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Why ppl say GW2 is dead? :|


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> @"LilSpark.4567" said:

> Hello guys, i have a questions, i am new in the game, i play this game from 10 days and i play this game with the dlcs and my friends and other ppl tell me i waste time to play gw2 bcs is a dead game. Is that true?


Welcome to GW2! As long as you are having fun, you most certainly are not wasting your time playing! From the point you are at just starting, there is a huge amount of game play available to you that can keep you engaged and occupied for countless hours. There are some who keep declaring the game as dead, but as far as I am concerned and the people I play with, the game is still rich and full of content to enjoy. Some maps are more active than others, but there are always lots of people to play together with. Have fun! Enjoy yourself! Don't let other people take away that excitement and enjoyment from you and especially not so early on.

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People say Gw2 is dead for a verity of reasons, mostly nostalgia.


A ) They cannot find people to run the activities they want/need when they need them. This would be a common complaint among people who don't play during peak hours, and presumably among people who will lurk in the lfg tab without actually posting a lfg.


B ) Content updates are very "living world" focused and predictable.


C ) A lack of PvP / WvW updates or interest, which have caused those communities to either move on or play casually.


D ) Linking to point A, they don't see anyone in open world anymore. Towns feel emptier, what with all the foot traffic lost to popular lounges like mistlock sanctuary, and it can feel rare to have encounters with other players in open world.


E ) They buy into "the sky is falling" hype, and base their negative mentality on guesswork and rumors - of which there are many, because it's not easy to find out what's going on inside Anet. There was even a rumor floating about that "War Eternal" (the last episode of Season 4) was supposed to be the end of gw2 development.

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I don't feel that it is, in fact, I've been gone a good long while and well a group of us are coming back to GW2. I am a GW1 player actually. I know that I have an extreme amount of "catch up" to do now, since the last time I played was before mounts.....but I'm excited about coming back and so are the others in my group of friends "hey I miss GW2, lets go back and have some fun!!" Its downloaded all the information since I left and I'm excited about getting started again!!! Great thing about it is that you can do that, stay away for a bit, then come back when ever you feel like it. No sub, maybe some expac's but that is the beauty in it for me....its always there to come back and have a blast in for as long as you want. I do not think its dying at all...:)

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> @"LilSpark.4567" said:

> > @"Psycoprophet.8107" said:

> > U asked if a game is dying in its forum? A game is never dying if u ask in its forum, even if it's only got 25% of its playerbase left those 25% will inform u how much the game isnt dying. Not saying it is or isnt just saying what happens when u ask in a games forum.



> Is it true but where else to ask? I mean, I thought that if I ask on the game forum, people answer honestly and tell the truth. I also read those lies from mmopopulation that it has 600k + daily pick players ... I thought that here I will find out the truth to say so.


That Forum is the best place where to ask for the information you needed. Asking outside of the Forum would mostly lead to receiving answers from people that have left the game, or that don’t really know the state of the game. Here you can receive a lot of answers, including answers from a lot of people that are really experiencing the game they talk about. Then, you can try to come to personal conclusions.


Guild Wars 2 always had a lot of people saying that it was dying or even dead, since 2012.


You have yet to experience an incredible amount of highly repeatable content. More is coming.


Anyway, in my Guild none ever tell to a new player the lie that the game is dying. If the people you play with tell you that, change people. Those people will make you feel bad about the way you spend your time, and only for their feelings that are not really related to the state of the game. You could find a group where you can really enjoy the game and the time you pass playing it.

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Nah, far from that. An _online_ game is only literally dead if it goes offline. Figuratively dead if it goes on to maintenance mode.



Well... it depends on how you define _dying_.

You could say it's dying:

* When it has reached its peak in popularity and everything's all downhill from there.

* When the concurrent online users have a downward trend.

* When there are less players coming back to check out the newest content than the previous one.


Those reasons are all subjective, of course. As long as you have a reason to play, do so until that reason is not there anymore. And if the reason's gone and you still have hopes that one day, a reason would come back, then you do you. After all, a coma patient can one day wake up as long as they're alive, a broken clock is still correct twice a day, and prisoner can still smile while incarcerated.


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Oh my god, how many people answered me! Thank you all. Now I understand from most of you why people say the game is dead. From everything I understand and what I saw from the road map the game has at least 5 years to live (5 years I say for haters who misinform new players) . I was scared that he was dying and I thought that in 2 years I will not be able to play it because it will close, even if an expansion comes out next year. It's really my kind of MMO .. when I was little I watched my cousin play (he bought it since it appeared in 2012) and since then I liked it .. but I was too young to be able to buy it, I and forgot about it over time, until now when I bought my expansion directly. I calmed down now. Thank you all for the answers!

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> @"LilSpark.4567" said:

> Oh my god, how many people answered me! Thank you all. Now I understand from most of you why people say the game is dead. From everything I understand and what I saw from the road map the game has at least 5 years to live (5 years I say for haters who misinform new players) . I was scared that he was dying and I thought that in 2 years I will not be able to play it because it will close, even if an expansion comes out next year. It's really my kind of MMO .. when I was little I watched my cousin play (he bought it since it appeared in 2012) and since then I liked it .. but I was too young to be able to buy it, I and forgot about it over time, until now when I bought my expansion directly. I calmed down now. Thank you all for the answers!


according to the 1st roadmap, there werent gonna be any expansions EVER

the 2nd intoduced fractals as end game content, mostly scrapped now.

the 3rd was about raids, scrapped now.

the 4th is about strikes. roadmaps dont mean much, if you dont have the resources to follow them through.

they are clearly working on something else. the content doesnt match the big workforce they have.

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> @"battledrone.8315" said:

> > @"LilSpark.4567" said:

> > Oh my god, how many people answered me! Thank you all. Now I understand from most of you why people say the game is dead. From everything I understand and what I saw from the road map the game has at least 5 years to live (5 years I say for haters who misinform new players) . I was scared that he was dying and I thought that in 2 years I will not be able to play it because it will close, even if an expansion comes out next year. It's really my kind of MMO .. when I was little I watched my cousin play (he bought it since it appeared in 2012) and since then I liked it .. but I was too young to be able to buy it, I and forgot about it over time, until now when I bought my expansion directly. I calmed down now. Thank you all for the answers!


> according to the 1st roadmap, there werent gonna be any expansions EVER

> the 2nd intoduced fractals as end game content, mostly scrapped now.

> the 3rd was about raids, scrapped now.

> the 4th is about strikes. roadmaps dont mean much, if you dont have the resources to follow them through.

> they are clearly working on something else. the content doesnt match the big workforce they have.


I'm pretty sure the 143 layoffs a year ago were probably because they were working on something, but those plans didn't pan out.


But that's just conjecture, I think.

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I don't know if calling it "dead" is totally accurate. One may argue that (according to the current situation in the world), the game 'should' have much higher playerbase since people have been staying at home more frequently, however, this does not necessarily mean they would devote all this time entirely to GW2. I have been in the game for the last 3 weeks after around 1+ year of being off, and I have to say, I have noticed differences in events which used to be occupied regularly. For instance Auric basin, one of my favourite meta events in the game, is in a really poor condition nowadays cause I can barely find a sufficient group in logical hours (the time when majority of people would be at home from work). This varies largely, because last Friday the map was full at 9 p.m, this week totally empty. There might be a little form of "extinction" within the game's population currently, but the upcoming expansion is expected to bring back a lot of burnt out players or those who play very casually.


Anyway, I still think the game is in a really good spot at the moment and far from going dead. Maybe it is just my point of view cause I solo-ed most of the maps, have like 2 people in my friends list and never had a guild which makes me look like a total d.o.u.ch.e since this game is community-driven and designed to be teamwork-friendly :D So, I am kinda used to get roughed up by the game most of the time, but I have enjoyed every bit of it so far ;) So, do not worry about others' impressions of this game, the most important is whether YOU yourself enjoy it. Being in the game for 10 days sounds like a far too quick period to make early conclusions. Just let it flow, let the game drag you in and then you will see whether your friends were right or not ;)

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> @"LilSpark.4567" said:

> Hello guys, i have a questions, i am new in the game, i play this game from 10 days and i play this game with the dlcs and my friends and other ppl tell me i waste time to play gw2

Gaming is a waste of time, but a nice one ;)

* For sure there are more meaningful things to do

* For sure there are worser things to do


> bcs is a dead game. Is that true?


What do you want?

* play a few hundred hours till the money is amortuated? Very likely works

* Play a few thousand hours? There is a development planning for a few years.

* Can you play it forever? Maybe even GW1is still running ;)


Maybe a lot of former WoW say it's dead, because after a few weeks you reached everything you need to play everything (but there are still countless hours to explore.) Something they aren't familar with :)

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> @"LilSpark.4567" said:

> Hello guys, i have a questions, i am new in the game, i play this game from 10 days and i play this game with the dlcs and my friends and other ppl tell me i waste time to play gw2 bcs is a dead game. Is that true?


I'll just leave you with something I said somewhere else:

> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> "game is dying" is (or should be) a generic meme in all MMORPG forums, even to the extent of things like

> * Game released today: "Game is dying."

> * Game released yesterday: "Game is dying."

> * Game just released a new expansion, all the servers are jam-packed with players: "Game is dying."

> * Game will release in two weeks: "Game is dead."

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It's certainly not "dead", and depending on what you enjoy in a ~~MMO~~ Game it's still a fantastic game to get into with loads of content to experience.


Where the accusation of dead game comes from, and imo validly so, is once you've been there and done that in terms of incredibly easy and often bland single player and story content and actually want to play an MMO and really get and stay engaged with the game and communities.


It doesn't really matter whether you enjoy small scale PvP, large scale PvP, casual instanced PvE, hardcore instanced PvE, small friend group content (casual or hc), large guild group content (c/h), etc. it's a sad matter of fact that pretty much all of that is dead and abandoned content at this point, with only a few people/communities in those remaining on life support due to lack of new content, in favour of ~2h worth of single player story patches and play alone together OW content every couple months.


Now if you are new and somehow can still find groups regularly for that content, it being all "dead" ofc doesn't matter as much as it's a huge amount for newer players to catch up on still, but once you get bored of the same few Dungeons, Raids, Fractals, Guild Halls, Guild Missions, Strikes, WvW gameloop, PvP maps and meta, and on, there is just nothing in sight to ever rectify that at this point.


If you enjoy eternally walking around mostly alone (and even if not, never actually engaging with anyone) in a tutorial like OW oneshotting mobs, the game has you covered though.

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the games not dead- there's an xpac coming out! It's jsut that , that info has been a little over due in some peoples minds and they are tired of waiting and wander off to go play other games which makes it seem like the game is dying. If they don't come back then it sure might be..


I mean i haven't played hardcore that much this year. I wandered off to ESO and love it, but its really a sub game which i dislike, but am willing to fork over my money to them to make things a lil easier storage wise :(. ~~I better not say that or someone will get ideas.~~ Still i love the rollerbeetle and scribbing and that's what is really keeping me coming back to gw2 though this game isn't **at all** investing in those things.

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Guild wars 2 is not dead and will not dead for years. People see it as a old game and Game does not justify it by not marketing enough as other MMOs. Guild wars 2 shines differently than other games. You need to play it to understand the game. The problem lies in the experience of the free 2 play model.

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