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Returned to Ranked PvP after 2 years - wow... this community is super toxic!


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This word will change your life "BLOCK". Anyone starts spouting off to anyone or if they just has a negative tone block them. It is just a matter of time before they direct it at you. I used to think it was toxic now it is pretty silent. My que times are about 30 seconds to a minute longer but well worth the wait.

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> @"Avatar.3568" said:

> The saltiness is extremely high in gold and low Plat, everything above und below is pretty pma and full of nice people , idk why but this region is rly a toxic behavior


Hard disagree, at least for NA. I have like half the plat 2+ population blocked because they're just toxic kids with huge egos. Like just get over yourself and be happy people are still playing this game at all. Some of them are streamers so they talk shit on their stream rather than in game, but they still do it. It was even worse when there was actual competition, like how can you have this big of an ego for being a "top player" in a game with a hundred serious players at best...


Play for the sick combat system and just block toxic nerds.

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> @"eksn.7264" said:

> Hard disagree, at least for NA. I have like half the plat 2+ population blocked because they're just toxic kids with huge egos. Like just get over yourself and be happy people are still playing this game at all. Some of them are streamers so they talk kitten on their stream rather than in game, but they still do it. It was even worse when there was actual competition, like how can you have this big of an ego for being a "top player" in a game with a hundred serious players at best...


> Play for the sick combat system and just block toxic nerds.


being in a wvw guild full of these teen chest thumpers is the worst.

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> @"Sodeni.6041" said:

> I stopped playing GW2 for 2 years and have returned to it about 3 weeks ago and yesterday I gave PvP a try again.

> I checked out some popular builds, current meta, did some unranked matches and then went into ranked.


> And holy cow, this PvP community is really toxic! I play Dead by Daylight a lot so I am familiar with toxic people and a toxic ommunity but I never thought it would be like that in GW2 as well.


Definitely the wrong time to play GW2 PvP again. The state of PvP has never been worse than at the moment! Regardless of the balance and small or bigger "changes" (...), too many players (good, advanced, top players and veterans) have quit PvP or left the game completely. And rightly so! What you find is like a circus where monkeys and donkeys throw a party together. But who is surprised? ANet has done everything for this, which is also reflected in the increasing "toxicity" (which seems new to you in GW2 PvP).


> I hope the devs adress these issues and check player reports to make PvP less toxic because it really kills the fun of this gamemode.


They do (sooner or later), don't worry! :) But the real fun in this game mode has been "killed" long ago, not just for a few days or months! In the end ANet has to answer for this state of affairs, that means, is responsible (for the bad mood). Those who don't take 2/3 of their own game (and thus 2/3 of their company) as well as their customers (all, not only the PvE part) seriously (or much too late), reap scorn and mockery, justifiably.


Enclosed, welcome back (let's see how long)! :)

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> @"Avatar.3568" said:

> The saltiness is extremely high in gold and low Plat, everything above und below is pretty pma and full of nice people , idk why but this region is rly a toxic behavior


The saltiness comes from the gold players that can't quite make it to Plat and think they should, and the low Plat players that don't want to be knocked back down to Gold because they don't think they belong there. =)


Poking aside, I have noticed less toxicity this season and I've played the last 3. I don't have anyone on block, so its been refreshing to notice it less.

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I've seen people hurling around different sorts of insults that they'd get them hard/perma banned in some other mmos or competitive games. It's either they aren't getting reported or Anet simply doesn't give a damn/too lenient.

In their defense, toxicity/afk behaviors skyrocketed last year and half across all games I played, including DbD. People got spoiled and noone wants to be sportsman like anymore I guess xD

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> @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > @"noiwk.2760" said:

> > ranked pvp is kitten frustrating the amount of bots is grrrrrrr every single game i wanna rage quit from this game .. 1 player 4 bots in every team .. Anet couldnt be any worse


> Well...... it is u after all thst keeps loading the game up so. U know the state of pvp right, so why play it?


i basically dont play pvp anymore.. i got so fed up on it.. i do the bare minimum i need for backpack.. and i dont even give a fk anymore about wining.. i lost motivation to even try .. when i see more than 2 bots in my team im just ohh well.. w/e hopefully its over fast.

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> @"Sodeni.6041" said:

> I stopped playing GW2 for 2 years and have returned to it about 3 weeks ago and yesterday I gave PvP a try again.


> I checked out some popular builds, current meta, did some unranked matches and then went into ranked.


> And holy cow, this PvP community is really toxic! I play Dead by Daylight a lot so I am familiar with toxic people and a toxic ommunity but I never thought it would be like that in GW2 as well.


> The first match I get called out a noob and moron for playing a scourge. I told them it's literally my first match but they didn't care and my team insulted me. Some matches later 2 guys of my team just go afk because they don't like each other and say they are wintrading. Then one of them whispers me and tell me I am a kitten for telling them to just play and argue outside of the match. Various times my team went crazy after losing and insulted each other for the dumbest reasons. I also encountered a few bots that were on my team.


> I thought GW2's community is nice and wholesome... well that might be true unless you go into PvP. I hope the devs adress these issues and check player reports to make PvP less toxic because it really kills the fun of this gamemode.


I am sorry that has happened and i would like to say, not everyone in the community are Toxic, The Truth is, if you ask these Profession players why they are behaving Toxic, they will tell you. because the game design, the balance, it allows them to freely, willingly be as Toxic as they want. With endless Bad Designs, Broken Builds, Broken Mechanics, Broken Skills and as long Skills and Mechanics can be abused and spammed needlessly which allows them to behave this way and to go Un-Punished forever


(back-end story)


-Toxicity was Praised upon with having absolute no Sympathy for the WvW community who cared about their favorite game mode and was Gracefully Allowed to take over


But there is a always a choice


Either choose Toxicity or Not


Again, i am sorry that that you went through this and nobody deserves to be treated this way, I hope there is an immediate plan to resolve this and to put an end to Toxicity as soon as possible because there will no longer be anyone left to care about the game anymore including what remains of the community


-I Hope The Best For You-



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> @"Sodeni.6041" said:

> I stopped playing GW2 for 2 years and have returned to it about 3 weeks ago and yesterday I gave PvP a try again.


> I checked out some popular builds, current meta, did some unranked matches and then went into ranked.


> And holy cow, this PvP community is really toxic! I play Dead by Daylight a lot so I am familiar with toxic people and a toxic ommunity but I never thought it would be like that in GW2 as well.


> The first match I get called out a noob and moron for playing a scourge. I told them it's literally my first match but they didn't care and my team insulted me. Some matches later 2 guys of my team just go afk because they don't like each other and say they are wintrading. Then one of them whispers me and tell me I am a kitten for telling them to just play and argue outside of the match. Various times my team went crazy after losing and insulted each other for the dumbest reasons. I also encountered a few bots that were on my team.


> I thought GW2's community is nice and wholesome... well that might be true unless you go into PvP. I hope the devs adress these issues and check player reports to make PvP less toxic because it really kills the fun of this game mode.


The issue is the matchmaking. Anet Prioritizes short queue times over quality matchups. This leads to a team filled with different types of players.


So ppl who try hard are placed in the same teams as people who are playing for the first time. Was watching a streamer yesterday who was top 20 on the leaderboard. He had a necro teammate who was just auto-attacking staff 1. He might've been a bot but he was around 1200 rated; 500 rating below the streamer.


Ppl like that should never be in the same games as top 20 players.

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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > @"Sodeni.6041" said:

> > I stopped playing GW2 for 2 years and have returned to it about 3 weeks ago and yesterday I gave PvP a try again.

> >

> > I checked out some popular builds, current meta, did some unranked matches and then went into ranked.

> >

> > And holy cow, this PvP community is really toxic! I play Dead by Daylight a lot so I am familiar with toxic people and a toxic ommunity but I never thought it would be like that in GW2 as well.

> >

> > The first match I get called out a noob and moron for playing a scourge. I told them it's literally my first match but they didn't care and my team insulted me. Some matches later 2 guys of my team just go afk because they don't like each other and say they are wintrading. Then one of them whispers me and tell me I am a kitten for telling them to just play and argue outside of the match. Various times my team went crazy after losing and insulted each other for the dumbest reasons. I also encountered a few bots that were on my team.

> >

> > I thought GW2's community is nice and wholesome... well that might be true unless you go into PvP. I hope the devs adress these issues and check player reports to make PvP less toxic because it really kills the fun of this gamemode.


> I am sorry that has happened and i would like to say, not everyone in the community are Toxic, The Truth is, if you ask these Profession players why they are behaving Toxic, they will tell you. because the game design, the balance, it allows them to freely, willingly be as Toxic as they want. With endless Bad Designs, Broken Builds, Broken Mechanics, Broken Skills and as long Skills and Mechanics can be abused and spammed needlessly which allows them to behave this way and to go Un-Punished forever



That's just a lie and your theories have nothing to do with it. Any online pvp/competitive/semi-competitive game is prone to toxicity. ESPECIALLY the team-based ones, where people have hard time dealing with their own mistakes and need to actively seek a scapegoat among their teammates. This behavior is in no way limited to gw2 and its mechanics, so... No.

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> @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > @"Sodeni.6041" said:

> > > I stopped playing GW2 for 2 years and have returned to it about 3 weeks ago and yesterday I gave PvP a try again.

> > >

> > > I checked out some popular builds, current meta, did some unranked matches and then went into ranked.

> > >

> > > And holy cow, this PvP community is really toxic! I play Dead by Daylight a lot so I am familiar with toxic people and a toxic ommunity but I never thought it would be like that in GW2 as well.

> > >

> > > The first match I get called out a noob and moron for playing a scourge. I told them it's literally my first match but they didn't care and my team insulted me. Some matches later 2 guys of my team just go afk because they don't like each other and say they are wintrading. Then one of them whispers me and tell me I am a kitten for telling them to just play and argue outside of the match. Various times my team went crazy after losing and insulted each other for the dumbest reasons. I also encountered a few bots that were on my team.

> > >

> > > I thought GW2's community is nice and wholesome... well that might be true unless you go into PvP. I hope the devs adress these issues and check player reports to make PvP less toxic because it really kills the fun of this gamemode.

> >

> > I am sorry that has happened and i would like to say, not everyone in the community are Toxic, The Truth is, if you ask these Profession players why they are behaving Toxic, they will tell you. because the game design, the balance, it allows them to freely, willingly be as Toxic as they want. With endless Bad Designs, Broken Builds, Broken Mechanics, Broken Skills and as long Skills and Mechanics can be abused and spammed needlessly which allows them to behave this way and to go Un-Punished forever



> That's just a lie and your theories have nothing to do with it. Any online pvp/competitive/semi-competitive game is prone to toxicity. ESPECIALLY the team-based ones, where people have hard time dealing with their own mistakes and need to actively seek a scapegoat among their teammates. This behavior is in no way limited to gw2 and its mechanics, so... No.

You are talking about different things here. He spoke about people abusing not fun to play against mechanics (the classic try hard nerd). You speak about insulting people as a form of toxicity. Both are different things that happen for different reasons.


The only relationship between these two is that the mechanic abusing toxicity can lead to the insulting toxicity.


The game is full of people that don't care about or even aim for destroying the fun of others (BUT: this is more of an issue in wvw than pvp: gank squads, spawn point farming when outnumbering etc.). And the game is also full of people with anger management issues. Both at once is a bad mixture.

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It's actually kind of hilarious how this game's outset was defending by a massive hugbox corps that demonized anybody who tried to tell anybody that there was a "metagame" (or just a "correct/best" way to play) in any part of the game, when there clearly was; yet, as feature bloat swelled over time, the metagame's overbearing presence became so flagrant that now you can't go a step in a place like the PvP lobby without hearing somebody tying "player skill" to "knowing what build to play in PvP." From "Necromancer is viable anywhere! Stop bullying!" to "Player skill is heavily and directly tied to interfacing with a pop-up menu before a match even starts." At its core, GW2 is just a loud hypocrite factory.

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> > @"Sobx.1758" said:

> > > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > > > @"Sodeni.6041" said:

> > > > I stopped playing GW2 for 2 years and have returned to it about 3 weeks ago and yesterday I gave PvP a try again.

> > > >

> > > > I checked out some popular builds, current meta, did some unranked matches and then went into ranked.

> > > >

> > > > And holy cow, this PvP community is really toxic! I play Dead by Daylight a lot so I am familiar with toxic people and a toxic ommunity but I never thought it would be like that in GW2 as well.

> > > >

> > > > The first match I get called out a noob and moron for playing a scourge. I told them it's literally my first match but they didn't care and my team insulted me. Some matches later 2 guys of my team just go afk because they don't like each other and say they are wintrading. Then one of them whispers me and tell me I am a kitten for telling them to just play and argue outside of the match. Various times my team went crazy after losing and insulted each other for the dumbest reasons. I also encountered a few bots that were on my team.

> > > >

> > > > I thought GW2's community is nice and wholesome... well that might be true unless you go into PvP. I hope the devs adress these issues and check player reports to make PvP less toxic because it really kills the fun of this gamemode.

> > >

> > > I am sorry that has happened and i would like to say, not everyone in the community are Toxic, The Truth is, if you ask these Profession players why they are behaving Toxic, they will tell you. because the game design, the balance, it allows them to freely, willingly be as Toxic as they want. With endless Bad Designs, Broken Builds, Broken Mechanics, Broken Skills and as long Skills and Mechanics can be abused and spammed needlessly which allows them to behave this way and to go Un-Punished forever

> >

> >

> > That's just a lie and your theories have nothing to do with it. Any online pvp/competitive/semi-competitive game is prone to toxicity. ESPECIALLY the team-based ones, where people have hard time dealing with their own mistakes and need to actively seek a scapegoat among their teammates. This behavior is in no way limited to gw2 and its mechanics, so... No.

> You are talking about different things here. He spoke about people abusing not fun to play against mechanics (the classic try hard nerd). You speak about insulting people as a form of toxicity. Both are different things that happen for different reasons.


> The only relationship between these two is that the mechanic abusing toxicity can lead to the insulting toxicity.


> The game is full of people that don't care about or even aim for destroying the fun of others (BUT: this is more of an issue in wvw than pvp: gank squads, spawn point farming when outnumbering etc.). And the game is also full of people with anger management issues. Both at once is a bad mixture.


Yes, I understood what he's talking about, but he's responding to OP and if you actually read what OP writes about, then you'll understand that response is irrelevant here, because OP just describes "regular" (not excused nonetheless) online/competitive/team-based toxicity we can see in pretty much any game including those elements. Individual "toxic game mechonics!" have nothing to do with that. Again, "that" being the situation OP describes.

What he answered to the post he quoted is irrelevant and that situation isn't somehow exclusive to "THIS game", "THIS community" or "THESE mechanics I don't like".

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