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Please Add mounts to WvW

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I would like a slow Dolyak mount. You can only mount up in camps and the dolyak is slower than a normal player but as long as you are on the dolyak you can carry 20 additional supplies. If you reach a tower the tower gets your current supplies plus the 20 from the dolyaks. If you get hard CC'ed on the mount you are knocked off and the dolyak flees. A short charge skill for the dolyak with an evade and a knock down for last resort "combat" or escapes. There you have it: a not game breaking tactical mount for WvW.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> rofl people claiming it would break wvw are probably the same people who claim wvw is dead. Makes sense...


“No” makes sense because the maps were not designed for mounts. Objectives are too close together, and they would have to place invisible walls around structures to avoid wall hopping and flying over.


Even if they limited mounts to area owned, like for gliding, it still creates an imbalance between defender and attacker... So yes, it “breaks” the current wvw design... But we can have this discussion again if Anet decides to implement the amount, and scope of, maps that CU will have.

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I get it. Nothing sucks more than getting downed in a the middle of a zerg vs zerg, and have to respawn all the way back in the main camp because all the other waypoints are contested. Not only does it take a long time to run back to the zerg, but if your zerg is also deep into enemy territory, you'll probably not make it there by yourself.


But isn't that the point? If a zerg can't keep its members up or revive them, then they should have to deal with a weakened strength. If you as a member of a zerg can't survive, there should be a consequence to dying - instantly teleporting to, or using a quick mount to rejoin the zerg, diminishes the consequences of dying.


In other words, it is supposed to suck! You died!


I hate having to run everywhere, but that's WvW for you. At least we find a use for all the traits / specs that grant movement speed or quickness.


@ mention above about gliding: as a new player, I didn't investigate too much before I started assigning my WvW points, and I kept wondering how everyone else could glide in WvW while I couldn't. Finally I had to use the 1-per account free refund of WvW points and re-allocated them accordingly.


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> @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> If they put the mounts on a Cool Down (let's say you have to wait 1-2 minutes before you can mount up after dismounting or leaving combat) then a lot of the predicted issues would be mitigated.


But it doesn't change the fact that you effectively kill traits and certain skills. People sacrifice damage or armor or life force for mobility.


Having everyone have mounts eliminates those options.

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> > If they put the mounts on a Cool Down (let's say you have to wait 1-2 minutes before you can mount up after dismounting or leaving combat) then a lot of the predicted issues would be mitigated.


> But it doesn't change the fact that you effectively kill traits and certain skills. People sacrifice damage or armor or life force for mobility.


> Having everyone have mounts eliminates those options.


Not really. They should have standardized out of combat movement speed at 25% ages ago. Those traits, skills, and runes should only affect IN-COMBAT movement for the argument of "sacrifice" to be relevant.

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> @"Grim West.3194" said:

> Mounts might be fun for a week event perhaps. The chaos would be glorious.


> But the maps aren't designed for mounts and I really doubt it would work out long term. Might be doable in the desert map, it's quite a bit larger. But most likely it would be a cluster f even there.


Or even a map specifically designed around the presence of mounts? Maybe even a game mode that requires the use of mounts like the springer or glider. Cap points at the top of pillars, or surround by toxic / quicksand, etc. (all mounts would need to be unlocked by default then).



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No, absolutely not. Dying plays a huge part in WvW. Dying means having to respawn and head back to the fight. During a large fight at say, SMC, fights tend to go back and forth. With people backing off to heal, and pushing to kill weakened people. Giving mounts- even mounts with no abilities- changes that. Dying suddenly isn't a huge role. People start to suicide run more, making a well organized zerg somewhat pointless as people run into a fight, smack someone, die, respawn, rush back, and repeat. Zerg comp wouldn't be nearly as important, and it'd make defending things far far too easy. if they add mounts to WvW it should be custom-made mounts made specifically for WvW, instead of just powerless mounts they should make mountable siege, like maybe siege turtles from GW1.

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> @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> > > If they put the mounts on a Cool Down (let's say you have to wait 1-2 minutes before you can mount up after dismounting or leaving combat) then a lot of the predicted issues would be mitigated.

> >

> > But it doesn't change the fact that you effectively kill traits and certain skills. People sacrifice damage or armor or life force for mobility.

> >

> > Having everyone have mounts eliminates those options.


> Not really. They should have standardized out of combat movement speed at 25% ages ago. Those traits, skills, and runes should only affect IN-COMBAT movement for the argument of "sacrifice" to be relevant.


No, they shouldn't. Why have the traits that sacrifice other things for speed?


Mobility is vital. Just like vitality, just like armor, just like damage etc. build for it.


If you aren't willing to sacrifice something FOR that speed, then you don't deserve nor need the speed. In combat or out.


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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Grim West.3194" said:

> > Mounts might be fun for a week event perhaps. The chaos would be glorious.

> >

> > But the maps aren't designed for mounts and I really doubt it would work out long term. Might be doable in the desert map, it's quite a bit larger. But most likely it would be a cluster f even there.


> Or even a map specifically designed around the presence of mounts? Maybe even a game mode that requires the use of mounts like the springer or glider. Cap points at the top of pillars, or surround by toxic / quicksand, etc. (all mounts would need to be unlocked by default then).




Now THAT is a cool idea. Just make it work over the ability system like Gliding in WvW or something so they don't even have to add a new system or whatever to the game


Sadly with how poorly the DBL was received I doubt they're going to add anything new to WvW for at least another couple of years

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> @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > > @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> > > > If they put the mounts on a Cool Down (let's say you have to wait 1-2 minutes before you can mount up after dismounting or leaving combat) then a lot of the predicted issues would be mitigated.

> > >

> > > But it doesn't change the fact that you effectively kill traits and certain skills. People sacrifice damage or armor or life force for mobility.

> > >

> > > Having everyone have mounts eliminates those options.

> >

> > Not really. They should have standardized out of combat movement speed at 25% ages ago. Those traits, skills, and runes should only affect IN-COMBAT movement for the argument of "sacrifice" to be relevant.


> No, they shouldn't. Why have the traits that sacrifice other things for speed?


> Mobility is vital. Just like vitality, just like armor, just like damage etc. build for it.


> If you aren't willing to sacrifice something FOR that speed, then you don't deserve nor need the speed. In combat or out.



Mobility in combat is vital and should carry sacrifice.


Mobility out of combat should be standardized and the fact that it isn't is just poor game design.


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> @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> > > > @"Strider Pj.2193" said:

> > > > > @"mtpelion.4562" said:

> > > > > If they put the mounts on a Cool Down (let's say you have to wait 1-2 minutes before you can mount up after dismounting or leaving combat) then a lot of the predicted issues would be mitigated.

> > > >

> > > > But it doesn't change the fact that you effectively kill traits and certain skills. People sacrifice damage or armor or life force for mobility.

> > > >

> > > > Having everyone have mounts eliminates those options.

> > >

> > > Not really. They should have standardized out of combat movement speed at 25% ages ago. Those traits, skills, and runes should only affect IN-COMBAT movement for the argument of "sacrifice" to be relevant.

> >

> > No, they shouldn't. Why have the traits that sacrifice other things for speed?

> >

> > Mobility is vital. Just like vitality, just like armor, just like damage etc. build for it.

> >

> > If you aren't willing to sacrifice something FOR that speed, then you don't deserve nor need the speed. In combat or out.

> >


> Mobility in combat is vital and should carry sacrifice.


> Mobility out of combat should be standardized and the fact that it isn't is just poor game design.



Combat starts as soon as you leave and invulnerable area. If you CAN be hit, that's where this should apply.


Want more mobility? Build for it.


Mounts only if cosmetic.

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Mounts like in PVE are completely out of the question for me, but I think a "war mount mastery" could add some flavour, if Anet would like to put some Dev power into bigger changes.


* Dolyak mount - you could manually transfer supply from depot to depot (pick up at one, gain a skill to drop it off at another; you would lose the supply if you got dismounted), just re-use the normal dolly skin with a different colour; speed would be normal player running speed

* Jackal mount - you could get a skill to "sniff" for traps (and perhaps stealthed players). This would require traps to be in wider use, though.

* Raptor mount - you could "pull" siege to a different location, perhaps where it could not be build by a player (like building it somewhere else and then towing it to a special spot)


I like the idea of going over hazardous terrain via the Skimmer and reaching high up capture nodes (perhaps something for the "empty desert BL center), but that would require changes to the terrain too,

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> @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > would be nice if used to pull sieges from.camps. no more build on the spot.

> >

> > you will then see mounts pulling catas and rams and trebs around. haha


> I kinda wanna see this now.


Yeah this would be pretty cool - maybe could have dolyaks to pull siege that require a player to be riding/guiding them?

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> @"Red Haired Savage.5430" said:

> > @"Sovereign.1093" said:

> > would be nice if used to pull sieges from.camps. no more build on the spot.

> >

> > you will then see mounts pulling catas and rams and trebs around. haha


I kinda wanna see this now...and siege turtles for multiple people to ride.



...not sure how I made 2 posts.

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Adding any mechanic to the game mode has the potential to be harmful. This means that care needs to be taken to implement the positive while minimizing the negative impact. Sometimes this entails an excessive resource cost and so the mechanic is deemed too expensive to implement. This does not mean that the item in question is impossible, very little is truly impossible here, but can mean the item is never implemented regardless of possibility.

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Someone (sorry missed who) suggested that maybe have Dolyak Mounts, that are slower (or same speed) but allow you to carry more Supply.


I think that is a great idea!


As opposed to just a run boost, have mounts do WvW stuff, like, maybe have a mount that can pull a Ram, or move a Treb, or something.

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> @"Justine.6351" said:

> Oh I hit some soft spots, let me go further.


> People who claiming mounts would break wvw are the same people who said the same about gliding but are now currently enjoying that edition as much as everyone else who owns HoT (99% of wvwers).


Wrong. I actually said I didn't mind gliding, with reservations. Sadly those reservations were proved correct, (The majority of cc simply not working on gliding players).

My reservation with mounts is the same, with the addition of making bloblife easier v smaller groups trying to avoid getting run over. With gliding as my precident i'm not hopeful of being wrong.

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