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Siege: Who thought that 1 hour was enough?


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My complaint about WvW is the **siege**, who thought that 1 hour was enough? This bothers me a lot, honestly, there are people who do not even care about refreshing it and all the siege that someone built is lost in the end. My suggestion is simple, let Keep / Tower refresh the siege automatically or increase the count instead 1 hour. There are players who do not even care about refreshing it and that's a problem. You can save a keep or a tower _if_ people remember to refresh it.


Even worse when your T3 Keep / Tower is captured by the enemy because people didn't want to refresh the siege at all. I just ask you to increase the count or let Keep / Tower refresh it automatically.



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reading the title i first thought it was going to be a complaint about sieges taking longer than an hour :3


the problem is , there is no way to get rid of siege aside from letting it expire or getting destroyed by the enemy. so lets say you increase the timer to 5 hours, then you need to wait a looong time if you have either a troll or an inexperienced player placing siege wrong, id even say 1 hour is too long if you need to wait for siege to despawn.


adding an option to remove your own placed siege (maybe with a little refund of supplies to the local storage) would be doable, i doubt either a troll or a new player will remove their siege. providing an option for players to remove the siege of someoneelse just opens the door to trolls/new players removing all siege.

maybe you can remove your own siege and the guild that has claimed the objective can remove any siege from their server within the area of it.


with a good option to remove placed siege one can increase the timer by alot. for example: siege that is placed in the area of the objective after your server took it has a timer of 12 hours, with the option to tell the lord or quatermaster to fresh all siege within the area of the objective.


however aslong as we do not have an option to remove friendly siege on demand, i dont think it can be increased by alot.

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If a team can't be bothered to refresh the siege, then let it expire. I certainly don't think it's a good direction for siege to last infinitely long, just because it's in a keep, which would mean people could leave the map entirely and the siege would remain.


I'm not against compromises, e.g. a new WvW mastery which allows siege _you place_ to last two hours instead of one or a tactivator that refreshes all siege within range of the objective.


> There are players who do not even care about refreshing it and that's a problem.

That's a human problem, a leadership problem, a management problem; I don't see at as a mechanical or game mode issue that ANet needs to address.


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@"Illconceived Was Na.9781 is right, siege need to expire at some point in time and I think they shouldn't remain more than two hours.


But what about a new tactic that increases the siege expire time by 50% so they'd last for 1.5 hours? For a single person refreshing the siege, half an hour is a big deal :)

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On the flip side, I can't count how many times the back cappers have jumped out of a freshly capped objective and strolled right past enemy catas without a care in the world, almost as if they're just inviting these guys to come back so they can come back in 10 mins too.


Once participation became more important than scouting and defending, players stopped caring, that's the long and short of it.


So ok, yes, you get participation for destroying leftover enemy seige, but you get more for getting out and heading to the next juicy objective so you can back cap that. You however, get nothing for refreshing your own seige, hell, half the time you get nothing for using it defesively because most of your backup is off getting participation elsewhere.


Changing the timer will not fix the lack of care, adding participation increases for refreshing it will though, but then you'll have to deal with troll seige and afk pippers, so there's no easy way to rectify it, the best we can do is get those that still care to refresh stuff every hour.






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> @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> Better idea, remove the timers, but ANYONE can use them, friend or foe.


> Then you have to be careful about your siege placement, or go break it when done (might need a self destruct skill on each then) to prevent it being used against you.


Or make it so they can be used OR DAMAGED by each side. Making their use somewhat more potentially interesting.


Though both would allow trolls to further impact their servers.

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It takes a scout ~ 15 minutes to refresh siege in a fully sieged garri or keep, and its usually just one person who feels they have to do it to stop something awful happening later without it


They then spend another 15 or 20 minutes running around towers and the castle if they have that too to refresh the siege there


There's not much time for a scout to enjoy the rest of the game like fights. No one thanks them for it or gives them anything for it


So please try to make their lives a little easier by making superior siege disappear at 90 minutes or more


If you're worried about trolls making normal siege to waste supply and siege cap, make normal siege disappear after half an hour, and put a cap on how much supply an account can use to make normal siege each day


Maybe siege blueprints should also have a range preview so we can see how far they'll shoot

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> @"Jura.2170" said:

> It takes a scout ~ 15 minutes to refresh siege in a fully sieged garri or keep, and its usually just one person who feels they have to do it to stop something awful happening later without it


> They then spend another 15 or 20 minutes running around towers and the castle if they have that too to refresh the siege there


> There's not much time for a scout to enjoy the rest of the game like fights. No one thanks them for it or gives them anything for it


> So please try to make their lives a little easier by making superior siege disappear at 90 minutes or more


> If you're worried about trolls making normal siege to waste supply and siege cap, make normal siege disappear after half an hour, and put a cap on how much supply an account can use to make normal siege each day


> Maybe siege blueprints should also have a range preview so we can see how far they'll shoot


If the server can only field one scout, and that scout is **so** valued, they should be getting shared participation.


If that one scout wants to play other things, it was their choice to do the ‘scouting and refreshing’. Choose not to.


Keep the Siege despawn timer at 60 minutes.

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Some servers don't have people tagged up all the time, so there's no one who can give shared participation. And lots of tags forget to invite scouts to their squad or don't care about giving it to them


And to some scouts, it's necessary, not a choice. Because if they don't do it and no one else wants to, their server looses everything on the map and they get spawn camped for hours


Which is what happened to a server in Tier 3 yesterday

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Honestly I get where the op is coming from but this is more on the players end then the game needing adjusting imo. If an entire server of people is too lazy to refresh siege once an hour.... I get why the one person who actually is doing gets frustrated when no one else is though (as I have been in that situation myself many a times.)

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Remove the ability to place siege besides golems in towers/keeps entirely, and replace them with preplaced, fixed arrow carts/balli/trebs/whatnot that have to be built like cannons and oil, appearing when you t2/t3 a structure. However, most of them would be put in locations that are possible to destroy. Siege to player damage should also be nerfed. The "maintenance" for those of you that actually like doing it, would just be to rebuild them. It's also far more intuitive to new players to build at a build site then it is to check some timer nobody cares about.


You would only be able to place siege offensively (or in camps) I guess, and refreshing is irrelevant. Siege trolling is also irrelevant. Mass sieging a tower is also irrelevant. Draining/wasting supply is harder to do. This would also be fair since everyone has equal access to the same amount of siege in their objectives.


Siege is an outdated concept, was never good to begin with, and detracts from the concept of players actually fighting each other. Why should players be forced to a 24/7 banal activity on a nonstop basis? And it's not like this game mode isn't decided enough by people no-lifeing it. Let's just face reality. (Almost) no one cares anymore. It is not fun. The very existence of such a topic proves that. Siege is one of the factors why this game mode is dead and we need to move past it. The buff to arrow carts back then was one of the worst things to happen to the game mode. The nerf to it that happened was probably one of the better things.

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> @"Israel.7056" said:

> They should make siege refresh cost supply so it would slowly drain an objective to just have tons of siege sitting in there. Also siege should have an ammo system so you couldn't just fire stuff endlessly without reloading it. For the realism.


For the realism too, I would like my trebuchet shots to actually one shot players. How are this people surviving a giant boulder being tossed at them?

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No. Siege refresh as a concept further favor's the server with more coverage. I would argue you have siege expire after an hour (not including canons, mortars, and oils). End of story. This makes it so there is an upkeep to even maintaining T3 objectives considering "Prime" time is in 3 hour windows anyway. In theory this would favor aggressive plays when it comes to siege warfare.



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> @"Jura.2170" said:

> It takes a scout ~ 15 minutes to refresh siege in a fully sieged garri or keep, and its usually just one person who feels they have to do it to stop something awful happening later without it


> They then spend another 15 or 20 minutes running around towers and the castle if they have that too to refresh the siege there


> There's not much time for a scout to enjoy the rest of the game like fights. No one thanks them for it or gives them anything for it


> So please try to make their lives a little easier by making superior siege disappear at 90 minutes or more


> If you're worried about trolls making normal siege to waste supply and siege cap, make normal siege disappear after half an hour, and put a cap on how much supply an account can use to make normal siege each day


> Maybe siege blueprints should also have a range preview so we can see how far they'll shoot


If it takes 15 minutes to refresh a single garri or keep the the issue is with the scout.


All players should make it a habit to refresh siege as they go by them.


An issue that I see with extending the time is that it allows troll siege to last longer. Superior siege is not all that expensive.

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> @"Jeknar.6184" said:

> > @"Israel.7056" said:

> > They should make siege refresh cost supply so it would slowly drain an objective to just have tons of siege sitting in there. Also siege should have an ammo system so you couldn't just fire stuff endlessly without reloading it. For the realism.


> For the realism too, I would like my trebuchet shots to actually one shot players. How are this people surviving a giant boulder being tossed at them?


This is actually a fantastic idea. REALLY increase the damage, but make it take so much supply it takes an actual squad to use it.

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> @"Jura.2170" said:

> It takes a scout ~ 15 minutes to refresh siege in a fully sieged garri or keep, and its usually just one person who feels they have to do it to stop something awful happening later without it


> They then spend another 15 or 20 minutes running around towers and the castle if they have that too to refresh the siege there


> There's not much time for a scout to enjoy the rest of the game like fights. No one thanks them for it or gives them anything for it


> So please try to make their lives a little easier by making superior siege disappear at 90 minutes or more


> If you're worried about trolls making normal siege to waste supply and siege cap, make normal siege disappear after half an hour, and put a cap on how much supply an account can use to make normal siege each day


> Maybe siege blueprints should also have a range preview so we can see how far they'll shoot


normal siege is so useless it should expire in 15 minutes max. ugh. garbage

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Siege expiration makes sense in a game where siege cant be destroyed from outside, but on gw2 siege experitation timer or siege mechanics needs to be double checked at this time due how easy is to reach lameness lvls and use LoS with the skills.


Maybe Anet could change the mechanics of the expiration and make damage from that siege getting reduced 20% every 1h and loosing max health as well.

For superior siege, make it "demoted over time", to just normal siege with the same health penalty's.


With the current LoS and its "way of manipulation for better results" high ground is not an advantage when on walls, it is actually a disavantage if the atackers know how to play and use the current mechanics. :} (it's scrub game at the end, there cant be much validations because it becomes hard for most).

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