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WvW Banners


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"World vs. World

Tactic banners (Dragon Banner, Centaur Banner, Turtle Banner) are now restricted to the general area around the objective they are spawned in. Leaving the objective area while carrying a tactic banner will display a warning message, and failing to return to the objective area within the allocated time will destroy the banner."


Who came up with this dumb idea?

It is the worst idea you could have had. You could nerf the dmg, you could restrict the number of banners/BL, you could have reduced the time from 15 to 10min and you could even have rework all the banners skills. But restrict the usage to the general area around the objective they are spawned in to, is the worst idea of the worst ideas. Why dont u remove it from the game... something that has been around here for 8 years?


I HATE IT!!!!!! PLEASE, turn back this decision!


**For those who loved this !@#! idea, please go play other games. Stop whining!!! Just dodge! Block! Don't stand in red circle. And please stop trolling Anet by making them believe that the majority of WvW players really want this dumb changes. Mounts are great, Glider too, Desert BL its one of the best maps. I want flying mounts too. Make this possible, think outside the box.

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> For those who loved this !@#! idea, **please go play other games.** Stop whining!!! Just dodge! Block! Don't stand in red circle. And please stop trolling Anet by making them believe that the majority of WvW players really want this dumb changes. **Mounts are great, Glider too, Desert BL its one of the best maps. I want flying mounts too.** Make this possible, think outside the box.


All great things that have contributed to wvw being the best it has been in the past 5 years and will continue to help it grow it's population!


Don't worry a lot are playing other games at this point...

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it was a pretty nice and overall healthy change. three-four thieves, warrior, revs etc stacking dragon banners that they ported in from all over the map can be really powering up a yet big group and generates a ton of kills and damage out of nowhere. we had in the past several battles, where you had to deal with 4 dragon banners at once, which simply gets pretty annoying if u are the smaller group that has to cleave through a several times sized enemy group, and additionally gets crossfired constantly not only by rangers, thieves and mesmers that can perfectly hide within those numbers, but also several rouge dragonbanners.


however, now the nerf on the banners dmg that happened before was completely unnecessary. they shoulda done this regionbind way earlier, we asked them on here for quite some time.

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> @"Menzo.2185" said:

> "World vs. World

> Tactic banners (Dragon Banner, Centaur Banner, Turtle Banner) are now restricted to the general area around the objective they are spawned in. Leaving the objective area while carrying a tactic banner will display a warning message, and failing to return to the objective area within the allocated time will destroy the banner."


> Who came up with this dumb idea?

> It is the worst idea you could have had. You could nerf the dmg, you could restrict the number of banners/BL, you could have reduced the time from 15 to 10min and you could even have rework all the banners skills. But restrict the usage to the general area around the objective they are spawned in to, is the worst idea of the worst ideas. Why dont u remove it from the game... something that has been around here for 8 years?


> **I HATE IT!!!!!! PLEASE, turn back this decision!**


> **For those who loved this !@#! idea, please go play other games. Stop whining!!!** Just dodge! Block! Don't stand in red circle. And please stop trolling Anet by making them believe that the majority of WvW players really want this dumb changes. Mounts are great, Glider too, Desert BL its one of the best maps. I want flying mounts too. Make this possible, think outside the box.


My sides.

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> @"Menzo.2185" said:

> Who came up with this dumb idea?

> It is the worst idea you could have had. You could nerf the dmg, you could restrict the number of banners/BL, you could have reduced the time from 15 to 10min and you could even have rework all the banners skills. But restrict the usage to the general area around the objective they are spawned in to, is the worst idea of the worst ideas. Why dont u remove it from the game... something that has been around here for 8 years?


Sure it is a totally bad idea, that a tactic, which is tied to an objective like all the other tactics, can only be used around that objective. It makes no sense at all. None whatsoever.


Yes, the current implementation isn't perfect, as things like the dune roller for example can still be used away from their objective and they make little sense were it otherwise, but then again the dune roller is mostly used against other objectives and less so against players.


On the other hand: If banners were allowed to be used all over the map, why not make other tactics also usable all over the map? Wouldn't it be great, if you could designate an area in which chilling fog is to be used instead of working only on the objective it is tied to? Or a supply drop! Less running around! Simply pull the lever and select, where the supply drop shall be applied to! Or the airship from SM. Mmm, so much fun.

If you start applying logicals arguments to tactics, please apply the same logical rules to all tactics, not an arbitrary subset.


> I HATE IT!!!!!! PLEASE, turn back this decision!


Yeah, we can see that. Your agument is mostly based on the fact, that you hate this decision. Not on logical reasoning. Not on the overall design of what tactics were meant for: Protecting and defending an objetive. A specific tower or keep.


> **For those who loved this !@#! idea, please go play other games. Stop whining!!! Just dodge! Block! Don't stand in red circle. And please stop trolling Anet by making them believe that the majority of WvW players really want this dumb changes. Mounts are great, Glider too, Desert BL its one of the best maps. I want flying mounts too. Make this possible, think outside the box.


For those who hate this great idea: Please go play other games, stop whining. Learn to use the skills of your profession instead of being a dragonbanner main.

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when I read the description for the nerf, I feel like

Morning of battle, Commander said : Move out troops! banner person , too bad you got to stay., watch the lifestocck lol


I think the banner should be restricted to 1 of each type of banner can be on 1 map at anytime, and has a longer cooldown time. (if you really want to nerf it) but i dont think it needs nerf, It is kinda ridiculous you go out to battle and your banner guy cannot be there. Also banner is available for every server, it isn't like it is only for 1 server, so if the server does not know how to bring their banner to battle why you punish the server that wants to have fun or the player who remembers to bring them.


It is also my thought that in a fight you got to be able to identify the banner guy and snipe them! Cos once you down them the bearer, the banner is gone, same like if you snipe a commander, if they die, your troops has to return to base if you haven't a second in charge to take over.


It all boils down to good commanding and play, so, back to the question of why was the banner nerf when it is not broken. Same like the inventory buttons, it wasn't broken, and it was some how changed, wasted time when these time can be manage better to do and work on something else.|


Edit: if you really really want to nerf the banner, it could also be done this way - only the Keep can have Dragon banner install , outer tower (south tower on boderland) turtle banner only, inner tower (north tower on borderland) Centaur Banner only, problem solved.

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My irritation is not with the restriction itself, it is with the fact that Anet keep hears the whining of some and changes the design of an excellent game to please those who only know how to complain about new implementations. If we listen the whiners, we would not have the mounts, the glide, not even the desert map. Anet need to separate what needs to be done from what is just a child complaint.

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> @"Menzo.2185" said:

> And the CharrCAR??? Restrict it to the area too, it would be a bad design, right? But why not?


The charr car is pretty much window dressing. A simple toy that’s easy to destroy and gives zero help to anything.


Multiple dragon banners in a group, on the other hand, is a pain. One is also really nothing to care about, but I’ve seen many times where there were 3 or 4 in an opposing group. Now THAT is called planning, and good on them for doing it. But it’s nasty to deal with.


I’m glad they are now restricted to the structure.

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Where's ArcDPS from Anet? Where's a bigger n more visible target arrow in the middle of battles? Where's a bigger mouse cursor; not yolo mouse? Where's the restriction on all tactics to only people with a guild tag and/or some higher wvw rank? Where are Flying Mounts, Shield Dome over the Towers and Keeps, Flying Mounted Veterans Defending the area; all the new and good PvE implementations? Where are the new WvW maps, bigger n better; or at least 1 new per year? Why we still have POI n Vistas on WvW? Where the Guild Leaderboard Rank to encourage guilds to play PPK n PPT more? I only see dumb things being done, according to minorities or some streamers with personal and bad ideas of what its good to this game.


New World n Ashes of Creation is coming!!!! Make this game great again. PLEASE Anet!

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> @"Menzo.2185" said:

> > A simple toy that’s easy to destroy and gives zero help to anything.


> Hahahahaha... Like golems, right?



Golems can at least take down gates or walls decently. Although the car can do that too, its damage is tiny and slow. They are much easier to kill solo than golems... but I kill golems too.

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