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Destroy a city


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> @"dannico.8567" said:

> If LW was to destroy another city which would you choose? Personally Black Citadel as it's since a PITA to do completion in, even with gliding and mounts.


I have done it 15 times, and it goes very fast, if you know your way around, and is fun (IMO).


I would rather see The Grove rebuilt, because its visuals are totally overdone and thus plain awful. Less kitsch and glitter, please.

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> @"dannico.8567" said:

> If LW was to destroy another city which would you choose? Personally Black Citadel as it's since a PITA to do completion in, even with gliding and mounts.


I think it's the easiest. If we're going off of how easy it is to map complete, then either Rata Sum or the Grove. I can't navigate either one to save my life. Also, I'm a charr player who doesn't like the asura, so... But, as a chatt, I'd be happy if DR was destroyed. I also don't really care about Holebrek, so that can go. Anywhere but LA and the BC really.

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> @"dannico.8567" said:

> If LW was to destroy another city which would you choose? Personally Black Citadel as it's since a PITA to do completion in, even with gliding and mounts.


I think it would be a bad idea. There were tons of complaints about old LA: the layout, the inconvenience of vendor locations, the difficulty in making your way around, odd terrain blips. And yet when it was rebuilt, there was a sudden surge of nostalgia from those who loved (or at least remembered loving) the original version. No matter how much you (or I) think some city needs to be rebuilt from scratch, there's a lot of someones who would miss it. And the same goes for open world maps, too.


I think if there's a storyline that "requires" a city to be destroyed, then sure, ANet should hesitate to protect the nostalgic among us. Without such a compelling reason, I think it's better if we just stick to the more neutral question:

> What city do you dislike the most and why?


We don't have to imagine rebuilding a city to answer that.

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> @"dannico.8567" said:

> If LW was to destroy another city which would you choose? Personally Black Citadel as it's since a PITA to do completion in, even with gliding and mounts.


Grove. Full stop. Black Citadel is *easy* compared to the random height map and twisting guff that is the Pale Tree's evil boughs.

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> @"Dami.5046" said:

> I say Palawadan and change it back to kamadan.


This is my preferred one, albeit almost guarenteed never to happen.


Otherwise I'd say Hoelbrak just to open up a story of the Norns reclaiming their homeland from Jormag and resettling, perhaps even uniting with the Kodan in a racially mixed city

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> @"dannico.8567" said:

> If LW was to destroy another city which would you choose? Personally Black Citadel as it's since a PITA to do completion in, even with gliding and mounts.


Hell no, you stay away from the Black Citadel. Also the Black Citadel is really easy to navigate, what are you talking about.


I'd choose Hoelbrak, just to give the Norns some story focus for once. That would force them to unite, something that would be interesting to see.

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> @"calb.3128" said:

> I don't like the Black Citadel, principally because it's filled with cats and everyone knows cats can't be trusted...


Au contraire. There is a dialogue line from one of the NPCs in the Gladium District where he comments that there is in fact less crime in the Black Citadel than in human lands, because charr are very upfront when they are angry but humans aren't so honest (paraphrasing because I can't remember exact wording). =)

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I'd do LA again, only properly this time - turn the whole area into a smoldering crater of glass and bone. You could get some neat effects in there, and even have a few quest hearts revolving around providing aid to the survivors afflicted with radiation sickness. Naturally, you wouldn't be able to save them, only ease their suffering as their bodies melt and rot from the inside out.


Then we could all move to a proper city, like Divinity's Reach.

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> @"dannico.8567" said:

> If LW was to destroy another city which would you choose? Personally Black Citadel as it's since a PITA to do completion in, even with gliding and mounts.


How is the BC hard? its a circle and super flat for 90% of it.


Honestly id choose either LA again so we could get a proper city there, *or* Amnoon, give us a proper city in Elona :/

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> @"Svennis.3852" said:

> I could see the Asura destroying their own city. Tower of Babylon and all that jazz.


Expanding on this idea, Asura and Norn could really use a shake up. Knock the Asura from their high horse, humble them, make them see they are fallible and capable of being their own downfall. Progress without critical thought or ethics could created a true disaster (IE: atomic bomb).


Show the norn they aren’t all infallible heroes; smash their city and make them realize obsessing over their individual legends has made them lose sight of the real enemy and clouded their viewpoint with fantasies.


Have them both experience something antithetical to their own perceptions as a race; then find a happy medium between their old way of life and a new as they recover as a people.


I feel like we’ve seen the humans challenged in this way with their gods. Sylvari got wrecked in HoTs.


A little with the Charr, having met the Olmakhan that rejected mainstream Charr culture (could still use more). You could maybe use their hubris and pride against them too in the form of civil war between legions, ultimately realizing the value in harmony after much needless bloodshed over something (most likely) trivial in the long run... Like many good Charr die, weakening them/distracting them as a renewed Flame Legion sweeps in to destroy the BC.

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