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NO Downstate should STAY permanently. - [Merged]


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> @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > @"Jilora.9524" said:

> > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > > > @"Jilora.9524" said:

> > > > > @"LetoII.3782" said:

> > > > > Years of shadowplay and still the same bs.

> > > > > No, youre not outnumbered, youre outgunned. Now go hide on a borderland

> > > >

> > > > You always chime in with some toxic hide on BL or stop complaining while you hug t3 SMC. Now which diamond hunt ranger are you? There's 3 but only one is in a constant state of backpeddle always staying exactly 1650 range away even when you outnumber and always ready to retreat into SMC. Most like to play all aspects of the mode not just hump SMC all day

> > >

> > > Funny how smc has expended all the way to your spawn over the years. Dont pick on our pet boomer he's like 70

> >

> > I'm not sos if that was a ref to this week. I'm not trying to pick on anyone. You just always make a comment I can't resist responding too


> We've had your keep as well. I knew you were nsp because the text isnt upside down


This account is JQ but do have accounts on AR and NSP but dont play as much on those. They more to see scores and ques and do dailys

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> @"Antioche.7034" said:

> > @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> > > @"jsp.6912" said:

> > > i imagine this guy who thinks he is skilled because he played a glass canon build and os a guy during the no downstate event.

> >

> > He plays a warrior actually lmao I'm sure that doesn't change your mind at all though.

> >

> > Imagine defending a mechanic where you don't really die after you die ;)

> >

> > Also since February, specializing into glass cannon has had the worst return on investment of all time in GW2. No idea what you're complaining about.


> Imagine wanting downstate to be permanant, so that people are encouraged to play annoying and stupid glass-cannon builds or annoying and stupid bunker builds. Even if it's easy to counter or avoid it would still be incredibly stupid and boring.


> Maybe in WvW it has had the worst return on investment, and if that is the case, I see nothing wrong with it, aslong as it does not devolve into bunker meta. In sPvP though going full zerk has certainly had return on investment (See nades holo or reaper, Prev etc).


4/6 meta builds are Minstrel. It is too late to save the game from devolving into that, because when players go down their 3.5k armor buddies can pick them up and heal them to 100%, maybe even give full barrier and stealth. You say you dislike both high damage high risk builds and bunker builds, but you're clearly OK with letting one of those two run rampant.


This is the WVW forums, save PVP problems for PVP. Did you figure maybe everyone is going full zerk because there's a lot less amulets to try these days? And because Marauder damage is garbage ever since February? We have to deal with this stat called TOUGHNESS in WVW. And these runes called DURABILITY. They're pretty annoying.



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> @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> > @"Antioche.7034" said:

> > > @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> > > > @"jsp.6912" said:

> > > > i imagine this guy who thinks he is skilled because he played a glass canon build and os a guy during the no downstate event.

> > >

> > > He plays a warrior actually lmao I'm sure that doesn't change your mind at all though.

> > >

> > > Imagine defending a mechanic where you don't really die after you die ;)

> > >

> > > Also since February, specializing into glass cannon has had the worst return on investment of all time in GW2. No idea what you're complaining about.

> >

> > Imagine wanting downstate to be permanant, so that people are encouraged to play annoying and stupid glass-cannon builds or annoying and stupid bunker builds. Even if it's easy to counter or avoid it would still be incredibly stupid and boring.

> >

> > Maybe in WvW it has had the worst return on investment, and if that is the case, I see nothing wrong with it, aslong as it does not devolve into bunker meta. In sPvP though going full zerk has certainly had return on investment (See nades holo or reaper, Prev etc).


> 4/6 meta builds are Minstrel. It is too late to save the game from devolving into that, because when players go down their 3.5k armor buddies can pick them up and heal them to 100%, maybe even give full barrier and stealth. You say you dislike both high damage high risk builds and bunker builds, but you're clearly OK with letting one of those two run rampant.


> This is the WVW forums, save PVP problems for PVP. Did you figure maybe everyone is going full zerk because there's a lot less amulets to try these days? And because Marauder damage is garbage ever since February? We have to deal with this stat called TOUGHNESS in WVW. And these runes called DURABILITY. They're pretty annoying.




So, basically you dislike bunkers, so you wish for no downstate, even though no downstate will lead to even more bunker builds ? Maybe for a week of no downstate most people don't bother to adapt, and you can surely farm all the people that are here to farm GoB because they jate WvW, but if you make no downstate permanant, what kind of builds do you think people will play ? Surely not stuff that can get oneshot by full zerker.

Making no downstate permanant will only further the issue, IMO.


Also I'm fine with high risks high rewards, aslong as it's really high risks high rewards and not low risks high rewards like that's often the case.

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I really don't understand how players still have problems with "oneshots" after all the dmg nerfs. Is everyone playing a full zerk ele? Because that's pretty much the only thing that might still have to worry about getting oneshot.

There would be absolutely no reason to go full tank for any semi competent player, if downstate went away. Ofc considering the average WvW player, many might still go that route, because they don't know how to survive without downstate carry, but bad bunkers wouldn't have the same impact they can have now, and in the end we probably would end up with less of those.

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> @"UmbraNoctis.1907" said:

> I really don't understand how players still have problems with "oneshots" after all the dmg nerfs. Is everyone playing a full zerk ele? Because that's pretty much the only thing that might still have to worry about getting oneshot.

> There would be absolutely no reason to go full tank for any semi competent player, if downstate went away. Ofc considering the average WvW player, many might still go that route, because they don't know how to survive without downstate carry, but bad bunkers wouldn't have the same impact they can have now, and in the end we probably would end up with less of those.


Well this might make you think again. I just stumbled upon this clip and its a "very highly skillful" QQ guy needing stealth and broken build which Anet thinks is just fine for killing in just few hits.


**PS. That is not me, i just saw someone post this.



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> @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

> > @"UmbraNoctis.1907" said:

> > I really don't understand how players still have problems with "oneshots" after all the dmg nerfs. Is everyone playing a full zerk ele? Because that's pretty much the only thing that might still have to worry about getting oneshot.

> > There would be absolutely no reason to go full tank for any semi competent player, if downstate went away. Ofc considering the average WvW player, many might still go that route, because they don't know how to survive without downstate carry, but bad bunkers wouldn't have the same impact they can have now, and in the end we probably would end up with less of those.


> Well this might make you think again. I just stumbled upon this clip and its a "very highly skillful" QQ guy needing stealth and broken build which Anet thinks is just fine for killing in just few hits.


> **PS. That is not me, i just saw someone post this.


> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9767lHi25tw


Oh yea, i forgot about grenades, because i didn't see them used that much in WvW. But how about balancing those few outliers instead of using them as justification for more imbalance? (downstate wouldn't have saved the player in the video anyway)

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> @"Antioche.7034" said:

> So, basically you dislike bunkers, so you wish for no downstate, even though no downstate will lead to even more bunker builds ? Maybe for a week of no downstate most people don't bother to adapt, and you can surely farm all the people that are here to farm GoB because they jate WvW, but if you make no downstate permanant, what kind of builds do you think people will play ? Surely not stuff that can get oneshot by full zerker.

> Making no downstate permanant will only further the issue, IMO.


> Also I'm fine with high risks high rewards, aslong as it's really high risks high rewards and not low risks high rewards like that's often the case.


everytime someone say no downstate will increase bunker players i smile. because bunker meta is atm the most effective way.

with no downstate, killing a bunker will let him dead. with donwstate there is a chance for him to come abck, making the fight even more annoying.

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> @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

> > @"UmbraNoctis.1907" said:

> > I really don't understand how players still have problems with "oneshots" after all the dmg nerfs. Is everyone playing a full zerk ele? Because that's pretty much the only thing that might still have to worry about getting oneshot.

> > There would be absolutely no reason to go full tank for any semi competent player, if downstate went away. Ofc considering the average WvW player, many might still go that route, because they don't know how to survive without downstate carry, but bad bunkers wouldn't have the same impact they can have now, and in the end we probably would end up with less of those.


> Well this might make you think again. I just stumbled upon this clip and its a "very highly skillful" QQ guy needing stealth and broken build which Anet thinks is just fine for killing in just few hits.


> **PS. That is not me, i just saw someone post this.


> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9767lHi25tw


you need to aim grenade barrage perfectly to reach that amount of burst, with a full damage zerk gear.

but then is it still alright to deal that much damage ? every class have access to that kind of burst but not every one can access to stealth.

any way, that necro faced a scrapper. even with mates around he would have just popped stomp gyro + elixir S and the necro would have died anyway.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> Can we get opt-in roaming?


> + each kill count as two with double the loot

> + 100% reward track progress and wxp

> + constant stab and all attacks unblockable to make it fair against zergs

> - cant join or create a squad


You do understand that opting in to no DS means that YOU don't get DS, and everyone else still does right? The point being, solo roamers like myself never get anything out of DS anyway (but we are always fighting against it), because there is no one to revive us anyway, so giving it up has little to no impact and is a way to reward roamers who see a fraction of the loot of zerglings, and are giving up access to DS for a reward bonus, not stat or advantage bonus like your list.

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> @"TinkTinkPOOF.9201" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > Can we get opt-in roaming?

> >

> > + each kill count as two with double the loot

> > + 100% reward track progress and wxp

> > + constant stab and all attacks unblockable to make it fair against zergs

> > - cant join or create a squad


> You do understand that opting in to no DS means that YOU don't get DS, and everyone else still does right? The point being, solo roamers like myself never get anything out of DS anyway (but we are always fighting against it), because there is no one to revive us anyway, so giving it up has little to no impact and is a way to reward roamers who see a fraction of the loot of zerglings, and are giving up access to DS for a reward bonus, not stat or advantage bonus like your list.

Same thing as giving up the squad.


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> @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

> > @"UmbraNoctis.1907" said:

> > I really don't understand how players still have problems with "oneshots" after all the dmg nerfs. Is everyone playing a full zerk ele? Because that's pretty much the only thing that might still have to worry about getting oneshot.

> > There would be absolutely no reason to go full tank for any semi competent player, if downstate went away. Ofc considering the average WvW player, many might still go that route, because they don't know how to survive without downstate carry, but bad bunkers wouldn't have the same impact they can have now, and in the end we probably would end up with less of those.


> Well this might make you think again. I just stumbled upon this clip and its a "very highly skillful" QQ guy needing stealth and broken build which Anet thinks is just fine for killing in just few hits.


> **PS. That is not me, i just saw someone post this.


> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9767lHi25tw

Ah yes all those dastardly grenade meta scrappers running around oneshotting everything with their broken builds. Since this particular clip wasnt you, when was the last time this happened to you?


Also for the love of god dont tell any guilds. Imagine 10 of these, permastealth under cycling gyros, instakilling 50 man groups. How could anyone run guard+necro/rev combo ever again??!?!

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Frankly I'd turn no downstate on for myself even if it didn't reward me. As a solo thief main the odds of me getting ressed or achieving anything go to zero the second I get downed, so it would just mean I'm back in the map faster instead of being jumped on/bled out/sieged by people that think they are accomplishing something.

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> @"Antioche.7034" said:

> > @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> > > @"Antioche.7034" said:

> > > > @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> > > > > @"jsp.6912" said:

> > > > > i imagine this guy who thinks he is skilled because he played a glass canon build and os a guy during the no downstate event.

> > > >

> > > > He plays a warrior actually lmao I'm sure that doesn't change your mind at all though.

> > > >

> > > > Imagine defending a mechanic where you don't really die after you die ;)

> > > >

> > > > Also since February, specializing into glass cannon has had the worst return on investment of all time in GW2. No idea what you're complaining about.

> > >

> > > Imagine wanting downstate to be permanant, so that people are encouraged to play annoying and stupid glass-cannon builds or annoying and stupid bunker builds. Even if it's easy to counter or avoid it would still be incredibly stupid and boring.

> > >

> > > Maybe in WvW it has had the worst return on investment, and if that is the case, I see nothing wrong with it, aslong as it does not devolve into bunker meta. In sPvP though going full zerk has certainly had return on investment (See nades holo or reaper, Prev etc).

> >

> > 4/6 meta builds are Minstrel. It is too late to save the game from devolving into that, because when players go down their 3.5k armor buddies can pick them up and heal them to 100%, maybe even give full barrier and stealth. You say you dislike both high damage high risk builds and bunker builds, but you're clearly OK with letting one of those two run rampant.

> >

> > This is the WVW forums, save PVP problems for PVP. Did you figure maybe everyone is going full zerk because there's a lot less amulets to try these days? And because Marauder damage is garbage ever since February? We have to deal with this stat called TOUGHNESS in WVW. And these runes called DURABILITY. They're pretty annoying.

> >

> >


> So, basically you dislike bunkers, so you wish for no downstate, even though no downstate will lead to even more bunker builds ? Maybe for a week of no downstate most people don't bother to adapt, and you can surely farm all the people that are here to farm GoB because they jate WvW, but if you make no downstate permanant, what kind of builds do you think people will play ? Surely not stuff that can get oneshot by full zerker.

> Making no downstate permanant will only further the issue, IMO.


> Also I'm fine with high risks high rewards, aslong as it's really high risks high rewards and not low risks high rewards like that's often the case.


The current meta is necros using ANY DPS stat they want, with every other class running Minstrel to support them. Are you saying we'll have Minstrel necros too? Do you see why you're wrong LMAO. Go play a full zerk build and post those results I'd love to see it. Because BTW, being one shot goes BOTH ways for those builds, they get one shot as well. Hopefully you dont find any Dragonhunters or Sic Em beasts :D

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

> > > @"UmbraNoctis.1907" said:

> > > I really don't understand how players still have problems with "oneshots" after all the dmg nerfs. Is everyone playing a full zerk ele? Because that's pretty much the only thing that might still have to worry about getting oneshot.

> > > There would be absolutely no reason to go full tank for any semi competent player, if downstate went away. Ofc considering the average WvW player, many might still go that route, because they don't know how to survive without downstate carry, but bad bunkers wouldn't have the same impact they can have now, and in the end we probably would end up with less of those.

> >

> > Well this might make you think again. I just stumbled upon this clip and its a "very highly skillful" QQ guy needing stealth and broken build which Anet thinks is just fine for killing in just few hits.

> >

> > **PS. That is not me, i just saw someone post this.

> >

> > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9767lHi25tw

> Ah yes all those dastardly grenade meta scrappers running around oneshotting everything with their broken builds. Since this particular clip wasnt you, when was the last time this happened to you?


> Also for the love of god dont tell any guilds. Imagine 10 of these, permastealth under cycling gyros, instakilling 50 man groups. How could anyone run guard+necro/rev combo ever again??!?!


This just proves my point... "Broken unbalanced builds that go over looked for years" , every time they try to balance something there's always 1 thing that's over looked. even after the 180 "object changes" they said they made to the game to balance out power damage spikes. Theres still so many skills that have inconsistent damage that does entirely too much.

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I agree, no downstate separated the skilled players from the bad. The amount of ressbots and rallybots is just hillarious, especially with current bunker meta after february patch. When in normal state 1v3 or 1v5 is doable, no downed state makes 1v10 possible. Quite fun and entertaining.

And no, its not about build. If u lose to a single enemy while outnumbering him so much, its thanks to his mechanical skills and your lack of them.

In sPvP downed state is mechanic that can be used by both allies and enemies, to ress you or to get rid off you for longer amount of time. Meanwhile in WvW...well, raise your hands who enjoys fighting groups of 10 ppl - 2 FBs, 2 tempests, 2 scrappers, 2 necros and 2 sth. 6 supports/ressbots and 4 conditanks. Wow, truly thrilling encounter. Idk how [Cake] is still not bored of it, not going out of spawn without at least 2 ressbots.

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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> Ah yes all those dastardly grenade meta scrappers running around oneshotting everything with their broken builds. Since this particular clip wasnt you, when was the last time this happened to you?


> Also for the love of god dont tell any guilds. Imagine 10 of these, permastealth under cycling gyros, instakilling 50 man groups. How could anyone run guard+necro/rev combo ever again??!?!


I have been using this also and got a few salty messages about it.

Its very easy to land @ledernierrempart.6871

Best scenario is when enemy is taking camp and sentry.

Just after they kill mobs, they will just stand still to cap, (i don't think many of them even turn the cam to see if anyone's coming or just stealth-ed)....perfect time to hit.

Just walk up and bang :)

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Terrible idea, downstate is perfectly fine, maybe they could tune down ress speed a tiny bit to make ress skills like IoL and banner more dominant.


Don't play a game for rewards.


On summits stream it was funny how he thought downstate was stupid and didn't even try to rally/heal himself up whenever it happened. This is how I imagine you no downstate lovers, you give up already before you're actually dead. If your issue is that enemy resses downs you make too easy, then ask for ress speed nerfs, not removal of downstate. Also some downstate autoattacks do little too much damage while others feel like they do nothing.

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> @"Sleepwalker.1398" said:

> > @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> > Ah yes all those dastardly grenade meta scrappers running around oneshotting everything with their broken builds. Since this particular clip wasnt you, when was the last time this happened to you?

> >

> > Also for the love of god dont tell any guilds. Imagine 10 of these, permastealth under cycling gyros, instakilling 50 man groups. How could anyone run guard+necro/rev combo ever again??!?!


> I have been using this also and got a few salty messages about it.

> Its very easy to land @ledernierrempart.6871

> Best scenario is when enemy is taking camp and sentry.

> Just after they kill mobs, they will just stand still to cap, (i don't think many of them even turn the cam to see if anyone's coming or just stealth-ed)....perfect time to hit.

> Just walk up and bang :)


well yes, if your enemy isn't moving or is totally oblivious of your existence and move in a straight line it is easy...

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> @"Threather.9354" said:

> Terrible idea, downstate is perfectly fine, maybe they could tune down ress speed a tiny bit to make ress skills like IoL and banner more dominant.


> Don't play a game for rewards.


> On summits stream it was funny how he thought downstate was stupid and didn't even try to rally/heal himself up whenever it happened. This is how I imagine you no downstate lovers, you give up already before you're actually dead. If your issue is that enemy resses downs you make too easy, then ask for ress speed nerfs, not removal of downstate. Also some downstate autoattacks do little too much damage while others feel like they do nothing.


Well the suggestions being pushed by the not so extreme side of things is that Downstate needs **changes**, not that it needs to be removed. Less health in downstate, slower res speed, limitations on how many players can res a single downed player at one time (1 to 1 ideally), and a normalization of the skills in downstate to homogenize them between all classes since downstate is the only mechanic that every single class in the game actually shares other than dodging.

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