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I want to give you my Money Anet


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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Bast.7253" said:


> > I don't think throwing more money at them is going to solve anything, whether it be gems or a subscription.


> Same. I feel as if the ratio of artists working on cosmetic skins versus programmers/content designers has gone badly towards artists over the last few years, which means throwing more money, means more cosmetics instead of more content.


I want to give them money that they can hire people that can code, not give it the artists

> @"The Fear.3865" said:

> Best idea ever, you'll be the very last pvp player AND throwin your money on sub every month, gg boi.


I asks that on a pvp related discord and got 5 yes in 10 seconds

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> @"Avatar.3568" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > Same. I feel as if the ratio of artists working on cosmetic skins versus programmers/content designers has gone badly towards artists over the last few years, which means throwing more money, means more cosmetics instead of more content.


> I want to give them money that they can hire people that can code, not give it the artists


I understand that, which is why I don't agree with people saying "if you want a sub, buy gems every month" as if the money from buying those gems will be allocated to content I want and not further cosmetics. But I don't agree with your idea, or any kind of sub fee either, because it has the same problem.


Suppose that they add a sub fee tomorrow, why are you so certain they will use the money earned from it to hire people that can code instead of hiring more artists? The only way to make somewhat sure of where the money goes is to offer content as DLC. If players pay a lot of money to play one particular type of DLC, then more of that DLC will be created, since Arenanet is a business and will see the success of it. That's the only way to make sure some of your money will be allocated to actual content you play, and even that is not 100% sure because of other business decisions, the current financial situation of the company, other priorities and so on. But a DLC is far better than a sub fee if you want specific content to be developed.

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> @"Avatar.3568" said:

> > @"jokke.6239" said:

> > You can already do this, just buy gems. If you would rather have nothing, just don't spent the gems?


> i would only do it if they invest into the game not into something else


And that is the issue with your request. You allready think you are entitled to decide how they spent the money they earned!

You are not. It is not how commerce work. There will never be an option where e.g. you can say that cause you spent money you are entitled on having resources spent on PvP and less on PvE. It is not going to happen.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Bast.7253" said:

> > But yes, this whole thread is pretty pointless. Not only are the forums seemingly vastly ignored and filtered, but they've been doing this for 8 years now? You really think telling them you want to support them through other means than the gemstore is going to cause some epiphany that leads them to a different business model?


> To be fair, the game launched with very little gem store content that eventually grew. It also launched without an expectation for expansions and yet years later they released expansions. It started with one-off events then moved to permanent episode additions. They've made numerous changes to their business model over the years. Now that doesn't mean they will ever add a subscription, I don't think there are any games that added one later in their lifetime, most start with one, then remove it.



There's also the fact that this whole franchise was built on a foundation of being anti-subfee.


When Anet first said there was going to be a Guildwars 2 the biggest question that got thrown around was "Will it be no sub like the first game?"

Anet understand that this was a big part of Gw1's success and that it was one main things that attracted a lot of people to the first game.

That's why they kept the franchise anti-sub for Gw2 which has been even more successful than Gw1.


Anet would never add a mandatory sub to Gw2 this late in, it would cause massive outrage if they did.

The only way I could see a sub ever being added to Guildwars would be if they make a Guildwars 3 and they invest so much into it that they just can't afford to run the game without one.. but that would be such a huge gamble in a market where most sub based MMO's have either died or been forced to go f2p to survive.

I expect if Anet do make a Gw3 though they will play it safe and go with a no mandatory sub model again, but there's always a chance they'll take the greedy option like Sony did with PSN, but I doubt it.

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Simple fact: If Guild Wars 2 or any future version of Guild Wars adds a sub fee it will die a quick death.


The above posters are right. This game owes its success to having no sub fees. It is the primary way they differentiated themselves from the rest of the market. Even if the OP gets a sub fee that puts funds exactly where they want them the mass exodus of players over the sub fee will end the game. It is impossible to add a sub fee to the Guild Wars franchise without killing it. Your best option is to buy gems. It is as close as the OP will ever get to what they want in this game.

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Simple fact: If Guild Wars 2 or any future version of Guild Wars adds a sub fee it will die a quick death.


The above posters are right. This game owes its success to having no sub fees. It is the primary way they differentiated themselves from the rest of the market. Even if the OP gets a sub fee that puts funds exactly where they want them the mass exodus of players over the sub fee will end the game. It is impossible to add a sub fee to the Guild Wars franchise without killing it. Your best option is to buy gems. It is as close as the OP will ever get to what they want in this game.

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Personally I am taking the view that they have promised an expansion and that that naturally consumes a lot of resources without visible results until the expansion is released. I have no idea whether an expansion will deliver what PvP players want, as I don't PvP except for a bit of WvW, but a lot of people clamored for a new expansion and it seems unfair to fault them for putting their resources there.


As an alternative to buying gems, which might send the signal that you want more cosmetic content, maybe you should buy copies of the expansions, maybe one copy a month or something. If you gift them to non-players you might even increase the player-base. If all the PvP players did that it would send a signal, although I'm dubious that many people will actually dole out the cash when the time came.


There was a Chinese novel/series/movie about a game where there was an independent players organization that organized seasonal matches and play offs, if such a thing existed for PvP/WvW and it succeed in bringing in players and interest, it might make the company more interested in investing in that area, and would give players at least a little bit of agency. Not being a PvP player I don't know if there are any barriers to setting up your own competitions. A subscription/membership fee to such an organization would be more under your control and if it was successful might get you influence with the company.


Sorry if these ideas are impractical or have already been discussed many times, I'm a relative newbie.

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this game runs for over 8 years with micro transactions and 2 expansions, why should "we"(you) need this now.


> @"Avatar.3568" said:

> Give people a chance to pay you 1 time or monthly or yearly money but for getting nothing


"how to piss off almost your whole community in one easy step". made me laugh actually. this borders at darwin award, rly.

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> @"Avatar.3568" said:

> Hey anet i am willing to spend money for you, on a monthly based subscribtion WITHOUT getting any Bonuses. I want an oppurtunity to give you my Money that you hopefully invest into the game. As a pvp player the gemstore does not attract me but i would like to give you money.


> Give people a chance to pay you 1 time or monthly or yearly money but for getting nothing, i rly just want to support the game.


> Thx and Greetings


> Edit: i bet there are more players than me in pvp/wvw/Raids and stuff that rly enjoy what you created and maybe you could invest the money if its a lot into hiring people


> Edit2: guys kitten I never said it's a must based sub, I don't want anything for the sub just invest to the game pls do not the kitten think I want that this game get pay 2 play


Just invest in your guild or guildies. You can give gifts to others if you want to. Any of that will go to Anet for the game. Spend what you want in the gem store cause that is the best way to help the game. Thank you for supporting our game.

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This again... See the many other threads about subscriptions in which the overwhelming majority strongly opposes the idea.


If a subscription was implemented at this point, optional or not, many, if not most, players would either immediately quit entirely, or start playing much less due to having a disadvantage, making it uneconomical to implement one in the first place. If there's no additional in-game advantage like proposed, nobody would get the subscription.


Maybe if a spinoff series, mobile game, or something like that was made, it would be fine, but I highly doubt there will be any kind of subscriptions in the console Guild Wars franchise.

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> @"Avatar.3568" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > > @"Bast.7253" said:

> >

> > > I don't think throwing more money at them is going to solve anything, whether it be gems or a subscription.

> >

> > Same. I feel as if the ratio of artists working on cosmetic skins versus programmers/content designers has gone badly towards artists over the last few years, which means throwing more money, means more cosmetics instead of more content.


> I want to give them money that they can hire people that can code, not give it the artists


You don't get to decide where their revenue goes. You need controlling stock for that.

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> @"Poormany.4507" said:

> This again... See the many other threads about subscriptions in which the overwhelming majority strongly opposes the idea.


> If a subscription was implemented at this point, optional or not, many, if not most, players would either immediately quit entirely, or start playing much less due to having a disadvantage, making it uneconomical to implement one in the first place. If there's no additional in-game advantage like proposed, nobody would get the subscription.


> Maybe if a spinoff series, mobile game, or something like that was made, it would be fine, but I highly doubt there will be any kind of subscriptions in the console Guild Wars franchise.


Imagine I say it gets no advantage, maybe all of you that would quit the game should Read the post before you say that


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Not sure about having a subscriptions these days but I would be willing to pay more or anything at all again (haven't really played or spend money in a while) if I could be sure to decide on where the money goes. But that is not how things work in the real world.

You'd be lucky to have your money go towards Guild Wars 2 at all given how ArenaNet is owned by NCSoft. They will always have the last word on bigger investments or financial decisions. They will be sure to move their funds towards new projects such as entering the mobile market in the past which ended up dwarfing all of their other games.

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> @"Avatar.3568" said:

> Hey anet i am willing to spend money for you, on a monthly based subscribtion WITHOUT getting any Bonuses.

Easy, buy gems for cash and never spend them.

>I want an oppurtunity to give you my Money that you hopefully invest into the game. As a pvp player the gemstore does not attract me but i would like to give you money.

As soon as you hand over the money it is up to ANet on what they spend your money on. It doesn't matter how you give them money, a subscription wil not give you more power to decide.

> Give people a chance to pay you 1 time or monthly or yearly money but for getting nothing, i rly just want to support the game.

Easy, buy some gems for cash on a regular basis, as has been said in any other "sub fee nao"-thread.

> Thx and Greetings

Your welcome

> Edit: i bet there are more players than me in pvp/wvw/Raids and stuff that rly enjoy what you created and maybe you could invest the money if its a lot into hiring people

Those people who want to invest money do so by, again, BUYING GEMS FOR CASH.

> Edit2: guys kitten I never said it's a must based sub, I don't want anything for the sub just invest to the game pls do not the kitten think I want that this game get pay 2 play

The way things are now, you can already "Pay a sub" if you want to. As has been said many many times in this thread and in the hundreds of past sub fee threads, set an amount you feel comfortable with and buy gems for that amount each month, tada, you are now playing GW2 with an optional sub fee.


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I mean this game is already RACKING IN CASH.

They giveaway free LS4, free Icebrood Saga, they only making a paid expansion because people feel like expansions draw in more players. But if they had there way, they'd do another LS event pretty much expansion quality, for free.


All because they RACKING IN CASH already. I mean WHO DOESN'T still have things that want to buy from the gem store... TOOO MANY GOODIES.



Other games, spend time on GEM STORE, but its garbage stuff. GW2..... I WANNA BUY THIS THAT THIS TRHAT THIS THAT


So much money they RACKING IN.


15K armor in GW1? Thats pretty much GEM STORE ARMOR in GW2. GW1 I WANTED TO GET ALL THE 15K ARMOR.

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First of all, Arenanet doesn't even make final decisions on how they spend their funding. Arenanet is part of NCSoft - they are the ones who make final decisions. Arenanet are not leaders, they are followers. They follow NCSoft. Arenanet has a large amount of control over how their develop their product/the direction they take. But they cannot allocate finances however they like. That is NCSoft's job.


So such a thing doesn't even guarantee that Arenanet would see most of the money. That their salaries would raise or their team size would increase. Maybe it doesn't need to, maybe they are have enough fat and are lean enough. Or maybe their team would increase.


Secondly - you can already do this. Just buy X amount of gems every month. Boom, you've achieved the optional monthly fee you desire. If you really don't want the gems, you can always give them to me. I'll take one for the team and take them off your hands! :)


That, or you could buy some shares in NCSoft. But honestly, gems would be better looking at it from a GW2 perspective - since it'll increase the amount of income GW2 generates and therefore make GW2 look more profitable form NCSoft's perspective. If you really are driven to see GW2 thrive -[ aside from getting hired by Arenanet](https://www.arena.net/en/careers), buying gems is the next best thing.

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