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Hypothetically, if the game is shutting down tomorrow, what would you do?

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Since I only do WvW and the game feels dead from that perspective for a long time, I don't think I'd bat an eye. What I told myself not to do is spend money on anything, because if I'd buy smth today, and tomorrow the game would shut down I'd have just thrown out money for something I wouldn't even get the chance to enjoy.

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I'd go back to Guild Wars 1 where the skill set combat was far better and the Elitists hold no sway on my Dervish build. I loved the fact that people would ask for my build and attributes in the party I started. I would tell them that I don't share my build or attributes. They were free to look at the skills as I used them if they wanted to. And then I would tell them if they weren't happy with my abilities and DPS after 5 minutes I would leave voluntarily. Funnily enough not once did that ever happen because my build was strong and killed most things before they got 2 hits in themselves. Ahhh how I miss my Dervish and how you could freely choose what ever skill you wanted. I went back and played it a few months ago. Still effective and strong even now.

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I would explore my favorite parts of the world and take screenshots... this would inevitably be followed by large sessions of break downs and crying fits because I hate goodbye and I love the guild wars franchise and I would miss playing it greatly... I'd have to force myself to get into other games. Which is fine because I love video games of all genres. I'd have random nostalgia moments of looking back and being sad about it... This is how I feel with an old MMO called The Matrix Online... yeah it wasn't the greatest game and had many flaws, but it was technically my first MMO and it has been unavailable to play for many years and I feel sadden sometimes when reflecting back on playing it. The feelings would be greatly amplified for guild wars though...but unfortunately, everything that has a beginning has an end... (see what I did there?... no? Dang, maybe the nerds will lol)

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- Make another group-picture with players on mounts in a row in front of the Tomb of the Primeval Kings.

- Playing my two most favorite LS episodes again (Head of the Snake and Flashpoint).

- Doing the Flame Legion Tombs meta-event one last time.

- Entering the Special Collections one last time.

- Sending one last too-long email with best wishes for the future and thanks for the good time.

- Spending the final hour in Okarinoo/Coddler's Cove with other people who adore Quaggans.

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I would hope like heck that they gave us a final experience. I played another MMO, long years ago, and at one point they did a server merge of many many servers down to something like three servers. So we had warning that our characters would be snapshotted on x day and after that nothing we did would be reflected on the new servers. Spend all your gold, go crazy. And to cap it off they had a world ending cataclysm with attacking monsters and terrain ripping apart, the gms working in real time to react to player groups to destroy the world around them. Our characters knew we were only copies, that our existence would be undone, and wow did we throw all caution to the winds.


GW2 could do something like the original beta weekend branded event to let us go out with a bang.

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