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Is there another Expansion in the works?

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> I don't understand what's so different about expansions vs Living Story/DLC. As far as I can see the only differences are an expansion is released all in one go and I have to pay extra for it. The storylines, maps, content etc. aren't fundamentally different. Silverwastes was a living story map and that's quite similar to the HoT maps with a map-wide meta event chain, lots of hidden things dotted around and even gave us a new armour set with two variants (carapace and luminescent).


Its the quantity and quality of content all in one drop. I like getting the whole plate and eating my fill, not being spoonfed for the rest of this game's life.

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Sounds to me that there is a difference in announcing an expansion because the studio knows what the story entails, where it would lead, what kind of content it would have in it and what rewards you would get; as opposed to have it work in doors figuring out everything that the expansion will offer.


Based on that premise, expect an expansion announcement during the second half of season 5, if we stay optimistic in saying there will be one another.

I mean, we are really not in the same situation as season 3. We sure sure went from season 3 to PoF to season 4 very fast but of course we had two long no content story gaps before and after HoT.

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> @"Danikat.8537" said:

> I don't understand what's so different about expansions vs Living Story/DLC. As far as I can see the only differences are an expansion is released all in one go and I have to pay extra for it. The storylines, maps, content etc. aren't fundamentally different. Silverwastes was a living story map and that's quite similar to the HoT maps with a map-wide meta event chain, lots of hidden things dotted around and even gave us a new armour set with two variants (carapace and luminescent).


A lot of it is the content dump. PoF gave us 5 wide open maps and half a seasons worth of story all in one go. No drip feeding, no playing to their schedule. That is very attractive to many of us. The other point is the story flows better. Episodic content means a difference in consistency as different teams deliver different levels if quality - something we have seen with s3 and s4 now. Expansions tend remain consistently at the same level of quality throughout.


Seasons drip feed. Sure we prob get more content, but it takes 18 months for that to appear in full. Sure we could get elite specs, but all at once in one episode?


Personally id rather smaller seasons of larger content (say 3 episodes) that bridge expansions and give us a meatier amount to do in all areas of the game.



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I think I'd quite like it if the next expansion were to come sooner rather than later. I'd like a new espec as Scourge just really doesn't tickle my pickle and Reaper, while fun, is getting a bit stale.


Been seriously considering changing to some kind of DD Soulbeast for my main but I'm so so used to playing Necromancer. Necromancer gives me so much leeway when it comes to latency, though. Maybe a Trailblazer's Soulbeast?

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> @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > Mike says with the next LS u will get 9 elite spezialisations/ Gen 3 legendaries/ a bunch of new mounts/ Player housing/ Buildtemplates / and a new way to costumize ur charracter and that all for free!

> >

> > Players : what???? no expansion??? OMG noo why we need an expansion we want more content

> >

> >

> > Mike : speechless


> Except this was not said (or I missed it and you might be so kind to provide a link), and if this much content would actually go into a Living World Episode, I doubt people would be unhappy. Given how none of the Living World Episodes EVER had this much content, that is wishful thinking.


> All we can do is wait and see. The only thing we know for sure is, there is a Season 5 coming after Season 4 and with the current release cadence, there won't be an expansion in 2019, and it might be tight for end of 2020 if at all.


> > @"Timo.1065" said:

> > Look on PoF, the only thing useful you get buying this expansion are mounts.


> Yes, let's leave out the 5 maps, the couple of hours long story, the elite specializations, the mounts, the new armor set skins and all of it at once and not in 3 month cycles bit by bit...


he said u get stuff so ?

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ppl dont have the numbers anet has and they know that an xpact is always a risk with many dont buy it and than leaving while endless free updates and a cash shop which is running well is more smooth.


My point is why cry when anet say they will give u stuff for free ? is funny also bcs i sense a lot people who complain here are the NO MOUNT crowd new=different=bad

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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> ppl dont have the numbers anet has and they know that an xpact is always a risk with many dont buy it and than leaving while endless free updates and a cash shop which is running well is more smooth.


> My point is why cry when anet say they will give u stuff for free ? is funny also bcs i sense a lot people who complain here are the NO MOUNT crowd new=different=bad


Well if they had continued with having wp close to eachother like in core in pof aswell, we wouldent have had to have mounts.

Could have got climbing as a mastery or new kind of jump shrooms.

But since they made mounts they had to space out wps far bettwen + other things like jackal portals so people had a reason to use em.


That saying I was against mounts but I like how the mounts were implemented they arent just a speed boost like in other games.

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> @"VitaminK.2517" said:

> > @"Obtena.7952" said:

> > > @"Vlad Morbius.1759" said:

> > > "Mike Zadorojny.7058 ArenaNet ›

> > > January 8, 2019

> > > We talked about wanting to release expansion level stories and features over the next couple years. Our goal is to create powerful moments like the final instance of this episode that are a culmination of multiple departments and raise the bar for what it means to be a Guild Wars 2 experience."

> > >

> > > The more i read this quote the more i'm beginning to think that once again LS is being staged to replace expansions which failed miserably in the past. I'm hoping i'm wrong on this because i distinctly remember reading there were multiple teams, some working on LS and some working on expansions, unfortunately i can't find that quote. Anyway without telling us the who, what, where , when and why can you (Anet) at least confirm there is another expansion being developed?

> >

> > It's hard to agree with that ... did anyone here think the latest LS epsiode didn't create the powerful moments that he is referring to? I think it did. I think it's easy to lose sight of what really is delivered with an expansion; I could care less about how many ways I can kill Champions to earn HP's or grinding meta's ... fundamentally, the expansions are more about good storys and gameplay than mechanics.


> In my opinion it depends on the player. For example I think the whole LS didn't create a powerful but stereotyped/zeitgeisty moment. I am more into the mmo part of this game which means at some point the grinding you are speaking of. But i get it if people like the LS; just a different type of taste.


This a cart before the horse thing ... Anet creates a game that attracts part of the market. Obviously, that market responds by patronizing Anet and playing GW2. Anet believes that they have done this by creating good story and 'powerful moments', so they will continue to do so they don't lose their market share. Frankly, I think LS is a BETTER vehicle for them to do that than expansions approach to the game, because of the nature of the people that play the game, demonstrated by the continued success of the game.


Sure, expansions make money, but the question is if expansions is the best way Anet can deliver content to it's players. I don't think it is. Throttling players with LS maps seems to me, the best way for them to proceed. Expansions are a flawed approach and a relic of the days when you had to go buy it from a store ... like you know, using your legs to walk somewhere and handing someone some cash for a box with a computer disk/CD in it. That's almost unheard of anymore. The tech is in place to deliver small parts more frequently. I think the benefits of that approach outweight the negative parts of losing the expansion model.

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Honestly; i do not care if there is an expansion in the works or not; as long Anet continue to ignore the root cause of the problems... what will 'the next expansion in the work' do?


Dig the game deeper in a never ending sink hole


Forcing Anet to release multiple expansions in a short period of time as a bandaid to keep the game from hitting rock bottom


(so yeah!, Gw2 will begin to act like a subscription model in the end)


(((i have a strong feeling that this will be the next new model in the works for the game-believe me or not, to keep Gw2 afloat a little longer)))


so,....Good Luck!


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> @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > > @"Balsa.3951" said:

> > > Mike says with the next LS u will get 9 elite spezialisations/ Gen 3 legendaries/ a bunch of new mounts/ Player housing/ Buildtemplates / and a new way to costumize ur charracter and that all for free!

> > >

> > > Players : what???? no expansion??? OMG noo why we need an expansion we want more content

> > >

> > >

> > > Mike : speechless

> >

> > Except this was not said (or I missed it and you might be so kind to provide a link), and if this much content would actually go into a Living World Episode, I doubt people would be unhappy. Given how none of the Living World Episodes EVER had this much content, that is wishful thinking.

> >

> > All we can do is wait and see. The only thing we know for sure is, there is a Season 5 coming after Season 4 and with the current release cadence, there won't be an expansion in 2019, and it might be tight for end of 2020 if at all.

> >

> > > @"Timo.1065" said:

> > > Look on PoF, the only thing useful you get buying this expansion are mounts.

> >

> > Yes, let's leave out the 5 maps, the couple of hours long story, the elite specializations, the mounts, the new armor set skins and all of it at once and not in 3 month cycles bit by bit...


> he said u get stuff so ?


Arenanet often says we get stuff, so?

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So far, that leaked business plan is still playing out. Not sure if we would see anything from ANet becuase they are wise enough to know that people are WAAAAAAAYYYY to fast to jump on the hype train and then people will complain while people that enjoyed the content won't be posting because they are playing. But that said IMO, yes they are working on both Living Story and a new expansion and yes I would expect we would see word of it starting about 3 months before its released. That gives players time to get hyped and also spread the word to other gamers that new things were a foot. Time wise, either end of this living story season else mid-near the end of the next one. But looking at financial and other patterns I would say expect one every two years with living story inbetween. But again, that's IMO only. Good gaming!

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> @"Khalisto.5780" said:

> I believe we are having a new one sept/oct this year, as we had in 2015 and 2017


And how does that fit in when we still have one LWS4 episode ahead of us, immediately followed by LWS5?


> @"derd.6413" said:

> There's reasons for anet to put more time between xpacs, there's no reason for them to cancel xpaxs


This. :+1:

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Hindsight is a wonderful thing. Hot was criticised in the day because people were expecting more for the money. The whole fiasco regarding legendary weapons didn't help either. However, I think it's fair to say that it was a deeper and better thought out expansion than POF. While Pof gave us mounts, there really isn't much reason to go back to those maps unless bounty is one of the dailies and you want to unlock elite specs on alts. Even know the core HOT maps are always very busy. The metas in each map keep people returning to the point where commanders have to switch maps and taxi people in because other instances are full. Also, there simply isn't much to do in POF or the LS4 maps. Go to HOT and there are events around every corner. In the LS4 maps you could be wondering for ages before stumbling on something to do. The LS3 maps also have access to the much more relevant trinkets and amulets. Vipers is still meta for all condi classes and you can only get them with the LS3 currencies.


I am sure there will be a new expansion but they need to take the best bits of the previous two in order to make a 3rd one compelling.

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> @"Randulf.7614" said:

> > @"Danikat.8537" said:

> > I don't understand what's so different about expansions vs Living Story/DLC. As far as I can see the only differences are an expansion is released all in one go and I have to pay extra for it. The storylines, maps, content etc. aren't fundamentally different. Silverwastes was a living story map and that's quite similar to the HoT maps with a map-wide meta event chain, lots of hidden things dotted around and even gave us a new armour set with two variants (carapace and luminescent).


> A lot of it is the content dump. PoF gave us 5 wide open maps and half a seasons worth of story all in one go. No drip feeding, no playing to their schedule. That is very attractive to many of us. The other point is the story flows better. Episodic content means a difference in consistency as different teams deliver different levels if quality - something we have seen with s3 and s4 now. Expansions tend remain consistently at the same level of quality throughout.


> Seasons drip feed. Sure we prob get more content, but it takes 18 months for that to appear in full. Sure we could get elite specs, but all at once in one episode?


> Personally id rather smaller seasons of larger content (say 3 episodes) that bridge expansions and give us a meatier amount to do in all areas of the game.




The point of the flow of the story should not be understated. Lw simply cannot provide the same flow, it can and has in a number of cases killed feelings and momentum the players might have had going from one episode to the next. Expansions campaigns dont suffer from that.

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> @"lightinthedark.2596" said:

> Hindsight is a wonderful thing. Hot was criticised in the day because people were expecting more for the money. The whole fiasco regarding legendary weapons didn't help either. However, I think it's fair to say that it was a deeper and better thought out expansion than POF. While Pof gave us mounts, there really isn't much reason to go back to those maps unless bounty is one of the dailies and you want to unlock elite specs on alts. Even know the core HOT maps are always very busy. The metas in each map keep people returning to the point where commanders have to switch maps and taxi people in because other instances are full. Also, there simply isn't much to do in POF or the LS4 maps. Go to HOT and there are events around every corner. In the LS4 maps you could be wondering for ages before stumbling on something to do. The LS3 maps also have access to the much more relevant trinkets and amulets. Vipers is still meta for all condi classes and you can only get them with the LS3 currencies.


> I am sure there will be a new expansion but they need to take the best bits of the previous two in order to make a 3rd one compelling.


Thats mostly due to the difference of philosophies of the 2 expansions.


While hot was build as an endgame addon focushing much more on repeated play value and rivisiting often(much more grindy like generally endgame content tents to be in mmos), pof was build to be similar to what core gw2 and its zones were about. Which if you played for like a month you realise quickly that core gw2 outside of wb and maybe the lw zones, was build as a lvling experience with relatively little replayability on a character to character basis, mostly working as a transitionary piece of content during you lvling while you did your ps.


Without spoiling anything, i think it was pretty obvious that giving us more of that content when we already hit lvl 80 while giving nothing akin to the hot content wasnt the best call.

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> @"zealex.9410" said:> The point of the flow of the story should not be understated. Lw simply cannot provide the same flow, it can and has in a number of cases killed feelings and momentum the players might have had going from one episode to the next. Expansions campaigns dont suffer from that.


This is exactly my feeling, LS comes in waves and doesn't offer nearly the same experience as an expansion pack. This is why expansions have been a staple in the mmo industry for so long. I love the excitement they generate prior to going live then the freedom to play through however far you like uninterrupted by months of gaps.


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