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Invisibility has Gotten out of Hand

Vlad Morbius.1759

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> @"foxof.8752" said:

> have you guys tried to find a perma stealth deadeye in fire keep lord room, that have levels, huge space? That the DE also capable to teleport in zerg from outer south or north directly to lord room?

> The deadeye only got caught when he lower his guard down and after more than 30 minutes fun time he have had.


> "Stealth not a problem at all."


> edit: if you are going to argue "DE cannot port in a zerg" , answer: "DE also capable to teleport in zerg with the help of multiple mes that port in 1st"

Anet knows what they are doing. Why do you think the lord room isnt within the area of reveal after a cap? There is no bugs, only features.


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> @"Svarty.8019" said:

> > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > If you're a skilled player you know how to properly play against stealth, those who don't aren't effective regardless but i find no joy in losing a mechanic i am adept at using. It has been a staple in the game since the onset and it needs to stay, thanks!

> > [ ;) ](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1312382/#Comment_1312382)


> Give me the source for this statement or stop lying to push your silly narrative through.


Dont expect an answer that doesnt involve learn to play/counter....

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And I'll continue to echo that permanent and sustained stealth is a problem more than the ability to burst without being visible in that time of strike.


If there's an animation for the stealth itself, and you know:

- How long it'll last/be a short duration, and;

- That it'll come at the cost of the player having predictable behavior when stealthed (no major chain CC combos etc.), and;

- That the player is likely within threat/melee range when initiating damage again, or;

- Will limit the player to be running away and acts as a source of combat resetting, applicable to both players


Then stealth really does not prove problematic at all and is just a fine mechanic. Like what you see on x/D thief with CnD and core mesmer for the most part. Getting confouded by these stealth abilities - especially x/D thief - generally means you got outplayed.


The problem is these rules have been HEAVILY broken by the classes which have it, ranging from permanent sustained uptimes on ranged classes to hiding massive cast-time unblockable AoE's and CC chains to classes which otherwise feature heavy defenses which do not already need the stealth to survive to reset fights.


If stealth were made so that it couldn't be used OOC or stack in duration, and they actually made it come at a cost like it does in the case of some builds, it wouldn't be a problem mechanic at all, as then it solely boils down to class knowledge.

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> @"diomache.9246" said:

> Let's make a now stealth week and see how it works out.


Countless threads in the thief forums about how they ruined the game and its unplayable and unbalanced. All thieves want is to gank people from stealth, then https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Shadow_Meld back into stealth. It was the thieves that did all the whining and complaining about detection pulse being too strong.

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> @"Vlad Morbius.1759" said:

> Too much of it in game now, far too many classes have it and it is highly unbalanced. I'm not saying get rid of it but limit the damage you can do while invisible it is OP today and it is a ridiculously overused skill which should be a clear indication that it is too powerful. Remove things like stealth burst, how about removing boons when you go invis, there has to be a cost to this.

Threads like this and comments like yours are why the developers of this game can't possibly take player feedback on these topics seriously.

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> @"Katelynn.6593" said:

> > @"AikijinX.6258" said:

> > The Problem is that Anet gave Stealth access to almost every class, when it was supposed to be unique to Thieves and I suppose Mesmers. Every class has uniqueness to them, while ironically Thieves have had their uniqueness in Stealth *stolen* as well as heavily neutered, with all these abilities placing Reveal and marks on a Thief.

> >

> > Too much stealth- People complain

> > Too much evade- People complain

> > Too much damage- People complain

> > Too much mobility- People complain

> > Too many teleports- People complain

> > Too much blind- People complain

> > Too many spammable skills- People complain

> > Too much access to poison- People complain

> > Too much condition capability- People complain

> > Ability to Teleport allies- People Complain

> >

> > People need to chill.

> >


> Well ele doesn't have stealth so at least there's that in your favour.


You forget that ele had and have Mist Form (+Tornado elite skill - both are Cantrips skills) which also people hated for some years ago before it got nerfed. It is a rather powerful skill as you can move, not get targeted (the old version) when you are in that form and have some invul (changed in patch notes), but you also have and had limitations like no skills that can be used while in Mist Form. Is is not stealth, but it is not far from in the way it also give mobility, is part of Cantrip which also Tornado belongs to and in WvW have a very short CD on 60 seconds vs both PvP and PvE where it is 90 and 150 seconds.

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Stealth as a whole I think needs a rework. Personally I think it's fine as a mobility and escape tool but using it while in combat is where majority of the problems are.

So many traits and skills reward attacking out of stealth, I feel like this is a huge problem when you can constantly reenter stealth during a fight.


If it weren't for almost every class having a form of stealth I'd say thief should get a toggle mechanic that only allows stealth out of combat but I guess that's out of the question. Even then that'd probably open a whole new can of worms.

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> @"Solanum.6983" said:

> Stealth as a whole I think needs a rework. Personally I think it's fine as a mobility and escape tool but using it while in combat is where majority of the problems are.

> So many traits and skills reward attacking out of stealth, I feel like this is a huge problem when you can constantly reenter stealth during a fight.


> If it weren't for almost every class having a form of stealth I'd say thief should get a toggle mechanic that only allows stealth out of combat but I guess that's out of the question. Even then that'd probably open a whole new can of worms.


Stealth is full of issues in GW2, but the biggest problem has to be that attacking someone who is evading does not reveal.

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> @"Dangus.6572" said:

> You haven't played one shot thief have you?

> I'll tell you my story. To scratch someone for like... 8-15k from backstab I'm almost full zerk. it's like 12-13k of HP, with like 0 armor. In this "red circle" AOE dmg, CC , tank condi meta it's pretty difficult to survive. stand for 1-2 seconds in these circles and you are dead. If there are 2 rangers - dead. Stealth, 2 evades, shadowstep is all I got. The cost of stealth has been increased. backstab has cd.


> And yeah... thief class is predators. And yeah WvW is not walk in a park. There are many ways to play against stealth and thieves. I meet lots of good roamers out there. But you know, to be good requires some effort, dying a lot. Not everyone is ready for such things. Stealth is not a problem. May be wvw is not your type of game?


> Mobility was a problem? Warr is fast now. They even added a Cat to ride... Mass reveals near claimed towers and blah blah blah. Have you tried to roam with super stealthy thief? No probably not :). To sit on your side of wvw map with deadeye might be easy task. To go out there - stealth is not most perfect thing. No one walks alone anymore. Especially in no downstate week.


> Anyway I wish all good fun in WvW. Die a lot, kill a lot. Do not whack solo roamers if they just standing in a way of blob. Be polite. Salt's fun, but corpse jump or siege wall on poor invader killed by 20 persons zerg isn't.


Maybe it will will interrest you to know, that the average power staff ele that is supposed to not only survive a 50v50 engagement, but also beeing on top of arc-dps damage evaluation. It is at about 14k, no toughness, no supportive traitlines. It doesnt typically run any stability (ok...there is Lahaar...), and does run Twist of Fate as his stunbreak, leaving one utility spot for lightning flash (which doesnt stunbreak, and is only 900 range), and one spot which they are "free" to choose... personally, i still believe "unravel" is the most logical choice.

Its condi removal (8) is also his heal skill, which sounds nice...till you realize its a 2 3/4 sec channeled skill, easily interruptable.


We dont have stealth. We dont have your evades (on staff). We dont have something like shortbow as a secondary weapon. We dont hit anyone for 13k by pressing a single button, aside of literaly all stars in universe aligne (or fighting a keep lord with all buffs up).

Its a little bit hard to have sympathy with your "hard life", as a thief.


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> @"Dangus.6572" said:

> You haven't played one shot thief have you?

> I'll tell you my story. To scratch someone for like... 8-15k from backstab I'm almost full zerk. it's like 12-13k of HP, with like 0 armor. In this "red circle" AOE dmg, CC , tank condi meta it's pretty difficult to survive. stand for 1-2 seconds in these circles and you are dead. If there are 2 rangers - dead. Stealth, 2 evades, shadowstep is all I got. The cost of stealth has been increased. backstab has cd.


> And yeah... thief class is predators. And yeah WvW is not walk in a park. There are many ways to play against stealth and thieves. I meet lots of good roamers out there. But you know, to be good requires some effort, dying a lot. Not everyone is ready for such things. Stealth is not a problem. May be wvw is not your type of game?


> Mobility was a problem? Warr is fast now. They even added a Cat to ride... Mass reveals near claimed towers and blah blah blah. Have you tried to roam with super stealthy thief? No probably not :). To sit on your side of wvw map with deadeye might be easy task. To go out there - stealth is not most perfect thing. No one walks alone anymore. Especially in no downstate week.


> Anyway I wish all good fun in WvW. Die a lot, kill a lot. Do not whack solo roamers if they just standing in a way of blob. Be polite. Salt's fun, but corpse jump or siege wall on poor invader killed by 20 persons zerg isn't.


Thread should have ended here.

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> @"Jeran.6850" said:

> We dont have stealth. We dont have your evades (on staff). We dont have something like shortbow as a secondary weapon. We dont hit anyone for 13k by pressing a single button, aside of literaly all stars in universe aligne (or fighting a keep lord with all buffs up).



You should try a staff build like this.There's a few big hits there, I think there's a 14k prolly about 50s in.

Technically ele can stealth by smoke field in water and blasting from land, cellofrag also showed it in one of his older videos. If they are also near npc which have a smoke field they could blast those too which is pretty neat. There's actually a few crazy people running around on staff ele roaming. I know it may be a little off topic but it was just something that was interesting to me.

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> @"Bristingr.5034" said:

> > @"AikijinX.6258" said:

> > The Problem is that Anet gave Stealth access to almost every class


> Wait, when did Elementalists receive stealth?




Almost every class, but that said, they can combo an underwater skill to get it.

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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > @"Jeran.6850" said:

> > We dont have stealth. We dont have your evades (on staff). We dont have something like shortbow as a secondary weapon. We dont hit anyone for 13k by pressing a single button, aside of literaly all stars in universe aligne (or fighting a keep lord with all buffs up).




> You should try a staff build like this.There's a few big hits there, I think there's a 14k prolly about 50s in.

> Technically ele can stealth by smoke field in water and blasting from land, cellofrag also showed it in one of his older videos. If they are also near npc which have a smoke field they could blast those too which is pretty neat. There's actually a few crazy people running around on staff ele roaming. I know it may be a little off topic but it was just something that was interesting to me.


Hello there, i appreciate your post (really, i do), but i am also sure you know that i wasnt talking about 1v2 staff weaver meme builds...when watching that video, there have been an incedible amount of chanelled skills that wasnt interrupted. I do feel a little silly/sorry to mention it, but with pofs mirage, it was established that an reaction time of a quarter of a second should be the normality, something everyone should be able to handle, and to react to.....(that is what mesmer and thief players said...not me).

The guys/girls in that video? They dont even react to skills taking 3/4 seconds to execute (while beeing forced to stand still on the ele side).


And in all honesty, Cellofrag brought more harm than good, if its about the reputation of the elementalist class, making it look all to easy (i even was in its "1v100" youtube video, on the opposing side, at bay ... what a garbage nonsense. It was just clickbait, no substance at all.

Sadly, one of the last actually remaining "above average" ele player, Solemn, also tries (seemingly) to convince everyone, that ele is a low skill, high reward class.. completely negating, that, as much as with Cellofrag, maybe only 5% (that is a guess, its likely even less) of ALL elementalist players in the game could not ever reach their level of gameplay.




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> @"VAHNeunzehnsechundsiebzig.3618" said:

> > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > If you're a skilled player you know how to properly play against stealth, those who don't aren't effective regardless but i find no joy in losing a mechanic i am adept at using. It has been a staple in the game since the onset and it needs to stay, thanks!

> > [ ;) ](https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1312382/#Comment_1312382)


> no, if you are 'skilled' you might be able to survive. A decent stealth player just disengages at will. And there is nothing you can do about it.


> Stealth is broken and must be removed from the game.


> OR


> speed: 10%

> damage: 5%

> no blinks, teleports etc


> while in stealth.


Do the same thing to all invuln and block skills and we all good. Right?

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I've been a vocal anti stealth guy for a long time myself and I do think something needs to be done about it.


Stealth alone is annoying but stealth + mobility is insufferable.

Unfortunately the classes that use stealth the most tend to be apt in both those things.

Mes has their teleports and blinks, Stealth trap rangers have their leap's and dash's and of course thief being the worst offender has so many large evades and shadowsteps they can use to play their hit and run nonsense.


I think the main reason stealth is such a problem is because of how little there is to counter it.. Reveal being about the only decent way to do so and that is a very, very limited ability that most classes don't even get good access to.

Add to that they even give thief the ability to remove it XD


It's an annoying mechanic for sure, even if the thief knows he can't kill someone he can still follow them around and harass them to no end by abusing it.

It needs better counters imo, or at least most classes need better access to those counters.

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> I've been a vocal anti stealth guy for a long time myself and I do think something needs to be done about it.


> Stealth alone is annoying but stealth + mobility is insufferable.

> Unfortunately the classes that use stealth the most tend to be apt in both those things.

> Mes has their teleports and blinks, Stealth trap rangers have their leap's and dash's and of course thief being the worst offender has so many large evades and shadowsteps they can use to play their hit and run nonsense.


> I think the main reason stealth is such a problem is because of **how little there is to counter it**.. Reveal being about the only decent way to do so and that is a very, very limited ability that most classes don't even get good access to.

> Add to that they even give thief the ability to remove it XD


> It's an annoying mechanic for sure, even if the thief knows he can't kill someone he can still follow them around and harass them to no end by abusing it.

> It needs better counters imo, or at least most classes need better access to those counters.


How much more do you need to turn around and hit someone who is likely right behind you or within a cone of where their ground marker for stealth was if they're ranged? I'll take the tells from stealth in and stealth out over most others in the game, especially since they have to come out of stealth to do anything that I can't clear or break right away. Stealth doesn't need better counters, it needs people to quit acting like stealth comes with a force field or like they can't land anything on them between blinks. A lot of thieves are pretty much supercharged npcs but the good and really annoying ones would probably frustrate you on other professions, they probably read you before you know they're scoping you out. I got tuned up by another thief this weekend with no more stealth or better tools than I had, he was just better but more importantly he just read me too well and I reacted more instead of staying calm and reading what he was plotting correctly.

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That's a nice idea, but "the cone" is always 360° and only a small part of the professions have the option to hit things without having a target. So, no, stealth needs serious counterplay and that is either a reveal that doesn't need to be targeted or in form of a field similar to necro marks. And the "remove reveal" from Deadeye has to go.

"Guessing" in which direction the thief went while even not knowing if you hit something isn't counterplay.


And of course the most serious counter to thieves are other thieves. Why do you think this is the case? Because they have, as you said, the same tools you use, so if you stealth, he stealthes, if you port away, he ports behind you. What would a necro do? Right, he wouldn't even try following you for the kill because he'd never catch up. If you stealth his only chance is to place staff marks or swing his sword with 130 range?

And that's the same for basically everyone except maybe Engineers or Rangers. And why those? Because they counter stealth, stealth themself and are highly mobile.





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