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How many completed the pof story solo?


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> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> Power soulbeast, using greatsword and longbow.


K I assume Zerker stats.. how about traits, pet etc?


Zerker Longbow Ranger is a pretty great safe playstyle as keeping out of damage is one of the best ways to stay alive anyway.

I advise using the Nature Magic traitline for the Nature's Vengeance trait and running at least the Stone Spirit utility skill.

I use Water, Stone and Frost spirits on my main Ranger and the protection spam from the stone spirit often comes in handy even with my glassy stats.

Spirits also double as aggro magnets for enemies so you can use them as decoys.. use your Longbow stealth skill (3) and hide for a few seconds and usually enemies will re-aggro on your pet or spirits instead of you.


As for Pets I use Jungle Stalker for damage and Smokescale for a bit of CC, dmg and something a bit more tankier than the cat.


Hopefully some of that will help you out :)

good luck

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I did it twice, once on my core Necro, and then on my Firebrand.


The Necro was extremely painful and my armor was in tatters from seemingly endless deaths, but I think it was because I swapped weapons which caused me to drop the special sword I had been given, so it took an eternity to kill the warbeast and Balz.


The second time around, I knew much better what to expect, and clung to that sword for dear life, and I think I completed it with no deaths or only 1 or 2 deaths.


In short, there's nothing epic about a fight with one-time mechanics and one-time weapon skills that you're trying to learn while getting pounded by a boss while fire is raging across the floor while being CC'd. It's more like navigating an unfamiliar highway with detours in a raging snowstorm in an unfamiliar rental car with windshield wipers that are flaky and the transmission keeps slipping. yea, you can get through it, but there's nothing epic about it.


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I did it solo on a Engineer. And on an elementalist. Did I die and was I naked? yeah. It's the final fight of the expansion, it's not going to be terribly easy. It took me a while, like a half hour, but I did do it. Usually the really big fights take a while and you WILL lose some clothes. Don't sweat it :) Just keep going, hun!

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> @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > Power soulbeast, using greatsword and longbow.


> K I assume Zerker stats.. how about traits, pet etc?


> Zerker Longbow Ranger is a pretty great safe playstyle as keeping out of damage is one of the best ways to stay alive anyway.

> I advise using the Nature Magic traitline for the Nature's Vengeance trait and running at least the Stone Spirit utility skill.

> I use Water, Stone and Frost spirits on my main Ranger and the protection spam from the stone spirit often comes in handy even with my glassy stats.

> Spirits also double as aggro magnets for enemies so you can use them as decoys.. use your Longbow stealth skill (3) and hide for a few seconds and usually enemies will re-aggro on your pet or spirits instead of you.


> As for Pets I use Jungle Stalker for damage and Smokescale for a bit of CC, dmg and something a bit more tankier than the cat.


> Hopefully some of that will help you out :)

> good luck


Drakes are very good tanking pets, too. Their AoE DPS works wonders for holding aggro and they come with self-healing.


I would actually recommend running a core Ranger build with Wilderness Survival and Beastmastery, as a fully traited Troll Unguent is the best heal Rangers have.


As for the title, completed in full Berserker's/Viper's on Ranger, Elementalist, Necromancer, Thief, Warrior, and Guardian.

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> @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

> > @"Teratus.2859" said:

> > > @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > > Power soulbeast, using greatsword and longbow.

> >

> > K I assume Zerker stats.. how about traits, pet etc?

> >

> > Zerker Longbow Ranger is a pretty great safe playstyle as keeping out of damage is one of the best ways to stay alive anyway.

> > I advise using the Nature Magic traitline for the Nature's Vengeance trait and running at least the Stone Spirit utility skill.

> > I use Water, Stone and Frost spirits on my main Ranger and the protection spam from the stone spirit often comes in handy even with my glassy stats.

> > Spirits also double as aggro magnets for enemies so you can use them as decoys.. use your Longbow stealth skill (3) and hide for a few seconds and usually enemies will re-aggro on your pet or spirits instead of you.

> >

> > As for Pets I use Jungle Stalker for damage and Smokescale for a bit of CC, dmg and something a bit more tankier than the cat.

> >

> > Hopefully some of that will help you out :)

> > good luck


> Drakes are very good tanking pets, too. Their AoE DPS works wonders for holding aggro and they come with self-healing.


> I would actually recommend running a core Ranger build with Wilderness Survival and Beastmastery, as a fully traited Troll Unguent is the best heal Rangers have.



Also good advice ^^


My main Ranger also runs Wilderness Survival along side Nature Magic and Marksman.

Basically my stats are offensive but a number of traits are defensive.. a balance between Power and Survivability which is where my preference lie ^^


To give more specific details.. the combination of Nature Magic and Wilderness Survival provides some nice synergy.

For example, Nature Magics Natures Vengeance cause the Stone Spirt to spam protection on you every few seconds.

Wilderness Survivals Rugged Growth trait causes every one of those protection buffs to heal you and your pet by a small amount every second.

Wilderness Survival also has Companion's Defense which gives you and your pet protection when you dodge roll.. more protection = more healing.

Rangers are also pretty good at self buffing Regen.

Nature Magic's Rejuvenation gives you 5 seconds of regen when hit under 50% health.. this combines really good with Marksmans Stone form which gives you Lesser Signet of Stone for 5 seconds when you drop below 50% health so.. you gain 5 seconds of damage immunity to allow for healing etc and when it runs out and your health drops below 50% again you get more regen, Combine this as well with Oakheart Salve which gives you 5% damage reduction so long as you have regen active.

If you run Warhorn in your additional weapon (which I do) skill 5 also adds Regen and Nature Magic's Windborne Notes reduces cooldowns and heals you each time you gain regeneration.. which will be quite a bit, specially if you run Water Spirit like I do.

Nature Magic also has Fortifying Bond which shares every boon you get with your pet and Bountiful Hunter which gives you 1% dmg increase for every boon you have and same for your pet for every boon it has.

I also get regular Regen spam from my Water Spirit as well as 100% chance to heal on hit from it's unique ability.. likewise the stone spirit's unique ability gives even more protection on hit.

And you can get even more healing from food such as as Omnomberry pies (66% chance of lifesteal on crit + 70 precision) or Mango pies (health regen per second +70 Vitality)


So as you can see from all that.. we're getting a lot of small heals from multiple sources which does stack up to a significant amount overall and a lot of damage reduction from protection and regen which really does help keep me alive.

All that and we're still able to put out some nice damage thanks to our glassy stats. :)


Nature Magic and Wilderness Survival are fantastic traitlines to run together.. even on a Ranger with no stats invested into Toughness and Vitality.

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I have completed it solo about six times, if memory serves. Caveat... all with either a necro or a ranger. For me, as a casual, decidedly mediocre player at best, I found patience to be the most valuable asset. I kept moving, kept watching for the things I needed to stay away from, and taking shots when I could do so without a lot of danger. I used the Sohothin (not sure of spelling) for the Warbeast segment and went back to my profession weapons for the Balthazar fight. I died a number of times on the first few go-arounds, but by the time I did it for the fifth and sixth times, I managed to stay up the entire time. A lot of it was simply knowing the mechanics.

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> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> > @"Khisanth.2948" said:

> > 8 times so far ... warrior, rev, elementalist, guardian, warrior, thief, necromancer, necromancer

> >

> > One common thing for people having problem with it seems to be ignoring the stupidly overpowered skill they give you. The 2 skill depends on class and some are better than others but in all cases it is both a heal and an evade. It's damage also seems to ignore your gear and traits so you can put everything into defenses and still do enough damage for clearing it.


> What do you mean the 2 skill? Only thing i noticed was it was a leap. maybe ill go to a dif build and try it but honestly im overwhelmed with adds killing me from all sides and the aoe circles everywhere from the warbeast. But i will try i build with more defense. Honestly though i never been so mad this encounter made me literally hard close the game.


I recommend reading through the skill tooltips as you get new skills introduced to you during the story - it helps a ton to understand what kind of assets you have. The skill 2 on Sohothin helps loweer the cooldowns of the stronger skills.


And I dont think anyone is trying to be passive-aggressive or tell you to get good. Yes, some of us one-shot it. So what? It does not make you inferior.

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I have done this solo 4x so far (on core mesmer with greatsword, core ranger with bow, core elementalist with staff and guardian with mace and shield). All in exotic items. None of them in any optimal setting. The particular fight mentioned by op, I used Sohothin Sword.


[https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sohothin](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sohothin "https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Sohothin")


The skills of this weapon are in the link. Especially skill 5 is god. And make use of the environment like npcs helping you, warhounds with low hp that can get you back up in case you get downed, healing bubbles etc...

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I am a relatively new player (came back last June after years away) and I just got to this story step earlier in the week. I play primarily solo though I have done LFG fractals maybe two or three times.


I could tell right away it was a big "nope" for me too, at least for now. I am just not good enough with the movement controls yet to be able to stay out of the way of all the bad stuff. The Balthazar fight before this one was the worst so far, (well, maybe tied with Hearts and Minds) and when I started this one I knew right away I had to step away for a while.


I play a ranger, switched from longbow to shortbow not long ago and also use axe/dagger. I have a mix of exotics and ascended but I think my own problem is being too slow and not very nimble. So I went back to LS3 to do that story and practice more on those maps.


I appreciate the build tips from folks here and will try them out, and come back to this fight after I feel more confident about it. I find that if I just look at it as a chance to learn and try things out I can surprise myself with what I'm able to get through. But yeah, there's a lot of frustration attached to that process.

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> @"PeerlessArch.6547" said:

> To those who commented on builds and gear --


> I soloed the whole story on a Staff Tempest with all Exotic Celestiel gear. Absolutely **NOT** the most ideal class/setup/spec at all by far.


> And I'm not even that good of a player lol.


> It can be done without max gear and Meta specs.


I'm in a similar position - the first time I did it was solo with a Weaver with exotic Celestial gear (actually some of it was just rare - Wintersday trinkets). That's not to say the fight is easy, but I don't think it's at all dependent on gear.


I think I used [Final Shielding](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Final_Shielding "Final Shielding") and [Arcane Shield](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Arcane_Shield "Arcane Shield") to survive when I failed to avoid or dodge one of the big AoE attacks. Unfortunately the OP is using Ranger, so I don't think they have access to anything similar, although [Runes of Rebirth](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Superior_Rune_of_the_Rebirth "Runes of Rebirth") might help.

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> @"TheAgedGnome.7520" said:

> I did it twice, once on my core Necro, and then on my Firebrand.


> The Necro was extremely painful and my armor was in tatters from seemingly endless deaths, but I think it was because I swapped weapons which caused me to drop the special sword I had been given, so it took an eternity to kill the warbeast and Balz.

You can use special skill to regain the sword at any point if you happen to switch out of it.



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Self-acclaimed professional story instance dying expert here. I completed PoF on my Guardian and Ranger. My Guardian managed to win with complete broken gear, which was by the end a VERY frustrating experience as getting pushed right back into the fire wall for clean 1-hit kill was not that exciting. The Ranger had better luck in exotic berserker gear iirc. No equipment where I would have needed to farm gold aka ascended, viper gear etc (outside of one exotic set from HoT story runs, which my Ranger uses if I play Condi version). Despite that I would never do it on my Elementalist or Thief or Mesmer. I know they have all kinds of tricks and means to avoid damage, but that's were I'd draw the line .

I have quite respect of the guy in reddit, who posted a youtube video of him clearing that fight (intentionally) without armor without dying on his Elementalist. Never could do that as I'd eventually reach a point where I lose overview of the situation due to the - to me - hectic nature (and visual clutter).

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