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Instead of S5 or expansion, rework personal story and S1?


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Personal story is fine as is.


I *WANT* season one to be added back as playable content. Due to deployments i missed large chunks of it, so for me having all of it added would be a ton of new content for me to play through. Sorry to all those who "Where here for all of it therefore nobody needs to be able to play the story they missed"


Also that summary is freaking terrible, it fails to explain a ton of things that pop in LWS2, and even after that.


However, i do agree it should be something done in their sparetime, but i wouldnt have an issue of they actually delayed a episode to have it readded.

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The personal story is fine as is, though I'd like to see them rework the story mode dungeons into the narrative and make them soloable like the rest of the story missions. Change the rewards around so they fit the personal story rewards for that level range. And yes i'd like to see them do s1. I did most of it before quitting to play other games,, but missed the second half of it.

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No! Leave the personal story alone; it's beautiful in its awkward, cheesy goodness! :tongue: It has charm. I wouldn't want a single thing about it to be changed.


As for Season One... I wasn't here for it, and I'd love to be able to play it. The gap between the personal story and Season Two, skipping about two years and a lot of new characters, is incredibly jarring, and even the lengthy recap on YouTube still left me feeling disconnected from all of these new characters going into LS2 (in HoT, however, I started to finally feel as if I had "known" these guys for a long time). If Season One was re-playable, that would be amazing...but *not* at the expense of future living world episodes/expansions. I don't think that trade-off is worth it. It's better to have a gap that can be filled by recaps than have a massive content drought going forward.

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> @"Arsenic Touch.7960" said:

> The personal story is fine as is, though I'd like to see them rework the story mode dungeons into the narrative and make them soloable like the rest of the story missions. Change the rewards around so they fit the personal story rewards for that level range.


Story mode dungeons are absolutely soloable.

The rewards are actually better than doing Personal story in terms of raw money.


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> @"Tashigi.3159" said:

> I can't be the only one.

> The personal story needs some reworking, specially the later chapters and we could really use S1.


I find personal story to be superior to all other story content. There is no reason to remake it. S1 would be nice though.

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I was thinking about those past-events, I took a part of LS1 and it WAS GREAT ! Marionette, Toxic Tower and Ancient-Karka event (great precursor/something special drop) it made something FRESH. We need something AMAZING which made game-play unique! Something different than other MMO's

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Wouldn't mind after a new expansion comes out for them to maybe add a few instanced s1 story bits so we could enjoy a bit of it, but i would not delay the living story releases for them to work on s1, it has to be done after they release a new expansion and after they dealt with any issues with it, + it should not be anything to big, just sumarize most of it, should be easy for them it they do not do more then 5 episodes or 4.

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> @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> Why say it needs reworking, but then don’t elaborate on why?

> Last time I did the personal story it was ok, for a core story.

> S1 has an ingame recap, and a fan-made movie for those who missed out. As nice as having a few bits replayable would be, I’d much rather have new content developed.


You pretty much hit the nail on the head for why S1 needs 'reworking'. Because *it's not playable content in the game*. The in-game recap is, let's be honest, total crap. If players wanted to earnestly know the Season 1 plot, they must go to third party sources. And to a lot of players, Season 1 would be new content.


The main thing I'd change for the personal story would be adding the story dungeons into the main story (with whatever proper balancing is deemed required), and some rebalancing due to the high difficulty curve between the PS and HoT where PS is faceroll easy and hoT is... not. No learning curve has led to people complaining over mediocre difficulty as if it were abyssmally hard.


That said, I could see other arguments for the personal story - the cinematics are poorly done, there's a number of odd flag instances, etc. But tbh, I'd rather see a rework of Season 2 to include the PC speaking before a PS rework (unless said rework was focused on tying the story dungeons into the main plot and little to nothing else then I'm on the fence).


The solution would be rather simple too, tbh. Just take one LW team to work on Season 1, and have LW5->LW5->LW1 rinse repeat until Season 1 is done.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Haleydawn.3764" said:

> > Why say it needs reworking, but then don’t elaborate on why?

> > Last time I did the personal story it was ok, for a core story.

> > S1 has an ingame recap, and a fan-made movie for those who missed out. As nice as having a few bits replayable would be, I’d much rather have new content developed.


> You pretty much hit the nail on the head for why S1 needs 'reworking'. Because *it's not playable content in the game*. The in-game recap is, let's be honest, total kitten. If players wanted to earnestly know the Season 1 plot, they must go to third party sources. And to a lot of players, Season 1 would be new content.



It was not built to be replayable. Am I not saying this loud enough? And just because the content ‘would be new to some’, does not make it new content, if it was *rehashed and reintroduced*. Resources are far better spent on new content for *all* customers, from a business stand point.

Certain things could be reworked into the Fractal system (Twisted Marionette, Battle on the Breachmaker, some parts of Battle for Lions Arch but these would be a heavily diluted version of what they were), the content for LS1 is based too heavily on map populations, festivals that are recurring yearly now (Gauntlet), and different versions of certain maps (Kessex Hills and Lions Arch)


> The main thing I'd change for the personal story would be adding the story dungeons into the main story (with whatever proper balancing is deemed required), and some rebalancing due to the high difficulty curve between the PS and HoT where PS is faceroll easy and hoT is... not. No learning curve has led to people complaining over mediocre difficulty as if it were abyssmally hard.


The learning curve between PS and HoT is LS2, or does this not count? I wouldn’t mind a dungeon rework, mostly to make all pathways solo-balanced and scale up to 5 players, but again, not at the cost of postponing new content.



If anybody ever played LS1, you would know that asking for it to be replayable is a HUGE task for Anet, and bottom line is, it is not justifiable to do so as the task is too big for it to not impact new content.




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I don't think that reworking old content would be a sound investment for ANet at this point in the game's lifespan.


However, if I _did_ believe reworks would be a good investment, I suspect that ANet would get more mileage out of reworking the difficulty of core content and revamping core content rewards in line with the old saw about "the whole game is endgame."

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> @"Hugedeal.5426" said:

> Wouldn't mind after a new expansion comes out for them to maybe add a few instanced s1 story bits so we could enjoy a bit of it, but i would not delay the living story releases for them to work on s1, it has to be done after they release a new expansion and after they dealt with any issues with it, + it should not be anything to big, just sumarize most of it, should be easy for them it they do not do more then 5 episodes or 4.


So you want the content but refuse to give up any other content that those devs would work on, talk about having the cake and eating it too.

No wonder people are so against anyone wanting easy mode anything since they (the easy mode wanters) would likely refuse that the resources would be taken from the content they enjoy already.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> The solution would be rather simple too, tbh. Just take one LW team to work on Season 1, and have LW5->LW5->LW1 rinse repeat until Season 1 is done.


Aren't you all forgetting that the largest part of S1 content was out in the world? Sure the instanced parts could come back but the rest of it cannot in come back as they were.


Flame and Frost

From the achievements category we can see what can and what cannot come back: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Flame_and_Frost_(achievements)

The two introduction sequences and the two short instances with Braham and Rox are all that is instanced and available. The rest of the event changes the maps of Diessa Plateau and Wayfarer Foothills which is highly unlikely to re-appear. The Molten Facility dungeon has already come back as a two-part Fractal.




This could use the Gathering the Samples collection and the solo one-on-one fight with Canach, the rest of it is the conflict between settlers and consortium, which at this point is resolved and there is little more to do about it. The Karka Queen is a permanent addition.


Dragon Bash

Here we meet Marjory for the first time in a nice black and white intro. The story is told in instances so it could come back without affecting the world. The Aetherblade dungeon is already split in two Fractals so no need to bring that back.


Cutthroat Politics

Part of it is coming back with the Festival of the Four Winds, the other is the conflict between Ellen Kiel and Evon Gnashblade, that required playing in the open world while showing their badges, something that cannot come back, and further their conflict is already resolved and we got the "reward" from it, the Thaumanova fractal.


The rest of it is going in a very similar way, the bulk of S1 was out in the open and is unlikely to come back, but perhaps the instances could be re-added, especially the character intros so we know who the members of Dragon's Watch are and where we met them.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:


> The rest of it is going in a very similar way, the bulk of S1 was out in the open and is unlikely to come back, but perhaps the instances could be re-added, especially the character intros so we know who the members of Dragon's Watch are and where we met them.


This is the main reason I want some form of Season 1 to return, because of the Dragon’s Watch characters you meet etc. These relationships and story arcs are important to the main plot of the game and they are missing.


The best way that I can describe this is if Star Wars a New Hope was released to the public in theatres and on video however Empire Strikes Back only appeared in theatres for a small window and then Return of Jedi is released in theatres and on video as well. Sure you will get one person who snuck in and boot leg recorded Empire, but it’s not the same.

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> @"Tyson.5160" said:

> This is the main reason I want some form of Season 1 to return, because of the Dragon’s Watch characters you meet etc. These relationships and story arcs are important to the main plot of the game and they are missing.


The thing is, those are either small instances that only have dialogue, or short mini-dungeons for solo players, it's a bit weird that they don't bring those back. Unless they deleted the files once the episodes were completed (which I find equally weird).


Braham's intro, Rox's intro, Cragstead instance, Hatchery Instance, Canach's mini dungeon, Marjory's intro (at Dead's End), Dragon Bash ceremony instance, Scarlet's Funhouse instance, Tower of Nightmares intro (this is where we meet Kasmeer, her first encounter at Southsun doesn't really count), Edge of the Mists short dialogue between Taimi and Braham (Taimi Intro) and of course the last battle with Scarlet and the end sequence at the Dead End bar. I think I didn't miss anything there.


And that's all you need from S1 when it comes to story, they are all short instances or little bits of dialogue, Kasmeer and Taimi are introduced in the world so those might be slightly more complicated, but they could work because it's only simple dialogue, no combat.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > This is the main reason I want some form of Season 1 to return, because of the Dragon’s Watch characters you meet etc. These relationships and story arcs are important to the main plot of the game and they are missing.


> The thing is, those are either small instances that only have dialogue, or short mini-dungeons for solo players, it's a bit weird that they don't bring those back. Unless they deleted the files once the episodes were completed (which I find equally weird).


> Braham's intro, Rox's intro, Cragstead instance, Hatchery Instance, Canach's mini dungeon, Marjory's intro (at Dead's End), Dragon Bash ceremony instance, Scarlet's Funhouse instance, Tower of Nightmares intro (this is where we meet Kasmeer, her first encounter at Southsun doesn't really count), Edge of the Mists short dialogue between Taimi and Braham (Taimi Intro) and of course the last battle with Scarlet and the end sequence at the Dead End bar. I think I didn't miss anything there.


> And that's all you need from S1 when it comes to story, they are all short instances or little bits of dialogue, Kasmeer and Taimi are introduced in the world so those might be slightly more complicated, but they could work because it's only simple dialogue, no combat.


I would be more then happy with those instances as it explains how the team came together. The open world stuff would add flavour, but I don’t think it’s needed. The Marionette fight and the Attack on Lion’s Arch would need some tweaking for sure, if they added it in. Those would likely have to be remade into instances.

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I don't think I'd mind ArenaNet retooling the Personal Story to eliminate the cutscenes where the NPCs can talk like in the rest of the game and create a new Fractal where we rehash some of the Scarlett conflict, but beyond that - nope - I'd rather see GW2 continue forward and hopefully bring us to Cantha someday.

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Please, no. This game needs to push forward, not to return to already established decisions. Go forward, Arenanet! Look behind just to make sure you don't make the same mistakes, but do not sacrifice the whole resources on mending them. It's alright, and it's the nostalgia about Season 1 that keeps this weird dream alive. Don't bring Season 1. It's the greatest reward for the veterans that loved the game even before it was released, and therefore it's special. So nope. Don't do that, it'd be foolish. Go forward.

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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> Please, no. This game needs to push forward, not to return to already established decisions. Go forward, Arenanet! Look behind just to make sure you don't make the same mistakes, but do not sacrifice the whole resources on mending them. It's alright, and it's the nostalgia about Season 1 that keeps this weird dream alive. Don't bring Season 1. It's the greatest reward for the veterans that loved the game even before it was released, and therefore it's special. So nope. Don't do that, it'd be foolish. Go forward.


If you arent being sarcastic, which i think you are, please look at my post about season one :/

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> @"Tyson.5160" said:

> > @"maddoctor.2738" said:


> > The rest of it is going in a very similar way, the bulk of S1 was out in the open and is unlikely to come back, but perhaps the instances could be re-added, especially the character intros so we know who the members of Dragon's Watch are and where we met them.


> This is the main reason I want some form of Season 1 to return, because of the Dragon’s Watch characters you meet etc. These relationships and story arcs are important to the main plot of the game and they are missing.


> The best way that I can describe this is if Star Wars a New Hope was released to the public in theatres and on video however Empire Strikes Back only appeared in theatres for a small window and then Return of Jedi is released in theatres and on video as well. Sure you will get one person who snuck in and boot leg recorded Empire, but it’s not the same.


Everybody interested in the story can read the wiki, and there are a lot of playthroughs on the yt to know it all.


How could they even advertise this whole thing?




No new maps, no new stories, no new nothing.


If Season 5 doesn't lead us to the next expansion, that will be the end of the game, and this whole rebuilding will barely make the veterans play- not me anyway.

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> @"Dante.1763" said:

> > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > Please, no. This game needs to push forward, not to return to already established decisions. Go forward, Arenanet! Look behind just to make sure you don't make the same mistakes, but do not sacrifice the whole resources on mending them. It's alright, and it's the nostalgia about Season 1 that keeps this weird dream alive. Don't bring Season 1. It's the greatest reward for the veterans that loved the game even before it was released, and therefore it's special. So nope. Don't do that, it'd be foolish. Go forward.


> If you arent being sarcastic, which i think you are, please look at my post about season one :/


I mean, If it's an additional long term project that we get with the expansion or somewhere during the season, I do not mind. But if the whole resources will go for mending the old mistakes, it will be the end of the game.


Glad they keep the WoW's attitude for their old content, and very rarely change something in the previous big updates, you need to promote something new, not something old. Old is old, new is new. People didn't buy HoT because it was cooking the old dinner, it gave something new, something interesting- that's how you get an attention, not by repairing old content. It's just wrong.

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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> Everybody interested in the story can read the wiki, and there are a lot of playthroughs on the yt to know it all.


Take a look:



A complete analysis of the handful of instances they'd need to reintroduce to the game, without changing anything else, to make the story coherent. Shouldn't even take many developer resources to implement those, provided their files already exist.

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> @"maddoctor.2738" said:

> > @"Arden.7480" said:

> > Everybody interested in the story can read the wiki, and there are a lot of playthroughs on the yt to know it all.


> Take a look:

> https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/758914/#Comment_758914


> A complete analysis of the handful of instances they'd need to reintroduce to the game, without changing anything else, to make the story coherent. Shouldn't even take many developer resources to implement those, provided their files already exist.


it can be found on the internet. as long as it will be something additional to the major content I do not mind bringing the old stuff back, but as I said if their resources goes just for that, it'd be wrong and not fair to the players that want this game move forward, not to look behind. What's done is done, let's just look forward.

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