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Why ppl say GW2 is dead? :|


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the actual content is too huge, players that play at slow pace like me will probably take 1~2 years to finish stuff from ls2 to icebrood saga.

i finished ls3 achieves on lockdowns. and im still to complete the PoF elite weapons collections.


1~2 yers ago the players was worried about lack of content, now im worried about not catching up,,, for example im still to finish skycale collection.

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As someone who has recently crossed back over from ESO (played that since release) i can tell you that in my experience GW2 feels way more alive than any game i currently play, mainly due to the open world aspect that this game does better than anyone else.


In ESO i could wander zones and bump into a handful of people or a group doing rotations in Blackreach, but here its much more vibrant and as the above poster has said i am catching up on LW content (just finished Skyscale) and there are still folks doing Meta's in these older zones.

I was/am a Grand Overlord / Former Emperor in Cyrodill PvP which is being destroyed by their 'Performance' balancing and having now sampled GW2 WvW no way am i going back.


From what i can see this game is nowhere near dead, far from it, its a breath of fresh air after the disaster that is now ESO.


Be Safe

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> @"lare.5129" said:

> > @"LilSpark.4567" said:

> > also read those lies from mmopopulation that it has 600k + daily pick players ...

> we calculate daily login's players and who can play only 1-4h per week? if yes - the number looks valid fort me. Aslo not small count player play only personal story in single instance and you never see them .. Many play in const party cm/raid content and you also never see them. ..


> >I thought that here I will find out the truth to say so.

> you need first understand terms of word. Be ready the many player play dead games, and they like it.


> The one of true sign of any dead game: no be in cyber sport list. This is ok for me? YES. I like that very much. If someone want cyber sport future - guildwars2 is dead for him/her.



600k and how many multi thousand accounts are bot farmers?

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> @"lare.5129" said:

> > @"finkle.9513" said:

> > 600k and how many multi thousand accounts are bot farmers?

> in normal mmo ? it depends. For 150-300 players 1500 bots is ok. In gw2 low bots values. .. less than 50% I am sure. So in mmo world this is called: no bots.




I think you underestimate the issue.. go and play pvp and complete all the seasonal rewards. I find very hard to come across a party with zero bots some have x3.. pvp is used to farm gold due to the reward system.

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The major issue, and I'm sure this has been said before in this thread, is that as the game world grows and new zones are added, old zones become unnecessary for all but new players. There is little incentive to return to old content for anything outside of, maybe, gathering resources but, even then, those who do so are likely focused on gathering and not map events and the like.


It's a problem that has existed with many games. WoW had the same issue which got progressively worse as each new expansion released. FFXIV has this issue to an ever so slightly lesser degree. Same issue exists in TESO.


Without a constant influx of new, fresh account players the old world zones will likely feel "dead" simply as a result of the majority of the existing playerbase being well advanced in level and storyline. Heck, I find myself wondering how many veteran players even bother to level 1-80 without using tomes.


The game is still absolutely worth playing, don't get me wrong. This is just what, in my opinion, is the main cause of the world, specifically old zones, feeling "dead" and why someone might tell you such.

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> @"finkle.9513" said:

> I think you underestimate the issue.. go and play pvp and complete all the seasonal rewards.

this season I am was not active, only less than 100 games played. But all seasonal rewards completed.


> I find very hard to come across a party with zero bots

sometime better have bot in party than some players. They don't distrub me, and don;t make some imbalance for me.


>pvp is used to farm gold due to the reward system.

you suggest remove gold from reward and make mostly all reward is accbound ? for me it ok.

or what? or you suggest that some persons 24/7 have work and check who si bot and who not ? - no, it is magic. Ofc if someone millionaire want sponsorship this is can be real. But be realistic, have 10-50 ppl who monitoring that on air is not real in out capitalistic world.

But we can find some volunteers .. hmm ... may be .. But we can't ask deliver than permission, it is not trust-able ..

So we ask limit pvp win count .. no, aslo smell fail.


Suggest something ?

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> @"lare.5129" said:

> > @"finkle.9513" said:

> > I think you underestimate the issue.. go and play pvp and complete all the seasonal rewards.

> this season I am was not active, only less than 100 games played. But all seasonal rewards completed.


> > I find very hard to come across a party with zero bots

> sometime better have bot in party than some players. They don't distrub me, and don;t make some imbalance for me.


> >pvp is used to farm gold due to the reward system.

> you suggest remove gold from reward and make mostly all reward is accbound ? for me it ok.

> or what? or you suggest that some persons 24/7 have work and check who si bot and who not ? - no, it is magic. Ofc if someone millionaire want sponsorship this is can be real. But be realistic, have 10-50 ppl who monitoring that on air is not real in out capitalistic world.

> But we can find some volunteers .. hmm ... may be .. But we can't ask deliver than permission, it is not trust-able ..

> So we ask limit pvp win count .. no, aslo smell fail.


> Suggest something ?


I could be bothered suggesting a band aid... how about getting rid of all the bots?

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I dont play PvP so I will just say for PvE.


I have played LOTRO for 9 years and that game is now 13 years old game. We could say that I have experience with game "dying". After coming to GW2 what I have noticed that this game is in quite good shape. Yeah there are some maps that dont have people but I must say as quite new player that those Dailies leading you with events everyday to some other map (which bring life to that map) and I find it as really good approach to "dead" maps. In LOTRO old content stay old and empty forever. I have done some achievements on some maps when they were part of daliy events quest. It is helpful.


Maybe game is 8 year old and it is not in boost of fresh new energy but seems to me, compared to some other MMOs it actually doing quite nice. I mean it will never be what you saw when game was young but it is not dead game.

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> @"Tuco.2419" said:

> Coming from playing Everquest to GW2 and seeing the GW2 community talk about how the game is dying cracks me up.


> For reference, Everquest has like, 4 or 5 developers working on it and put out a $35 expansion once a year that has about as much new content as a couple episodes in GW2.


Form everquests upcoming feature list: It features six new zones along with new quests, raids, missions, and alternate advancement abilities for each class, as well as a new Dragon's Hoard offering additional storage space.

Sounds like alot more than what we get for free. So far this season we got 3 new zones with quests, 0 raids, recycled missions and 0 class advancements. All for low cost of preditory loot box mechanics and the cashshop being the only feature that gets regular updates.

I would rather a 6 month content drought, than being dip feed the champions non release. Maybe use those 6 month to release the vaporware you announced, alliances and the legendary armory. Or actually test your xpac before hand with beta weekends.

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> @"lare.5129" said:

> > @"finkle.9513" said:

> > I could be bothered suggesting a band aid... how about getting rid of all the bots?

> how? how to detect them? by report? but if people report just because they not like opposite player ?



Well if thats the only way your right, lets just ignore the problem.

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> @"Shadowmoon.7986" said:

> Maybe use those 6 month to release the vaporware you announced, alliances and the legendary armory.

lol, it was good speech start, but when you announce that you waits is look only for 2%.

Armory don't chaneg nothing, it ofc gime for some, not for all, but for some members some usability, but it not main thing .. For most ppl is is "we have it ? ok"

Same as biudl storage - nice thing but active used probably from 2%. Aliances ? also useless thing I sure. wvw is ok. Who like it - like is already, who not -aliances non help.

Raid ? again content for 2% ?

We get perfect part of LS, nice instances, interesting collections, it is cool


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> @"finkle.9513" said:

> Well if thats the only way your right, lets just ignore the problem.

not proper start .. First - we sure that this is problem?? For me not. Time to time some bots get bans and other penalty. Also penalty get persons who buy gold.

So I don't see reason to panic. In most games can be 70-90% bots everywhre, and it not some magic .. I am also play another game, where this have integrated bot mode as feature :)


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My 2 cents on this:

Whenever I go to a place in order to do an achievement, even when that place is not a daily Season map, or even if it's not a popular map or event, there are people. Wherever I go on the maps, there are always people that join in the activity with me. I never feel like the game is empty, as opposed to a lot of other MMO-s. So honestly, I have no idea why people keep saying the game is dead.

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> @"zallesz.1650" said:

> My 2 cents on this:

> Whenever I go to a place in order to do an achievement, even when that place is not a daily Season map, or even if it's not a popular map or event, there are people. Wherever I go on the maps, there are always people that join in the activity with me. I never feel like the game is empty, as opposed to a lot of other MMO-s. So honestly, I have no idea why people keep saying the game is dead.


In a bid to keep this on topic as it seems people are just reading last comments and replying to "bots"


My comments regarding bot where in response to a comment stating: mmopopulation say gw2 has 600k active accounts - My reply was basically to say how many are real accounts and not bots?

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> @"finkle.9513" said:

> > @"zallesz.1650" said:

> > My 2 cents on this:

> > Whenever I go to a place in order to do an achievement, even when that place is not a daily Season map, or even if it's not a popular map or event, there are people. Wherever I go on the maps, there are always people that join in the activity with me. I never feel like the game is empty, as opposed to a lot of other MMO-s. So honestly, I have no idea why people keep saying the game is dead.


> In a bid to keep this on topic as it seems people are just reading last comments and replying to "bots"


> My comments regarding bot where in response to a comment stating: mmopopulation say gw2 has 600k active accounts - My reply was basically to say how many are real accounts and not bots?

i don't think that bots are a significant part of active accounts. They may be highly visible in some parts of the game, sure, but that does not mean a lot of bots in total numbers - just that the few they are are concentrated in the same places.


All that is beside the point however. The main point is that mmopopulation stats are pure guesstimates that are most likely way off from the real numbers. They really should not be used as a basis for any kind of discussion.


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If you're new, there's plenty to do and a ton of people to do it with. If you're after things like the endgame..


1. PvP hasn't had new maps for ages and has a bot problem that's taking forever to go away/be solved.

2. WvW hasn't had much love outside of a mount that's been nerfed into the ground.

3. Raids have been put on indefinite hiatus.

4. Strikes have gone the way of Raids.

5. Fractals got one update in nearly two years.

6. Dungeons are dead.


When the only content getting regular, consistent, bi/tri monthly updates is Living World and Gemstore with it's nearly weekly updates, it does get a bit doom and gloom with the veterans who want more of this challenge and more reason to go through with it.

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> @"LilSpark.4567" said:

> Hello guys, i have a questions, i am new in the game, i play this game from 10 days and i play this game with the dlcs and my friends and other ppl tell me i waste time to play gw2 bcs is a dead game. Is that true?


Fun fact: GW2 has been dead / dying since 2013.


At least, that's what people say. You guess whether the doomsayers are right or not.


Also, here's the thing: even if GW2 goes into maintenance mode (it is not there yet, and won't be for several months), you'll still have *eight years worth* of content to play through!

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> @"Sir Alymer.3406" said:

> 3. Raids have been put on indefinite hiatus.

> 4. Strikes have gone the way of Raids.

> 5. Fractals got one update in nearly two years.

> 6. Dungeons are dead.

This ignoring that the reason why all of this happened was because the majority of the playerbase didn't like/play them. So the fact Anet isn't making content most people didn't like isn't a sign of a dead game. Its a sign that they stopping making things that weren't liked.

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> @"Sajuuk Khar.1509" said:

> > @"Sir Alymer.3406" said:

> > 3. Raids have been put on indefinite hiatus.

> > 4. Strikes have gone the way of Raids.

> > 5. Fractals got one update in nearly two years.

> > 6. Dungeons are dead.

> This ignoring that the reason why all of this happened was because the majority of the playerbase didn't like/play them. So the fact Anet isn't making content most people didn't like isn't a sign of a dead game. Its a sign that they stopping making things that weren't liked.


If I buy a game based on what it has and then it stops releasing what I bought it for, then it's a dead game for anyone that actually liked what was removed. As for what is liked and what is not, that's a completely separate discussion but we've seen their so called "metrics" to be wrong on so many times that it puts into question if they even know exactly what people like or don't like.

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