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Please get rid of transmute charges and add a proper wardrobe system

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I also think the current wardrobe system is trash. This is one of the few things I think WoW does better than other MMO's. I can "transmogrify" the appearances of my gear whenever I wish for a modest gold cost.


Putting the potential for real money spending (buying charges with gems) into just changing my character's appearances with my already-unlocked skins is pretty uncool. I'm fine with charging money for skins, but not to change my appearance to other already-owned skins.


I understand that you can earn charges through in-game methods, like map-completion, but that's a considerable amount of time more than I need to spend in, say, WoW to do the exact same thing. I just want to change how I look. Don't make us play a few hours or charge us actual dollars for the currency to do a simple task other games do with fast and easy in-game means.

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Going back on this topic, I'm really surprised that they didn't have the wardrobe system charge you in game currency for changes which would have been a great money sink. Finding out that they based it on cash shop items was a downer. Even stranger that you can just farm racial cities to get them. It would be great if they changed it, but they do make money from this from people too impatient to play the game.

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> @"LoreChief.8391" said:

> I don't buy transmutation charges from the gem shop


I don't think anyone buys them, tbh. At this point I have over 100 from PvP and even if someone has none and quickly needs 6 for a new look, they can just farm Rata Sum for all 6 in about 30 minutes (with mounts).

+1 to get rid of charges

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forget free / unlimited transmutation charges, I've got hundreds of them from my 3.5years just as casual player.despite having pretty much most armor skins obtained through PvE unlocked and a few from gem store, but I just find it extremely difficult to spend them 'cos a lot of pieces i want to use are stuck in outfits.

What I want to see is **MORE ARMOR SKINS SETS**there are so many great pieces of artworks within outfits, but cannot mix with other pieces **BECAUSE IT'S A DARN OUTFIT**so I've voted with my wallet by refusing to buy outfits for the past 2 years.

I dont mind anet jack up the price a bit to bring more armor sets, even better, turn all existing outfits into armor sets**Anet, I would gladly trade in my plastic card into virtual gems** If there's difficulties coming up with new armor arts, can always do the quick and nasty way (maybe?), reused all the armor arts from GW1, because there are plenty of amazing armor art assests there, dont waste them.some examples- Warrior: Templar, Elite Templar, Elite Charr Hides, Elite Canthan, Elite Kurzick, Elite Luxon, Elite Sunspear, Silver Eagle, Jora's armor sets- Ranger: Elite Druid, Canthan, Elite Canthan, Ancient, Norn, Margrid the Sly's armor sets- Ele: Elite Iceforged, Elite Stoneforged, Elite Stormforged- Mesmer: Shing Jea, Kurzick, Vabbian, Asuran, Monument, Deldrimor, Gwen's Brotherhood and Deldrimor- Necro: Elite Cabal, Elite Cultist, Elite Scar Pattern, Elite Canthan, Elite Kurzick, Elite Luxon, Vabbian, Olias' Mysterious and Primeval, Livia armor sets


RIP Fashion Wars 2005-2018

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> @"archmagus.7249" said:

> > @"perilisk.1874" said:

> > Maybe they should just have a tier of equipment above Ascended (whether it's equal to Legendary or not is probably a matter of taste) which has fixed stats, but lets you change the skin as often as you like?


> No more gear tiers above ascended. The devs have stayed firm on that since the begining. They only added ascended for the sake of infusions.


Didn't mean to suggest it should have higher stats than Ascended, just that, like Legendary, it should have an added perk beyond that. Skin swapping instead of stat swapping. Or, maybe both, since one tradeoff already would be getting a perfectly ordinary starting skin, and transmute charges aren't that hard to come by for people that can afford a legendary. Could just be that they can take a break and do the next generation like that - basic ascended skin, but unlimited transmutation.

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I've posted this in similar threads, but in case anyone didn't read it...


+ Use the current armor/weapon appearance tab as the template for a wardrobe slot -- kind of what it is now.

+ Sell additional wardrobe slots, each of which works the way the current one does now. Players could then use these slots to create their own outfits.

+ Allow players to switch from one wardrobe slot to another, at will, no cost.

+ Require a transmutation charge to: set a skin (armor piece or weapon) into a wardrobe slot.

+ Require a transmutation charge to change a skin within a wardrobe slot.


Why this might not happen, as much as it might make sense from a please a lot of players perspective.


+ As much as it might increase the need for transmutation charges, and provide a new source of revenue in wardrobe slots, it could eat into outfit revenue.

+ For some reason, it looks like ANet chose to design transmutation so that it actually changes the _item_, not just applies a skin. Maybe this is hard to bypass or get rid of , which would make it difficult to apply multiple skins (via different wardrobe slots) to the same piece of gear.

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> @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

> It's already less of a pain, but more expensive than it was originally.

It's actually much _less_ expensive now, compared to when the only way to transmute level 80 gear was by buying special level 80 transmutation crystals in the gem store (while map completion only gave the kind usable on below-80 gear).

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> @"Zaklex.6308" said:

> Do I get to turn my 1000+ Transmutation charges into Gems if they go this route? I presume that most people have more Transmutation charges than they know what to do with...you also forgot they drop from BLT Chests.


I have more than I can ever use, especially when I main a medium armor class that lacks diverse choices.

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> @"Hyper Cutter.9376" said:

> > @"Kal Spiro.9745" said:

> > It's already less of a pain, but more expensive than it was originally.

> It's actually much _less_ expensive now, compared to when the only way to transmute level 80 gear was by buying special level 80 transmutation crystals in the gem store (while map completion only gave the kind usable on below-80 gear).


It also gave 3 of them at a time, which meant that you never wanted for transmutations until level 80. Also Gems where cheaper back then and it was simple to buy the transmutation crystals without pulling out your wallet. Now it's very easy to burn through all your charges in very little time if you want to maintain a look from beginning to end.

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Said it before, the main advantage of legendary gear should be 0 transmutation charge on skin swap, it's supposed to be the ultimate "fashion" gadgets. Only the WvW players care about the stat swapping anyways ;)


All over I don't see any big problems with the Transmutation charge system, it works. The amount of transmutation charges you get from pvp/wvw was probably meant to be a way to encourage pve players to go in and try it, and if not you got gemstore/gold-to-gems-to-gemstore/and create a new toon city-explorer. There are plenty of options, and like ALL GRINDING it is only limited by your own tolerance level.


I think it is in a decent spot.

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Sure, other games may have different mechanics when it comes to fashion, but how it works in gw2 is fine. Even as someone who is always out of charges, it's just **not that hard** to get more.


I also dislike the suggestion for storing looks. If they - for whatever reason - implemented your suggestions, I certainly wouldn't buy the outfit savers. What's the point when I can screenshot it and save it that way for nothing more than a handful of kilobytes? Sure, you could argue about those with many characters, but I'm one of those people (57 characters and counting as of this post), and I have no problem keeping a screenies folder sorted for fashion wars.


It works fine as is.

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No. This is a proper wardrobe system. It's the only game where I change my style and am not afraid to as it's not punishing me in some way. In point:


WoW's xmog system cost quite a bit of gold for my druid because they did a classing system on the skins, raid skins cost the most. And that was just ONE toon, I had yet to do the hunter, rogue, shaman, priest, death knight and mage. Think the total cost of xmogging all of them was around 3k gold, especially factoring in getting better gear and having to re apply the skin to the new gear. That alone killed my desire to 'customize' my toons, which eventually made it on the con list of continuing to play the game.


ESO's wardrobe system is so expensive, it's a gold sink for those with too much gold. I have a shoulder skin on that game that I like. 1000 gold for just the shoulders. 1 item. I haven't played ESO for about 4 months now as that frustrated me among other things (the fact that most the dlcs are now just dungeon packs and are the same price as the proper ones like Wrothgar for example).


Instead of asking for something to be removed, why not ask for something to IMPROVE IT. For those with so many charges that they are swimming in it, give them a vendor to get skins that require you to make new toons to get, mainly the Vigil, Priory, Whispers and Pact Weapons; for those with all those weapon skins already, have them be able to convert to laurels or a similar currency. For those that don't have a bunch of charges, ask for a permanent node that you can mine a few off of in the home instance. Have it tied to an achieve that you have 1,500 skins unlocked. Or have there be a vendor to exchange karma or something else for a transmutation charge.


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> @"LoreChief.8391" said:

> I propose that the "Wardrobe System" which I've sort of described in this post - is a method by which they can make money. Perhaps every player gets by default, 1 Wardrobe slot per character. That means they can save a template for one set of armor/weapons, and their accompanying dyes. To unlock another account-wide slot for each character, you have to spend like, idk 600 gems? Yeah that might be a good amount. Who knows?


I like this idea, totally makes sense and would probably increase the flow of money to Anet, since I have never heard of anyone buying Transm Charges anyway

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  • 4 months later...

> @"Hot Boy.7138" said:

> I change my l ook everyday. sometimes a few times a day. I also do a ton of pvp. transmutation charges drop like crazy in pvp, so I have hundreds still after changing my looks so often. But people shouldn't be forced to pvp if they don't really want to. But I agree, changing your character's look really shouldn't have a cost. I understand acquiring new skins having a cost, but no one should have to pay to use a look they have already acquired.


One thing rift did right was their wardrobe system best one i ever saw, even wow has a better way to do this, i rather pay in silver or gold to swap than try to collect charges. Rift does it free and not limited to armor type, they have dyes also. I would hope they reconsider and change it.

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I made this suggestion too already (although I did not suggest to take away the transmutation charges as I find them really easy to get).


But I'm all for a real wardrobe system to save the looks. I change looks often, depending on the location my character is in.

Also, make new tabs have an increasing cost but make at least one free. For people like me with a lot of chars it would become pretty expensive pretty fast.

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I've said it before. Transmutation Charges are _the_ reason I don't spend any time or money on hunting cosmetics in this game. I'm _super_ into that sort of thing normally, but Transmutation Charges just don't work with the way I do. If I let myself tweak my outfits as much as I'd like to, I'd burn through charges so fast that I'd never be able to keep up. The only way I've been able to cope is by coming up with one outfit per character, then dealing with changes through outfits (all of which I've earned in-game, although I was recently gifted gems). Otherwise, I don't buy any individual armor skins and I don't go out of my way to collect any.


It might be a little different if Transmutation Charges were more common in normal gameplay, but they're really not (and even that might still be detrimental for people _really_ into cosmetics, who are the ones you want least to feel anxious about the system). I just _barely_ have triple-digits and that's considering that I almost never use them. What ones I have would go away in an instant if I made a few tweaks on each of my characters and got around to filling my last character slot. The only ones I regularly earn are from the log-in rewards (and so many things give log-in rewards these days, I can't do that regularly for every game) as I don't really PvP. The other suggestions given aren't really a solution, as it just layers another grind on top of everything. Having some other system gating the ability to play around with your wardrobe is ultimately the problem, regardless of whether it's being gated by time or money. If I grind, I'd rather grind for money to turn into gems, because then I can use it for other things. Which, incidentally, is what I've done to earn most of my outfits.


Frankly, I wouldn't be surprised if this is one of the reasons they keep doing outfits instead of armor pieces. Armor pieces ask a perpetual investment in Transmutation Charges. That might sound like good business, but what it really means is that people like me are just going to not buy them at all. Meanwhile, Outfits allow me to customize at my own pace. They may be a one-time purchase, but they don't leave me with regret and I have no reason not to buy the next one. Their value persists indefinitely. For individual armor pieces, there's a cost involved every time, and you're discouraged from getting new ones because there's an opportunity cost with each one.





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