooc meaning long duration stealth where the opponent doesn't know he needs to play around anything, because he doesn't even know there's anything approaching? Stacking stealth is ooc, the interaction with the player comes after that, but it's still about ooc stealth.

In other words: "I GOT KILLED OUT OF NOWHERE" complaint threads.


> @"Handin.4032" said:

> There are really 2 big things which make stealth in gw2 much more OP than many other MMOs.


> 1: You do not drop stealth if you attack, and MISS - or if your attack does not deal direct damage (E.g. Caltrops do not drop stealth). So, even if you have a player which dodges your first attack, you can still attack while stealthed. In every other MMO I've played, the moment you attack you drop stealth, regardless if it hits or miss and if it is an attack skill (versus a heal or buff).


Losing stealth on miss would be ok I think -not revealing the player on miss is removing some form of counterplay from the opponent and doesn't punish the stealthed player for his mistakes/misplays.


> 2: You do not drop stealth when you take damage (or show any visual markers). This again means that you can attack, disengage and even if they hit you with a big burst, it may likely not drop you out of combat, allowing you to disengage and heal.


But this one I can't really agree with, I think that considering the amount and range/radius of aoe spam that's available in gw2, this would render stealth barely usable.

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> @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > @"Bigpapasmurf.5623" said:

> > > Somedays I miss my old ghost trapper teef build. To be able to kill groups of people and never show myself once was troll-tastic. I even got reported many times due to people think I was "hacking" xD

> > >

> > > It was OP for 1 reason....it could kill you and you would never see them the whole encounter.

> >

> > +1 correct



> But it's no longer a thing, so how is this relevant in any way here? :D


Someone brought it up, thus the relevancy :)

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> @"UNOwen.7132" said:


> These are only relevant for in-combat stealth. Which, mind you, *is already weak*. The problem with stealth is out of combat stealth, and thats despite the fact that GW2s out of combat stealth is already weaker than in other MMOs (where you can usually just press one button for permanent stealth).


As you said said, there is no button for permanent stealth, so the difference between in-combat stealth and out of combat stealth isn't the same. Thieves, typically, do not sit waiting in stealth for minutes and minutes at a time, and nor do raids. For groups, it is mostly used to engage and maybe disengage, so it is still 'active', not passive. Both of what I said are related to "out of combat" stealth. Take a fairly common scenario (at least in US WvW): a raid stacks and uses a stealth gyro + blast to stack stealth. Now, they don't do this to sit around for a long time passively, they do it just before engaging (so, while not 'in combat stealth', it is stealth FOR combat). Now, a raid could see that and put a bomb or AoE there - heck, even some nice CC! But the group remains stealthed. They could have a painter used against them (although that's fairly easy to spot since it has a huge animation...). This is why so many groups in NA seem to love using stealth - it has 0 draw back, other than needing to stack to blast stealth.


While there is a timer if you miss an attack in stealth, you are STILL STEALTHED and thus still maintain the advantage, even if you horribly messed up. You may take damage, but you're invisible so you're not directly targetable - can just disengage...


> @"Sobx.1758" said

> But this one I can't really agree with, I think that considering the amount and range/radius of aoe spam that's available in gw2, this would render stealth barely usable.


Yes, I agree -I am not advocating that getting hit in stealth totally drops stealth, or put on reveal, unless there would be some high threshold. I mentioned visual markers, mostly so that you know your hit landed and where the person was - or if it was a condi something like a foot print (removed if condi is cleansed, which does not drop stealth). Compared to many other mechanics, stealth has far fewer viable counters than most others, especially given the advantages stealth gives. (I remember both in lotro and Archeage - where stealth was VERY OP - you could even see them if they got too close for too long, and your speed was reduced).


While stealth is certainly OP, it almost always is in any game. It should have attention and maybe tweaks, but I wouldn't put it anywhere near a priority, more like a "meh...if there's every time...".

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> @"Handin.4032" said:

> > @"UNOwen.7132" said:


> > These are only relevant for in-combat stealth. Which, mind you, *is already weak*. The problem with stealth is out of combat stealth, and thats despite the fact that GW2s out of combat stealth is already weaker than in other MMOs (where you can usually just press one button for permanent stealth).


> As you said said, there is no button for permanent stealth, so the difference between in-combat stealth and out of combat stealth isn't the same. Thieves, typically, do not sit waiting in stealth for minutes and minutes at a time, and nor do raids. For groups, it is mostly used to engage and maybe disengage, so it is still 'active', not passive. Both of what I said are related to "out of combat" stealth. Take a fairly common scenario (at least in US WvW): a raid stacks and uses a stealth gyro + blast to stack stealth. Now, they don't do this to sit around for a long time passively, they do it just before engaging (so, while not 'in combat stealth', it is stealth FOR combat). Now, a raid could see that and put a bomb or AoE there - heck, even some nice CC! But the group remains stealthed. They could have a painter used against them (although that's fairly easy to spot since it has a huge animation...). This is why so many groups in NA seem to love using stealth - it has 0 draw back, other than needing to stack to blast stealth.


> While there is a timer if you miss an attack in stealth, you are STILL STEALTHED and thus still maintain the advantage, even if you horribly messed up. You may take damage, but you're invisible so you're not directly targetable - can just disengage...


> > @"Sobx.1758" said

> > But this one I can't really agree with, I think that considering the amount and range/radius of aoe spam that's available in gw2, this would render stealth barely usable.


> Yes, I agree -I am not advocating that getting hit in stealth totally drops stealth, or put on reveal, unless there would be some high threshold. I mentioned visual markers, **mostly so that you know your hit landed** and where the person was - **or if it was a condi something like a foot print** (removed if condi is cleansed, which does not drop stealth). Compared to many other mechanics, stealth has far fewer viable counters than most others, especially given the advantages stealth gives. (I remember both in lotro and Archeage - where stealth was VERY OP - you could even see them if they got too close for too long, and your speed was reduced).


> While stealth is certainly OP, it almost always is in any game. It should have attention and maybe tweaks, but I wouldn't put it anywhere near a priority, more like a "meh...if there's every time...".


You'll know if your hit landed and in the general small area it hit. It's stealth, you're not supposed to track them through it, but if you want to, watch the ground when they stealth and you can mostly tell what direction they were going or thinking about depending the stealth skill. The best counter to stealth is letting them stealth because then you pretty much know the next play that will do any damage to you. You don't even have to wait for them to come out of stealth to kill them but if you want to that's a great predictable window to land control skills. Again, stealth attacks or their window of use need some changes to be under pressure and there needs to be more pressure on the stealth user for even thinking about lingering around in close proximity. Again, this isn't another MMO.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > @"UNOwen.7132" said:

> > > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > > messing with ooc smoke fields or max stealth duration doesn't fix the actual problem while at the same time it messes up organized play. how about this: you enter stealth and any skill used outside the smoke field (or shadow refuge) reveals you (1 sec grace period), entering within 130 range of enemy reveals you (change teef melee stealth attacks to 240 range dashes), delete DE reveal removal, up revealed duration to 6 sec (lol 3 sec is practically non existent, who needs to stealth that often anyway except for spammers/ griefers?), and finally get rid of watchtower/ sentry mark.

> >

> > No, actually that *does* fix the problem. The problem being long out of combat stealth. What you suggest on the other hand does indeed *not* fix the problem, and instead adds more problems. Youre making the already weak in-combat stealth even weaker, while leaving the overperforming out of combat stealth untouched.


> if they're ooc then how are they a problem, since they aren't interacting with any players? its when they enter combat that the problem arises. ooc stealth engages are strong and imo should remain so, and having 3 sec and up grace periods in combat are strong and shouldn't remain so. in combat stealth isn't weak, you're trippin and everyone knows it. anyways unless you limit ooc stealth to useless levels for not just the roamer but the group that stealth engages, it won't change anything. i think you miss the issue in its entirety, the thread is all about stealth being too strong in combat. if you don't agree then fine we won't really be able to convince each other of anything. what about revealed duration, should it be increased?


Because they use stealth out of combat, and then engage out of stealth. That is the issue. Your supposed changes to fix that address nothing. In combat stealth is absolutely weak, and any good players knows that. Thats why they tend to avoid using it as much as possible. And no, it will. If you can only stay in stealth for 6 seconds, then you gotta time it real well out of combat, and the opponent has the opportunity to run the clock down through careful positioning and defensive usage. That in fact fixes the issue. If the thread is about stealth being too strong in combat, then the thread is simply wrong. There isnt anything useful to gain from that, its like having a thread about warrior rifle being too strong. And no, revealed duration obviously shouldnt be increased. Besides the fact that it nerfs regular in-combat stealth, which is again weak, its also a risk with 2 thief traits that could break things (essentially a build that enters and immediately exits stealth every X seconds to have those traits up).

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> @"Handin.4032" said:

> > @"UNOwen.7132" said:


> > These are only relevant for in-combat stealth. Which, mind you, *is already weak*. The problem with stealth is out of combat stealth, and thats despite the fact that GW2s out of combat stealth is already weaker than in other MMOs (where you can usually just press one button for permanent stealth).


> As you said said, there is no button for permanent stealth, so the difference between in-combat stealth and out of combat stealth isn't the same. Thieves, typically, do not sit waiting in stealth for minutes and minutes at a time, and nor do raids. For groups, it is mostly used to engage and maybe disengage, so it is still 'active', not passive. Both of what I said are related to "out of combat" stealth. Take a fairly common scenario (at least in US WvW): a raid stacks and uses a stealth gyro + blast to stack stealth. Now, they don't do this to sit around for a long time passively, they do it just before engaging (so, while not 'in combat stealth', it is stealth FOR combat). Now, a raid could see that and put a bomb or AoE there - heck, even some nice CC! But the group remains stealthed. They could have a painter used against them (although that's fairly easy to spot since it has a huge animation...). This is why so many groups in NA seem to love using stealth - it has 0 draw back, other than needing to stack to blast stealth.



Actually, they do. Whether its in keeps to run down the timer, or when hunting people on the map, thieves do spend long periods of time in stealth. And yknow, just the ability to be able to press one button and stay in stealth out of combat would be something thieves would *love* to have. Its such a huge boon. As for your example, thats still easily fixed by having a max duration. They try to engage, you blow them up with some AoEs, their stealth runs out. Its a huge disadvantage.


> While there is a timer if you miss an attack in stealth, you are STILL STEALTHED and thus still maintain the advantage, even if you horribly messed up. You may take damage, but you're invisible so you're not directly targetable - can just disengage...



And you can just disengage if youre not stealthed as well. Stealth is only an advantage when used to mask your approach or attack someone unaware of your existence. That is easily fixed, through a max cap. Any of the changes you propose dont actually change it at all. But they do destroy the already weak in-combat stealth completely. Theyre bad changes.


> > @"Sobx.1758" said

> > But this one I can't really agree with, I think that considering the amount and range/radius of aoe spam that's available in gw2, this would render stealth barely usable.


> Yes, I agree -I am not advocating that getting hit in stealth totally drops stealth, or put on reveal, unless there would be some high threshold. I mentioned visual markers, mostly so that you know your hit landed and where the person was - or if it was a condi something like a foot print (removed if condi is cleansed, which does not drop stealth). Compared to many other mechanics, stealth has far fewer viable counters than most others, especially given the advantages stealth gives. (I remember both in lotro and Archeage - where stealth was VERY OP - you could even see them if they got too close for too long, and your speed was reduced).



That is entirely unneccessary. Because you already can track people in stealth through AoEs and cleave. You already will know that your hit landed, and roughly where they were. Stealth has too many counters for how few advantages it gives. Its only use case where that isnt true is out of combat. But again, easily fixed, but not through the changes you propose (which do literally nothing to out of combat stealth).


> While stealth is certainly OP, it almost always is in any game. It should have attention and maybe tweaks, but I wouldn't put it anywhere near a priority, more like a "meh...if there's every time...".


This is ironically not entirely true. Stealth is a mechanic that is either strong, or weak. Never inbetween. And quite often it lands on the weak side.

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> @"Vlad Morbius.1759" said:

> > @"Helicity.3416" said:

> > I feel like most people don't understand the marked and revealed mechanics.

> > A lot of folks seem to think target painters and traps can be cleansed by Deadeye.

> >

> > This is not correct.

> >

> > The Deadeye can cleanse the _reveal_ but will remain *marked*, and will thus be _revealed_ again if they stealth for 3s+

> >

> > A target painter hit is more often than not a death sentence on DE.


> C'mon just how many times have you wandered into something a player takes 5 seconds to lay in front of you? Possibly going into a camp and one is there you don't see but in active roaming that is a useless mechanic nobody has the time to put down while being picked off from 1500 feet away lol. Fact is stealth and burst skills associated with it are OP and have been for a long time it is way overdue to be addressed. That said i doubt very much they actually care anymore and are only concerned with the next expack and the money that will bring in so people just need to get used to this cancer.


I literally throw target painters on almost every stealth class I fight.

It's even better when I do it FROM stealth.


It's an L2P issue.


If you don't want to drop a trap in a smart place and carry throwable "screw you stealth class" consumables on you...well, that's on _you_

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> @"Helicity.3416" said: > I literally throw target painters on almost every stealth class I fight.

> It's even better when I do it FROM stealth.

> It's an L2P issue.

> If you don't want to drop a trap in a smart place and carry throwable "screw you stealth class" consumables on you...well, that's on _you_


Right so every 2nd time you throw one down you have to run back and pick up supplies, that's a completely effective way to fight. Also name on other class you have to carry supplies to toss at before engaging, what a joke. This needs to get fixed period, it is a broken mechanic and has jack to do with learn to fight and everything to do with badly balanced and scaled skills.

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> @"Vlad Morbius.1759" said:

> > @"Helicity.3416" said: > I literally throw target painters on almost every stealth class I fight.

> > It's even better when I do it FROM stealth.

> > It's an L2P issue.

> > If you don't want to drop a trap in a smart place and carry throwable "screw you stealth class" consumables on you...well, that's on _you_


> Right so every 2nd time you throw one down you have to run back and pick up supplies, that's a completely effective way to fight. Also name on other class you have to carry supplies to toss at before engaging, what a joke. This needs to get fixed period, it is a broken mechanic and has jack to do with learn to fight and everything to do with badly balanced and scaled skills.


Ok, then don't use the incredibly effective tools put in the game specifically for this purpose and keep crying on the forums because anet isn't handing you your free kills.


Meanwhile I'll keep killing the deadeyes, mesmers, rangers, dragon hunters and engis who rely too much on stealth.

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> @"Helicity.3416" said:

> > @"Vlad Morbius.1759" said:

> > > @"Helicity.3416" said: > I literally throw target painters on almost every stealth class I fight.

> > > It's even better when I do it FROM stealth.

> > > It's an L2P issue.

> > > If you don't want to drop a trap in a smart place and carry throwable "screw you stealth class" consumables on you...well, that's on _you_

> >

> > Right so every 2nd time you throw one down you have to run back and pick up supplies, that's a completely effective way to fight. Also name on other class you have to carry supplies to toss at before engaging, what a joke. This needs to get fixed period, it is a broken mechanic and has jack to do with learn to fight and everything to do with badly balanced and scaled skills.


> Ok, then don't use the incredibly effective tools put in the game specifically for this purpose and keep crying on the forums because anet isn't handing you your free kills.


> Meanwhile I'll keep killing the deadeyes, mesmers, rangers, dragon hunters and engis who rely too much on stealth.


What class you using to kill these so easily

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> @"Helicity.3416" said:

> > @"Vlad Morbius.1759" said:

> > > @"Helicity.3416" said: > I literally throw target painters on almost every stealth class I fight.

> > > It's even better when I do it FROM stealth.

> > > It's an L2P issue.

> > > If you don't want to drop a trap in a smart place and carry throwable "screw you stealth class" consumables on you...well, that's on _you_

> >

> > Right so every 2nd time you throw one down you have to run back and pick up supplies, that's a completely effective way to fight. Also name on other class you have to carry supplies to toss at before engaging, what a joke. This needs to get fixed period, it is a broken mechanic and has jack to do with learn to fight and everything to do with badly balanced and scaled skills.


> Ok, then don't use the incredibly effective tools put in the game specifically for this purpose and keep crying on the forums because anet isn't handing you your free kills.


> Meanwhile I'll keep killing the deadeyes, mesmers, rangers, dragon hunters and engis who rely too much on stealth.


M8 the problem is not us wanting free kills on thieves,we are questioning the incredibly effective freedom of kill they have with no trade off kek

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> @"Helicity.3416" said:

> I feel like most people don't understand the marked and revealed mechanics.

> A lot of folks seem to think target painters and traps can be cleansed by Deadeye.


> This is not correct.


> The Deadeye can cleanse the _reveal_ but will remain *marked*, and will thus be _revealed_ again if they stealth for 3s+


> A target painter hit is more often than not a death sentence on DE.


But would u will render with everything in time for the enemy or the desync between the action will look it like o were reviealed and insta stealth 1 sec later...?


The problem might noe be in your end but its on your target perception of the combat and how stuff renders in this game.


IMO the issue is not the thief, but the stalth mechanics and how the gaame itlsef treats it, and i feel that is what needs to be look at, not asking for nerd into a class where the issue m8 be in the netcode.


But in terms of steralth balance, the stleaalth blast need to be removed :)


Note my brother main was a thief when he played this game, as we were dueling, stealth often wasnt the same visually me and for him, i usally complanin how reveil was borked up where i sould see just aa fraaction of its unstealthed momentum.

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> @"Jilora.9524" said:

> > @"Helicity.3416" said:

> > > @"Vlad Morbius.1759" said:

> > > > @"Helicity.3416" said: > I literally throw target painters on almost every stealth class I fight.

> > > > It's even better when I do it FROM stealth.

> > > > It's an L2P issue.

> > > > If you don't want to drop a trap in a smart place and carry throwable "screw you stealth class" consumables on you...well, that's on _you_

> > >

> > > Right so every 2nd time you throw one down you have to run back and pick up supplies, that's a completely effective way to fight. Also name on other class you have to carry supplies to toss at before engaging, what a joke. This needs to get fixed period, it is a broken mechanic and has jack to do with learn to fight and everything to do with badly balanced and scaled skills.

> >

> > Ok, then don't use the incredibly effective tools put in the game specifically for this purpose and keep crying on the forums because anet isn't handing you your free kills.

> >

> > Meanwhile I'll keep killing the deadeyes, mesmers, rangers, dragon hunters and engis who rely too much on stealth.


> What class you using to kill these so easily


I play every class, it's easiest with fresh air ele or your own Deadeye and (situationally) hardest with Condi builds (if they run cleanse in stealth or are fast with rifle 4)

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Helicity.3416" said:

> > I feel like most people don't understand the marked and revealed mechanics.

> > A lot of folks seem to think target painters and traps can be cleansed by Deadeye.

> >

> > This is not correct.

> >

> > The Deadeye can cleanse the _reveal_ but will remain *marked*, and will thus be _revealed_ again if they stealth for 3s+

> >

> > A target painter hit is more often than not a death sentence on DE.


> But would u will render with everything in time for the enemy or the desync between the action will look it like o were reviealed and insta stealth 1 sec later...?


> The problem might noe be in your end but its on your target perception of the combat and how stuff renders in this game.


> IMO the issue is not the thief, but the stalth mechanics and how the gaame itlsef treats it, and i feel that is what needs to be look at, not asking for nerd into a class where the issue m8 be in the netcode.


> But in terms of steralth balance, the stleaalth blast need to be removed :)


> Note my brother main was a thief when he played this game, as we were dueling, stealth often wasnt the same visually me and for him, i usally complanin how reveil was borked up where i sould see just aa fraaction of its unstealthed momentum.


I tried to read your post, but your writing makes me feel like I'm having an aneurysm.

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> @"Helicity.3416" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > @"Helicity.3416" said:

> > > I feel like most people don't understand the marked and revealed mechanics.

> > > A lot of folks seem to think target painters and traps can be cleansed by Deadeye.

> > >

> > > This is not correct.

> > >

> > > The Deadeye can cleanse the _reveal_ but will remain *marked*, and will thus be _revealed_ again if they stealth for 3s+

> > >

> > > A target painter hit is more often than not a death sentence on DE.

> >

> > But would u will render with everything in time for the enemy or the desync between the action will look it like o were reviealed and insta stealth 1 sec later...?

> >

> > The problem might noe be in your end but its on your target perception of the combat and how stuff renders in this game.

> >

> > IMO the issue is not the thief, but the stalth mechanics and how the gaame itlsef treats it, and i feel that is what needs to be look at, not asking for nerd into a class where the issue m8 be in the netcode.

> >

> > But in terms of steralth balance, the stleaalth blast need to be removed :)

> >

> > Note my brother main was a thief when he played this game, as we were dueling, stealth often wasnt the same visually me and for him, i usally complanin how reveil was borked up where i sould see just aa fraaction of its unstealthed momentum.


> I tried to read your post, but your writing makes me feel like I'm having an aneurysm.


Round 2 then :) sometimes even i cant read i wrote xD in "Engrish".


The problem with stealth its a netcode issue or how actually stealth works overall in the game, the timing on stealth from the perspective of the atacker and the target is not the same, usually theres a delay on the unstealth/reveal process(some sorta delay or desync) on the 1st hit while the stealth aplyance is somethwat synced. wich visually creates the short duration reveal for the client of the player being atacked.


When you use stealth and apear atacking the target and stealth again you will render your toon skills with normal timings and see everythign normal, but in the target perspective the time when you do the process of " stealth-> 1st atack -> go unstealthed/revealed -> 2nd and 3rd atack ->stealth again" wont be the same order on the stealth/unstealth effect on enemy , it will be arround at the 2nd or 3rd hit that players will probably see your toon unstealthing right befgore u go stealth again.


Gw2 stealth always worked like this , while dueling friends and my brother thief i always complained how short the duration of its thief reveal after some hits was, the more u try to go stealth after a unstealth/reveal that desync kinda gets borker and worse for the target being atacked.


A large group using redudant stealth aplyances and quickess will mostly bork up that effect, most times the enemy group wont even know what hitted them, allmost all skills will be casted before they render, enemy will take even damage before red circles apear xD, the bigger the blob is the worse it gets.,



And sorry if my english was really that bad (it was bad even for me to read it ):pensive: i hope this was is easier to decifre.

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> @"SteepledHat.1345" said:

> Funny, with that garbage marked debuff covering most of the map in T1 it feels like you can't stealth anywhere


I always get a lol out of this complaint when I see it. If anything Thieves should count it as a blessing.


Fighting anyone near a tower is never a good idea, especially if it has Watch Tower. It doesn't matter if you have access to Stealth or not. They can retreat to the tower and put you in a bad position and you're now a beacon on the map that pugs will be coming for. Before Marked existed Thieves could ignore this danger with their Stealth and mobility effectively allowing them to engage and disengage where ever they please. While that isn't a huge problem itself, it does create a frustrating scenario where the Thief cannot be punished for over extending. No other class before or after the addition of Marked would want to stray too close to a tower for the reasons I've outlined; their opponent could escape inside the objective leaving them in a bad position, and scouting would likely have them outnumbered soon after.


Some towers have a frustratingly large area that Watch Tower covers, but that's a problem with Watch Tower itself that still needs rebalancing. Something many people agree on. Sentry's on the other hand are more of a problem in regard to Stealth because to remove the Marked you need to capture the Sentry. With that said, Marked is more than just a Reveal, it marks you on the mini map. No matter what you're playing you will be aware of your vulnerability and will need to evaluate the risk of approaching that Sentry knowing you will be temporarily visible on the map. So this isn't a problem exclusive to Thieves.


There is plenty of room to fight and roam about without being Marked. EBG maybe less so, but Thieves have the virtue of being able to choose when and where fights happen more so than any other class thanks to their mobility. Choose the right place to fight, know where to take that fight, and be aware of areas that will Mark you if you're choosing to risk fighting in those areas.


If I'm roaming on Necro I'm going to stop at the edge of Watch Tower range the same way I would with Thief but for different reasons. With Necro, I cannot escape if more people show up so I cannot afford to make myself visible on the map. With Thief, my defensive and offensive resource, Stealth, will be greatly impacted and will mean I need to be aggressive, so the risk probably isn't worth it.

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> @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> > @"SteepledHat.1345" said:

> > Funny, with that garbage marked debuff covering most of the map in T1 it feels like you can't stealth anywhere


> I always get a lol out of this complaint when I see it. If anything Thieves should count it as a blessing.


> Fighting anyone near a tower is never a good idea, especially if it has Watch Tower. It doesn't matter if you have access to Stealth or not. They can retreat to the tower and put you in a bad position and you're now a beacon on the map that pugs will be coming for. Before Marked existed Thieves could ignore this danger with their Stealth and mobility effectively allowing them to engage and disengage where ever they please. While that isn't a huge problem itself, it does create a frustrating scenario where the Thief cannot be punished for over extending. No other class before or after the addition of Marked would want to stray too close to a tower for the reasons I've outlined; their opponent could escape inside the objective leaving them in a bad position, and scouting would likely have them outnumbered soon after.


> Some towers have a frustratingly large area that Watch Tower covers, but that's a problem with Watch Tower itself that still needs rebalancing. Something many people agree on. Sentry's on the other hand are more of a problem in regard to Stealth because to remove the Marked you need to capture the Sentry. With that said, Marked is more than just a Reveal, it marks you on the mini map. No matter what you're playing you will be aware of your vulnerability and will need to evaluate the risk of approaching that Sentry knowing you will be temporarily visible on the map. So this isn't a problem exclusive to Thieves.


> There is plenty of room to fight and roam about without being Marked. EBG maybe less so, but Thieves have the virtue of being able to choose when and where fights happen more so than any other class thanks to their mobility. Choose the right place to fight, know where to take that fight, and be aware of areas that will Mark you if you're choosing to risk fighting in those areas.


> If I'm roaming on Necro I'm going to stop at the edge of Watch Tower range the same way I would with Thief but for different reasons. With Necro, I cannot escape if more people show up so I cannot afford to make myself visible on the map. With Thief, my defensive and offensive resource, Stealth, will be greatly impacted and will mean I need to be aggressive, so the risk probably isn't worth it.


What do you mean the thief can't be punished for overextending? Build to punish them, in home territory with buffs by the way. Instead you suggest it's a good thing when someone can't use something or go to a part of the map. Got any more ideas on how we can not play parts of the game or am I reading that wrong (happy to admit if I did).

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> @"kash.9213" said:

> > @"SpellOfIniquity.1780" said:

> > > @"SteepledHat.1345" said:

> > > Funny, with that garbage marked debuff covering most of the map in T1 it feels like you can't stealth anywhere

> >

> > I always get a lol out of this complaint when I see it. If anything Thieves should count it as a blessing.

> >

> > Fighting anyone near a tower is never a good idea, especially if it has Watch Tower. It doesn't matter if you have access to Stealth or not. They can retreat to the tower and put you in a bad position and you're now a beacon on the map that pugs will be coming for. Before Marked existed Thieves could ignore this danger with their Stealth and mobility effectively allowing them to engage and disengage where ever they please. While that isn't a huge problem itself, it does create a frustrating scenario where the Thief cannot be punished for over extending. No other class before or after the addition of Marked would want to stray too close to a tower for the reasons I've outlined; their opponent could escape inside the objective leaving them in a bad position, and scouting would likely have them outnumbered soon after.

> >

> > Some towers have a frustratingly large area that Watch Tower covers, but that's a problem with Watch Tower itself that still needs rebalancing. Something many people agree on. Sentry's on the other hand are more of a problem in regard to Stealth because to remove the Marked you need to capture the Sentry. With that said, Marked is more than just a Reveal, it marks you on the mini map. No matter what you're playing you will be aware of your vulnerability and will need to evaluate the risk of approaching that Sentry knowing you will be temporarily visible on the map. So this isn't a problem exclusive to Thieves.

> >

> > There is plenty of room to fight and roam about without being Marked. EBG maybe less so, but Thieves have the virtue of being able to choose when and where fights happen more so than any other class thanks to their mobility. Choose the right place to fight, know where to take that fight, and be aware of areas that will Mark you if you're choosing to risk fighting in those areas.

> >

> > If I'm roaming on Necro I'm going to stop at the edge of Watch Tower range the same way I would with Thief but for different reasons. With Necro, I cannot escape if more people show up so I cannot afford to make myself visible on the map. With Thief, my defensive and offensive resource, Stealth, will be greatly impacted and will mean I need to be aggressive, so the risk probably isn't worth it.


> What do you mean the thief can't be punished for overextending? Build to punish them, in your own territory with buffs by the way, or don't complain. Instead you suggest it's a good thing when someone can't use something or go to a part of the map. Got any more ideas on how we can not play parts of the game?


I think you misinterpret what I'm saying, because I'm not complaining at all. Personally I'm unfazed by Thieves and Stealth because I know how to deal with it and I've accepted it as a part of the game. I was stating facts and ways in which the Marked debuff affects other classes, though differently.


Maybe I should have worded it differently, but it would still be "it is very difficult to punish a Thief for over extending" instead of "can't be". Have you not had the displeasure of trying to kill the [CUTE] double Shortbow Thief that taps keep waypoints for hours? He doesn't even play bunker and yet he gets the entire map tilted because he's practically impossible to catch. Double Energy Sigil and Quick Pockets can do that just like Shadow Arts and Deadeye could near infinitely troll inside a recently flipped keep without Marked debuff. Which would be a problem since it has access to portals now _(great job on that addition by the way, ANet)._



Also I played Thief for a good while not long ago with Deadly Arts/Critical Strikes/Trickery. I did a lot of floating around in EBG as I usually do and I don't think I can recall a single time Marked was an issue in any way that it wouldn't be a problem on another class. I also never experienced any fights where Marked got me killed because unlike seemingly everyone who complains about this issue I know I have the mobility to disengage if it's causing me problems. Imagine using mobility on the class with the highest mobility.

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