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do you want stunbreaks to have stability?

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I picked this as the "none of the above" options. Don't get me wrong, i DO like the idea of moar stability, but i don't think it's going to make much difference in WvW blob fights. I mean, there is so much CC in some of those fights that you will need at least 100 stacks of stability to actually defend yourself from all the pulls, fears, knockdowns, knockbacks, ecc. And that's assuming you already killed the enemy scourges, otherwise you will only be giving them extra boons to convert to conditions.

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> @"Sir Alric.5078" said:

> I picked this as the "none of the above" options. Don't get me wrong, i DO like the idea of moar stability, but i don't think it's going to make much difference in WvW blob fights. I mean, there is so much CC in some of those fights that you will need at least 100 stacks of stability to actually defend yourself from all the pulls, fears, knockdowns, knockbacks, ecc. And that's assuming you already killed the enemy scourges, otherwise you will only be giving them extra boons to convert to conditions.


That only applies to WvW zergs, while there are quite a bit of pvp activity beyond those. And quite a lot of ppl find any kind of zerg runs, be it pvp or pve, not worth their time (me including). Even in WvW you can have a lot of quality small-scale activity, and those changes would be very welcome in those.

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Maybe not all of them but I find that in WvW at least there's a very good chance of effectively getting stun locked and then obliterated. Mind you, I don't know if this would make that much of a difference.


Rhubarb angel cake sounds absolutely fantastic though!

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As a generalization, I'd say that the only stunbreaks that need to be re-evaluated are those with a cast time that don't already have stability implemented, such as Pain Absorption for Mallyx. More often than not I'll have to dodge immediately after stunbreaking to avoid a further CC-chain, which effectively nullifies the remaining effects of the skill. It's not a nice feeling to play with. I'd say a very short application of stability would be nice, but only if successfully stunbreaking. At least for spammable ones like PA.

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I got an idea for a crowd control system.


Take all the crowd control moves and divide them into tiers.

When you get hit with a CC move, you become immune to CC from same tier or lower tier CC moves, but can still be hit by CC of a higher tier.

That immunity doesn't have to last that long, just enough to make stun locking not possible.


So here is an example of chaining CC that works.


If you Pull a target, then you have a situation where Immobilize and Launch doesn't work on that target for few seconds because Immobilize and Launch are lower tier CC than Pull is. But you can still do Knockdown. And once you do knockdown then target is immune to all tiers since knockdown was highest tier of CC move in this example.

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Personally, I think Stuns, dazes, launches and the like are important... but nobody enjoys being subjected to 10 seconds of straight cc spam. What if players had a breakbar where if CC exceeded a certain threshold, said character would gain a huge damage reduction? That way CC remains important, while excessive CC would be punished.


(I can just imagine the WvW rage if this were actually implimented xD)

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Rather than giving more sources of stability, I'd go with a 0.75s hard stun immunity upon stun break. Not on using a stun break skill, but on breaking stun by any means, as part of the stun break itself.

So, for example, if an ally Tempest breaks your stun, you can't be stunned again for 0.75s, but if you use a stunbreak skill preemptively right before being stunned, you'd only get stun immunity if the skill has stability.

0.75s is not too long, yet long enough to prevent stun spam deadlocking by giving you enough time to evade away.


Also, Rhubarb Angel cake.

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Scourge corrupts are stronger than outright CC.


Stability doesn't affect soft CC such as chill/cripple/slow. It affects stun/daze/knockdown.


Typically have the following:

**stun**: thunderclap from scrapper , static field / tempest air staff 5, earth shaker hammer burst on spellbreaker, scrapper supply crate elite skill (rarer than stealth gyro now), reaper shroud 5 executioner's strike , chrono shield 5 , DPS herald jade winds elite

**Knockdown** : Drop the hammer (hammer rev) , hammer 5 spellbreaker (1 target) , gravity well

**knockback** : guardian shield 5, hammer 4 on spellbreaker , herald elite skill on glint , tempest air staff 3 gust , tempest earth staff 4, rev staff 5

**daze**: full counter from spellbreaker , dazes from lightning fields

**pull**: firebrand axe 3 , mesmer focus 4 , firebrand justice tome 3


**Chill** (corrupted alacrity or resistance): necro chillblains marks , spinal shivers (necro focus) , phase smash (rev hammer) , tempest frozen ground

**cripple** (corrupted swiftness) : necro axe 3, scourge scepter 2, firebrand axe 2 , spellbreaker hammer 3 , spellbreaker GS 4

**taunt**: frontline rev has dwarf legend forced engagement , firebrand courage tome skill 2

**immob** : tempest earth staff 5 , tempest "aftershock" (less likely)

**fear **(corrupted stability): necro reaper's mark staff 4, scourge garish pillar

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Anything like this would require a massive rework of most of these skills to not cause a crazy imbalances outside of blob fights. There are builds which are already impossible to lock down for more than a second unless you outnumber them greatly. Not sure if said builds, which happen to be amongst the top roaming builds, need yet another buff to make them even more obnoxious. While stability will end up being corrupted just like before if we are talking about blob fights.

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less stability cause of corruption, more stability only get more debuffs... same Problem like resistance. Think a diminishing return System like in some other MMOs would be great.


Get hit by the same cc in 3 seconds -> cc half time, get hit again in 3 seconds -> immun to this cc

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