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Inventory Buttons - [Merged]


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Just popping in to say "Thank YOU" to ArenaNet for this change. As soon as I break my muscle memory and stop hiding rarity all the time, I'm going to really enjoy having the deposit and compact buttons easily available.


The only way this could be improved was if you let me have a Deposit + Compact button.

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who the heck from Anet thought this changed was a good idea?!


**Deposit All**

it's a freaken pain, keep on clicking on 'Hide Rarity' instead from muscle memory

If you are gonna move it out, move it to this position

![](https://i.imgur.com/wYYTjHS.jpg "")




Put it back in the gear wheel, players have different way of organise their own inventory

In my 17 years of playing MMOs, my own method of organise inventory has always been

- at the very top of the bag are my consumables and frequent access items

- followed by less frequent accessed items

- trophy items that i dont bother to touch most of the time

- then empty bag space where looted items

- crafting material at the very bottom of the bag slots


I have to spent minutes reorganise my inventory from accidentally clicking on it




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those buttons are a good change. them being next to each other is a bad change and makes the good parts useless.


i read here from several people that they use the compact button a lot but they never said for what purpose, can someone explain? i have no idea what positive effect is done by clicking "compact" in the inventory - neither vendors nor the trading post care about empty space between items.


however there is a good reason to never use that button (aside custom order) and that is preserved space for random drops:

everything new in the inventory lands at the topmost spot _unless it's already present_ and anything consumed is consumed in the topmost spot. those two together mean that it is beneficial to have all items that are regularly looted and consumed in the bottom spots of your inventory: you'll never empty the reserved spot this way.


special bags never showed any benefit for me, invisible bags far too often lose some item, then get filled with a random green piece of equipment that is then never salvaged, never shown at vendors or the TP and easily is missed by me, consuming a valuable inventory spot for months. any kind of magnetic bags are even worse for me.

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> @"Gryphon.2875" said:

> Who even uses the compact function?


Every day.


Edit: just to explain... I keep all the things I continually use in a maxed out bank of shared inventory slots. The next bag down is an invisible bag for things I want to keep handy, but use less often. And every other bag is a reservoir for all the trash this game showers you with. If anything is even in those bags, its an annoyance to me. They usually begin filling up with all the junk I either can't sell, can't deposit, or can't destroy without typing names.

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> @"WorldofBay.8160" said:

> those buttons are a good change. them being next to each other is a bad change and makes the good parts useless.


> i read here from several people that they use the compact button a lot but they never said for what purpose, can someone explain? i have no idea what positive effect is done by clicking "compact" in the inventory - neither vendors nor the trading post care about empty space between items.


> however there is a good reason to never use that button (aside custom order) and that is preserved space for random drops:

> everything new in the inventory lands at the topmost spot _unless it's already present_ and anything consumed is consumed in the topmost spot. those two together mean that it is beneficial to have all items that are regularly looted and consumed in the bottom spots of your inventory: you'll never empty the reserved spot this way.


> special bags never showed any benefit for me, invisible bags far too often lose some item, then get filled with a random green piece of equipment that is then never salvaged, never shown at vendors or the TP and easily is missed by me, consuming a valuable inventory spot for months. any kind of magnetic bags are even worse for me.


My inventory management:

Since new items always go to the first open slot, the top 3 bags for me (default bag plus 2 general bags) are always empty to accommodate the incoming new loot.


The next bags after those top 3 are always invisible bags designed to hold items I don't want moving around, which are far enough down that new loot should never hit them (assuming I even have any open slots in them).


This means that if I deposit/salvage gear while out in the wild, there will be gaps in the first 3 bags which will make locating any new things I find (event or quest items that need to be clicked on, or cool new loot that deserves a look).


Ergo, the process I always use whenever I get a break in the action is:

1. Salvage All (if I'm collecting Unidentified Gear that I want to open first, I move those to an invisible slot so they don't get salvaged in the wild).

2. Deposit Materials

3. Compact


This gives me a nice clean inventory ready to receive more stuff as soon as I jump back into the action.

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Does anyone actually use the 'compact' feature so often that they want quick access to it? Maybe that could go back in the pulldown menu. (But not at the top, please, I already keep hiding my rarities by accident when I mean to deposit because I'm used to it being there.)


It's good that the Deposit button is more visible so that newbies don't need to be told about the 'secret feature' as much, but that compact button is a mess waiting to happen.

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> @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> Here's another suggestion: If they leave the compact button where it is, let it open a dialog box with options: compact to bottom, compact to top, or Cancel. An annoyance if you hit it by mistake but not a disaster.


I am usually hitting this option while already in the middle of a WvW fight. More dialog boxes are not a good thing that impact game play. I don't understand how compact is impacting people but can accept it is. Not sure how people were dealing with a bunch of random holes in their inventory and not knowing where new stuff landed, but everyone is different. Players should have options so it doesn't impact their play, but don't impact others in the same fashion. So options to move are good, options to toggle settings are good, removing or forcing hide are impacting others. This change did speed up gameplay, even if not requested, or not that I saw on forums.

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I think the show/hide bags toggle would make more sense to have as a button than compact.

What they could do if they insist on keeping compact button in the way of deposit like this, is put back deposit option into the menu as well. So there's the button and the menu option. I've been using it in the menu since forever, I don't care to continue doing so.



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> @"Excursion.9752" said:

> > @"Cragga the Eighty Third.6015" said:

> > I already keep hiding my rarities by accident when I mean to deposit.

> Last night one time I turned off and on my rarities 4 or more times in a row before I realized what I was doing... So much fail.




Yup 50 times now. I'm slowly adjusting but do players actually use those show rarity options. I never could think of any reason I wouldn't want to show rarity

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The new inventory buttons are an unwelcome change and I'd like the ability to go back to the way it was. Once again it's easy to accidentally click the "compact" button that is right next the the "deposit all mats" button. You gave us the option of putting the compact button far away from the deposit button for a good reason and I've already hit the compact button twice in it's new location since yesterday. Honestly, who asked for this? You remember when you told us you were going to talk to us before making changes that could potentially irritate your consumers? Pepperidge Farm remembers.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> This is the button that's used the most, so having it left-sided feels extremely inconvenient.


> It should be moved to the far right so that the order becomes:


> 1. Compact

> 2. Settings

> 3. Deposit All Materials


Moving your mouse pointer a few pixels to the left is so inconvenient that you felt the need to open a thread and demand a change? Seriously? O_O

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> This is the button that's used the most, so having it left-sided feels extremely inconvenient.


> It should be moved to the far right so that the order becomes:


> 1. Compact

> 2. Settings

> 3. Deposit All Materials


Great compromise, Settings is a safe zone to separate the 2. I'd like to see a bit more spacing also.

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> @"Zappix.7928" said:

> > @"Laila Lightness.8742" said:

> > I got problem with deposit it was better before


> I agree it was better before but we all have to just accept this now lol.


We might be FORCED to accept it.


4 years ago Anet helped us by adding an option move compact to the bottom of the list. The memory seems to have been lost.

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