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the edibility of humans...

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Great question, I'm sure they are hunted by something and aren't at the summit of the chain. But by who? Theoretically charr could eat them, maybe more all hostiles giant creatures like bristlebacks, arrowhead, stonehead even by smaller ones like pocket raptors.

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They wouldn't be biologically incompatible despite being alien to the planet, true, given that they can eat Tyrian creatures just fine.


I'm pretty sure that none of the major sentient races culturally tend to eat other sentient races, though. There can always be insane outliers but nothing suggests that it's an issue in modern Tyrian times.

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In GW1 charr would sometimes call humans meat (or mice), but I'm not sure if they ever actually ate them or just threatened to. I imagine that even with the two being at war they wouldn't actually eat each other...but humans would [make clothing out of charr](https://wiki.guildwars.com/wiki/Warrior_Charr_Hide_armor "make clothing out of charr"), so maybe.


I assume lots of wild animals would eat humans. Not on a regular basis, but if they had the chance. There's an event where a drake has swallowed a merchant and you have to get him out before he's digested.

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Chieftain Xipil from the heket (tribe of hylek) in Kourna asks you to help them hunt humans since that's what they eat, but you automatically decline and go catch some fireflies instead.

Or maybe that just happens if you play as non-human, I don't know.

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