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Is Pvp/WvW still a thing?


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PvP is still a thing, especially unranked PvP is very alive, while ranked is a bit ... messy. But WvW maps are completely empty. I can barely find a squad maybe once per a week. Most of the time i am forced to play solo or with 2 or 3 more people, which doesn't suit my playstyle, because i am not kind of a roamer. I have no idea why no one plays WvW these days ...

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> @"Sifu.9745" said:

> PvP is still a thing, especially unranked PvP is very alive, while ranked is a bit ... messy. But WvW maps are completely empty. I can barely find a squad maybe once per a week. Most of the time **i am forced** to play solo or with 2 or 3 more people, which doesn't suit my playstyle, because i am not kind of a roamer. I have no idea why no one plays WvW these days ...




for the past 8 years, 9/10 patches are directly PVP only. Anet neglected the WvW for so long that, a lot of the WvW community left the game completely for other game companies who value them and do their best to address their concerns for healthy competitive experiences.


You mention the word being forced...you are exactly correct. The amount of Toxicity that is accepted and tolerated and rooted in the game balance for so long, it's either play your own way quietly=solo with few groups without complaining or be ridiculed and belittled-ridiculed for not playing a Toxic Profession=their way


In other word, be quiet and don't complain about Toxicity, or be forced into submission for complaining, or be witch-hunted for wanting a fair healthy competitive experience.


I am a survivor and I will continue to speak out against Toxicity and will continue to speak the Truth.


(Truth is, Toxicity is allowed to control players experiences and Punish those who do not submit to play it their way. It was never about playing it your way but about playing what is broken and are badly design)


we can all figure out the rest...





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> @"Dawdler.8521" said:

> Every other sPvP thread in the sPvP forum: *"PvP is broken! Matchmaking is broken! Where is the balance, this mode is dead and abandoned by Anet!"*


> sPvPers when actually asked about sPvP: *"Its fine."*


When every other match is stacked with renegade bunkers , core guardians and holos with a chance of necros...yeah...I don't blame people for giving up on this game

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i also want add, the over-extended use of light blinding visual special aoe effects with skills and mechanics spamming and stacking, is absolutely unnecessary. This is years of poor market strategy that has not helped the gain retain or gain players but pushed players away of having headechaches, migraine, and eye sore and trauma including myself.


This is not a club dance floor game and it need to stop.


-Kroof explains it all-


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> @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> i also want add, the over-extended use of light blinding visual special aoe effects with skills and mechanics spamming and stacking, is absolutely unnecessary. This is years of poor market strategy that has not helped the gain retain or gain players but pushed players away of having headechaches, migraine, and eye sore and trauma including myself.


> This is not a club dance floor game and it need to stop.


> -Kroof explains it all-




Thas has been also my issue as well for quite some years.


Also in pvp combat zone effect and those auras thing shinny stuff should be disabled or kept at minimal.



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> @"Sifu.9745" said:

> PvP is still a thing, especially unranked PvP is very alive, while ranked is a bit ... messy. But WvW maps are completely empty. I can barely find a squad maybe once per a week. Most of the time i am forced to play solo or with 2 or 3 more people, which doesn't suit my playstyle, because i am not kind of a roamer. I have no idea why no one plays WvW these days ...


This is completely false.


Wvw is far more active then PvP and has been for a long time.


It has more specific time zone's for it's activity but I have accounts from T1-T4 and on various linkings and at any given nite I never have a hard time find any group or pug to join - most of the time the maps are que'd.




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WvW has been dead for years (at least on EU), unless you are a roleplayer with very lower standards. It is basically a primetime only game (and even then it is mostly pretty pitiful), most matchups are so bad they are that level people used take the week off back when the game was healthier. Basically WvW is a flawed game mode, but for the first 4 or so years of the game there were enough tryhard players / guilds to paper over the issues and make it playable, the vast majority of those players left (or play once in a blue moon), the game mode was done.


PvP took longer to hit that level of decline, but it is also in a pitiful state, its only redemption is that it actually functions as a game mode and copes much better with a low pop and the various levels of casual to tryhard than WvW does.



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> @"zinkz.7045" said:

> WvW has been dead for years (at least on EU), unless you are a roleplayer with very lower standards. It is basically a primetime only game (and even then it is mostly pretty pitiful), most matchups are so bad they are that level people used take the week off back when the game was healthier. Basically WvW is a flawed game mode, but for the first 4 or so years of the game there were enough tryhard players / guilds to paper over the issues and make it playable, the vast majority of those players left (or play once in a blue moon), the game mode was done.


> PvP took longer to hit that level of decline, but it is also in a pitiful state, its only redemption is that it actually functions as a game mode and copes much better with a low pop and the various levels of casual to tryhard than WvW does.




Can't speak on behalf of eu but last nite every map on my linking was qued "shrug".


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> @"Sifu.9745" said:

> PvP is still a thing, especially unranked PvP is very alive, while ranked is a bit ... messy. But WvW maps are completely empty. I can barely find a squad maybe once per a week. Most of the time i am forced to play solo or with 2 or 3 more people, which doesn't suit my playstyle, because i am not kind of a roamer. I have no idea why no one plays WvW these days ...


The effect is exactly like an inhouse in pvp that doesn't pick enough heat to stay alive longer than 5 minutes, or a raid squad that can't seem to complete it's formation for the night.


You organize some weekly inhouse event at a particular time, and when that time comes around, only 4 or 5 guys show up who are interested to play & chill for awhile. Then those guys get bored of waiting for the inhouse to fill because no one is joining, and they start leaving.


Same thing happens in raid squads, same thing that happens in most of the wvw servers nowadays. Even if you're winning and capping all the supply camps and no other roamers or groups seem to be on the map, it's just really really boring to run around alone in wvw for longer than about 10 minutes, and so people leave and don't stay to wait for other joins.


Tbh they really need to condense all the remaining player base into 3 to 6 mega servers at this, so activity can stay consistent. Also EOTM... is never even touched nowadays, and the way it was designed is actually a good queue system for our now low population. Maybe they could just redesign WvW so that the queues work just like EOTM shuffling. That or increase the rewards in EOTM so people go back to the game mode. Man I used to enjoy EOTM maps..

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Burnfall.9573" said:

> > i also want add, the over-extended use of light blinding visual special aoe effects with skills and mechanics spamming and stacking, is absolutely unnecessary. This is years of poor market strategy that has not helped the gain retain or gain players but pushed players away of having headechaches, migraine, and eye sore and trauma including myself.

> >

> > This is not a club dance floor game and it need to stop.

> >

> > -Kroof explains it all-

> >

> >


> Thas has been also my issue as well for quite some years.


> Also in pvp combat zone effect and those auras thing shinny stuff should be disabled or kept at minimal.




Hrm, I see what she's saying for sure.


But if AoEs were made more prominent like what she's saying, if you were to have just a 3v3 at mid with some stacked Kallah on Kallah and Symbols on Symbols with some Necro added in there, we very seriously would not be able to see anything at all, nothing.


I think that what she's saying was good for a game like GW1, where big AoE needed to be timed very very carefully or it would be wasted. But in GW2, these AoEs are spammable on a repeating cycle that never ends. I don't know if AoEs should be prominent graphically in a game where they are designed to be spammed.


I dunno though. I'd need to see it in a beta test example.

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Honestly no. The game has superb mechanics and is very competitive at its core. Perfect esport game if you ask me (I mean.. GW2 had an esl scene for a while and not without reason) but Anet is just neglecting everything aside from skins with an occasional drop of water in the desert that's PvE..

Everytime it's just more of the same or for the most part of the game nothing of 'gameplay value' is added at all.

Anet can add off-season stuff all they want, if pvp is some unenjoyable mess 80% of the year then it's worth nothing. Especially for PvP, players have been yelling the same stuff over and over again for several years and Anet is just saying "well.. but the playerbase is too low". It's a chicken and egg situation, players want changes, which will never come because the playerbase is too low to sustain them (several modes or separate team queues being just two examples).. but the active pvp player count will never rise because we never get any changes and the game becomes incredibly stale.. And for breaking this vicious cycle I don't see the players being responsible.

Removing the full team queue in pvp just was the last nail in the coffin from my experience because there was no point for pvp guilds to exist so they just disappeared one by one and the players with them. Since then shitty attempts with duo queue just made matters worse, and if you look at older polls on that subject you'll notice that the vast majority is not satisfied with it.. It's a compromise where everyone involved is equally unhappy with and that's a red line for gw2 imo.


Anet has been doing next to nothing for years.. considering the massive amounts of players quitting over the past couple years it wasn't even the bare minimum.. Living story was a concept deemed to fail before the first episode was launched but somehow they still stick to it.. It's just a massive waste of resources and money if you ask me.. several months of work for a couple hours of game time.. but apparently it's enough to keep the mill running and casuals satisfied so they throw money for skins at them.. I'm honestly just waiting for GW2 to slowly fade into complete irrelevance once the market is saturated with skins because I honestly see nothing else driving GW2 atm. Or once NCSoft cuts off even more..


Now don't get me wrong here, like I said in the beginning the game is really top notch gameplay wise and you won't find a better game for pvp and probably not even for siege-like combat.. in theory.. in my opinion.. but there are just waaay too many issues. I was actually just trying it out again after taking a massive break (again..), that's why I'm here now, but I haven't notice a single change to anything other than the newer living story episodes and some skins. Mostly novelty stuff like chairs because apparently armor and mounts are getting oversaturated. Balance is still not in a good state and the community is - for a big part - still toxic af.. Nearly not everyone and you'd find a lot of nice people helping you out and having a good time with but yea.. the one douche bag you'll encounter in your 5th match will be way more annoying than 10 nice ppl on your friend list being uplifting.

However.. that being said.. That's coming from a salty guy who has played well over 4k hours since release and who occasionally hops in the game again, playing each game mode for a while and then realizing how little has changed, quitting it again for another couple months. You'll probably still get at least a couple hundred hours of fun out of the game ngl, especially if you are playing with some friends, until you eventually realize what's going on.


The third expansion dropping and steam release will probably change next to nothing, sadly. I still hope it will improve some day (after all that's why I keep coming back all the time tbh) but well... time has taught me lessons and I just hop in, accept the inevitable and leave.

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> @"DoomNexus.5324" said:

> Honestly no. The game has superb mechanics and is very competitive at its core. Perfect esport game if you ask me (I mean.. GW2 had an esl scene for a while and not without reason) but Anet is just neglecting everything aside from skins with an occasional drop of water in the desert that's PvE..

> Everytime it's just more of the same or for the most part of the game nothing of 'gameplay value' is added at all.

> Anet can add off-season stuff all they want, if pvp is some unenjoyable mess 80% of the year then it's worth nothing. Especially for PvP, players have been yelling the same stuff over and over again for several years and Anet is just saying "well.. but the playerbase is too low". It's a chicken and egg situation, players want changes, which will never come because the playerbase is too low to sustain them (several modes or separate team queues being just two examples).. but the active pvp player count will never rise because we never get any changes and the game becomes incredibly stale.. And for breaking this vicious cycle I don't see the players being responsible.

> Removing the full team queue in pvp just was the last nail in the coffin from my experience because there was no point for pvp guilds to exist so they just disappeared one by one and the players with them. Since then kitten attempts with duo queue just made matters worse, and if you look at older polls on that subject you'll notice that the vast majority is not satisfied with it.. It's a compromise where everyone involved is equally unhappy with and that's a red line for gw2 imo.


> Anet has been doing next to nothing for years.. considering the massive amounts of players quitting over the past couple years it wasn't even the bare minimum.. Living story was a concept deemed to fail before the first episode was launched but somehow they still stick to it.. It's just a massive waste of resources and money if you ask me.. several months of work for a couple hours of game time.. but apparently it's enough to keep the mill running and casuals satisfied so they throw money for skins at them.. I'm honestly just waiting for GW2 to slowly fade into complete irrelevance once the market is saturated with skins because I honestly see nothing else driving GW2 atm. Or once NCSoft cuts off even more..


> Now don't get me wrong here, like I said in the beginning the game is really top notch gameplay wise and you won't find a better game for pvp and probably not even for siege-like combat.. in theory.. in my opinion.. but there are just waaay too many issues. I was actually just trying it out again after taking a massive break (again..), that's why I'm here now, but I haven't notice a single change to anything other than the newer living story episodes and some skins. Mostly novelty stuff like chairs because apparently armor and mounts are getting oversaturated. Balance is still not in a good state and the community is - for a big part - still toxic af.. Nearly not everyone and you'd find a lot of nice people helping you out and having a good time with but yea.. the one kitten bag you'll encounter in your 5th match will be way more annoying than 10 nice ppl on your friend list being uplifting.

> However.. that being said.. That's coming from a salty guy who has played well over 4k hours since release and who occasionally hops in the game again, playing each game mode for a while and then realizing how little has changed, quitting it again for another couple months. You'll probably still get at least a couple hundred hours of fun out of the game ngl, especially if you are playing with some friends, until you eventually realize what's going on.


> The third expansion dropping and steam release will probably change next to nothing, sadly. I still hope it will improve some day (after all that's why I keep coming back all the time tbh) but well... time has taught me lessons and I just hop in, accept the inevitable and leave.




i completely agree , absolutely nothing changed and will not change for the better. No lessons were ever learned from unresolved, repetitive problems.


Everything that we are witnessing were present since day 1. With sharing many constructing discussions and positive suggestions by present and new players alike and what were the outcome of it? absolutely none.


Instead, speaking the Truth and wanting healthy positive change growth were punished for unhealthy abusive change.


How about those other players who says nothing and leave with followers, guilds, their friends, their families and potential players? 'Silent customers might not convey their problems to the company but they do voice their opinions to people close to them.'


They do not leave alone, they leave in groups to tell competitors how they were treated with hard Truth; in game-streaming, forum


**'We Are Defined By Our Actions!!'**


You are not a 'salty guy', you speak their Truth.


The same Truth that set them free to go elsewhere that care about what they have to say, about their concerns and makes an learning effort to resolve what matters to them

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PvP: Every update you expect = No changes <--- Only few classes/builds available to rank up normally ---> More than a half builds are dead so you cant be unique want it or not... Renegade bunkers , core guardians and holos with a chance of necros - Wins the "Not even Competitive"

And this should increase PvP population?? Xaxaxahahaha...

Today balance changes coming anyways. The only reason to expect & stay..

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> @"Crionic.5209" said:

> I just started playing this game recently. I heard that it had a good pvp system. But so far I have only been able to find tiny groups in wvw at peak hours. Competitive 3v3 is more bots than actual players. Is ArenaNet letting this game die off?


If you are playing GW2 for PvP, you will be disappointed. If you are looking for balanced experience with competition, you will also be disappointed. If you are looking to having fun, Sure. It is not as good as it was back then, but still okayish to have fun.


GW2 has two main strengths, open world and combat system. Everything else tend to be on the mediocre side.

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