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Spent 37 BL Keys and didn't get Hydra Staff


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> @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> > @"Witch of Doom.5739" said:

> > > @"Game of Bones.8975" said:

> >

> > > I only wish I could buy past permanent "slot takers", how do you get past seasonal items (ie mini raptor hatchlings)?

> >

> > You just have to wait until they cycle out. That's what I did with my last few BL Chests that dropped. I didn't want another mini raptor hatching nor any more trick-or-treat bags that came after the mini raptor. The chests' items don't appear to be locked to the time you acquire them, only to the time you open them, if you know what I mean.

> >

> >


> Sorry, What I meant was: I want MORE hatchlings to combine them to get the fire or ice hatchling.

> Not that I wanted to wait them out because I didn't want any more of them.


You can buy mini raptor hatchlings on the Trading Post. All the variants are tradable but I believe it works out cheapest to buy the green ones and the dyes and make all the rest yourself (although I've not checked the prices in a couple of weeks so that may have changed).


(It takes 224 greens to complete the collection and 456 dyes.)

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I should have said from the outset: I'm sorry that the OP didn't get the item they wanted. That hurts, regardless of the circumstances.


> @Draco.9480 said:

> I was aware it was a gamble.

Apparently, you grossly overestimated the odds.


> I bought the keys and used 'em during the hydra staff. spent like 37 keys, got other useless kitten.

As other people have stated, 37 keys isn't close to enough to do anything more than make it likely to drop; it certainly can't be guaranteed with so few keys.


> then i was broke. I farmed some gold back. but when I was about to buy I previewed it again to make sure I won't spend more gold and there was no more hydra staff cuz halloween passed.

I'm glad you took the time to double-check before spending more.


> i'll wait for exclusive chest.

That's my plan for all bound things that drop from BL chests. There's no guarantee we will see another 'exclusives' chest, but I'm hopeful. I fear that not enough people know about them and that might discourage ANet from using that mechanic again.



Speaking of costs, 35 keys costs 3000 gems on the TP. During Halloween, that would have cost around 600 gold. This week, that same 3000 gems costs around 750-900 gold. Something to keep in mind when pricing the BL Exclusive chests.



As a reminder, think of BL Chests like your national or local lotto. Tickets are cheap, but we don't expect anything more than junk. We buy them for the dream that we might win, not because we think we'll get a good return on our "investment." BL keys are no different. Relatively low cost per key and they drop junk; they are fun because of the chance of something fun.


(In case it's not clear, I have no problem with ANet including account-bound unlocks in them. But I think it contradicts their general philosophies about rewards and it undermines the idea that the BL chests are "just for fun." They can do it; I just can't see why they would consider wanting to.)



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> @HardRider.2980 said:

> You can preview the BLC's before buying keys to see what is inside them.

> Can't blame Anet on this one


Did ya read the post? I gambled during the hydra staff available. when I got enough gold I checked before spending again. why the smartass comments?

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> > @HardRider.2980 said:

> > You can preview the BLC's before buying keys to see what is inside them.

> > Can't blame Anet on this one


> Did ya read the post? I gambled during the hydra staff available. when I got enough gold I checked before spending again. why the kitten comments?


I am fairly certain he is referring to blaming Anet based on this:


> @Draco.9480 said:

> So thanks to anet I lost over 500g for nothing.



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> @Jin.8501 said:

> Is it rare or something? Got it while i was leveling my first characters from those reward keys/boxes

> Think it's hideous :disappointed_relieved:


I think it's cute how the middle head is the voice of reason, the right head likes to cause trouble, and the left head has a short temper.

But to each their own. I think that wild magic backpack/glider looks boring.

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> @"Draco.9480" said:

> > @"rank eleven monk.9502" said:

> > > @Draco.9480 said:

> > > So thanks to anet I lost over 500g for nothing. The gambling stuff is so horrible in zis game. How to drain money from people. Good I didn't pay real money cuz it would go to the trashcan for no reason.

> > In this case I will assume you are not trolling, so:

> > You lost over 500g thanks to yourself. You bet, you lost. Your money, your choice. Don't gamble, you won't lose.


> I want that Hydra Staff badly. some friends got it on 1st and 2nd try. How am I any worse? Why can't I get it like 'em? Why to give it to lucky people and not me? Am I less of a player?


No one said you were worse ... You can't get it like them because it's random. Being lucky has nothing to do with what kind of player you are.

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> @"Draco.9480" said:

> > @mazut.4296 said:

> > Spend another 50 and you will get it!


> No more Hydra Staff in the BLC anymore


Technically with the guaranteed weapon/wardrobe unlocks that ARE still in the BL chests you could still get the skin. Albeit that relies entirely on RNGesus.

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> @"Tanuk.7961" said:

> > @"Draco.9480" said:

> > > @mazut.4296 said:

> > > Spend another 50 and you will get it!

> >

> > No more Hydra Staff in the BLC anymore


> Technically with the guaranteed weapon/wardrobe unlocks that ARE still in the BL chests you could still get the skin. Albeit that relies entirely on RNGesus.


It's too early for me.


Just a note: Some items (based on date of release) aren't offered in the Guaranteed Wardrobe Unlocks, so this same restriction might apply in the Guaranteed Weapon Unlock.

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> @"Ceridwen.6703" said:

> @ArenaNet I have one Hydra staff skin in my bank. I will never, ever use it. I already lucked out with my beloved Candelabra staff and will always use that instead. Would it possible for a lovely Anet person to remove the Hydra staff skin from my bank and gift it to the OP?


Sadly its impossible ( or atleast really hard and not worth the time) for them to remove something that got unlocked in the wardrobe otherwise this was a nice gesture of you mate.

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I got a random key a while back and got it... which would be great if I didn't have and adore Bifrost. I really wish I could sell it or at LEAST give it to people who want it or something cause it's wasted on me and that bums me out :/ .


Sidenote: I'd almost accuse anet of having some kind of mind-reading algorithm since I've gotten that staff, the wild magic glider, the balth outfit and the svaniir gloves without even knowing they were even an option.... while the only one I've tried for has avoided me for roughly 30 keys lol.

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> @"Draco.9480" said:

> So thanks to anet I lost over 500g for nothing. The gambling stuff is so horrible in zis game. How to drain money from people. Good I didn't pay real money cuz it would go to the trashcan for no reason.


"the gambling is horrible in this game" lul its rng. Same shit everywhere.

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> @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> Wasted 5 keys mainly just to see what was there to get in this christmas chest.

> Just got junk (as usual).


> I'm just glad there's nothing in the chest I want to be upset about.


FYI: You need not use BLC Keys to see what's in the Black Lion Chests, ever. You can use the preview function, and then decide if you want to use Keys.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> > @"Ayumi Spender.1082" said:

> > Wasted 5 keys mainly just to see what was there to get in this christmas chest.

> > Just got junk (as usual).

> >

> > I'm just glad there's nothing in the chest I want to be upset about.


> FYI: You need not use BLC Keys to see what's in the Black Lion Chests, ever. You can use the preview function, and then decide if you want to use Keys.


Oh, I know.

I more meant on what I would get that chances are would either unlock wardrobe and never use if it's account bound (or maybe years from now I go "Oh I can use this!") or see what I don't like and sell.


Actually, I remember now. I think I got one of those frost skins and did sell it on the AH for some gold.

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> @"Draco.9480" said:

> So thanks to anet I lost over 500g for nothing. The gambling stuff is so horrible in zis game. How to drain money from people. Good I didn't pay real money cuz it would go to the trashcan for no reason.


Welcome to the world of gambling. No one but you to blame. Sry m8.

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some common mistakes when it comes to gambling.

People often mistake the statistical chance for the real chance . The drop research on the wiki is a lil bit out of date, but lets assume the statistical droprate was 1/56 boxes (as it was according to the old drop rate). This does not mean that you will get it when you open 56 boxes. It still only means that every time you open a box you have a chance if 1 out of 56 it will drop. Opening more boxes will not change that chance. Each time you press the button it is a gamble and you could end up with nothing.

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> @"Draco.9480" said:

>So thanks to anet I lost over 500g for nothing. The gambling stuff is so horrible in zis game. >How to drain money from people. Good I didn't pay real money cuz it would go to the >trashcan for no reason.


Consider two points mentioned.

1 - In game gold cannot be traded for real money according to TOS so any amount of gold is actually worth 0USD

2 - you said you did not pay any real cash to obtain the 500g


So since you didn't put real money into the game, you've just lost some virtual currency worth 0USD.


In addition, people need to be less naive about how RNG works. It's literally like rolling dice, don't expect the game to take pity on you just because you have opened a large number of BL chests. It's a perfectly fair system as long as you are made aware how it works.


Imagine if people complained about never getting a Tequatl Horde after 1000+ tries and others have multiple rewarded from fewer than 100 events.

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