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There are endless threads about this lol. Doesn't make the most sense for lore, either.


Most everyone (me included) would say:






Those are the three most popular with Tengu likely in first place, and Largos and Kodan battling it out for second place. I think it would be fun/ny to play as a Quaggan though, but Tengu would be my first choice. Centaurs would be cool too, but the armor design would be too weird/cumbersome for ANet to ever do that.

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> @"lare.5129" said:

> > @"The Greyhawk.9107" said:

> > Not the place for this.

> it is. It is absolutely place for that. We talk about same, about resources. I will explain if you not see, no problem.

> So we see that 15% of USA market is cut. So we already after that new see what any add of race will push to down other resources to new spec, or any new content or any new thing.

> Any race add will need resources ... Is any race add also add 15% of USA market?

> Why I compare? Add race to existing skins/model place is giant work, if we realy talk about new mode, new storyline and new things ..

> So not place for new race I hope. I will be very sad if new race come then every resource point is need it to us.


No, this Sub-Forum is _NOT_ for your gripes about the cessation of the Mac client and _you_ are being intentionally obtuse about this fact. Take it back to the General Discussion Sub-Forum were it belongs before the mods ban you or something.

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I assume you mean "playable" race but since you didn't specify ;)


Atm the race I am most looking forward to seeing in Gw2 (which currently doesn't appear in the game) is the possibility of seeing Oni in End of Dragons.


Oni are a race of Demons that once served in Kanaxai's Nightmare Horde.

We don't know exactly where they come from but some Luxon's believe they were once humans who dug too deep into the Jade sea and were driven insane and violent by the horrific nightmares Kanaxai unleashed on them, eventually being twisted and corrupted into the deadly Oni.


It is not confirmed however that the Oni are/were humans so there is plenty of wiggle room there for them to get more backstory and a different origin we can discover in Gw2.

It is my hope that after the events of End of Dragons and if we finally do conclude the Elder Dragon story in this expansion then as we move away from Dragons I want the story to starts focusing on Demons for a little while, expanding on Demonology lore in the Guildwars Franchise and naturally taking us underground to finally explore the depths of Tyria.


Demons are a really cool creature type in the Guildwars franchise but they have been very underused in Gw2.

Deimos, the 2 Eater of Souls and the Legendary Imbued Shaman (fractal boss) are the only major notable Demon bosses in Gw2 with a couple of other Demons in the Dhuum raid.

There are also Imp's and Fleshreavers which are technically demonic creatures in this universe as well and are the most common types of Demons we see in Gw2.


Back in Gw1 however there were tons of various demon type creatures filling up the game's enemy roster including Oni, Margonites, Dryder's (Demon spiders) Many different types of Torment creatures, Titans (I really want to see these guys again in Gw2 as well) and Stygians, as well as other Demonic creatures.


Expanding into Demon lore could also mean expanding upon Nightmares and Shadow creatures too which is another creature type i'd like to see more of in the future.

Demons and Shadow beings are quite strongly linked together since they tend to originate from similar dark places within the mists and could easily be mistaken for Demons, but they're not Demons.. Nightmare's are their own thing.

Notable Nightmare creatures in Gw2 are.

Shadow Behemoth, The Voice (Fractal Boss), Menzies Shadow Army (Dragonfall map), Abyssal's, Aatxe, Twisted Spirits and of course our own Necro's Shadow Fiend minion.

There are a good bunch of shadow/nightmare creatures in Gw2 although they are used sparingly and mostly little more than canon fodder for us to fight against with little to no actual background or lore on them.

I'd like to see this remedied as well and would love a big Gw2 story ark based around Demons and Nightmare creatures.


A large story campaign based around Menzies would be a very good way of doing this since we already have a setup for it in Gw2 with Balthazar's death and Kralkatorrik's rampage in the mists which resulted in a physical chunk of the Fissure of Woe being transported to Tyria and allowing Menzies Shadow Army to manifest there.

This could easily be expanded upon to create a story about Menzies attempting to invade and conquer Tyria.

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For playable, I wish we would someday get 4 more, for 9 professions and 9 races. ~~(perfectly balanced, as all things should be)~~ I mean obviously a given expansion would only add one at a time, and not every expansion would have to include a new race, so this could take a very long time, but it's a long-term dream of mine. Choosing from the existing races (meaning not taking into consideration that anet can add brand new races to the world any time), I would like these 4;







Tengu already use the charr skeleton and were scrapped from being a race at launch, so I feel like they have the best shot. I daresay it may even be likely we get them someday (doesn't have to be EoD).


Largos society is so secretive the wings can easily be written away as something only the explorer assassins have, or as equipment that's common for them to use.


Kodan could use the norn frame, and I think they already do? I know one problem with Kodan is customization, but since we would surely get some starter zones and at least a little more story focused on them, more types can be introduced.


Dwarves were a race anet wanted to write out, I know. But in my opinion turning them to stone backfired on anet for that, because it made them super interesting. Also, jut because something is a stereotype doesn't mean it's bad or needs to be avoided. Who doesn't love dwarves?

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> @"Fenom.9457" said:

> Dwarves were a race anet wanted to write out, I know. But in my opinion turning them to stone backfired on anet for that, because it made them super interesting. Also, jut because something is a stereotype doesn't mean it's bad or needs to be avoided. Who doesn't love dwarves?


I would be fine with the addition of dwarves, but I'd rather other races take priority. We've seen dwarves done time and again, but there aren't a lot of games with playable bird or bear people.



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> @"Svennis.3852" said:

> > @"Fenom.9457" said:

> > Dwarves were a race anet wanted to write out, I know. But in my opinion turning them to stone backfired on anet for that, because it made them super interesting. Also, jut because something is a stereotype doesn't mean it's bad or needs to be avoided. Who doesn't love dwarves?


> I would be fine with the addition of dwarves, but I'd rather other races take priority. We've seen dwarves done time and again, but there aren't a lot of games with playable bird or bear people.




I can agree with that, I would be fine with the other 3 I listed all coming first

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Dwarves (not the stone variety). Is it not lore that the Dwarves turned themselves to stone to defend against an elder dragon? Perhaps with the defeat (or pacification) of either elder dragons, the commander can uncover a way (magic or otherwise) to restore the dwarves as their original selves. Bam...new playable race!

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If they were to add a playable race, tengu would be the most likely one they would add.


I personally would want to play tengu since they are so unique. Bird humanoids with elf ears.

They look even better with their updated models, textures and animations from HoT


I remember first encountering them way back in GW1 when I first entered Kryta.

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