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Rune change and the loss of selling them?

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So I really stopped playing because of the Rune change a few months ago, I only logged in to do daily's. So as I am farming and running around I see I am not making any money now, because there is nothing to sell after salvaging the items, so I am guessing the only way to make money now is to do Fractals or Raids?.... I really don't understand how these new players are to make any money either... I'm Frustrated here... I don't do Raids I have no interest in looking up the new builds with the rune change...


From what I hear Mesmer got screwed over pretty good I have not a clue to what other classes got messed up.

Any info would be a great help here...


So what its looking like to me is a PvE Player has no way to make any money it all??? The PvE Players have to work 5-10 times harder then a person who does Fractals and Raids?


I just bought gw2 for my husband this year he has a lot of catching up to do, he can't dodge which makes him useless to take in Fracs or Raids and I just bought gw2 for his friend also :(... I am kind of regretting it at the moment. I was wondering why he was selling crappy white, greens and blues that sells for low silver rather then salvaging his items and getting the luck he needs and now I understand why he does it, he can't make money any other way... All's I got to say is someone please explain this.... because it's wrong from the way I look at it or I could be seeing it all the wrong way.


The other big question what the heck are we going to sell now to make money? because I'm starting to feel sorry for all these new players who are all PvE with no way to make money,


The other question I have is the balance to game to make money in PvE because the drop balance is way the heck off in the game... for the last 6 years I have only got 2 precursor drops, while 2 friends of mine get precursors every 2 weeks or more....

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I think your friends are pulling your leg; getting 2 Precursor drops is quite fortunate in six years.

PvE players sell the mats from salvaging; same as before the Rune/Sigil change. There wasn't much money to be had selling the Runes/Sigils before they were salvaged.

I'm not sure why your husband can't dodge; has he tried the tutorial in the starter maps?


Good luck.

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> @"Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136" said:

> The other question I have is the balance to game to make money in PvE because the drop balance is way the heck off in the game... for the last 6 years I have only got 2 precursor drops, while 2 friends of mine get precursors every 2 weeks or more....


What? I've played since release and got 0 precursor drops, you had 2 drops which makes you super lucky. As for your friends getting precursors every 2 weeks they are probably liars. Pics or it didn't happen.

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> @"Airdive.2613" said:

> > @"Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136" said:

> > So as I am farming and running around I see I am not making any money now, because there is nothing to sell after salvaging the items


> Now you sell charms and symbols you get from salvaging the items.


Even motes sell for some copper it seems.

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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> I think your friends are pulling your leg; getting 2 Precursor drops is quite fortunate in six years.

> PvE players sell the mats from salvaging; same as before the Rune/Sigil change. There wasn't much money to be had selling the Runes/Sigils before they were salvaged.

> I'm not sure why your husband can't dodge; has he tried the tutorial in the starter maps?


> Good luck.


Its not i watch them do it all the time its crazy, they record it sometimes, they have been nice enough to give me 2 weapons though, but the drop rate needs to be fixed regardless.


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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> I think your friends are pulling your leg; getting 2 Precursor drops is quite fortunate in six years.

> PvE players sell the mats from salvaging; same as before the Rune/Sigil change. There wasn't much money to be had selling the Runes/Sigils before they were salvaged.

> I'm not sure why your husband can't dodge; has he tried the tutorial in the starter maps?


> Good luck.


He is having some issues with configuring his keys on the keyboard. lol he is just learning so i hope in time he might figure it out.

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> @"Airdive.2613" said:

> > @"Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136" said:

> > So as I am farming and running around I see I am not making any money now, because there is nothing to sell after salvaging the items


> Now you sell charms and symbols you get from salvaging the items.


wow that still makes it really hard, on a lot of us ugh, I hate it when they change all this crap around, as far as I see I still get the crapy drops that sell for nothing ( meaning the charms) they are just bad drops

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> @"Zohane.7208" said:

> > @"Airdive.2613" said:

> > > @"Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136" said:

> > > So as I am farming and running around I see I am not making any money now, because there is nothing to sell after salvaging the items

> >

> > Now you sell charms and symbols you get from salvaging the items.


> Even motes sell for some copper it seems.




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> @"Inculpatus cedo.9234" said:

> I think your friends are pulling your leg; getting 2 Precursor drops is quite fortunate in six years.

> PvE players sell the mats from salvaging; same as before the Rune/Sigil change. There wasn't much money to be had selling the Runes/Sigils before they were salvaged.

> I'm not sure why your husband can't dodge; has he tried the tutorial in the starter maps?


> Good luck.


Sometime i think of reporting it wondering if it would make any change it all for the other players

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> @"Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136" said:

> > @"Airdive.2613" said:

> > > @"Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136" said:

> > > So as I am farming and running around I see I am not making any money now, because there is nothing to sell after salvaging the items

> >

> > Now you sell charms and symbols you get from salvaging the items.


> wow that still makes it really hard, on a lot of us ugh, I hate it when they change all this kitten around, as far as I see I still get the crappy drops that sell for nothing ( meaning the charms) they are just bad drops, On top of it those charms do not pay the expense of Travel So its more of of a loss for PvE Players, because those rarely drop so they still lose




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> @"Sigmoid.7082" said:

> PvE players have some of the highest income out of any of the groups. As long as you know what you are doing farming open world is one of the most lucrative things to do in the game. Vendoring runes and sigils produced a negligible amount of income compared.


but when your farming to make your own legendary's it's still a lose situation. and at the moment that is what I am doing Farming the mats for a couple of legendary's and it seems like I am doing good , But if I go to sell it just to make a little gold then I am still losing, and the cost of travel So i have to sell what i just farmed to travel Don't make since to me... or that I might get a chance at a charm from salvaging item's and now I am at a loss for trying to make my legendary because I am forced to sell my mats. So it's going to take me twice as long to finish my Legendary because I have to sell half of my mats? it still feels like a a lose lose situation, I don't feel like they put in enough consideration for the PvE players

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I don't get your complaint at all. If you want to make money as a PVE player, you can, easily. It's well documented in many forum posts in fact. It also has nothing to do with doing raids or fractals. I also don't see how the rune change affected the amount of gold you were earning before and after the change either; unless you got really lucky, or what you consider lots of gold isn't, there wasn't much money to be made selling runes/sigils on the market prior to the change.

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I'm sorry you feel that way about things, but;

The Rune-change was definitely needed, and for the most part is a positive thing. Selling runes/sigils was never a relatively great source of income. As someone for years that basically salvaged everything and saved all the major/exotic runes & sigils to sell or combine them at the Mystic Forge I think I can say this.

You can do almost anything in the game and make gold, whoever told you that you can only do so in Fractals & Raids is not being truthful. There are a multitude of ways to make gold, and various farms if you want to actively focus on doing so. But regardless of your play-style the most important way to make gold is simple: do not spend it and it will pile up.

No one in the game gets precursor drops every couple of weeks, it just does not happen. Those people are lying to you, I'm not sure why they are you'll have to ask them.

Mesmers did not get 'screwed over pretty good' last patch. The hyperbole is basically in response to a couple of significant changes to one of their play-styles, which was good overall for the game. But they are still one of the strongest professions, and arguably still overpowered in many aspects.

Dodging in combat takes practice. Not hours, but weeks and months (at least for me). I'm sure the majority of us weren't exceptionally good at it in the beginning. I hope your husband is enjoying the game, dodging will come with time, and practice, just like anything. But no one should feel behind or the need to 'catch up'. No one's left behind. Everything we could when the game launched we still can (excluding Living World Season 1 which is now acknowledged as a mistake, but that's another story entirely.)


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The only issue i have with the rune change is it forces you into the gem store if you want to keep a rune, that is *major* problem IMO, salvaging runes should have been optional and not mandatory, and if its going to be mandatory Increase the god damn drop rate on the Symbols so i can actually *make* the runes, i cant even buy the recipes for some of the runes due to the symbols not dropping.

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So is the focus making money or playing and having fun? I've been playing since release, 0 precursors, 0 legendaries (I exclusively play WvW and you don't really need them) and almost 0 gold in my account. We used to lose money playing WvW from having to buy food and seige. Crafted my ascended set (took about 2 years) because I never got drops either - but, it's a great game and I'm having fun. Play on!

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> @"Airdive.2613" said:

> > @"Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136" said:

> > So as I am farming and running around I see I am not making any money now, because there is nothing to sell after salvaging the items


> Now you sell charms and symbols you get from salvaging the items.


This made me chuckle.. perhaps try to sell that joke to some of those Christmas cracker companies in dire need for new material. :)

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You definitely CAN get precursor drops every two weeks. I farm Istan but not in the amount required BUT a friend tags there. He has the maximum magic find and boosts up everything.


He farms for literally a work day worth of hours. For those who have not experienced a fully optimized Istan run it is truly something to behold. Make sure you have used the restroom, eaten, have a couple drinks because unless there is a break before Paladawan you will be doing nothing but fast-paced farming the entire time. Commanders can and do kick afkers.


But don't say it's impossible not to get precursor drops every two weeks because it is.( I farm Istan but I'm just not THAT dedicated...some are.)

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> @"Bloodstealer.5978" said:

> > @"Airdive.2613" said:

> > > @"Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136" said:

> > > So as I am farming and running around I see I am not making any money now, because there is nothing to sell after salvaging the items

> >

> > Now you sell charms and symbols you get from salvaging the items.


> This made me chuckle.. perhaps try to sell that joke to some of those Christmas cracker companies in dire need for new material. :)


OK, I had to think a bit after you said this.

So, in the past, you would probably use basic/copper-fed salvage kit to salvage greens. That's 20% chance to recover an upgrade worth about 16 copper, as per their vendor value, or the *expectation* of 16 x 0.2 = 3.2 copper return as minor runes per salvage.

In the present, you would probably still use basic/copper-fed salvage kit to salvage greens. That's about 1% **(debatable)** chance to recover a charm worth about 30 silver, as per the trading post price (worst-case scenario, instant sell), or the *expectation* of no less than 3000 x 0.01 = 30 copper return as charms per salvage.

All in all, with the current trading post prices we don't expect less gain per green armor piece salvaged than before (as some charms are worth a lot more than 30 silver), despite rarer actual drops.

- Talking about greens because they're the majority of what we salvage that has runes in it.

(Edited for multiplying by 0.01; this is embarrassing.)

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You relied on selling runes for money? The materials that you salvage are usually worth more than the runes (even mithril ore if you relied on minor runes to sell). Before the change you couldn't even sell the minor stuff unless you NPC it and if you wanted to do that, you would farm events on a map with shiny bauble as a reward.

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> @"Airdive.2613" said:

> > @"Rhapsody Dragonfly.5136" said:

> > So as I am farming and running around I see I am not making any money now, because there is nothing to sell after salvaging the items


> Now you sell charms and symbols you get from salvaging the items.


I salvage a lot of material and rarely see charm/symbol drops. I wish they would make a change to salvaging to where you get the runes and sigils like before; especially with the Copper/Silver-Fed tools. That way you can choose which salvage tool to use on them or to sell them. The direct salvaging of them when you salvage the drop they are attached to is my biggest annoyance with that patch.

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