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please stop duelling in WvW!!


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A trick to tell if its a duel or not...Its a golden rule in 1v1 duels that you shall not stomp. If someone starts a stomping animation, then you can intervene. in a gvg duel....you can stomp all but the last person downed (as they need to res his fallen mates). Same thing..if someoen starts to stomp the last person, its no longer a formal duel so wreck them.

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> @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > @"WraithOfStealth.1624" said:

> > I shouldn't even reply to this kind of comment, but it's too ridiculous to pass up on... I really lose hope for the future of WvW when i see that people actually think like this. (If it's not a troll, which it almost has to be right?)

> >

> > > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > I honestly believe that if this game were a little more serious, **WvW duelling should be bannable offence just like Match manipulation on sPvP**

> >

> > Banning people duelling, yeah i'm _SURE_ Anet will consider this... If only those mean duellers would join you and wipe everybody 5v1, 5v2, etc. so you could feel good about yourself!

> >

> > > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > >**this kind of behavior dont bother me anymore**, but if I see in map chat that they are doing this to more players **I just tag up and spawn camp them till they rage quit to other map.**

> >

> > So it **does** bother you. Just imagine feeling the need to spawn camp people doing their own thing because they wouldn't die to you while outnumbered.

> >


> Duelers aint helping at all your server to win the match, this is why i said, if the game mode were serious, it should be treated as match manipulation...and no, it dosent bother me to get ganked 1v5 to duelers when I am trying to just take the sentry or just passing by, but it does bother me read 15 times on map chat people complaining about getting ganked over and over by said "duelers".


A lot of there's duelers are actually roamers/defenders/scouts having a break and homing on their fighting skills to win/defend your camps, you will soon cry when there is no 1 interested in defending camps if people like your self won't bother to try and understand why people duel.


There's people help the server in ways you zerglings can never do (alone)


Just the other night there was 6v6 or so, small skirmish at around green lake, there was plenty of cj going on and I suspect some salty whispers. 10 mins later most of us were at south sentry all at the dueling spot as if it was a safe zone.

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> @"SloRules.3560" said:

> Learn some WvW ethic. It formed throughout the years for a reason.


WvW ethics? You probably kidding me. WvW ethics is to kill your enemy and not betray your ally. You want to spvp, there is full game mode for it...damn, there is EotM for that, but not wvw.


To the author. Just do like I do, wait until the enemy low health or downed and simply burst him. If you have fast class as thief etc, keep annoying them with hits, interrupts etc, stomp them.

You should respect your allies only if they respect you, there are no "ethics" against the enemy.

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> @"Lexani.6152" said:

> > @"SloRules.3560" said:

> > Learn some WvW ethic. It formed throughout the years for a reason.


> WvW ethics? You probably kidding me. WvW ethics is to kill your enemy and not betray your ally. You want to spvp, there is full game mode for it...kitten, there is EotM for that, but not wvw.


> To the author. Just do like I do, wait until the enemy low health or downed and simply burst him. If you have fast class as thief etc, keep annoying them with hits, interrupts etc, stomp them.

> You should respect your allies only if they respect you, there are no "ethics" against the enemy.


So you are one of those idiots that com snipes, jumps into GvGs,... Generaly making life hard for people that want to have fun.

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It always amuses me how many people will send me salty whispers because I'm a thief and I don't fight fair or honourably (well duh) but then they will interrupt a duel without a second thought. Double standard much.


That said people who duel and then gank between duels also annoy me. I'll leave you the first time out of courtesy but if you gank in a duel spot you're fair game.

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Duelling in WvW requires some "WvW chivalry" from both sides, the duellists and the people who pass by

- Duellist in BL should go for a spot that is off the dolly-routes to signal they do not want to "interfere" in the roaming game on the map. That applies to you ally & the potential enemy he/she is duelling. For me, a perfect spot is the mill behind south camp in ABL.

- Duellists at a (bad) spot that looks like "an ally needs help" should not revengefully slaughter the interfering passer-by and the allied players should local chat "duel" and let the friend be able to retreat (+ enemies should let the player break off and leave)

- Passing-by players should attack/burst down enemies waiting for a duel, just because they can and the duellist isn't paying attention.

- Passing-by players should not deal a killing blow to an enemy duellist you ally is sparing to recover from downstate.

- Signals of "non-interference" like kite or ballon novelties should be respected from all sides


(PS: this pretty much applies to "waiting for the daily Veteran" as well, which can be tagged by many people, killed and everyone goes their own way after that)

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> @"MidnightX.6294" said:

> > @"Bezerker.2379" said:

> > No. Learn www etiquette. Dueling became a thing for a reason.


> And **Anet** changed the obsidian refuigium after it became a thing. _FOR A REASON !_


There is nothing in OS...


Why should anyone go there for a duel? At anytime the duelers on your home server will go and defend t3 stuff and all the time allies are dueling, enemy (most) roamers are not ganking the zerg tail and or flipping camps/killing dollys.

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> @"Bezerker.2379" said:

> > @"MidnightX.6294" said:

> > > @"Bezerker.2379" said:

> > > No. Learn www etiquette. Dueling became a thing for a reason.

> >

> > And **Anet** changed the obsidian refuigium after it became a thing. _FOR A REASON !_


> And the playerbase rejected it. Much like they rejected Desert.




players want X

anet gave them X

playerbase is sad about the font of X and refuses to use it, and keeps on going using Y which interferes with WvW

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My only complaint about people who duel in WvW, is that they are taking up slots that could otherwise be filled up by people who are going to take objectives, contest areas, or be on tag ( AKA being a team player and helping out your server in the weeks matchup. ).


But it's whatever, if it's red it's dead.

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Get a group of friends/guildies next time.


A dueling circle is a fight waiting to happen. After all, people usually only duel in WvW when there's no fights right? But you have to be prepared to finish the fight you start and definitely expect the servermate who's duel you ruined to not help you. Free will for all parties.

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> @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> Get a group of friends/guildies next time.


> A dueling circle is a fight waiting to happen. After all, people usually only duel in WvW when there's no fights right? But you have to be prepared to finish the fight you start and definitely expect the servermate who's duel you ruined to not help you. Free will for all parties.


Exactly. You think you can intervene and win? Good for you!


Otherwise, don't expect people to support you.


And don't expect Anet to solve a '***you***' problem. Get better so you can enter that, down the guy, and receive the salty whispers. Instead of creating them in a forum.



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> @"BeepBoopBop.5403" said:

> Get a group of friends/guildies next time.


> A dueling circle is a fight waiting to happen. After all, people usually only duel in WvW when there's no fights right? But you have to be prepared to finish the fight you start and definitely expect the servermate who's duel you ruined to not help you. Free will for all parties.




We duel when we're either a> looking for fights or b> looking to practice.


A group rolls up on us, we're all down to challenge it.

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> @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > @"WraithOfStealth.1624" said:

> > > I shouldn't even reply to this kind of comment, but it's too ridiculous to pass up on... I really lose hope for the future of WvW when i see that people actually think like this. (If it's not a troll, which it almost has to be right?)

> > >

> > > > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > > I honestly believe that if this game were a little more serious, **WvW duelling should be bannable offence just like Match manipulation on sPvP**

> > >

> > > Banning people duelling, yeah i'm _SURE_ Anet will consider this... If only those mean duellers would join you and wipe everybody 5v1, 5v2, etc. so you could feel good about yourself!

> > >

> > > > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > >**this kind of behavior dont bother me anymore**, but if I see in map chat that they are doing this to more players **I just tag up and spawn camp them till they rage quit to other map.**

> > >

> > > So it **does** bother you. Just imagine feeling the need to spawn camp people doing their own thing because they wouldn't die to you while outnumbered.

> > >

> >

> > Duelers aint helping at all your server to win the match, this is why i said, if the game mode were serious, it should be treated as match manipulation...and no, it dosent bother me to get ganked 1v5 to duelers when I am trying to just take the sentry or just passing by, but it does bother me read 15 times on map chat people complaining about getting ganked over and over by said "duelers".


> A lot of there's duelers are actually roamers/defenders/scouts having a break and homing on their fighting skills to win/defend your camps, you will soon cry when there is no 1 interested in defending camps if people like your self won't bother to try and understand why people duel.


> There's people help the server in ways you zerglings can never do (alone)


> Just the other night there was 6v6 or so, small skirmish at around green lake, there was plenty of cj going on and I suspect some salty whispers. 10 mins later most of us were at south sentry all at the dueling spot as if it was a safe zone.


Allright, Fat Disgrace my dear friend, lets clear a few things here lol

I play WvW, all of this aspects, but mostly I solo roam...so yeah, i take camps, defend camps, and solo keeps and towers, so no, i aint just another "zergling" who is just pressing 1 with the commander....actually, allready managed to beat try hard gank groups with full support FB...we mostly talking here about duelers from our own side who let their own team mates get killed...and the point still stands, theres better places to duel them south sentry at Alpine borderland...why not go to a sPvP arena? I mean, if all you trying to do is hone your mechanical skills, a bunch of over inflated stats from PvE gear wont make a diference.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:


> I constantly run into fights in wvw, I see people from my server fighting people from other servers.


> The result is always; the people from my server stop fighting, and watch as I get slaughtered by the enemy.



Could try being good at the game. If you constantly add in to a fight and constantly get slaughtered, I wouldn't help you either, because all you would do is serve as rally bait. People are just being smart.


Then you wouldn't need as much help and none of this is a problem.

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I don't mind duelers usually unless they are contesting stuff. A lot of them are two faced though and gank people passing by when their backs are turned. Some of them are nice people but feel free to kill the ones that you know are trolls. That said like others have mentioned, if it's red it's dead, just be prepared that they are probably running specific builds. Not all duelers are pro though, some are there to learn. Just do what you think the situation calls for and move on.

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> @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > @"Fat Disgrace.4275" said:

> > > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > > @"WraithOfStealth.1624" said:

> > > > I shouldn't even reply to this kind of comment, but it's too ridiculous to pass up on... I really lose hope for the future of WvW when i see that people actually think like this. (If it's not a troll, which it almost has to be right?)

> > > >

> > > > > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > > > I honestly believe that if this game were a little more serious, **WvW duelling should be bannable offence just like Match manipulation on sPvP**

> > > >

> > > > Banning people duelling, yeah i'm _SURE_ Anet will consider this... If only those mean duellers would join you and wipe everybody 5v1, 5v2, etc. so you could feel good about yourself!

> > > >

> > > > > @"Felipe.1807" said:

> > > > >**this kind of behavior dont bother me anymore**, but if I see in map chat that they are doing this to more players **I just tag up and spawn camp them till they rage quit to other map.**

> > > >

> > > > So it **does** bother you. Just imagine feeling the need to spawn camp people doing their own thing because they wouldn't die to you while outnumbered.

> > > >

> > >

> > > Duelers aint helping at all your server to win the match, this is why i said, if the game mode were serious, it should be treated as match manipulation...and no, it dosent bother me to get ganked 1v5 to duelers when I am trying to just take the sentry or just passing by, but it does bother me read 15 times on map chat people complaining about getting ganked over and over by said "duelers".

> >

> > A lot of there's duelers are actually roamers/defenders/scouts having a break and homing on their fighting skills to win/defend your camps, you will soon cry when there is no 1 interested in defending camps if people like your self won't bother to try and understand why people duel.

> >

> > There's people help the server in ways you zerglings can never do (alone)

> >

> > Just the other night there was 6v6 or so, small skirmish at around green lake, there was plenty of cj going on and I suspect some salty whispers. 10 mins later most of us were at south sentry all at the dueling spot as if it was a safe zone.


> why not go to a sPvP arena? I mean, if all you trying to do is hone your mechanical skills, a bunch of over inflated stats from PvE gear wont make a diference.


Because there is nothing in spvp, already said why most duelers are in wvw :/



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To the people saying „Red is dead“, you realise this isn‘t real, it‘s a game right? Often times the dueling people are chatting with each other, sometimes even are friend‘s. The biggest hypocrites are the one‘s who interrupt duels, get killed and complain afterwards, like OP. You don‘t respect other‘s people way of PLAYING the GAME, but want everyone to accept your playstyle of just attacking everything you see.


There are no written rules in WvW and if you want to play a super competitive game with fixed rules, I am sorry to tell you that you came to the wrong game.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> There is a time and a place for everything

> WvW is **NOT** the time, and it is **NOT** the place for it.


> I constantly run into fights in wvw, I see people from my server fighting people from other servers.


> The result is always; the people from my server stop fighting, and watch as I get slaughtered by the enemy.


> I tell them to help me kill the enemy server's players, but they refuse, because apparantly '_i've interrupted a private fight_'.

> In every sense of the word, that is treason, or betrayal, or whatever word you want to give it.

> Newsflash, you're in WvW, there are no private fights, you are a member of your server, and if I see members of my server fighting members of other servers,

> I will attempt to help them kill the enemies.

> You are representing your server in WvW, if you don't want to WvW, then don't come into WvW maps.


> There's a lobby in PvP where you can fight freely with other players to your hearts contents.


The problem with PvP: you cannot make your own builds: Stats are written in stone.


There's no way to get power, precision, ferocity, healpower, boonduration and toughness example

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