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Please help those of us who are experiencing negative symptoms while playing?


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Between the mount camera, flash effects, distortion graphics, close camera zoom... it is giving some of us players negative symptoms. I have NEVER been bothered by these areas before playing GW2, and I have been trying to bring these issues up in a positive way in hopes that there could be some communication and improvements. Love GW2, but it's hard sometimes when you feel sick while playing and after logging out...


Mounts I've tried to deal with by sitting far away from the screen and not looking directly at the screen sometimes. Have to look away to avoid some of the flashy effect bursts, massive effects bombardment during some meta events and screen distortion areas... Mounts are not really an option after PoF and in the newer zones coming out. Meta events can be fun, and some of the newer events are cool, but the team is really throwing a lot of tough visuals for us to deal with at times. It's not fun, and it's not healthy.



PLEASE do something with the mount camera?


PLEASE increase the camera zoom out far so we can shrink the visual chaos?


PLEASE help the players who are being negatively impacted while playing?


PLEASE do something?

















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I couldn't play for *years* even when a guild friend said the camera had been changed, I was put off with the sickness, vomiting and Headaches I would get, and we are talking 30min playing time tops.

However I came back, messed with my setting and by trial and error came to a happy medium that at least I could *play* . Now don't get me wrong, I had moments when I still felt sick and had headaches doing all the changes but now I can at least play a good few hours with no ill effects. BUT I am no means cured. You are right about the mounts, mainly the bunny and roller beetle and I still get the odd headache and sicky feeling which means I need to log out.

There was a few times in the last season when I had to look way because the flashes were too much so i wish they could back down a little bit with it at times, but I agree there is room for improvement.


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I get motion sickness easily, too. Fortunately, the game already has settings to help reduce motion sickness when using mounts. In the options menu, there are various camera settings. Zooming things out and removing camera shake really help and I no longer get motion sickness using mounts.


In terms of unhealthy camera flashes, there isn’t much you can do in-game and Anet won’t fix them despite years of complaints. In fact, they keep adding more and more unhealthy camera flashes, which is quite insulting. Turning postprocessing off helps reduce the brightness of the flashes so it helps a little, at the cost of reducing the game’s overall appearance. Probably the most effective thing to do is reduce your monitor’s brightness way down just for this game, which is a ridiculous solution, but probably the only somewhat reliable workaround at the moment.

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anything that flashes with no end makes me want to shoot my eyes out, thank my ADHD for that.

but since the NPE they only added even more flashy things, making hearts force-clickable, making leveling a flashy hell, they are making me play less.


but their loss of revenue guess.

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Disabling **Postprocessing** disables a lot of the brightness and flashing of the game, while it makes a few things look worse, I pretty much can't play with it on for an extended amount of time. Maybe try disabling that.


In addition to that, obviously disable **camera shake** and **motion blur** if you haven't done so yet, as well as increasing the **Field of View** helps with those issues.

Keeping the camera zoomed out, as well as increasing the "hight" of it helps as well. In addition to that, I'm one f the few players playing with _action camera_. Maybe that has beneficial effects as well. I certainly can never go back to the old MMO tab control scheme, as it makes me feel too disconnected from my character, which can cause nausea.


For flashes in combat, especially zerg situations, make sure to check **Effect LOD** on, to reduce effects.

Lastly, try to tune your graphical options to get the most stable Frame Rate possible. This is obviously impossible at times, when engaging in huge meta events etc., but other than that, your Frame Rate shouldn't fluctuate massively, as that is responsible for nausea as well.



I'm extremely prone to Motion Sickness, usually tied to narrow FoV and camera shake, to a point where I had to quit playing games I really enjoyed because I would get genuinely sick within minutes and would have to lay down.

With the options mentioned that GW2 offers, I never had motion sickness in this game, at all.

Hope they help you out as well.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> PLEASE do something with the mount camera?


I read a few of those threads, and I find myself still asking: what precisely is the trigger with the mount camera for motion sickness?

I watched that video you embedded. Is the issue just camera movement not linked to user input?

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> @"Rhyse.8179" said:

> I play on minimum graphics settings for this reason. There's just too much visual noise in this game.


Much of which probably wouldn't be a problem if the game was properly optimized to work with modern hardware. Never forget that we're playing in 2019 on a spaghetti coded update of a 2005 game engine.

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> @"BlueJin.4127" said:

> I get motion sickness easily, too. Fortunately, the game already has settings to help reduce motion sickness when using mounts. In the options menu, there are various camera settings. Zooming things out and removing camera shake really help and I no longer get motion sickness using mounts.


> In terms of unhealthy camera flashes, there isn’t much you can do in-game and Anet won’t fix them despite years of complaints. In fact, they keep adding more and more unhealthy camera flashes, which is quite insulting. Turning postprocessing off helps reduce the brightness of the flashes so it helps a little, at the cost of reducing the game’s overall appearance. Probably the most effective thing to do is reduce your monitor’s brightness way down just for this game, which is a ridiculous solution, but probably the only somewhat reliable workaround at the moment.


I have never had motion sickness symptoms until PoF mounts. The flashy effects I've dealt with, but we are getting to a point of being hit with all these triggers more consistently as we go along...


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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> I have never had motion sickness symptoms until PoF mounts. The flashy effects I've dealt with, but we are getting to a point of being hit with all these triggers more consistently as we go along...


Yes, it’s definitely getting worse. I recently purchased LWS4 e1 AND e2. The very first story of e1 gave me motion sickness due to the purple wavy effects. I had to deal with a headache for the whole day. Then, I went through e2 stories where half the stories involved constant flashing lights that were painful and uncomfortable for my eyes. I haven’t played the other episodes yet, but I read about the various complaints about the remaining episodes.


There was a post from Gaile saying they’d fix the issue soon (replying to e1). This reply was from a year ago...


Seriously, my interest in this game has gone down the drain and I’d just quit this game if Anet would be willing to give me a full refund. I knew I shouldn’t have spent $300 in the first 3 months of this game and I’m upset at myself for doing something I KNEW I SHOULDN’T HAVE DONE. I’m also kitten pissed at Anet for completely and utterly disrespecting their customers like this.


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> @"Jimbru.6014" said:

> > @"Rhyse.8179" said:

> > I play on minimum graphics settings for this reason. There's just too much visual noise in this game.


> Much of which probably wouldn't be a problem if the game was properly optimized to work with modern hardware. Never forget that we're playing in 2019 on a spaghetti coded update of a 2005 game engine.


Visual noise is an art issue not an game engine issue.


Optimizations might give you higher FPS when there are 100 giant glowing lightbulbs and it might even make those lightbulbs case better looking shadows but it won't make them go away.

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> @"Dami.5046" said:

> I couldn't play for *years* even when a guild friend said the camera had been changed, I was put off with the sickness, vomiting and Headaches I would get, and we are talking 30min playing time tops.

> However I came back, messed with my setting and by trial and error came to a happy medium that at least I could *play* . Now don't get me wrong, I had moments when I still felt sick and had headaches doing all the changes but now I can at least play a good few hours with no ill effects. BUT I am no means cured. You are right about the mounts, mainly the bunny and roller beetle and I still get the odd headache and sicky feeling which means I need to log out.

> There was a few times in the last season when I had to look way because the flashes were too much so i wish they could back down a little bit with it at times, but I agree there is room for improvement.



Man that sucks, I dont have this on videogames luckily but i do get this from riding rollercoasters now irl. I didnt use to when I was a kid, scared i might with games at some point.


Pretty weird, I guess mine is an inner ear problem while yours is visual disturbances. I would turn all your settings to low and turn motion blur and post processing off.

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> @"Swagger.1459" said:

> PLEASE do something with the mount camera?

> PLEASE increase the camera zoom out far so we can shrink the visual chaos?

> PLEASE help the players who are being negatively impacted while playing?

> PLEASE do something?


Hi Swagger. You have the LOD option in the menu. Activate it and most the visual noise will go away.

Reducing the effects in the Graphics Option menu will do wonders too.


If after all this the bloom still bothers you can activate NVIDIA profiler and reduce the brightness of the effects.

OR you can use RESHADE if you don't have an NVIDIA card.


You are very welcome!




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> @"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:

> > @"Dami.5046" said:

> > I couldn't play for *years* even when a guild friend said the camera had been changed, I was put off with the sickness, vomiting and Headaches I would get, and we are talking 30min playing time tops.

> > However I came back, messed with my setting and by trial and error came to a happy medium that at least I could *play* . Now don't get me wrong, I had moments when I still felt sick and had headaches doing all the changes but now I can at least play a good few hours with no ill effects. BUT I am no means cured. You are right about the mounts, mainly the bunny and roller beetle and I still get the odd headache and sicky feeling which means I need to log out.

> > There was a few times in the last season when I had to look way because the flashes were too much so i wish they could back down a little bit with it at times, but I agree there is room for improvement.

> >


> Man that sucks, I dont have this on videogames luckily but i do get this from riding rollercoasters now irl. I didnt use to when I was a kid, scared i might with games at some point.


> Pretty weird, I guess mine is an inner ear problem while yours is visual disturbances. I would turn all your settings to low and turn motion blur and post processing off.


I just don't travel well, I guess. Always had motion sickness, although this game and Doom were the only ones to make me sick playing a game.

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It would be a **huge** QoL upgrade if they _finally_ added some options that will allow players to control those effects (i.e., their intensity etc.).


I'm not getting sick per se by any of them, but (A) sometimes there is an absolute overload of flashy effects that will give you a headache as it is hurting your eyes and piercing straight into your brain (which I am certain isn't healthy for your eyesight and some of your brain functions), and (B) sometimes I can't find my cursor on-screen from all those effects (you can't even custommize your mouse pointer's color to begin with).

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I have posted several times regarding this issue. I am subjected to motion sickness. In my case, the biggest contributors are the twirling/slaloming visual effects Anet did add since a few LS episodes.

Concrete examples of what I can absolutely not do:

- The meta event in Sandswept Isles. The luring in circle around the boss gets me sick within seconds.

- The end of the last LS instance with the low gravity (griffon run).

- The ley-line slaloms in the air, up and down, during one instance of the LS in Sandswept Isles.


Fortunately, I was able to manage pretty well the motion sickness caused by mounts. Nowadays, mounts are luckily no more a problem to me. There are certain races that I cannot do though, and those I can do, that's once only and after that I go have a walk outside. :3


The problem is that for those visual effects of type twirling, the post-processing option does not help. And my deception was enormous when I did discover that 2 of the new LS instances have such a twirling/luring effect. :(


I have always hoped that Anet would give some feedback about the issue, but I cannot recall a thread where it has been the case. Will browse again the links given in OP to verify.

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> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> sometimes I can't find my cursor on-screen from all those effects (you can't even custommize your mouse pointer's color to begin with).


Ha! I tried Yolo Mouse with a giant pink pointer for a while and I still lost it on occasion! So I went back to normal because it looks better and just learned to pay attention a little better (I am NOT saying learn-to-play!). One trick is to pull the mouse to a certain side or corner of the screen and then find the pointer where you know it should be.


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> @"Wizler.8192" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > sometimes I can't find my cursor on-screen from all those effects (you can't even custommize your mouse pointer's color to begin with).


> Ha! I tried Yolo Mouse with a giant pink pointer for a while and I still lost it on occasion! So I went back to normal because it looks better and just learned to pay attention a little better (I am NOT saying learn-to-play!). One trick is to pull the mouse to a certain side or corner of the screen and then find the pointer where you know it should be.


Thanks, I know how to solve the situation when it occurs. ;) I am just saying that the visual clutter often is too much and gave an example of what can happen (and it does cost you valuable time sometimes).

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> @"anduriell.6280" said:

> Hi Swagger. You have the LOD option in the menu. Activate it and most the visual noise will go away.

> Reducing the effects in the Graphics Option menu will do wonders too.


> If after all this the bloom still bothers you can activate NVIDIA profiler and reduce the brightness of the effects.

> OR you can use RESHADE if you don't have an NVIDIA card.


> You are very welcome!


People don't actually want options as there are already many like you've posted. What they really want is Anet to straight up remove things from the game they don't like. They already did this once, things like elementalist fire staff 1 skill went from being a ball of fire cast by a master of magic to a peashooter. There were no options for people, there was no check box for people that wanted the old animation as they had been playing with for years. It was just gutted. I applaud that many people like you have pointed out the many different options people have to tone down peoples graphic and video settings, but rather than choose to use the existing options they already have there are still an incredibly small but vocal micro group of people who demand anet gut the games visuals even more for them.


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> @"Wizler.8192" said:

> Ha! I tried Yolo Mouse with a giant pink pointer for a while and I still lost it on occasion! So I went back to normal because it looks better and just learned to pay attention a little better (I am NOT saying learn-to-play!). One trick is to pull the mouse to a certain side or corner of the screen and then find the pointer where you know it should be.


Another is to enable the Windows feature that puts a big but shrinking white circle around your cursor when you hold CTRL down for a bit.


I really feel for the motion sick folks. I'm often one of them but have been able to set the camera to the point my own motion doesn't bother me. Zoom far enough out and the shift between mounted/unmounted is minimal. Zoom also helps when I'm swept in a circle, I just have to correct my camera angle a bit as I spin but it's not dizzying. For the flashing obscuring stuff I generally end up looking at the UI instead of the target. Thanks to auto-snap-to-target aoe circles, I don't have to see anything to land my shots. I know that doesn't help people with reactions different from mine, but maybe focusing on a static frame (the UI) and ignoring the middle of the screen will help? Not that ANet wants that, they have always kept the UI minimal on purpose, but hey if they're going to make the action impossible to see, that's on them :)


Now, put a mini with flickering wings near me and I'm ill in seconds. But I can generally avoid those.


(Side note -- nothing in GW2 gets me nearly as queasy as going in and out of panels in ESO. Having to rapidly open containers there, or exit the game, involves nausea in moments. So I'm happy GW2 doesn't do that at least).



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> @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

> > @"anduriell.6280" said:

> > Hi Swagger. You have the LOD option in the menu. Activate it and most the visual noise will go away.

> > Reducing the effects in the Graphics Option menu will do wonders too.

> >

> > If after all this the bloom still bothers you can activate NVIDIA profiler and reduce the brightness of the effects.

> > OR you can use RESHADE if you don't have an NVIDIA card.

> >

> > You are very welcome!


>** People don't actually want options** as there are already many like you've posted. What they really want is Anet to straight up remove things from the game they don't like. They already did this once, things like elementalist fire staff 1 skill went from being a ball of fire cast by a master of magic to a peashooter. There were no options for people, there was no check box for people that wanted the old animation as they had been playing with for years. It was just gutted. I applaud that many people like you have pointed out the many different options people have to tone down peoples graphic and video settings, but rather than choose to use the existing options they already have there are still an incredibly small but vocal micro group of people who demand anet gut the games visuals even more for them.


Don't put words in other people's mouths. I do want options. GW2 UI customization is so pathetic it's 15 years behind industry standards. Not resizing windows? Not being able to move text popups? SIX. FRIKKEN. YEARS. OF. GREEN. TEXT. TAKING. UP. HALF. THE. SCREEN. GW1 set the standard for customization in it's era - it's insulting that they went back on it. It's the same game engine even! It's downright lazy that they havn't gone back to address it in all this time.


As for the options they DID put in? (finally - after years of begging) While appreciated, they are kind of like giving a penny to a beggar. Those options are pathetic and well below industry standard. Other games (Wildstar did this VERY well - RIP. WOW does it by allowing addons) allow things like the following:

-Filter (remove) effects based on criteria: Is Yours, Is Group, Is Enemy, Can Hurt You, Can't Hurt You, Can Help You

-Adjust transparency and occlusion of effects based on the same criteria

-Adjust colors, borders, transparency, layer prioirity of ground telegraphs based on same criteria

-Customize UI window transparency, occlusion, layer priority, size, placement, and scale

-Customize floating text color, transparency, layer, scale, position, and movement

-Customize color, position, size, transparency and layer of popups (GW2 always has them in the center)


When it comes to UI and visual noise, GW2 is almost a runner up to the honor of aspiring to mediocrity.

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> @"Rhyse.8179" said:

> > @"sevenDEADLY.5281" said:

> > > @"anduriell.6280" said:

> > > Hi Swagger. You have the LOD option in the menu. Activate it and most the visual noise will go away.

> > > Reducing the effects in the Graphics Option menu will do wonders too.

> > >

> > > If after all this the bloom still bothers you can activate NVIDIA profiler and reduce the brightness of the effects.

> > > OR you can use RESHADE if you don't have an NVIDIA card.

> > >

> > > You are very welcome!

> >

> >** People don't actually want options** as there are already many like you've posted. What they really want is Anet to straight up remove things from the game they don't like. They already did this once, things like elementalist fire staff 1 skill went from being a ball of fire cast by a master of magic to a peashooter. There were no options for people, there was no check box for people that wanted the old animation as they had been playing with for years. It was just gutted. I applaud that many people like you have pointed out the many different options people have to tone down peoples graphic and video settings, but rather than choose to use the existing options they already have there are still an incredibly small but vocal micro group of people who demand anet gut the games visuals even more for them.

> >

> Don't put words in other people's mouths. I do want options. GW2 UI customization is so pathetic it's 15 years behind industry standards. Not resizing windows? Not being able to move text popups? SIX. FRIKKEN. YEARS. OF. GREEN. TEXT. TAKING. UP. HALF. THE. SCREEN. GW1 set the standard for customization in it's era - it's insulting that they went back on it. It's the same game engine even! It's downright lazy that they havn't gone back to address it in all this time.


> As for the options they DID put in? (finally - after years of begging) While appreciated, they are kind of like giving a penny to a beggar. Those options are pathetic and well below industry standard. Other games (Wildstar did this VERY well - RIP. WOW does it by allowing addons) allow things like the following:

> -Filter (remove) effects based on criteria: Is Yours, Is Group, Is Enemy, Can Hurt You, Can't Hurt You, Can Help You

> -Adjust transparency and occlusion of effects based on the same criteria

> -Adjust colors, borders, transparency, layer prioirity of ground telegraphs based on same criteria

> -Customize UI window transparency, occlusion, layer priority, size, placement, and scale

> -Customize floating text color, transparency, layer, scale, position, and movement

> -Customize color, position, size, transparency and layer of popups (GW2 always has them in the center)


> When it comes to UI and visual noise, GW2 is almost a runner up to the honor of aspiring to mediocrity.


I'm going to presume you've been around since GW1, and you are correct about the customization options available for the UI in that game. If you've actually been around that long and have been on these forums(both the old and new) since GW2's launch then you would/should be aware of the reasons why they didn't/won't offer the same type of customization in GW2 and GW1. It's been asked for before numerous times and the Devs and given the same response numerous times, I'm not going to look them up for you or repeat them....suffice it to say it is not going to happen.


Also, for everyone that has posted in this and identical threads in the past. This is not intended to disrespect those with the above problems, but in all honesty the first question anyone should ask themselves when presented with these problems is: do I have any of these symptoms outside of gaming? If the answer is yes, then you should probably seek medical attention as it's not the game causing the issue.

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