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All this Karma and nothing to buy

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According to my wallet, I have over 3.3 million Karma sitting around -- and this is after dropping hundreds of thousands on some Bjora Marches commemorative swag.


I've purchased my fair share of vendor items, cultural skins, and other such oddities, but it feels like the currency has been entirely replaced by map-specific tokens of this and that.


With Wintersday coming up and all those delicious +Karma potions and foods I have sitting around, just *waiting* for another hundred rounds of Bell Hero and filthy little orphans, I'm going to have even more of a currency largely relegated to "that legacy stuff."



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I feel like I'm in the opposite situation. I used to have tons of spare karma and never had to worry about it, but since roughly Season 3 I've had a lot more uses for it, including several items which cost a lot of karma (like mini pets which cost 100,000+ each as well as map currencies) so now I end up saving it up.


But if you have loads and aren't sure what to do with it Wintersday offers oppertunities to turn it into gold. I think the most direct method is to buy gifts from one of the vendors and then sell them on the TP. There's a limit to how many you can buy per day, but unless you're farming a lot of karma you can clear some of your stockpile that way (and if you already have too much karma there's no need to spend time farming more than you can use).

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I'm not sure how many millions of karma I had before I started spending it in large quantities, 5? 6 million? After fully equipping most of my 16 characters with ascended (the insignia recipes use 21,000 karma each), I went on to legendary armor and weapons and however much karma was used in making those.


I agree with Danikat, a lot of later content acts as a karma sink. My primary use for karma on the typical basis is buying all six of the [pact supply map materials](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Pact_Scout%27s_Mapping_Materials) each day (Total: 31,500 karma/day). I use them as an additional source of T6 fine mats to go towards whatever legendary item that I am working on at the time. See [map bonus reward](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Map_bonus_reward), or skip down to the 'map bonus reward' subsection of 'acquisition' on any of the T6 fine mat wiki pages, [here](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Vial_of_Powerful_Blood#Map_Bonus_Reward) is an example.


Hope that helps as one possible solution.

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> @"Avatar of Indra.6908" said:

> I'm not sure how many millions of karma I had before I started spending it in large quantities, 5? 6 million? After fully equipping most of my 16 characters with ascended (the insignia recipes use 21,000 karma each), I went on to legendary armor and weapons and however much karma was used in making those.


Ah I see you have a flexfarm going as well.



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I mean if you want to spend your karma, plenty of ways to convert it to some gold if you really wanted to. Though nothing wrong at all just saving up till there's something you want to buy with it / something new comes out that you have to buy with karma. Note, people who make legendaries are pretty much always starved for karma so it's not in abundance for everyone. Also anyone not a few years into end game seems never to have more then a mil or so unless they go out of their way to never spend it. Honestly think it's in a decent place balance wise for supply and demand it's just whether you choose spending it or using it for gold to be worth not having extra on you for the future.

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> @"Dante.1508" said:

> That's funny as i have been here from release and only have 250k ? i am incredibly casual and hate all pvp, wvw though.


Me, too, although not since release. I'm very casual and am sitting on close to 9m. It's a game now to see how long it will take me to get to 10m.

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You just don't know what to do with it. I have to be careful with karma spending or I end up not having any when I need it.

Do pact supply daily trades for starters if you want to consistently spend it.

On wintersday you can burn through all of it in one go converting it to gold if I'm not mistaken.

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Yep, winters day has a good karma spend. Also crafting a legendary can drain your karma around a million per. Picking up daily pact maps will drain some karma a day as well.

My guess is there is a ton of things you could be doing with your karma but are choosing not to. Having a few million isn't that much karma in the end though.

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> @"lare.5129" said:

> And one small thing - 3 mln - this is very small value, less than minimal buffer for some trades ...

> 33-63 ml - is normal,

> 103+ mln - ok - now you can spend it as you want ..

> This is vision of player who play this game.


Whilst I know you aren't being serious, 33-63m karma is not normal for a player. I've played this game most days since launch and I doubt I've even earnt that cumulatively in that time

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I'm sitting at over 3mil myself and even though I occasionally make large purchases, I still seem to gain more than I spend. My friend on the other hand has the opposite problem. He's always out of karma, but he also spends it a lot more frequently than I do. He buys map currency daily and trades it for Ascended accessories & rings. I guess it depends hugely on how you play the game. I get most of my gear through Fractals so I don't need map currency.

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> @"Smoosh.2718" said:

> Seriously though... what the hell do you do with karma.. coming from someone who has played for a long time. Karma needs to be used on something you can buy constantly... that is useful.


That depends on the player. Karma is usually the secondary currency needed to buy lots of things at heart and other vendors


- ls3 currency

- ls4 currency

- ls5 currency

- crates of crafting materials (wood, ingot, trophy, cloth) at PoF vendors

- pact supply network

- crafting recipes from PoF and LS vendors

- minis

- ascended gear from ls vendors (eg Aesirs Amulet)

- wintersday gifts during the festival

- obsidian shards

- chef ingredients

- weapon skins in LS5

- collection items


On their own it's small amounts, but altogether it adds up and karma doesn't always come as quickly for players in shorter bursts of play time

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Smoosh.2718" said:

> > Seriously though... what the hell do you do with karma.. coming from someone who has played for a long time. Karma needs to be used on something you can buy constantly... that is useful.


> That depends on the player. Karma is usually the secondary currency needed to buy lots of things at heart and other vendors


> - crates of crafting materials (wood, ingot, trophy, cloth) at PoF vendors

They cost Trade contracts as well as karma, so not a good karma sink due to the key lock.

> - pact supply network

1 purchase per visit? Really not worth it.


I have legendary weapons, armour and ascended rings (will not get the legendary due to the stupid effects they do) Unless we get something to craft that will use up these mats, that we can either tun in to NPC's for rewards/gold, Karma is useless when you're 80 and have gear.


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> @"fluffdragon.1523" said:

> With Wintersday coming up and all those delicious +Karma potions and foods I have sitting around, just *waiting* for another hundred rounds of Bell Hero and filthy little orphans, I'm going to have even more of a currency largely relegated to "that legacy stuff."


"I'm having too much of the currency, but I'll specifically keep farming it, apparently just so I can complain that I have too much of it and nothing to use it for".


I don't exaclty understand the purpose of this thread. Or the purpose of your planned farming choices.

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> @"Smoosh.2718" said:

> > @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > > @"Smoosh.2718" said:

> > > Seriously though... what the hell do you do with karma.. coming from someone who has played for a long time. Karma needs to be used on something you can buy constantly... that is useful.

> >

> > That depends on the player. Karma is usually the secondary currency needed to buy lots of things at heart and other vendors

> >

> > - crates of crafting materials (wood, ingot, trophy, cloth) at PoF vendors

> They cost Trade contracts as well as karma, so not a good karma sink due to the key lock.

> > - pact supply network

> 1 purchase per visit? Really not worth it.


> I have legendary weapons, armour and ascended rings (will not get the legendary due to the stupid effects they do) Unless we get something to craft that will use up these mats, that we can either tun in to NPC's for rewards/gold, Karma is useless when you're 80 and have gear.



They still consume karma though - regardless if other currency locks exist - and enough that a lot of players will be able to spend more than they gain or barely break even. I have 10 legendaries, ascended on all relevant toons and been here since the beginning - I still only ever have around 1-1.5mil karma at a given time because I am always spending it with each new release and on things on older content. If I buy something at a vendor which is 375k karma, that will take me many weeks to regain, assuming I don't spend karma again.


It's the implementaion of attaching karma - even as a secondary currency - to almost everything at a LS vendor, that makes it disappear so quickly for plenty of players, even if some will hoard it because nothing interests them. But, it certainly isn't useless. Even those who hoard it in vast quantities, there is the option of the karma eater

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> @"fluffdragon.1523" said:

> According to my wallet, I have over 3.3 million Karma sitting around


Just a few ideas from the top of my head:

* Salvage [Aesgeir's Amulet](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Asgeir%27s_Amulet) for [this expensive item](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Salvaged_Excellence)

* Get the level 80 exotic [Temple Armor](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Temple_armor) sets

* Unlock all [Cultural Weapon](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Cultural_weapon) skins

* Get the [Relic Collector achievement](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Relic_Collector) for 15 AP and another ascended back item


Also, there are several Karma vendors across Central Tyria from whom you can get items which you can salvage for expensive materials.

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