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Any news on balance patches? - [Merged]


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You promised us more frequent patches to adjust problems on the run without leaving them untouched for months.


And here we are, many months passed since the last huge balance patch.


Are you working on something? Are you not? Buffs, nerfs, WvW alliance system...


Can we get any feedback or a date more or less?


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> @"whoknocks.4935" said:

> You promised us more frequent patches to adjust problems on the run without leaving them untouched for months.


> And here we are, many months passed since the last huge balance patch.


> Are you working on something? Are you not? Buffs, nerfs, WvW alliance system...


> Can we get any feedback or a date more or less?



Lol gl........

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Well, there was a "balance" patch December 1st 2020. That's not so long ago and answer some sPvP/WvW concerns.

October 13th 2020 can also be labeled as a "balance" patch. Answering PvP concerns.

July 7th 2020 had a consequent "balance" patch. Answering both sPvP and WvW concerns.


Prior to that we had covid-19 outbreak and the dev's team thined out.


I'd say that we are on a 2-3 months balance patch release rate at the moment. We could expect one in February or March. I'll even go as far as expecting this patch to address some sPvP concerns.

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Well, pve did not have a balance patch since... July I think?


> @"Nimon.7840" said:

> > @"Lily.1935" said:

> > Don't expect any major changes until after EoD is released. That's what I'm expecting at least.


> I think there will be one balance patch before EoD to prepare for the new elite specs.


Indeed, both core and HoT had major balance patches before next expansion release. Though I doubt the patch before EoD will be anywhere close.

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> @"otto.5684" said:

> Well, pve did not have a balance patch since... July I think?


July patch was like 80% PvP/WvW and 20% PvE, but, well yes, you could say that. Objectively, the last patch that wasn't directly claimed as PvP centric by ANet's devs was probably in december 2019.

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> Well, there was a "balance" patch December 1st 2020. That's not so long ago and answer some sPvP/WvW concerns.

> October 13th 2020 can also be labeled as a "balance" patch. Answering PvP concerns.

> July 7th 2020 had a consequent "balance" patch. Answering both sPvP and WvW concerns.



....... say what?...Can you say that again?.....

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> @"Zee.1294" said:

> ....... say what?...Can you say that again?.....


Help yourself, just look at the patch notes. It's not because the balance patchs aren't especially gamechanging that they aren't balance patchs.

- December 1st 2020 mainly focused on removing skills that affect more than 10 target for WvW's sake and came along some damage balance on things like guardian or Engineer. _You can't expect much more than that from a balance patch._

- October 13th addressed mainly the growing concerns about Engineer and it's grenade cheese in sPvP. _Yes, it was light for a balance patch, but still effective._

- July 7th was a pretty heavy patch. _Over a hundred point of balance targeted at either sPvP or WvW listed along some mechanical change._


So, Yes I say it again.

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I don't consider anything Anet has done last year to be Balance changes at all.

They are just playing whack-a-mole until no moles are left.


Yu know what the dumbest thing is?

I've heard that the balance team can't make skill changes to address long lasting problems because apparently THEY AREN'T ALLOWED TO CHANGE THE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE SKILLS.


Like so all they can do is nerf and buff numbers, and that doesn't change toxic things like Immob spam Druid, or Trapper Runes.

And as such they can't hammer a specific problem, and add more power back into the Profession by reworking underused or mechanically weak parts.


I've never heard of a balance team which isn't allowed to change how skills function, and this means if there are core fundemental problems in design which won't go away no matter how many times they nerf or buff numbers, they can't do anything about it because they are essentially unable to rework skills.


Like jesus christ, I don't even know who to be mad at anymore.


All we can hope for is when EoD is done, they can focus on reworking stuff that desperately needs reworking (Turrets, Minions, Underwater, problematic 300s traits etc.)


But I know this won't happen, because they would be TOO BUSY BALANCING 9 NEW ESPECS WHICH ARE NO DOUBT GOING TO BE OP AS HECK.


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> @"Yasai.3549" said:

> Like so all they can do is nerf and buff numbers, and that doesn't change toxic things like Immob spam Druid, or Trapper Runes.


They could reduce the stealth on Trapper runes to 0 seconds.

Since that change would be a numbers change, it wouldn't change the skill on a technical level, as it'd still apply stealth (albeit removing it instantly).


Similarly, they could drastically reduce the immobilize duration to near non-existing.



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> @"Yasai.3549" said:

> I don't consider anything Anet has done last year to be Balance changes at all.

> They are just playing whack-a-mole until no moles are left.


> Yu know what the dumbest thing is?

> I've heard that the balance team can't make skill changes to address long lasting problems because apparently THEY AREN'T ALLOWED TO CHANGE THE FUNCTIONALITY OF THE SKILLS.


They've done quite a bit of that last year thought. Afterall, they reworked traits that allowed 5 target skills to reach 10 targets, they've removed some traits and introduced new one (Necromancer's _blood bank_, _dread_ are good example) and there was some skills fonctionnality work (for example, chronomancer's shatters getting back the self shatter). And it's far from being an exhaustive list.


> Like so all they can do is nerf and buff numbers, and that doesn't change toxic things like Immob spam Druid, or Trapper Runes.

> And as such they can't hammer a specific problem, and add more power back into the Profession by reworking underused or mechanically weak parts.


What you say here doesn't make sense. If you ever looked at the patch notes, you'd know they can and do the changes you believe they can't. You're citing things here that fit the perceived OPness of sPvP/WvW but this perceived OPness is in constant motion. A few month ago everyone wanted engineer nerfed (and it got it's nerfs) and before that everyone wanted the necromancer to be burned at the stack. Today everyone want guardian being kicked in the balls and tomorow everyone will want [chose any profession] to be obliterated.


> All we can hope for is when EoD is done, they can focus on reworking stuff that desperately needs reworking (Turrets, Minions, Underwater, problematic 300s traits etc.)


Turret/minions always hoover at the edge of being OP, that's things ANet just can't make viable. Underwater is in an OK state based on the developpement priorities granted that there is not much underwater content in sPvP/WvW. 300s traits are what they are, in most case nobody is required to take them and there is 2 other option to chose from, which mean that it isn't really a priority for the dev team.


> But I know this won't happen, because they would be TOO BUSY BALANCING 9 NEW ESPECS WHICH ARE NO DOUBT GOING TO BE OP AS HECK.



I doubt they will be "busy" but you're not wrong in saying that their focus will be mainly on those new e-specs. That said, these new e-specs will revive the game's player population and create an influx of cash so it wouldn't be surprising if they prioritize them.


We objectively can't claim that ANet didn't make balance change after Feb 2020. There was plenty of number tweeks and even some skill/trait rework on a quaterly rythm (which mean pretty much the same rythm that the prior years). Yes they didn't increase the balance patch rate like they promised in Feb but at the same time 2020 wasn't a kind year for anybody (I believe what happened this year is enough to justify the fact that this promise was broken).

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> @"Dadnir.5038" said:

> > @"Zee.1294" said:

> > ....... say what?...Can you say that again?.....


> Help yourself, just look at the patch notes. It's not because the balance patchs aren't especially gamechanging that they aren't balance patchs.

> - December 1st 2020 mainly focused on removing skills that affect more than 10 target for WvW's sake and came along some damage balance on things like guardian or Engineer. _You can't expect much more than that from a balance patch._

> - October 13th addressed mainly the growing concerns about Engineer and it's grenade cheese in sPvP. _Yes, it was light for a balance patch, but still effective._

> - July 7th was a pretty heavy patch. _Over a hundred point of balance targeted at either sPvP or WvW listed along some mechanical change._


> So, Yes I say it again.


You're not allowed to do this. People are still mad and getting owned, so clearly somebody didn't do their job!

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> @"Jski.6180" said:

> We are down to 1 major balance patches a year then... The last update was NOT a balance patches.


If you water down the meaning of a word or term long enough, you truly can create your own reality where they absolutely didn't adjust a couple hundred things over the course of last year :)

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > We are down to 1 major balance patches a year then... The last update was NOT a balance patches.


> If you water down the meaning of a word or term long enough, you truly can create your own reality where they absolutely didn't adjust a couple hundred things over the course of last year :)


PvE basically got no balancing this year. Almost everything was number changes for PvP and WvW, and number changes can only fix so much.

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> @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > @"Jski.6180" said:

> > We are down to 1 major balance patches a year then... The last update was NOT a balance patches.


> If you water down the meaning of a word or term long enough, you truly can create your own reality where they absolutely didn't adjust a couple hundred things over the course of last year :)


Well.. according to your reality .. the new normal is just number changes end in a game that you cant even play the character you want end there is stuff that stile waiting to get fix sins 2012.....well that is your reality ... not my!

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A lot of the big balance patch (the only one we got) was done in one big update then a few small ones the 10 target update from the last update was only part of the major update. So we only got 1 big update this year.


We are still waiting for the place holder 300 sec cd on passive skills update and for CC re-balancing to be finished as all cc still are on there same unbalanced cd with there dmg update nerfs. So its even worst we did not get a full balance update last year.

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