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There are no activities to do with Guilds.

blade eyes.2034

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Just rant, but seriously, what is there to do with guilds? You don't need guilds to do fractals, world bosses, PvP, strike mission, or even raids. Whenever I log on, I wonder if there is anything to do with my guildies, and the answer is nope. Everyone is working on their own thing, farming for gold, farming for AP, getting new legendary, maybe co-op with another guild member in PvP, fractal or other game modes. I don't know, and I feel like there isn't anything active to do with your guilds. There are only the same guild missions from 2013, but that's about it. Perhaps your guild makes up their events, like fashion wars and other ideas. My main guild used to do that, but these things consume a lot of time out of the guild leader and officers. Besides, the rewards have to be provided by them as well.

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> @"Mortifera.6138" said:

> There are raiding guilds, but even that is hard to come by. Why spend resources on guild stuff when only a fraction of people will do it?


Only a fraction of people play it BECAUSE it has nothing. Now when guild wars 2 launched, when guild halls came around in HoT there were TONS of guilds for WvW/PvP/Raids and even open world. The only ones to blame for the sorry state (Like many things in this game) guilds are in, land squarely on A-net. Its their fault and they dun goofed... but like everything else. "We'll just abandon this game-mode/system in favor of a new one!" It's happened before...

1. Dungeons, got turned into fractals and then fractals went some years without content. (Got a new one yesterday but still...)

2. Raids likely are being scrapped for Strikes

3. Guilds likely for something like "clans" or "alliances"

4. WvW for something.... err... new. But the same! But with all the stuff WvW should of had and had been said would get... Its on a table... somewhere.

5. PvP will likely get turned into something... Idk.


In reality these are all possibilities because they aren't the focus... Open world PvE is and has been... and Im hoping End of dragons will change that.

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> @"Thornwolf.9721" said:

> In reality these are all possibilities because they aren't the focus... Open world PvE is and has been... and Im hoping End of dragons will change that.

It is said that hope springs eternal. I get what you're saying and understand your preference in GW2 is not open world. However, if open world has been Anet's focus (which is probably derived from where they make the most money), then what reason(s) would they change? Not trying to be snarky here. Just curious as to your thoughts on why a company should change their focus if what they're doing is making them the most successful. Seems to me, Anet tries to add things to see what sticks (first raids, now strikes) and if new content types are rewarding to the company, then they would shift their focus. Or, am I not understanding your point?


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I think it's a matter of perception. For me a guild is simply a group of like-minded players (or at least players with something in common beyond simply playing GW2) so anything you can do with 1 or more other people has the potential to be guild content. My guild organises regular raid, fractal, dungeon and strike mission nights, in addition to guild missions. You're not required to join in with any of those but if you want to do them it's an easy way to find people to play with. Outside of that there's always people asking in guild chat if anyone wants to join in with whatever they're doing, or can help them with something they want to do.


For me that's one of the major benefits of a guild - yes I could do group content with anyone and I'm not required to be in a guild to get a group together but like I said it's an easy way of finding like-minded people to play with. If I join a group organised through guild chat I already know they're going to be very relaxed and informal about it and there won't be any strict requirements or anyone looking at my AP and making assumptions about what I can do. I know I don't have to worry about the reaction if I say I don't remember how this path goes, or if I've never done it before or if I'm not using a 'meta' build.


I assume that different guilds can achieve the same for people on the opposite end of the spectrum - they join a guild group because they know they can trust everyone else to be using meta builds and to have practised with ArcDPS and watched youtube videos until they've memorised the path even if they've never done it before, and whatever else it is they expect from their group.


I don't need content to be explicitly labelled as something for guilds to do, or restricted to something only guilds can do before I think about doing it with my guild. If I can do it with other people then my default is to ask my guild to join in, and that makes it guild content.

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Guild Halls are very poorly implemented, which is what destroyed alot of guilds. When HoT came out, guilds that were already max-level had to completely rebuild everything, for some of them it took weeks, for some it took years, others never managed.


All for something that's not very good, and doesn't offer much utility compared to what we had. Even something like Eye of the North is better than an entire guild hall for a very tiny fraction of the investment. And even in this game of Fashion Wars, where looks matter more than anything, its very hard to make guild halls even look nice, with all the million-dollar decorations, severe placement limits, etc.


And not having a guild hall set in the Mists for WvW definitely hurt. pushing everyone towards Armistice Bastion.


The only reason guilds have stuck around at all is because they are useful communities for completing harder content like Fractals. But even in WvW, which has been a guild-centric game mode since the game's release, and arguably their primary purpose for existing, I've seen less and less guilds in the last few years, and more PUGs, just like in PvE despite the extreme differences in the two modes.


There's no advantage in being in a guild beyond a chat channel, and even that, parties and squads can fulfill.


If you want guilds to matter, you have to start by improving guild halls, so it can feel like you're actually a part of something again. Otherwise, its just another chat tab which serves as an occasional substitute for LFG.

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Guild only content is something that is lacking in GW2. With that said, guild activity has a lot to do with a players perception on guild fun. Large, active guilds are always doing their own content...I came across one the other day in Dragon Stand that was doing a speed run of the area trying to beat their guild record. Interesting, and there was a lot of them there. I agree that Anet could do a lot to add to guilds in game, but I also would encourage people to find active guilds to play with.

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Well, Anet wanted to make Guilds a thing. But then the "I want to play this a solo game. I want to play how i want. Why does an MMO force me to do things with other people?"-crowd cried and whined, so Anet fixed the issue by making guilds something you can engage with if you want to but actually don't need to.


Also it turned out that guilds can't be monetized as good as other content, so I guess it's fair to say that guilds are abandoned content that we will probably never revisit.

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> @"lokh.2695" said:

> Well, Anet wanted to make Guilds a thing. But then the "I want to play this a solo game. I want to play how i want. Why does an MMO force me to do things with other people?"-crowd cried and whined, so Anet fixed the issue by making guilds something you can engage with if you want to but actually don't need to.


> Also it turned out that guilds can't be monetized as good as other content, so I guess it's fair to say that guilds are abandoned content that we will probably never revisit.


Make 3 /4 more halls.. Make some exclusive decos... make guildhalls visitable by others and boom. Monetized content

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> @"Hannelore.8153" said:

>...There's no advantage in being in a guild beyond a chat channel, and even that, parties and squads can fulfill...


Plenty of people have already pointed out that a guild is what its members make of it. That I very much agree with. Guilds I've been in have done all the guild activities available, as well as doing raids, fractals, hp trains through the HoT maps for newbies, and the like. These days, given my health and physical condition, I don't have the energy for a lot of social interactions so I am currently in three introvert guilds, which offer access to their guild halls without any organized group events at all. And here's where I have to disagree with @"Hannelore.8153" a bit. Being in those three guilds gives me easy access to Auric Basin, Verdant Brink, and Vabbi, access which I use whenever I am doing anything on those maps. I also harvest the resource nodes in each hall every day. One of the guilds makes the Trek guild missions available to any member who wants to use it. That allows me to pick up a few guild commendations every week for purchasing ascended trinkets, banners, and the like. So these "introvert" guilds offer me practical benefits that I use every day. If I had more physical energy, I would get involved with an active social guild. The ones I was in before were fun. Since I can't do that these days, I'm very glad I still have access to these three guild halls.



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> @"Cronospere.8143" said:

> > @"lokh.2695" said:

> > Well, Anet wanted to make Guilds a thing. But then the "I want to play this a solo game. I want to play how i want. Why does an MMO force me to do things with other people?"-crowd cried and whined, so Anet fixed the issue by making guilds something you can engage with if you want to but actually don't need to.

> >

> > Also it turned out that guilds can't be monetized as good as other content, so I guess it's fair to say that guilds are abandoned content that we will probably never revisit.


> Make 3 /4 more halls.. Make some exclusive decos... make guildhalls visitable by others and boom. Monetized content


Just because ANet puts something on the gemstore doesn't mean that people will buy it. The problem with selling exclusive decos for guild halls is that only a few people are willing to take the risk of paying cash/gold/gems for something, they can get kicked out from.

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I have go agree with OP.

While even GW1 didn't offer too much Guild activities one could argue that the game's title derives from the ingame history / lore - which is true.


Then again "guild wars" implies that the game revolves around a guild system which it simply doesn't. There are no "game-given" benefits from being a member of a guild, except for doing guild missions. As a member of 5 different guilds the reality is that even those that focus on a specific game mode or activity only are able to exist because of what the players themselfs invest into its identity. There are no "pvp guilds", "wvw guilds" or "raid guilds", there are only such players that come together due to their personal needs or desires. These players then decide that their guild will focus on one or more different aspects of the game. However, since the game itself doesn't reward or punish you for playing solo or with a guild a sense of "guild wars" doesn't really exist.

Yes, being in a guild might bring certain advantages to you as an individual - like being able to build ingame relationships, helping each other, talking funny nonsense on chat and so on, but that's more a natural occurrence than a guild thing.


Sure, you can argue all day long that not being forced to play in guilds is a good thing, and it certainly is true without doubt, but that's not the point. The point is simply that from a gameplay perspective there is no "guild wars" in "guild wars".


Don't get me wrong, I still love the game!

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_mission

> Sounds like an activity for your guild.


Juts take a look at the WvW missions and you can see that they are implemented in a horrible way:

All of them require 3 players to complete the same events, which makes no sense at all for something like "sentries", "dolyaks" and "camps", where good and useful gameplay would be to cap many structures in a short time across e.g. one or several maps. With the RI buff, you have to time the caps very precisely and you have to "camp" camps to be able to hit enough of them with three players each (which is even worse with sentries or dolyaks) . Not to mention you can't cooperate with guildies from other servers, because of changing server links.

It has been suggested to the Devs since HoT to reduce the minimum requirement for at least the three guild missions mentioned numerous times, but I do not think it was ever considered to be on a future change implementation list.

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This might sound like a stupid question but what's the alternative?


I've never played a game which handled guilds differently, unless you count GW1. I'm aware that game had guild battles but I never participated and I don't think any of my guilds did either, so functionally they were pretty much the same as GW2 guilds, there was no content we played which was exclusive to guilds or had to be done only with guild members, but they offered a reliable way to find like-minded people for whatever content you were doing. It's pretty much the same in Elder Scrolls Online except that they've also tied their horrible, out-dated mess of a trading system into guilds, but unless you're in a dedicated trading guild that's irrelevant. That game also has no dedicated guild content which cannot be done with other types of group, and yet it seems much rarer that people complain there's no guild content.


Can someone explain for players like me who have never played a game with dedicated guild content what exactly you're hoping Anet will add and why it's better to have areas of the game which can only be completed by guild groups? At the moment that just seems like a step down from content which can be done with your guild or with friends or with whoever you're able to find to do it with and I don't understand what the benefit would be.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> This might sound like a stupid question but what's the alternative?


> I've never played a game which handled guilds differently,


exactly. in most cases guilds are just _extended parties_. unless they implement Guild vs Guild type-Pvp there isn't much to guilds beyond having a persistent online/offline list of people outside of your friends-list to which you can chat/socialise/do content with outside of parties/squads/lfg/discord.


even modern games like Final Fantasy 14, atleast as far back as stormblood (not sure about shadow bringers), the most "guild-y activity" you can do as a guild is to do guild crafting together in the guild's workshop.


in older games like Ragnarok Online, you had War of Emperium where in order to get your guild hall (they usually refer to it as castle or agit), you had to fight other guilds who owned it and then defend it until war time is over -- that is something very very guild-ish to do ( which also is very "Guild Wars-ish" )

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