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Favorite memory of Guild Wars 2

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> @"starlinvf.1358" said:

> > @"Sephylon.4938" said:

> > End of the last lw, no other cutscene has ever made me laugh that munch.




> That one?


For me, that and also when a certain blue winged adolescent arrived, and what she did afterwards.


And in the first few weeks of HoT, when I worked out how Veteran Stoneheads worked, and they changed from being a pain to being fine sport.


And for sheer what-the-blibblyblib value, finding out who Exemplar Kerida was, and THEN finding out who the main enemy really was.


And staring at the closing cinematic in LS3, knowing that we were going back to the Crystal Desert and Elona.


And the brain-fusing moment when GW2 became the second MMORPG I've played where half the NPCs around me call me "Commander" and the other half call me "Outlander". (If you've played SWTOR post 4.0, you'll understand what I mean.)


And one of the beta stress-tests, when Leap of Faith (and all other leap-ish skills) - then called Faithful Strike - was bugged, and would hand you a packet of damage worth four times your health any time you used it. Annoying as all blibblyblib on a GS Guardian.


And the moment in one of the beta weekends when my wife and I were in a cave in Queensdale and she picked up a rune. We didn't do that again, I can tell you.


But which is my favourite? No way to decide.

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> And the brain-fusing moment when GW2 became the second MMORPG I've played where half the NPCs around me call me "Commander" and the other half call me "Outlander". (If you've played SWTOR post 4.0, you'll understand what I mean.)


...well, the holosmith *does* have a lightsaber. :D (Now play a male human holosmith and you'd almost start expecting him to wonder why this all seems very familiar*.)


For me, my favorite moments so far (I haven't even finished the personal story yet!):

- Creating my first character and stepping out into Caledon Forest. I spent a good five minutes just staring at the jaw-dropping gorgeous scenery.

- Pretty much the entire Order of Whispers storyline, especially with a sylvari.

- Claw Island. [salutes Tybalt] I knew that was going to happen, but...I didn't expect it to hurt that much.

- Re-taking Claw Island. I had to step away from the computer afterward because I couldn't stop grinning from pure excitement.

>!The Cleansing of Orr. Okay...I admit: I cried a bit. Absolutely *beautiful* use of Fear Not This Night.


- And one odd moment in PVP: I was the only norn in a team of asura. And since my norn was at the maximum height, and it seemed like the asura were all at minimum height... I looked like I was trying *so hard* not to step on the scurrying knee-high mass of asura running around my ankles. Sadly I didn't get a screenshot.


*Nolan North voices both the male human PC here in GW2, and the male Jedi Consular in SWTOR. Now if only we could change the color of the holosmith's sword...

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Following the horde of players through Southsun as we gradually made our way to the Karka nest chasing down the Karka king. As we were ascending the nest I managed to break ahead of the zerg and for the first time loaded some enemies before being absolutely destroyed. Back then the graphics were setup so that if there were too many creatures on screen it would load players and not load enemies unless there was still graphical room, so in this case all we could see was each other and not the Karkas that were slaughtering us.

At one point all that was on the screen was player corpses.

Eventually, miraculously, we managed to push through and push the Karka King into the lava pit at the bottom of the nest, and watch the epic cinematic of him leaping out and then solidifying into an eternal statue of himself.

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Returning after a 3 years break and finding my characters just like I left them. :heart: That was so nostalgic, slowly remembering their names and stories bit by bit. I'm so thankful accounts and characters don't get deleted or changed in any way because of inactivity.


Also, visiting Tarir for the first time. After dying so much in the jungle, grinding for the masteries required for the story, there was suddenly a safe place with beautiful music.


And then there was the collection for the Caladbolg quest. I really loved that one, shame we can only do it once per account. I did not use guides and I loved discovering or maybe rediscovering very beautiful and special places all over Tyria.

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A line of raptor riders lined up to jump and do The Wave...

Looting the Tarir basement disguised as a quaggan...

Getting into a 'hidden area' in the Silverwastes that had only been built to be part of the story...

That last boat ride in Labyrinthine Cliffs, with the harpist playing The Ballad of Gilligan's Island...

Playing fetch with baby Aurene...

Kormir's beautiful library (before)


Good times. ^^

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> @"Batel.9206" said:


> - Pretty much the entire Order of Whispers storyline, especially with a sylvari.

> - Claw Island. [salutes Tybalt] I knew that was going to happen, but...I didn't expect it to hurt that much.

> - Re-taking Claw Island. I had to step away from the computer afterward because I couldn't stop grinning from pure excitement.

> >!The Cleansing of Orr. Okay...I admit: I cried a bit. Absolutely *beautiful* use of Fear Not This Night.


Oh yes, the personal story will always have a place in my heart. I joined the vigil and I still get goosebumps remembering that introduction cutscene.

I too remember how heartbroken I felt when I saw the zombified Howl the Brazen on the Chapter 3 of Charr personal story.

I liked Demolitionist Tonn, and I saw his death come from miles away. But the hardest part of that was confronting Medic Ceera in A Sad Duty. I very well remember that moment, I thought it was going to be a generic confrontation, but the moment just caught me off guard. You see Ceera taking care of injured and dead bodies like it was a common thing for her every day, then you tell her about her husband fate and everything starts going worse from there, that scene was so good damn ejecuted I just felt like totally s**t after that. It definitely was my worst fear the pale tree asked me in the previous chapter.


And Fear Not This Night in the ending... I'm honestly trying to avoid hearing that song because it makes me feel so sentimental, I got a weak spot for that kind of details at the ending of a game. And then that gets to play after your encounter against Mordremoth, yeah, after you grab certain sword.


I could go on mentioning every experience i've had in this MMO. This is indeed such a gorgeous game.

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> @"Wolfb.7025" said:

> > @"Batel.9206" said:


> > - Pretty much the entire Order of Whispers storyline, especially with a sylvari.

> > - Claw Island. [salutes Tybalt] I knew that was going to happen, but...I didn't expect it to hurt that much.

> > - Re-taking Claw Island. I had to step away from the computer afterward because I couldn't stop grinning from pure excitement.

> > >!The Cleansing of Orr. Okay...I admit: I cried a bit. Absolutely *beautiful* use of Fear Not This Night.




> And Fear Not This Night in the ending... I'm honestly trying to avoid hearing that song because it makes me feel so sentimental, I got a weak spot for that kind of details at the ending of a game. And then that gets to play after your encounter against Mordremoth, yeah, after you grab certain sword.




Oh yeah! I finished the story again last week and just sat there and listened to it. Bought it off itunes right after. I like it in the stage before as well when Trahearne is doing his monologue.

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So many!

- First beta weekend; bought drinks and snacks and planned a whole party with just my spouse and me.

- Very first vista. I had never seen anything like that before; it felt magical.

- [Creatively advertising for group members in map chat](https://imgur.com/ET98pxq "Creatively advertising for group members in map chat"), before the LFG tool was a thing.

- Playing "Never Have I Ever" in game with guildies.

- Throwing a Wintersday party, complete with secret santa and caroling.

- Tybalt... "apples" will always get me all misty-eyed for him.

- Making a thief and doing the personal story to level 78 to get the soulbound, quest-reward pants I wanted, transmuting them with a white item to make them account-bound, and passing them to another character... before account-wide fashion was a thing.

- Going with my spouse to the old Lion's Arch and finding a particular abandoned room/home that we decided was where our characters lived.

- First hard-fought raid boss kill when they were released (for me, it was Gorseval; I was carried through my first VG kill, for the most part).

- Sending ANet a [Happy Wintersday card](https://imgur.com/r27JtQp "Happy Wintersday card") to their IRL headquarters. Not sure if they ever got it, but it was fun to send anyway.

- Raising Aurene from an egg.

- Holding an in-game funeral for a guild mate who passed away IRL.




And maybe the sweetest memory was from December 2017. I had spent all my gold buying holiday drinks to try to get the Festive Imbiber achieve, and I ran out of gold and felt discouraged. I went to bed on Christmas Eve feeling like I'd never be able to grind for enough gold to get it.


Then I woke up on Christmas morning, and my spouse and I opened presents. Then he told me to log into GW2. I had an in-game mail from him with one Glass of Buttered Spirits, and a message from his character to mine, instructing me to drink it. I did, and I got the achieve. Turns out he had spent all of his gold to buy me the drinks, and then had woken up in the middle of the night and logged into my account to drink them, leaving the very last one for me to consume to get the achieve. <3

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waiting with a lot of players in DR at the slacker spot, just before the release of 'Head of the Snake',speculating that they would rebuilt DR as Lobster's Reach after the attack.


The last cinematic was awesome.

The first time I killed Zhaitan and the party afterwards.

The first time I solo'ed a champion in AB.

The cleansing of Orr

Trahearne's death. I cried a little bit.

The Grove after the dragon attack. All those devastated sylvari.



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Probably the random Cacophony Party that arose in Divinity's Reach one night after I'd finished the dailies. I ported into the map near a huge Norn "playing" bass surrounded by a gaggle of players of various races jangling Wintersday bells with the complete opposite of harmony. What to do? Chat was full of exclamations of pain and perplexity while other onlookers expressed their befuddlement and appreciation. It was oddly beautiful, even though my ears smarted.


Some players started dancing. So I joined them. Pretty soon a bunch of people started shooting off firecrackers. More people joined in dancing. Someone set up a huge banquet table, while a few people shot cakes at bystanders. Out came the karma keg. Someone sent me a bell in the mail, along with a few other people near me. Soon, the glorious clangor drenched us all in its chaotic and carpal-tunnel inducing glory.


Afterward, my sides ached, my fingers screamed and my ears rang. It was all so beautiful! =) If you've ever needed some kind of proof that the Infinite Monkey theorem is a thing, this would be it. You might not get the completed works of Shakespeare, but you'll definitely get a party. Especially if any GW2 players are involved. I really love that about this game <3

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- During the first Beta Weekend in Wayfarer Foothills, during the https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Defend_Crossroads_Haven_from_the_Sons_of_Svanir event.

When the fortification was almost overrun and a guildie from GW1 came running from the south, joined the fight, got me up from downstate and we beat the Svanir. Sounds absolutely trivial today, but having played instanced maps in GW2, this was a great moment to see the potential of open world maps in GW2.

- Karka invasion to old LA was the greatest lag & disconnect event of all time and horrible. I still remember it vividly though.

- The visual spectacle of the Marionette (not the event, which was the beginning of Gw2 embracing zerg events, which are a two edged blade in terms of fun or disaster)

- The slow unravelling of Dry Top and the Silverwastes in LS2 and how Scarlett (hated her in LS1) turned into the tragic victim of Mordremoth's influence

- My active phase in PvP that involved a lot of fun fights in guild/friend's teams and ended in me getting The Ascension

- The camaraderie on Aurora Glade home borderland back in the old days, when we named the Veteran Wurm north of Bay "Henry" and the gate was called "Henry's gate". When everyone knew what "Mollori's Tower" was and I was praised for dolly escorts to Garri and scouting the enemy.

- Starting the first upgrades in guild hall and seeing the cut scenes when building upgraded

- Decorating the "operation airlift" around the War Room tower in GH with Charr Choppers and siege flown away via balloons.

- First gliding experiences in Verdant Brink


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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> Being at the first Tarnished Coast defeat of Tequatl (I don't remember if that was NA's first or third). The collective shout that went up over TeamSpeak is probably louder in my memory than it was in reality. It was glorious.

> (I wish I had saved our commander's (Rekkt's) silly infographic on the mechanics.)


I remember that event.....it was Black Gate that did it first in NA. My server was near the last to finally succeed iirc (was finally able to get the Teq wings ;) Boss Week complete) All S1 events and experiences were awesome, can't pick just 1 really.

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I have three I'm happy to share.

1. Mining an ori node in Frost Gorge with my wife when another couple of characters joined us. It turns out they were a married couple too. And then a third pair came along - a retired married couple from Texas. It was good to meet other couples who were enjoying the game together.

2. Before the Boss time limits, there was an instance when Tequatl spawned and no-one else was there so I decide to try to solo it. Another player joined me soon after. It took us just over an hour but we succeeded together - the sense of achievement was fantastic.

3. In WvW running with a fun commander in the years before linking. We had a small group and came across a larger zerg. The commander said "Stack, Might, and now we're going to walk this". I thought he meant we'd easily win, but he made us all toggle walk instead of run... we walked through the zerg, turned and walked back through, fighting all the time. The remains of the zerg turned and ran - I still have no idea how we survived! We didn't pursue them...


There are many more happy memories, and hopefully more to come.

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Just a few days ago I discovered an event that I never have played before on that map that I've visited hundreds of and completed several times before. During the years I never was aware of this event to even exist. It was pretty cool to discover it and that's one of GW2's characteristics I like the most. I still can become surprised on any map, be it an old or new one.

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My best and favorite:

Killing the Charr champion in the brand (the one that comes with an army), tried for like 1 and half hour, had a guy with me like for 30 min and he gave up. we were like level 45.

Finally I killed him using an NPC that was bugged and couldnt die, ressing some more, it toke down his army, then i went to a small hill and used the terrain to hit him without receiving much damage, changing levels by jumping. When he was at 25% aprox. another guy came and helped me kill that champ, but he was going to die anyway.

If I forget the last guy, was my second solo against a champ.


My worst but favorite and funny:

Arah path 4 first time completiton and also finishing the dungeon master achivment (aprox february of 2013)


Toke 4 hours, a friends husband wasnt very good at some mechanics and we lost like 2 hours on that, finally he left. It comes with the extra comment that the backup guy was the brother of another friend that was watching all our dungeon run and joined saying "I told you, that engi sucks", my friend (the wife of the guy that left was there.


Its the worst but fav because one of my eyes veins broke and since that day i cant use contact lens, since that my gameplay also got less skilled because the glassesmake it all look smaller xd. Plus very shortly came FIre and Frost and i quitted the game in rage xd


Havent played Arah path 4 complete again, normally if i go i join a half way run or just leave.

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the karka event when the karka attacked Lion's Arch was pretty amazing in concept. The servers couldn't handle it so the event failed. but i thought it was awesome to have monsters attacking a major city and we had to defend it. I wish anet would try that event again, in a better way that won't cause servers a to crash.

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Some of mine -

- Seeing the fireworks show at the 2013 Dragon Bash festival.

- Finishing Arah path 4 for Dungeon Master title.

- Finally getting map completion on a bottom place server back when you had to map WvW to get it.

- The first time I heard the Asura story at character creation. Reciprocity!

- The first time I saw Rata Sum and Metrica.

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I think I have three.

1. On first play through I was Sylvari and it looked like absolutely EVERYTHING was tailored just for my personal choices.

2. This is an A+B one. When Magister Sieran died saving us and then when I was reminded of that after beating Zhaitan when Fear Not This Night played.

3. When I walked up to Gwen's grave and heard that flute... (it won't mean a thing to you unless you helped a little girl play at adventuring in Guild Wars 1 just outside the verdant Ascalon City)


> @"Hot Boy.7138" said:

> the karka event when the karka attacked Lion's Arch was pretty amazing in concept. The servers couldn't handle it so the event failed. but i thought it was awesome to have monsters attacking a major city and we had to defend it. I wish anet would try that event again, in a better way that won't cause servers a to crash.


I'd like to see that and the taking of Southsun Cove - perhaps as Fractals?

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