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Time to change the daily login rewards


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Absolutely agree! I don't login for the rewards, they're just another extra. I'd imagine if I wasn't playing regularly those rewards wouldn't be enough to get me to login.


The best system I've seen is from Elder Scrolls Online - the rewards change monthly with the best rewards in the 3rd week so you are encouraged to login.

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*Why* do you say they are boring? What's wrong with boring-but-useful rewards anyway? (And no, I don't particularly thing they are all *hugely* useful, but free crafting mats, mystic coins, Tomes of Knowledge (==> Spirit Shards)(1), and Mystic Clovers, just for logging in for a moment each day? Nothing wrong with that.)


(1) No, I'm not one of those people with an unbounded supply of either of these, so an extra source of them is always nice.

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> @"mykemyk.7456" said:

> Please change the daily login rewards. They are boring now and have been for a long time. There are just so many options so please change them and make them more rewarding or more anticipating etc.


It would be more helpful if you were to make suggestions as to what rewards you believe should be made available.

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> @"Towatha.4671" said:

> Absolutely agree! I don't login for the rewards, they're just another extra. I'd imagine if I wasn't playing regularly those rewards wouldn't be enough to get me to login.


> The best system I've seen is from Elder Scrolls Online - the rewards change monthly with the best rewards in the 3rd week so you are encouraged to login.


I really don't like Elder Scrolls Online's system. It's gotten better than it was, for a while they seemed wildly optimistic about what people could manage but it's still frustrating if you miss days and then end up missing out on a unique reward as a result. Yes I know it's only a game and if you're unable to log in for any reason that's supposed to also stop you caring about the unique items (I've been shouted down enough times on their forum), but it's still pretty disheartening to log in after some time away and get a giant splash screen going "Look at all the cool stuff you cannot have." Honestly when it gets to the point where I'm missing rewards other than random currency, especially if it's something I'd like to have, it puts me off logging in at all. It feels like a giant reminder than I'm not the kind of player they want.


For me GW2's system is much better. The rewards are good enough that when I'm at home I'll make sure to log into both accounts to pick them up, even if I'm not planning on playing that day, but if I'm away from home and can't log in no matter how much I want to it doesn't bother me as much because I know I'll be able to get the rewards later on.


There could be a middle ground however. The big advantage of GW2's system is that, other than laurels, there is nothing which is only available from login rewards. You're never going to miss out on an outfit or mini pet or whatever because you didn't log in for 25 days in a 30 day period. If the rewards changed but were not unique it wouldn't have the same problem as ESO does for me. For example they could include Season 4 map currency or volatile magic, then change to Season 5 when it's released.


The problem however would be working out what to take out. I will be very surprised if there's anything in that table which everyone on this forum would be happy to lose, or get less often. I'd suggest the Chest of Exotic Equipment, Luck and Crafting Materials are the least appealing and probably the best ones to replace, but I'm sure someone will disagree.

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> @"Towatha.4671" said:

> Absolutely agree! I don't login for the rewards, they're just another extra. I'd imagine if I wasn't playing regularly those rewards wouldn't be enough to get me to login.


> The best system I've seen is from Elder Scrolls Online - the rewards change monthly with the best rewards in the 3rd week so you are encouraged to login.


Yes I agree. The ESO daily rewards are way better. They chang monthly and sometimes are really good and other times arent that great. But its exciting to login an especially exciting to login at the beginning of month to see what they will be for the month. AND if you miss a day then you miss that days login. You dont start off where you stopped. Eitehr way the GW2 rewards have been the same for years and its boring

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> @"mykemyk.7456" said:

> > @"Towatha.4671" said:

> > Absolutely agree! I don't login for the rewards, they're just another extra. I'd imagine if I wasn't playing regularly those rewards wouldn't be enough to get me to login.

> >

> > The best system I've seen is from Elder Scrolls Online - the rewards change monthly with the best rewards in the 3rd week so you are encouraged to login.


> Yes I agree. The ESO daily rewards are way better. They chang monthly and sometimes are really good and other times arent that great. But its exciting to login an especially exciting to login at the beginning of month to see what they will be for the month. AND if you miss a day then you miss that days login. You dont start off where you stopped. Eitehr way the GW2 rewards have been the same for years and its boring


Is ESO a subscription based MMO? Maybe that is why they are able to have the reward structure in place that they have?

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I quite enjoy the laurel & mystic coin income, the only one I find somewhat irrelevant is the luck. Once you've hit the cap, there's nothing you can really do with it (except gh red lantern decorations xD). It would be cool to have something that everyone would be able to use, even if the people with max magic find are probably the minority of players.


A few quick thoughts:

- seasonal container (gives loot relevant to either last release or current holiday, e.g. pact crate/branded masses from THK/lucky envelopes from Lunar NY)

- some kind of guild decoration once a month (though I guess not everyone can/would use this, and it's not so much a personal reward to log into)

- rather than the black lion random loot thingy, a flat gem reward (something small - 15/25/40 gems or something, though this would probably make me spend more to get enough gems to buy stuff, so maybe a bad idea too :P)

- pots of pvp and wvw reward track or exp (we have tomes of knowledge, why ignore the other game modes? it would give everyone loot, even if they never play those, and help those who do)

- in the later tiers, a random minipet once a month

- black lion chest key

- wardrobe unlock (even if it was a special one that didn't include the "premium" gem store skins)


But, I also don't have a problem with the current log-in rewards; I don't log in for them, they're just a nice little bonus for when I do. They could be made better to give people a reason to log in every day, but do they really need to be? Making people want to log in just to collect a daily reward doesn't actually make them want to play the game every day, just log in -> click the chest -> log out.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"mykemyk.7456" said:

> > > @"Towatha.4671" said:

> > > Absolutely agree! I don't login for the rewards, they're just another extra. I'd imagine if I wasn't playing regularly those rewards wouldn't be enough to get me to login.

> > >

> > > The best system I've seen is from Elder Scrolls Online - the rewards change monthly with the best rewards in the 3rd week so you are encouraged to login.

> >

> > Yes I agree. The ESO daily rewards are way better. They chang monthly and sometimes are really good and other times arent that great. But its exciting to login an especially exciting to login at the beginning of month to see what they will be for the month. AND if you miss a day then you miss that days login. You dont start off where you stopped. Eitehr way the GW2 rewards have been the same for years and its boring


> Is ESO a subscription based MMO? Maybe that is why they are able to have the reward structure in place that they have?


Officially not any more, but there is an optional subscription.


It started off as a traditional pay-to-play game (with the bold claim that absolutely everything would be included in the subscription and there would be no additional costs), and there are a lot of systems which are left-over from then and obviously intended to encourage you to keep logging in frequently. For example you can only upgrade your mounts abilities once per day, and to learn to craft equipment with special bonuses you have to research it which takes time (and only 1-3 pieces can be researched at a time), starting off with a few hours and going up to days and then weeks as you learn more of them.


But login rewards are less than a year old, introduced long after they switched to buy-to-play with an optional subscription, so it seems unlikely that's the reason. But as one of the people who can't log in daily even if I wanted to because my job and my family life make it impossible, and who refuses to subscribe to games for exactly that reason - it doesn't suit the way I play them - I definitely feel like a lot of ESO's design still uses that traditional idea of pressuring players to log in and play as much as possible in order to keep them playing (and paying). Whether that's because they think it's the best design regardless of the payment model or just because they hired staff who are used to designing games like that and they've stuck with it, or some other reason I don't know.


Don't get me wrong, I like both games. But GW2 feels like a game which was designed with players like me in mind, whereas ESO feels more like a game designed for the stereotypical MMO player where this is not only their one game but their one _hobby_ and they're always online at the same time every day, playing with the same group of friends and people like me are just sort of stubbornly tagging along and making allowance for us is an afterthought at best.


The login rewards are just one, relatively small, part of that of course. But like I said it's the part which is right in your face every time you log in (ESO gives you a notification of the next reward when you log in, and shows you the full screen each time you click one, even if you've collected that days one). So it's the thing which most often makes me aware I don't really belong in this game.


I guess the downside of GW2's system is I think about it a lot less overall, but the upside is whenever I do it's positive. Sure it's almost automatic to click that chest, collect the reward and close the daily achievement window and I barely think about what I'm doing, but it's still nice to know I've got that little bonus...and to know if I don't get it today I'll still get all the same stuff later on.

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"mykemyk.7456" said:

> > > @"Towatha.4671" said:

> > > Absolutely agree! I don't login for the rewards, they're just another extra. I'd imagine if I wasn't playing regularly those rewards wouldn't be enough to get me to login.

> > >

> > > The best system I've seen is from Elder Scrolls Online - the rewards change monthly with the best rewards in the 3rd week so you are encouraged to login.

> >

> > Yes I agree. The ESO daily rewards are way better. They chang monthly and sometimes are really good and other times arent that great. But its exciting to login an especially exciting to login at the beginning of month to see what they will be for the month. AND if you miss a day then you miss that days login. You dont start off where you stopped. Eitehr way the GW2 rewards have been the same for years and its boring


> Is ESO a subscription based MMO? Maybe that is why they are able to have the reward structure in place that they have?


Technically no but you pretty much have to. It’s like if Anet locked material storage access and content updates (LS episodes, new fractals/raids) through a subscription (although the content can be purchased individually).


The items that are issued under ESO’s login rewards are just as likely to be “useless” as those under GW2’s. The only real difference in rewards is that ESO ovassionally has mount skins and mini pets. There was also an episode unlock back in November I think for the newest release. This isn’t something that GW2’s existing daily system can do as it doesn’t rotate by actual calendar months.

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GW2's system also couldn't do episode unlocks because we already get those free if we log in during the release period. Replacing one of the current login rewards with access to the new episode would literally be a step down for everyone.


I keep trying to think of things they could add in which would be an improvement. Giving away outfits and other cosmetics could be good, but the problem is then people who don't want them are stuck with them (whereas now even the 'useless' stuff can be used for _something_ sooner or later - or safely deleted because you can always get more if you want it) and people who want them and miss them will be disappointed.


I like the idea of them including LS map currency, or other currencies, but I'm not sure if that would count as a better reward for people who don't like the current ones.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > > @"mykemyk.7456" said:

> > > > @"Towatha.4671" said:

> > > > Absolutely agree! I don't login for the rewards, they're just another extra. I'd imagine if I wasn't playing regularly those rewards wouldn't be enough to get me to login.

> > > >

> > > > The best system I've seen is from Elder Scrolls Online - the rewards change monthly with the best rewards in the 3rd week so you are encouraged to login.

> > >

> > > Yes I agree. The ESO daily rewards are way better. They chang monthly and sometimes are really good and other times arent that great. But its exciting to login an especially exciting to login at the beginning of month to see what they will be for the month. AND if you miss a day then you miss that days login. You dont start off where you stopped. Eitehr way the GW2 rewards have been the same for years and its boring

> >

> > Is ESO a subscription based MMO? Maybe that is why they are able to have the reward structure in place that they have?


> Technically no but you pretty much have to. It’s like if Anet locked material storage access and content updates (LS episodes, new fractals/raids) through a subscription (although the content can be purchased individually).


> The items that are issued under ESO’s login rewards are just as likely to be “useless” as those under GW2’s. The only real difference in rewards is that ESO ovassionally has mount skins and mini pets. There was also an episode unlock back in November I think for the newest release. This isn’t something that GW2’s existing daily system can do as it doesn’t rotate by actual calendar months.


You can buy any episode of gw2 story by useing the gold you get from selling daily materials, laurel materials and mystic coins then convert to gems. ( Those you get just from loging in aswell)

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I would not consider the ESO model superior. GW2's may be same-old-same-old, but you can steadily work through the progression even with big gaps in play. In ESO this month the big prize was 100K gold (which isn't nearly as huge there as it would be in GW2) and people that missed some earlier logins and couldn't log in on a full day of maintenance are locked out of getting that. One of the first few months of the system you had to log in every single day of the month to get the grand prize. GW2 is great about not pressuring you to do things because you can almost always catch up on them later if it becomes important to you. ESO feels like a mandated log in so as not to miss anything and that starts to grate.


As it seems Danikat said more eloquently above :)

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> @"Lottie.5370" said:

> I quite enjoy the laurel & mystic coin income, the only one I find somewhat irrelevant is the luck. Once you've hit the cap, there's nothing you can really do with it (except gh red lantern decorations xD). It would be cool to have something that everyone would be able to use, even if the people with max magic find are probably the minority of players.


I've always thought that once you hit max MF, additional luck should just give you a temporary magic find buff. 1s / point of luck, or some other ratio that ensures you use it up faster than you get it on average.

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I think the luck is too little. IF they are going to give luck don't give us 200 MF. Give us 2000 or something. 200 is literally useless. Also, the bags of experience i dont care for at all. The only rewards i like are the coins the laurels and he chest of loyalty. I would seriously like if they did it the way ESO does it. That's all. We dont all have to agree. The gw2 rewards have literally been the same for 5 years.

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> @"Danikat.8537" wrote:

> I guess the downside of GW2's system is I think about it a lot less overall, but the upside is whenever I do it's positive.


I love this comment.

Login rewards aren't fun, but they add up to value. They reward loyalty, rather than provide an incentive to logon. I'd rather have that, so it doesn't matter much if I miss one day or seven; I don't miss out.

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Remove Day 3 luck -> changes to other lucks: day 10: 500 luck , day 17: 1000 luck, day 24: 1500 luck (3000 total instead of our current 2000)

Day 3 replaced by: Either 3 Bl statuettes or Dungeon tokens. (150)

I think login rewards need a few tweaks: Day 4 and Day 18 black lion merchandises should be replaced by 1 bl key and 6 transmutation charges.

Day 19 Bag of celebration booster should be replaced by a choice between: (Exp booster-Magic booster-Crafting booster)


I really think that adding 1 key per month will not kill anyone, transmutation charges too, less easier to have them in pvE. (yeah i know about map completion)

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