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5 guild are useless

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i tink there are more topic of this kind here but this is my pov: why if instead of 5 guild that rarely someone use (most pp use just 3 guild one for pve, one pvp and one wvw and much more pp get only 1 guild), we get the possibility to have a 4 alliances whit a common chat channel? this is my idea like 1 guild so u can rapp they, and 4/5 guild alliances (i tink the ally will be better if is the owner guild that make the ally whit other guild owner), maybe whit a secondary tag that rappresent the ally, i tink in that way we can put guilds more relevant and whit the ally system we can coordinate for other thing like wvw raid and open world events. what did you think about this?


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I prefer having multiple guilds to having alliances. It's an ok system but the problem is most guild members don't get to choose their alliance, only the leaders do. In my experience it's usually the leaders friends guilds or a guild they want to do big group activities, like WvW, with. I'd rather be able to pick my own additional guilds, based on what I want to do, instead of having my guild leader do it for me.


As for how many guilds you can be in at once I agree that 5 is probably more than the majority of people need (although more guild slots is a very common request on this forum) but for me that is itself useful because it gives me some flexibility. Joining a new guild was always a gamble in GW1 (last game I played with only 1 guild slot) because I had to leave the one I was in before finding one to join. This way I can try out new guilds to see if we're a good fit without committing to anything.

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This same conversation is already taking place in another thread:


(to be fair, the title doesn't make it clear)


As I said there, there are plenty of reasons why _some_ players might be willing to pay gems to have access to more slots. Here are just _some_:


* Guild with friends from GW1

* Guild with friends from first days of GW2

* WvW raiding guild

* WvW roaming guild

* Fractal static guild

* Main guild

* Raid training guild

* Raid static guild

* Power trading guild

* Newbies welcome guild

* Guild to receive account bound stuff they need for improving GH.

* Storage guild(s) (I don't think ANet needs to support this, as it was probably a never-intended-use)

* Raid-selling guild

* Dungeon clearing static

* Fractal CM training

* RP guild (potentially several: RP human militia, charr separatists, asura inquest spy, ...)



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The guilds I'm in don't even speak the same language! There's no way they'd end up in an alliance with each other. I love that GW2 lets me be a part of several different guilds with different people, instead of restricting me to only be in an alliance with the same people as everybody else.

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> @"LordMorgul.9845" said:

> i tink there are more topic of this kind here but this is my pov: why if instead of 5 guild that rarely someone use (most pp use just 3 guild one for pve, one pvp and one wvw and much more pp get only 1 guild), we get the possibility to have a 4 alliances whit a common chat channel? this is my idea like 1 guild so u can rapp they, and 4/5 guild alliances (i tink the ally will be better if is the owner guild that make the ally whit other guild owner), maybe whit a secondary tag that rappresent the ally, i tink in that way we can put guilds more relevant and whit the ally system we can coordinate for other thing like wvw raid and open world events. what did you think about this?



Because gw2 is a pve oriented game. Those designs are not meant for pve but pvp oriented pvx. Anet has disbanded guild development team for years, they already decided guild as not something of any importance in the game. Lastly, the vast amount of gw2 community already subconsciously through their actions declare guilds as chatroom or alternate form of LFG. You are not gonna get a lot of supports if you want to make guilds relevant, it isn't a popular opinion.

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> @"LordMorgul.9845" said:

> i tink there are more topic of this kind here but this is my pov: why if instead of 5 guild that rarely someone use (most pp use just 3 guild one for pve, one pvp and one wvw and much more pp get only 1 guild), we get the possibility to have a 4 alliances whit a common chat channel? this is my idea like 1 guild so u can rapp they, and 4/5 guild alliances (i tink the ally will be better if is the owner guild that make the ally whit other guild owner), maybe whit a secondary tag that rappresent the ally, i tink in that way we can put guilds more relevant and whit the ally system we can coordinate for other thing like wvw raid and open world events. what did you think about this?



You may be interested in this: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/61986/world-restructuring-update-2


Good luck.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> They aren’t guilds they are just chat rooms....with grind.


Most guilds I'm in don't use the chat function overly much; all five use Discord for chat. In fact, which one I'm repping usually coincides with which one I'm in Discord with at the time. Of the guilds I'm currently in each has a narrow purpose and function save one. The one which is more broad isn't on the server I'm in for wvw and does not do raids. They are the most chatty on channel of the bunch, but even they aren't hugely so.


I'm not saying that those who prefer fewer, or only one guild, are wrong, just that FOR ME 5 guilds is not enough.

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> @"Etria.3642" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > They aren’t guilds they are just chat rooms....with grind.


> Most guilds I'm in don't use the chat function overly much; all five use Discord for chat. In fact, which one I'm repping usually coincides with which one I'm in Discord with at the time. Of the guilds I'm currently in each has a narrow purpose and function save one. The one which is more broad isn't on the server I'm in for wvw and does not do raids. They are the most chatty on channel of the bunch, but even they aren't hugely so.


> I'm not saying that those who prefer fewer, or only one guild, are wrong, just that FOR ME 5 guilds is not enough.


That means discord works better than "guilds" in the game, the feel i have from guild on gw2 is that they are just chat rooms while u can advert wich TAG chat player is on lol.

If Anet removed guilds u could even mantain your group in voice apps, wich is another flaw by the lack of intterest and content, this means content and development that is proven to be useless, since it doesnt bring anything much to the game besides the Guild missions that are dead content as well... :|


And WVW in 2019? u must be ktraining empty servers if u continue to play.. or playign a scourge vs empty server.(lold im actually jokin in a way, but that's the state of WvW... some servers actually increases the amount of scourges while they are fighthing servers that cant put even 30players in one map while server queues one and can put another large group on empty server home meanwhile the 2nd large and the larger server combine not to fight and both ktrain the smaller server) sadly this is actually what happens in wvw...


Joking asside when we look at guilds we have no pve content for guilds, we have no pvp content for guilds, or the mechanics towards it are more like placebos, they felt chea liek the WvW banners are.... so being in a guild it ends to be the same as not in a guild... ive actually spended alot of months guildless cause beign part of one i was feeling useless due how useless guilds system is in this game.

I just joined the guild i am atm to stop the spam of useless guilds invites...


its like i tend to say.. game look pretty but more than that, it is like when u look up to one ornamented crystal bottle that is empty liek the game if u pay atention doest offer much almost none compared with what should offer for the size of it, Anet design on caring on damage up and down 12345 rotations to please the low IQ players, have led them to forget what a game and MMO are about, besides make a mmo to carry players so they can stay and keep playing...and buying gems

(game industry overall loosed alot of quality and rpg elements over graphics and placebos)


The values Anet betted for this game made the good values of games out of the window, guilds being useless are a simpton of that.

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Can we not just merge our guild channels on discord or link them somehow. I know some guilds are already in alliances with one another and do things such as guild missions together weekly. I mean I can't see guilds being against utilising pooling of Discord in some manner, even if it is joining up to create a new one specifically for alliances and promoting such in guild communications weekly.

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Well they tried to make GUILDWARS about guilds and guild content, then the "this was sold as a solo player game, why am i forced to join a guild with more than three members"(which is wasn't) crowd got salty and ANet buried guild developement.After that we got guild halls, a feature many people cried and whined for only to find out that content geared towards a group of maybe 10 to 20 people working togther brings the first crowd back, crying and whining that "this is so expensive, how should my 3 ppl guild affrd that" putting guilds as a developer led souce for content in a deep grave.

In short, nothing will happen to guilds, guild missions or QoL concerning guilds, it's abandoned content.

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