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The last balance patch was a giant fail and did nothing to address the problems


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I still can't believe that we have waited months for what we have received. Tempests are making PvP a frustrating mess with their invuls, revives & Shock Aura spam, Guardians are now starting to run annoying full tank - 0 damage builds, because their damage got taken away instead of nerfing Regeneration and blocks of mace #2 & #3 + mace CD reduction Honor trait (Invigorated Bulwark) they basically spammed the entire last season and still spam to be hard to kill, Renegades are harrassing whole teams with giant AoE's that could cover 3 points and their Autoattack that does abnormally high damage, but only got Sevenshot damage nerfed, Scrappers/Holos are still a problem who can fulfill every role in a game and Reapers are still casting their win button named Lich Form to turn entire team fights. The changes did nothing to change the worst meta in Guild Wars 2 history and next season will be probably the worst one yet.

We need effective balancing and just thinking about waiting 6 months to receive the next "balance patch" in this hell of meta removes every motivation out of you. Even 2 months would be too far away if we think about the environment of the next season




The thing is that they would literally need to sit down one employee from the skills team for maybe 8 hours, read what top players have to say, change some modifiers on paper, patch the game at the start of the season and everything would be fine, but they are instead ignoring what players are complaining about for months. If we look for a reason of why PvP is so much in decline since years it is the bad quality of the balancing. They kill off the viability of entire classes for months until they realize that players of that class start to quit the game. Then they try to fix what they have messed up thinking players will come back, when they are long gone.

I am now 8 years into Guild Wars 2 PvP and saw alot of people on European servers come and go. I believe this bad job in balancing is the single biggest reason why a high quality game like Guild Wars 2 never made it into the mainstream competitive scene. How could it when players have to wait >6 months for some proper balancing just to play the class they want to play. I don‘t know how many copies of End of Dragons they are planning to sell, but I know this is not how to keep endgame players engaged for the next expansion

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Remember when firebrand could give out stability to allies? Boy that would be a nice counter to shock aura spam.


Remember the days before damage was nerfed and Revs couldn't afford to run a glassy weapon like shortbow?


Remember when Lich Form was never taken unless the Necro was meming?



I said it before the Feb patch dropped. Nerfing every outlier that crops up won't make things better. It's a directionless approach that causes more problems than it solves. Sooner everyone realizes that the better.

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> @"snoow.1694" said:

> I still can't believe that we have waited months for what we have received. Tempests are making PvP a frustrating mess with their Shock Aura spam, Guardians started running annoying full tank - 0 damage builds, because their damage got taken away, Renegades are harrassing whole teams with giant AoE's that could cover 3 points and their Autoattack that does abnormally high damage, but only got Sevenshot damage nerfed and Reapers are still casting their win button named Lich Form to turn entire team fights. The changes did nothing to change the worst meta in Guild Wars 2 history and next season will be probably the worst one yet.

> We need a real balancing and just thinking about waiting 6 months to receive the next "balance patch" in this hell of meta removes every motivation out of you. Even 2 months would be too far away if we think about the environment of the next season




'It's more cruel to give someone false hope than telling the bitter truth'

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jalis is the answer to tempest.

if you are only looking at guardian, you are too tunnel visioned.

and shiro renegade is easy prey to daredevil


right now is such a nice meta in pvp history that, every meta builds require skill to perform and have counter play.

can be argued to be on par with celestial meta or better.




only outliers right now is thief but it's in his own domain unchallengable like always so w/e

or you can argue holo is still abit overtuned.


and reaper is barely played in top end anymore, as core corruption necro is way better in current meta.

and lich is hard to pull off in this meta against good players.

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I haven't played Guild Wars for very long. I came in at the beginning of LW S4.


Gw2 at its most fun for me was pre Feb, just after the Scourge nerf.


Every class was fun.


Guardian could keep its team alive if played well, but died quickly if it got careless

Ele could play at a Tempest support to good success. Weaver could play either water or fire

Rev mainly played power Herald, but I enjoyed surprising people with Diviner Renegade. The flow of the spec was a lot smoother overall.

Soulbeast still had two pets which made the spec a lot more deep than it is now. Druid was pretty garbage unfortunately due to pet nerf. Core would one shot you with Dwayne the Rock Gazelle.

Holo was honestly strong, but after hits to heat therapy, they were in a balanced spot.

I forget what thieves were doing, but I think it was a mixture of staff, s/d and s/p?

Necro was a bit of a punching bag after scourge got hit, but reaper could do work.

Mesmer was the only class I hated because their clones confused me.

I didn't know what Warrior did back then.


Nowadays, most things have been watered down.

Guards barely feel like they gaurd anything.

Ele abuses one broken interaction with aura share. Weaver is a struggle

Rev is still good, but clunkier. Shortbow changes were nice though.

Holo still feels good to play tbh.

Necro got some nice improvements actually.

Thief feels pigeonholed into very few builds/weapons

Mesmer is very clunky and Mirage...

Warriors can tell you themselves how they feel about their class.


Overall, Necro feels improved. Holo feels just about the same. and everything else feels worse, but that's my subjective opinion.




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> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > @"Kuma.1503" said:

> > Remember the days before damage was nerfed and Revs couldn't afford to run a glassy weapon like shortbow?


> Remember when power herald was single most broken build that had no bad matchups lmao (every rev could push mirage 1v1)


Was it? I didn't have too many issues with them back then, but it had a reputation of being a hard class so most people stayed away from it. I maybe saw one every 3 or so games. Either way, the builds I played at the time (Mesmer and Condi Holo) seemed to handle it well.

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> @"Kuma.1503" said:

> > @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > > @"Kuma.1503" said:

> > > Remember the days before damage was nerfed and Revs couldn't afford to run a glassy weapon like shortbow?

> >

> > Remember when power herald was single most broken build that had no bad matchups lmao (every rev could push mirage 1v1)


> Was it? I didn't have too many issues with them back then, but it had a reputation of being a hard class so most people stayed away from it. I maybe saw one every 3 or so games. Either way, the builds I played at the time (Mesmer and Condi Holo) seemed to handle it well.


Now double rev teams win tournaments :-)


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PvP is just a boring mess rn, maybe february patch would actually be good if statement 'updates every 4-6 weeks + hotfixes' wouldnt be false. Honestly I feel bad for people that dont find fun in current meta (which isnt hard, lol) but also dont play any other MMO so they are stuck to this one. Stay stronk fellas.


> @"Tayga.3192" said:

> > @"Kuma.1503" said:

> > Remember the days before damage was nerfed and Revs couldn't afford to run a glassy weapon like shortbow?


> Remember when power herald was single most broken build that had no bad matchups lmao (every rev could push mirage 1v1)


Wouldnt go as far as 'had no bad matchups' - if by matchups you mean 1v1 situations. In terms of mobility, spikes, survivability and overall map gameplay, yes, broken build. But in terms of 1v1 there were builds that had no bigger issues with beating power rev.

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I just don‘t understand how we have the capacities to get new skins available with each new patch, but simply adjusting numbers by typing in a higher or lower digit in the field for modifier/cooldown **every few weeks** is too much to ask for. You go online after each patch and see someone asking in chat in HoM whether something got balanced and people joking „no but we got a new chair skin“

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> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> Are you talking about the october 13th patch?


> That wasn't a balance patch. That was the halloween patch, that secondary hotfixed a few things.


> The "reapers win entire team fights with lich" part was hilarious. It can't get more hyperbolic.


They TURN entire team fights, not win alone. Their mere presence when entering Lich form is too huge for a team fight

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lol, nice name dude


anyways, i agree, it feels like Anet promises us each year they want to balance patch more often, want more feedback from us players and then we still dont see significant changes for several months.

It isnt fun to permanently play against the biggest AoE, the constant barrage of stuns or builds that are just walking walls of meat that tank damage like its nothing.


Some may say the idk 2 man team responsible for balancing is busy with the new specializations in the exp, but still, then they have to part the work so they dont forget the actual game that gamers are playing right now and not the one that potentially appears in a year

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> @"snoow.1694" said:

> I still can't believe that we have waited months for what we have received. Tempests are making PvP a frustrating mess with their invuls, revives & Shock Aura spam, Guardians are now starting to run annoying full tank - 0 damage builds, because their damage got taken away instead of nerfing Regeneration and blocks of mace #2 & #3 + mace Honor trait (Invigorated Bulwark) they basically spammed the entire last season and still spam to be hard to kill, Renegades are harrassing whole teams with giant AoE's that could cover 3 points and their Autoattack that does abnormally high damage, but only got Sevenshot damage nerfed, Scrappers/Holos are still a problem who can fulfill every role in a game and Reapers are still casting their win button named Lich Form to turn entire team fights. The changes did nothing to change the worst meta in Guild Wars 2 history and next season will be probably the worst one yet.

> We need effective balancing and just thinking about waiting 6 months to receive the next "balance patch" in this hell of meta removes every motivation out of you. Even 2 months would be too far away if we think about the environment of the next season


> Edit:


> The thing is that they would literally need to sit down one employee of the skills team for maybe 8 hours, read what top players have to say, change some modifiers on paper, patch the game at the start of the season and everything would be fine, but they are instead ignoring what players are complaining about for months. If we look for a reason of why PvP is so much in decline since years it is the bad quality of the balancing. They kill off the viability of entire classes for months until they realize that players of that class start to quit the game. Then they try to fix what they have messed up thinking players will come back, when they are long gone.

> I am now 8 years into Guild Wars 2 PvP and saw alot of people on European servers come and go. I believe this bad job in balancing is the single biggest reason why a high quality game like Guild Wars 2 never made it into the mainstream competitive scene. How could it when players have to wait >6 months for some proper balancing just to play the class they want to play. I don‘t know how many copies of End of Dragons they are planning to sell, but I know this is not how to keep endgame players engaged for the next expansion


I honestly think that arenanet is done with pvp for the most part. For a while they were somewhat supporting the modes, except for wvw which barely has seen support for a number of years now. I think at this point what were seeing is just them doing the absolute bare minimum as far as pvp to better utilize their resources for the pve side of the game. The only other reasoning I could see for such little effort into the modes is the company is having internal issues effecting productivity on the game as a whole. With the lack of communication we may never know.

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> @"snoow.1694" said:

> I just don‘t understand how we have the capacities to get new skins available with each new patch, but simply adjusting numbers by typing in a higher or lower digit in the field for modifier/cooldown **every few weeks** is too much to ask for. You go online after each patch and see someone asking in chat in HoM whether something got balanced and people joking „no but we got a new chair skin“


That's exactly what I'm talking about.


Arenanet somehow makes it look like it's easy to design an entirely new outfit, but somehow very difficult to enter some numbers into a field and press enter.


lol I don't understand. I just really don't.

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> @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > @"snoow.1694" said:

> > I just don‘t understand how we have the capacities to get new skins available with each new patch, but simply adjusting numbers by typing in a higher or lower digit in the field for modifier/cooldown **every few weeks** is too much to ask for. You go online after each patch and see someone asking in chat in HoM whether something got balanced and people joking „no but we got a new chair skin“


> That's exactly what I'm talking about.


> Arenanet somehow makes it look like it's easy to design an entirely new outfit, but somehow very difficult to enter some numbers into a field and press enter.


> lol I don't understand. I just really don't.


It is easier to design a new outfit and add that code in, Then it is to change numbers that is so embedded in the code that it affects 3 different game modes. The spaghetti code that is gw2 is so broken and meassed up. Just bad coding design honestly. Like name 1 other game that have nearly all the code and assets on one file? I cant thats for sure.

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> @"Eddbopkins.2630" said:

> > @"Trevor Boyer.6524" said:

> > > @"snoow.1694" said:

> > > I just don‘t understand how we have the capacities to get new skins available with each new patch, but simply adjusting numbers by typing in a higher or lower digit in the field for modifier/cooldown **every few weeks** is too much to ask for. You go online after each patch and see someone asking in chat in HoM whether something got balanced and people joking „no but we got a new chair skin“

> >

> > That's exactly what I'm talking about.

> >

> > Arenanet somehow makes it look like it's easy to design an entirely new outfit, but somehow very difficult to enter some numbers into a field and press enter.

> >

> > lol I don't understand. I just really don't.


> It is easier to design a new outfit and add that code in, Then it is to change numbers that is so embedded in the code that it affects 3 different game modes. The spaghetti code that is gw2 is so broken and meassed up. Just bad coding design honestly. Like name 1 other game that have nearly all the code and assets on one file? I cant thats for sure.


If you think Anet spaghetti code is bad, you haven't played league of legends :P

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> @"snoow.1694" said:

> I just don‘t understand how we have the capacities to get new skins available with each new patch, but simply adjusting numbers by typing in a higher or lower digit in the field for modifier/cooldown **every few weeks** is too much to ask for. You go online after each patch and see someone asking in chat in HoM whether something got balanced and people joking „no but we got a new chair skin“


Man...Agree on the skins, but have you seen their recent skins? Sometime after Feb, their art design has gone down the hill too...The recent mount skins are widely ridiculed - 'with pepegasus' and current BL 'inbred' warclaw lion being the worst. When pepegasus was in the BL chest, people didn't want to open the chest for the fear of getting ...that thing. :o

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> @"Kuma.1503" said:

> Remember when firebrand could give out stability to allies? Boy that would be a nice counter to shock aura spam.


Near infinite stability caused the opposite problem where people could just pop stab and brainlessly 12345 their skills without having to pay attention to any skill that might otherwise interrupt their 12345 monkey ways.


A smarter move would be to just nerf shock aura. There is no real reason for such a long lasting CC to be uninterruptible, unevadeable, unblockable, and unremovable. It really should either be consumed on hit, or not last as long, or no longer be unblockable/unevadeable. Honestly shock aura has been a root-level design mistake for ages.


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