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Uhm excuse me but why are there no 2 handed axes?

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> @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

> Most likely if they ever make them they will just be skins for Hammer


They've deliberately not added any axe skins to the hammer in order to leave the option open of adding it as a future weapon, still doesn't mean they are going to, but the possibility is there.


But then again, I'm still (and forever will be) pissed that Tomes weren't added as a weapon, when there was such a clear and desperate need for a new magical weapon, so who knows really? We have only _three_ magical weapons, and ELEVEN martial ones, and our magical-themed classes are getting more than a little ridiculous in the devs attempts to add new weapons to them without adding new weapons to the game. For cripes sakes, we just got a _magical axe murdering librarian_, say that out loud for full effect on how ridiculous it even sounds. They added the most primitive and brutish weapon available in the game, to one of the most intellectual and refined themes to be added since the inception of the specialization system, rather than add a new weapon to the game. Given that, maybe we're never getting new weapons, for who knows what reason.

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> @"Selminus.1490" said:

> Seems a little odd.


Because when the game was designed, it didn't make the cut. Since adding a new weapon type is a ridiculous amount of effort for the amount of fun it would bring, it is extremely unlikely to be added to the game at any point.


The best you are likely to see is a skin for something existing that looks like an axe, but ... that may be challenging what with the whole animation differences and stuff...

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I'm sure some time ago I heard a dev say that they didn't want to add too much new stuff because they'd have to go and add it manually to each and every loot table, thanks to how old some of that code is.


Besides that I would really love a Greataxe. Would be a dream come true. Most likely something that would only be possible when talking expansion-scope update though. Hell, it would be perfectly fine if they only added them as drops in new areas.


Maybe one day. It also reminds me of a game I used to play like 13 years ago

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So what role would they fulfill? The offensive 2h is generally filled with the GS and defensive by hammer.


> @"Conncept.7638" said:

> > @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

> > Most likely if they ever make them they will just be skins for Hammer


> They've deliberately not added any axe skins to the hammer in order to leave the option open of adding it as a future weapon, still doesn't mean they are going to, but the possibility is there.



The Glacial Hammer skin is more axe than hammer.

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> @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> So what role would they fulfill? The offensive 2h is generally filled with the GS and defensive by hammer.


> > @"Conncept.7638" said:

> > > @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

> > > Most likely if they ever make them they will just be skins for Hammer

> >

> > They've deliberately not added any axe skins to the hammer in order to leave the option open of adding it as a future weapon, still doesn't mean they are going to, but the possibility is there.

> >


> The Glacial Hammer skin is more axe than hammer.


2h condi melee weapon?


I mean alot of classes dont have that since there are as you state only up to 2 2h melee weapons for each class currently.

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> @"Conncept.7638" said:

> we just got a _magical axe murdering librarian_, say that out loud for full effect on how ridiculous it even sounds.


_Conan the Librarian_?


Look up Weird Al Yankovic's film _UHF_. It pokes fun at something the modern generation might not know about - small-town-American not-network-affiliated UHF TV stations - and includes fake ads that the station in the film plays in normal programming.


Some of them are trailers for films, presumably of the worse-than-direct-to-video type, including _Conan the Librarian_.


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As other people have said it's because of the way GW2's weapon system works.


In a game where you just have '2-handed melee weapons' as a type and it doesn't matter if it's a hammer or a sword or an axe or a flail or whatever it's relatively easy to add lots of different weapon types. But in GW2 each weapon has 5 unique skills on each profession which can use it and so needs to fill a purpose rather than simply being there for the sake of it. So it would need to be distinctly different from both the hammer and greatsword (and all the other weapons).


I suspect they didn't want to add too many different weapons because otherwise it gets difficult to remember what they all do and work out which ones you want to use and in what situations. More choice is generally good, but too much choice can be overwhelming. Plus it's even more for them to balance and keep updated.


As other people said there are some hammers which look more like axes. Or they might add new weapons one day, but probably not any time soon and there's no guarentee 2-handed axe will be one of them.

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I guess the problem is (don‘t get me wrong - i‘d love to see new weapons introduced) that if they for example introduce a 2h great axe, i would only fit a few classes (warrior, rev, guardian, engi?). So everybody else would start crying, because there‘s no new weapon for their class.


So they would have to bring more new weapons at once (at least 3 i think), in order to keep all classes satisfied.


Let‘s say they would introduce the spear as land weapon too, there we have the same problem: it fits only a few classes, and if its 1h or 2h based on the class (paragon?), how would they manage to solve the problem with the skins? If 2h -> large spear, if 1h ranged -> throwing a 3m spear (eg as mesmer)? :-D


We would need differnt types of melee/magical weapons, and this would be hard work for anet on balancing etc.


But who knows? I think at some point the weapon rotation between classes will end, and they have to think about new weapons...or guild wars 3 :-P





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>@"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

>For cripes sakes, we just got a _magical axe murdering librarian_, say that out loud for full effect on how ridiculous it even sounds. They added the most primitive and brutish weapon available in the game, to one of the most intellectual and refined themes to be added since the inception of the specialization system, rather than add a new weapon to the game. Given that, maybe we're never getting new weapons, for who knows what reason.


The librarian in question was already using greatswords so ¯\_(ツ)_/¯




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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"Conncept.7638" said:

> > we just got a _magical axe murdering librarian_, say that out loud for full effect on how ridiculous it even sounds.


> _Conan the Librarian_?


> Look up Weird Al Yankovic's film _UHF_. It pokes fun at something the modern generation might not know about - small-town-American not-network-affiliated UHF TV stations - and includes fake ads that the station in the film plays in normal programming.


> Some of them are trailers for films, presumably of the worse-than-direct-to-video type, including _Conan the Librarian_.



It's been a long time since I've heard of that reference, a long time indeed.

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If they ever add a new weapon, I hope is something more interesting and diverse, like chain weapons or thrown weapons (Boomerang, Kpinga, Shuriken, etc). 2H Axe wouldn't introduce anything the hammer can't. If it is only for looks, then the big axes should be hammer skins.

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Early on it was assumed they would be adding new weapon types over time, and I believe they even more or less stated that was their intent. For whatever reason, it got sidelined and we've never gotten new weapon types, which I honestly think is .... not ideal. If I was in charge of the game I would probably have added 5 or 6 by now.


I think part of the problem (like with many areas of the game) comes from over-commitment with some of the game's system. In this case, with the way they design and release new skins. They release themed skins for every weapon in the game all at once very frequently through the BL system, which I think is kind of a bad paradigm and most certainly acts as a disincentive to ever adding new weapon types.


Frankly, I think it would make a lot more sense to add new weapon types and to change the BL system so that it contained more weapon-unique skins and fewer all-weapon skins. I believe this would actually increase the desirability of BL weapon skins and Anet would make more money from it, and it would remove one of the most major impediments to adding new weapon types. Because, let's face it, weapon skills are one of the most questionable design aspects of this game - it's designed in a way that's far too restrictive. We need new weapon types AND new skills added for each existing weapon.


I think the game needs this for both flavor and mechanical reasons. Not introducing land spears with Elona was a HUUUUUUGGGGEEEE and unfortunate missed opportunity and a perfect example of how Anet just needs to do better with their expansions.

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