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What is your earliest WvW memory?


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My first time in wvw was around 1 year after HoT launched. I was pretty green with only a little (got-to-max-level without boosts) pve under my belt, entered with a Core DP Tr, DA, SA thief the DBL (I believe the Alpine Borderlands were disabled at that point in time). I remember finding my first player enemy and somehow manged to defeat them, but I bet that build was sort of a surprise after 1 year of only DrD thieves around. Later I had to move on to DrD too, after getting to know some more sustain oriented enemy builds...


I used to play all game modes in the begining. Always kept up with the story and the new maps added. When the ESL tournaments were held I got more into SPvP too and mainly there for some seasons, but at some point I realised the matches were draining me too much and didn't have fun there, especially when going for Ascension and needed to carry on professions I was not even too familiar with (part of the achievements needed to be completed), otherwise it would have been a lost match.


Afterwards, since being mostly a pvp oriented player and craving some pvp action I've settled on WvW roaming and became a WvW main.

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Back when I was on CD. Our server has a couple WvW "trainers" for each class. The ones for mesmer taught how to do portal bombs properly as well as training a group of mesmers how to properly port a golem rush from one side of a map to another (mainly trained/worked on timings of portals)


My 1st encounter with WvW and I caught on the p-bomb fast and was able to alter strats to better use it.


Ahhhhhhhh I miss those times.

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First memory was going in for the 1st of only 2 ever tournaments, just to check it out, as a break from the PvE story and grinding Fractal levels.


Was running with a small team hitting camps, and we got resistance from another team. It was more interesting than PvP stand in circles alone, there was back and forth to it, and then I got a freaking Ascended Armor chest off one of the kills (or a level up from that kill, hard to remember for sure).


It was my first Ascended Armor, and I had ground to Fractal Level 69 by then. I was now hooked on Havoc. I knew the RNG would be about as bad as Fracals, but at least it wasn't boring.


My **BEST** Memory is this still --



{Warning, some language in post is not forum kitten friendly}


I don't command often, but I do miss that day. That was great.


> @"KrHome.1920" said:

> Earliest memory is a balancing state that has never been achieved again since then.


> Things like high, risk high reward and low risk, low reward existed while even at high risk, high reward build fights you had actually time to make decisions as the pacing wasn't absurdly high because cooldowns did matter.


Agreed, I do miss the pre-HoT days still.

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I came for map completion, back when you needed WvW for it. I was down to one point of interest (Veloka). I had hopped into a squad, and we went up to Veloka, then turned around, and I asked if we could take it so I could get map complete and the commander said 'Sure' and we took it. :) I spent several years as a roamer, soloing camps and stuff, and eventually hooked up with a WvW guild that liked my Santa outfit.

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When I was new to World versus World mode, I was in one of the EU servers(for a short period), transferred to Eredon Terrace, one of the NA servers, had no armor equipped except weapons in a character(an elementalist at that moment) and joined the team's zerg to war day after day. fun times! lol

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> @"SweetPotato.7456" said:

> Going out of the spawn alone, - one of the Alpine Borderlands, the blue one, I was not level 80 yet during that time, my engineer with her awesome flame thrower and bombs, started killing the Raptors with her awesome skills (hehe), I remember asking for help and if we need to kill them. There were no answer, so I look around, when out the other exit and had to start killing the Wargs ... ... it was not fun at all, ... I left.


> Not for a long time did I try to step into WvW again, this time I choose Eternal Battleground, Green Lowland was our keep, very happy there is a waypoint, took it, went out the front gate. Roam aimlessly into the center castle, The Stonemist! I went onto the wall, pretended to sentry the castle, low and behold! There was a breached ! I went closer and the "repair" action pop up, I hit F, and it prompted me that I needed supply to do so, lucky the supply hut was nearby, I got the supply, I started to repair the wall, "DO NOT REPAIR THE WALL" pop up in the chat window. "Why not?" I asked. there were no answer again, so I continue to repair the breached. After a while, "Some kitten is wasting supply on the wall" pop up in chat, follow by many LoLs , and "Let's them do it, it is going to upgrade anyway" .So, I asked "how can I upgrade the castle?" no answer again.... that was no fun at all... I left again....


> I never return until much later. After I gone to the end of the world, fought the dragons and have "Been there and Done that" thinking I am very well equipped now, I went into the Eternal Battleground, saw a lot of players running together. I followed, the player with the tag, (didn't know it was a commander tag) drop some rams on a gate, I remember I have one of those, a flame ram, wanting to be helpful and trying out new things, I dropped my pretty little flame rams next to the commander's Superior Flame Rams. "NEVER DROP TRASH RAMS in ma squad! " follow by many other chat that I do not remember... and that's was it, I never return to WvW. I was on my Norn Ranger


> Believe it or not Ranger was not welcome! was laughed at even, neither was engineer.


> I didn't remember when I start WvW again, I am stuck there forever, it has become my fav game mode, I still have my Silver Dolyak finishers.


That's a truly long story there, Lemon, my friend! >.<

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Very easy to remember my first day. I originally came to WvW to get the warclaw on its first day of being released. Originally came just to grab that now, here I am almost level 4k .... I couldn't find my way back out!


Best memory would have to be a 5 hour fight trying to take green garrison on lord the entire time. When we eventually got it I was so exhausted that I had to go lay down. The ebb and flow of that fight was amazing. I downed twice but never died. I was playing a scourge and had the top boon strips for the fight. I wish fights were like that every time I played....

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I was with my core ranger, walking around seeing no one in sight, in EBG. There was some people chatting, and their name's red. I didn't know why and how they got their name red. Are they enemies? Anyway I don't understand what they're talking about.


"It's quite peaceful out here" I thought.


I saw some HP, and I went to commune it. It was the one in Ogre Camp. And I opened the world map to decide where to go next, after I communed the HP.


.......and I died. I was already in downed state when I got pulled out of the world map. And before I have any idea of what has happened, I saw some choya dancing _on_ me.


WvW is scary, I concluded. I then left the Mists, along with some trauma.

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When I turned lvl 80, I got taken to wvw, didn't know it was pvp, played a couple hours rapid firing everyone, and friend left, so I played on a rock in the water outside bay until I met a norn, and a scrapper who turned into guild mates, we still chat regularly.

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First assault on bay from south with my first guild in GW2. Getting through the gate failed, so we switched into boring wall pvp, with the enemy standing on the wall and us on the ground. I searched through my skills and picked something I never used before, but the tooltip sounded promising. First few tries, it always missed. But then I pulled a ranger off the wall,. Half of my guild asked what I did to get that guy off the wall. From that moment on, my job was to pull enemies off the walls and towers. Scorpion Wire on a Thief.


AND our server (Ring of Fire) having _little problems coordinating its forces_. Even in that early sate of the game, our greatest enemies appeared to be our allied commanders and guilds.

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My first memory was back when Map completion also required every vista in POI in WvW so that I could craft a legendary. Went in as a PVE staff ele and knew absolutely nothing about WvW. Saw a guy from my team fighting another guy and decided to help. Part way through I noticed people around me were telling me to "STOP! STOP! They're dueling!"


What? I didn't even know that was a thing back then. So I stopped and apologized and told them I didn't know. I was curious so I asked if I could watch. They said "Sure." Next thing I know the other team's guy comes and wrecks me before I even knew what was going on. All of my "team mates" just laughed at me and said "Serves you right."


Left a bad taste in my mouth about duelers ever since and I have no problems now "helping" my "team" out whenever I can.

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i entered kinda by accident 3 years ago, precisely one month after starting gw2 (also my first ever MMO) for the first time, fully blind - i couldn't figure out what Wvw means back then and was simply curious. my char was a warrior that just had gotten lv80, with full lv60 yellow and some lv70ish exo gear. i basically got exploded instantly by nearly everyone, so i just added in to snatch kills from other players. flipped camps etc


after i saw the first zerg battle, that fascinated me, and i equipped simply all invulnerability skills of my warrior and GS3'd through the groups, doing chip dmg and having grenth human elite up. i basically tried to confuse the zerg back then and passively farmed some levels by tagging stuff, till i could afford better gear. was before the warclaw time and before the exo-choice-armors been there, so took a bit time to get a full exotic set and understanding what boons and runes do. also not sure how long discord is a thing yet, i wasn't in it back then.


one pretty big memory was also when i ran into a enemy teams' holosmith, and tried to defend the camp. i was so undergeared that he could just stand there and tank my hits for 30 seconds+ ... during that time i realized i would have to look a bit deeper into how things work to be able to play more effectively.


what also really fascinated me big time was when i first stood upon the south wall of bay and felt pretty epic for no particular reason. the whole keep defense setting has surely its own charme.

it remembered me of the keeps in the human maps of tyria, queensdale has this fort-style things everywhere. back then i thought tiers give any benefits and that ppt is the most important thing. took me some months to really understand the system... for a newbie it first is very impressive.


i also was again impressed by the design of EotM, which i first time actively entered very late. pretty cool map, but equally dead. (the 2 hours a week of gvg/bvb barely change that)

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Earliest memory was probably 6 months after the release. I was collecting pets for my ranger and was on the hunt for the Wolf . I was totally lost , getting beat up by ogres and massive blobs of people . Didn't have the faintest clue of what was going on or where to go . I did eventually find the wolf but was put off WvW for year or so .

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My earliest memories of WvW mostly revolve around the culling; Nothing quite like running around with my small group of friends and then suddenly, inexplicably, we're all dead...only to see a zerg suddenly appear all around us. I also remember when ranks were first introduced (which may have been a while after the game started but at this point the first few years of the game have all blurred together) but weren't yet account-wide, so I was routinely trying to play 3-4 different classes daily to keep my ranks close for each toon. But I think my fondest early memory (and probably only a few weeks into the game's launch) was when the group of friends I'd come to the game with all decided we would level up a character only in WvW, and so the six of us set out as level 2 uplevels and encountered a warrior/mesmer duo who were both level 80 (remember the good old days when you could see which players were uplevels in WvW?) and they promptly slaughtered us (the traiting system was different back then; I'm not sure if we even had access to the first tier of traits yet). Good times.


Another fond memory? It wasn't IN WvW but here on the forums; WvW Match-up threads. Were they toxic? Sure! But it also made every week that much more interesting. Everything was much more personal. You had a real dislike for certain servers and guilds and genuinely looked forward to fighting them. It was usually a large factor in why winning mattered. You weren't going to move up a tier if you won or down a tier if you lost. You were going to face the same opponents the following week. But you wanted to win, just because it meant those other servers were also going to lose. Good times.

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My earliest memories were about playing defense. We had a group of role players who made up enormous character stories that gave reason for people to be someplace like Hills for hours on end. Along with guilds like Ace's Wild we would make it our purpose for the entire evening to defend an entire section of home BL. Build up a keep, guard the camps. When fights broke out you had an instant defense force. Plus at that time, before megaservers, someone could hop out and sound the alarm for a fight in LA. Ridiculous fun. I've always said that defensive fights are some of the best. I was absolutely hooked from having effectively a form of open world PVP that could be engaged in with like minded folks, plus we had the ability to recruit. Could drop in at basically any time and have something to do. Sure, time zones played a factor as did population but honestly I don't remember us focusing on that as much. I made a ton of friends back in those early days since I helped show folks around the BL, got people set up in voice. We basically were ambassadors. Lot of fond memories, crazy drama and many reasons to log in if for no other reason than to show some upstarts that they couldn't pet our cat without express written permission in triplicate.

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My earliest memory is leveling my characters in there, when everything was chaotic and I didn't feel bad for being worthless.

Also waiting for my team to rotate to the side I still needed for full map exploration... because my server was awful enough that I could never finish it.

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