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[Suggestions]QoL (Quality of Life) Ideas - [Merged]

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I would really love to see better looking heavy armor cosmetic sets /even outfits for this game, most of the skin set pieces for heavy armor in-game have too much skin/meat showing /too much cloth and not enough plates. I want my heavy characters to look more intimidating and actually look more like a heavy class but there just isn't that many good options. For example the Pact Marshall Outfit Logan's newest look it's not a bad looking full plate heavy armor but at the same time it just doesn't feel intimidating when you look at it. It gives more of a royal vibe which isn't necessarily a bad thing it's a nice looking heavy armor it just doesn't look intimidating and I'm pretty sure there's a lot of people in-game who feels the same way I do. The Legendary Heavy armor is another one it's a great looking transformable armor but it's too fancy/flashy then there's the leg piece of the legendary it looks more like transformable mini skirt whenever I see it. The game is plagued by a lot of fancy and flashy armor. The game needs more darker themed sets same for the weapons too much fancy and flashy weapon skins.


Heavy Armor set like this https://qph.fs.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-1ff806f40f9a2c529f8876ef656235ea would be nice to have in-game imo 'cuz that looks intimidating. This too https://i.pinimg.com/originals/33/e8/41/33e841d2e5fc9fd19106bc99c883ce67.jpg intimidating armor just looks and feels great to have but this is just what I feel. I'm just tired of seeing fancy and flashy armor and weapons in-game. The game needs more darker themed sets imo.

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Trying to keep things like might and quickness up is way harder than it should be. There are visual cues for when the Boon begins, but no duration cue. And then all the boons are just tiny icons that are the same size, shape and color. At least make them different colors so I can differentiate them in my peripheral. Or give each boon a visual cue for duration on the character, like a glow or halo effect.

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I'd just be happy with more realistic looking heavy armour. The "Heavy Plate" is about the only one in the game, and I've pretty much been using those leggings for 8 years now, since it's the only plate armour looking legs without a skirt. Personally never been a fan of spikes and horns etc, I just want something that looks practical to fight in.

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effects in the world would be eye cancer, considering for the content I play at least, in the average raid i want to see around 7 boons kept up near constantly, and others more intermittently. that said, i personally haven't had any issues tracking the boons that are relevant to me as a primarily boon support player, but i know exactly what to look for, i can understand how for others it may be difficult though. boons do have duration cues- the white edge around their boon icon, though from the sounds of it seems like this is hard to see.


i wouldn't be opposed to different coloured icons, but colour has a theme in gw2. previously, alacrity gave a purple effect to players because only mesmer could provide it, but then when renegade started providing alacrity it was turned white. same goes for barrier, which at the start of its existence only scourges could produce, but it was turned into a white effect later after barrier was implemented in more places to reflect that it wasn't a scourge only effect- and colour is pretty important, infact, i really struggle to play more than 1 class in ffxiv because of the lack of colour theme between them has a subtle effect that leaves me confused when i switch classes. i wonder how they colour colour boons in a way that keeps with the rest of gw2: so far, *most* information the game throws at you can be understood by colour before anything else.

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Instead of buying them for 25 War Supplies each from the vendor. I would much rather spend 1g for a permanent version, give it the "copper-fed" treatment and remove 25 war supplies when I double click to use it. This way I don't have to worry about going back to buy more, and it would still drain supply like it normally should.

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I'd like us to reevaluate the "kodan dominance" in these lands to exactly how they should be with my sooooopahh koda tonic and ask we get a koda-commander tag or kodmander/Kodamander tag that would be similar to the catmander tag, but the ears rounded, the eyes would be just dots and not at all angry. then also would have a nose/snout either at the center or center lower with the top portion to make it look more bear-like. I need these other Koda to know they can look up to me and trust me. That my voice to them shall be the way that they seek in Koda life.

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When I read about the portable Waystation for the first time, I misread it and thought they were talking about a portable WayPOINT..... I was so hyped about the possibility that players could drop down a temporary waypoint anywhere in the world, maybe also for others to use......


I probably wasn't thinking that one through though. I wonder what uses and misuses people would have come up with. :) Apart from making lots of stuff, including Port to friend obsolete, off course.

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I agree, I'd prefer boons to have weaker effects but longer durations as well personally.

At least that would give boon stripping and corruption more of a place in this game which I think it deserves to have.


But yea Micromanaging short boons is annoying, stressful and not even remotely fun to me.

Imo it's on the same level as min/maxing gameplay, it's tedious and it sucks all the fun out of the game for me if I focus on it.

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@"Inculpatus cedo.9234" Most of those Heavy armors don't really look that great as a full set tbh each of those heavy would only have 1, 2 or 3 pieces that would actually look like a heavy piece but just not as a full set. Majority of the helms are to exposed then you've got the legs, most of the leg pieces looks like a skirt. Then some of the Heavy sets in that list don't even look like a heavy set, they look more like a medium set. Then some of them have too much cloth/leather. For the Gem store Heavy set skins about 3 or 4 of the armor for heavy just don't seem to look like a heavy. Just to name a few two of the armors from PoF Spearmarshal's and Elonian set looks more like a medium set than a heavy then you've got the Zodiac set, Flamewrath set and Braham's set (I didn't even know this was considered Heavy I was sure this was a medium) from the gem store these don't look very heavy centric.


The only set from PoF that I could consider a proper Heavy would be the Warbeast and Bounty Hunter's but even these two Heavy sets might only have 2 or 3 pieces each that I would ever consider using. I would never use the full set because as a full set they don't give a good heavy look and they don't look intimidating as a full set majority of these armors don't look intimidating when you look at them. The Hellfire set from the achievement rewards looks more like a molten dress if you remove the helm, shoulders and guantlets. Though there's one thing that irks me the most from majority of these Heavy sets and that is the fact that majority of them have to have some form of a skirt. Those Heavy skirts just ruins the armor as a complete set. Leave the skirts to the light and medium sets.

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> @"joneirikb.7506" said:

> I'd just be happy with more realistic looking heavy armour. The "Heavy Plate" is about the only one in the game, and I've pretty much been using those leggings for 8 years now, since it's the only plate armour looking legs without a skirt. Personally never been a fan of spikes and horns etc, I just want something that looks practical to fight in.


The "skirt" is a realistic part of plate armour though. They are called Faulds, or the larger version, the Tonlet.





Henry VIII's tonlet armour, made for the Field of the Cloth of Gold tournament



If you want to see an even more extreme version, most likely unwieldy for battle, just look up the armour of duke Albert of Prussia (Made for a wedding).

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Got a few more that would improve my quality of life:

I'd even say it would dramatically lower frustration levels:


First off:

Ability to turn of Notifications on Masteries etc. The big yellow/black obnoxious notification that repeats constantly (for example in Bjora, I get that notifaction for any great chest on my alt account that I need to train tier 3 of all 3 essence lines. This results in a dozen popups per day easely. Plus I cannot get near oakheart's essence in Draconis or elsewhere without being spammed with this same notification) They also need to be x-ed out... Handy if your mouse is LOCKED to your moving. I would LOVE to see these notifications gone permanently.


That leads me to nr2: Abbility to turn off auto-pickup of Oakheart's Essence.

I cannot begin to count how often I got into trouble on my main account while fighting a mob and getting too close to one of the nodes just to see my weapon skills be replaced with that useless Oakheart's Essence. It's so bad, that I seriously consider to skip the mastery on my alt. (the last 2 in HoT Ancient Magics are useless anyways to me)


3: Bloodstone Dust, Empereal Fragments and Dragonite Ore.

let us please sell this at a vendor or so. Currently even after using the gobblers, I still destroy 500-ish empereal fragments a day. That's nuts, I consider this stuff Trash. Can we please get a solution for that? I mean I destroyed likely in the millions by now. Their use is so extremely limited, yet every new map ads more to the already massive piles we get. We really don't need 3 to 4 stacks of this junk a day.



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Make the strikes items "Ancient Deldrimor Gear", "Essential Oil of Shadows", "Ice Pearl", "Blessed Raven Statuette", "Frozen Spark of Life","Runic Shaman Boots" tradable on TP because I would really like to be able to have runic armor. There is several times when I loot one of those items but I don't need it, would like to be able to sell it on TP to be able to get gold to "trade" it for another item that I don't have to complete the sets faster. And in ton of runs, looted only 1 or 2 permit those items.

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Can we please get a Noxious Pod Home Instance Node, please? It's difficult enough as it is trying to get a full squad for the meta nowadays with all the new maps to contend with, which divert attention away from these older maps, and with the Gen 2 Legendary Dagger, Claw of the Khan-Ur, it requires 250 crystalline ores (for 250 crystalline ingots), and finding noxious pods in an already deserted map is difficult. Not impossible... but difficult.

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