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Do you mostly play with postprocessing on or off?


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I mostly play with postprocessing on, mainly because the game looks too dark in some areas and the textures look very flat with PP off. Also, I love how the Exalted Sky Sentry looks at night in Bitterfrost Frontier with PP on.


Unfortunately, there are too many bright camera flashes from my skills, other players’ skills, enemy skills, gathering Volatile Magic, using gathering tools, extreme high contrast in PoF maps, extreme flashing effects in some PoF story missions, etc. that I still have to regularly turn them off for many activities.

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I play with PP on, simply because the game looks better, BUT...there's a huge issue with lighting and I really hate how bright it can turn to be.

PP off makes the game really, really dark and lose on contrast and its charm. I wish there was middle ground somewhere. :/

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I used to play with it off but once I got a Pc that could handle the game in all it's glory I kept it on.


I don't mind most of the PP effects but to this day I still hate the coloured outlines when you highlight a player, enemy or NPC..

This one effect was the main reason I used to play with PP off and I really wish there was a way to disable this one feature.. it's so ugly and irritating to look at every time I highlight something.

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I have it on 100% of the time until something bugs me, then I have it off 100% of the time until I realize I might be missing a cool effect.


I dunno if that's what you mean by 50-50, but it probably ends up being off about 80% of the time, only because things that bug me are more noticeable than things that I don't realize I'm missing. That is, the trigger to turn it off is obvious; the trigger for turning it on is not.

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I turn it off specifically when I need to remove sepia. Eg in old LA instances from story, and in the LS3 egg trials first trial where you have to spot sandy swirls on the floor. Otherwise I leave it on.


I've have found that if you turn it to low but not off, you get some lovely old-timey photo looks with the Aviator's effect going on. Case in point https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/375715891280609285/540259306696605726/AFPartyGirl.JPG

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> @"Tiviana.2650" said:

> Can someone tell me if this game can run in DX 11 or 12? 9 gives my new pc fits. And I rather run in 11 or 12 but i havent found the option, is there a command line?


It runs only in Dx9.


A fan wrote a mod that will kludge the game into using Dx12 (so only for Win10 machines). Some people have reported great success; some not as much.

(PM me here if you can't find it via google; I'll point you.)

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I have it off since 6 years, I guess that count's as mostly off.


The game is just way to bright and flashy/shiny with it on, giving me a headache and nausea if playing for extended amounts of time.

While it's unfortunate that I miss out on some cool effects and that everything runs under this one option, it's just not worth it for me to ever turn it on.

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Never been a huge fan of fancy lighting and other effects. So its usually one of the first things I turn off in most games.


Overall I think the game looks a lot better with it off, but I think I originally turned it off back in Living Story Season 1 with those Hallucination worms and the effects that came with that was around . Effect killed my eyes.

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