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Which Race would you like to see in Next Xpac

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So in all earnest, can somebody explain to me why it could be a technical problem to make a model that is already in the game playable? Compability problems?


Or maybe the customization options? I am pretty sure that no every Tengu looks like the next one. There are even different models for dredge. Of course options would be limited and would have to be upgraded.

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> @Nythrilyn.2146 said:

> Race? I don't much care about... Class though, if they made Cantha the next xpac, I would love to see Ritualist and Monk be included to play.

> Ritualist only because the 2 classes that were made extra in the Factions Campaign was Rit and Assassin (well we already have theif) and even though some have said that Revenant was basically a Rit.. I just don't feel it.

> Warrior Monks would be awesome, obviously not full healers/smiters like in Guild Wars - because there is no Trinity here.

> I would prefer classes over race (but that is just me :/ )


Honestly I was suprised we didn't see paragon and dervish as elite specs. I think the best move would be to reintroduce old professions as elite specs, as many of the core classes actually evolved from those classes combined with others, so choosing a spec would be in a way reclaiming lost knowledge or focusing on a specific aspect of their previous training.


Paragon would have made a great warrior spec, with land-based throwing spear (we have sooo many spear skins in the game) and support skills. A GW2 Era Paragon would be more "for the people" than "For the gods"


Dervish is trickier since I don't think anet is ready to add a new weapon type. However I think it would have worked well as an enchanment focused ele spec with greatsword and a scythe skin and sweeping 360 attack animations. Theme the avatar elite around elements in stead of gods, and make the utility skills enchantments that stop their element from recharging or activating while active. A GW2 Era Dervish retains the mix of martial and magical that its ancestors had, but without the strong connection to the missing gods.


Assassin is an obvious thief spec. Swap steal for a combo mechanic (f1 changes based on the attack used before it rather than steals based on target, using f1 fills the f2 "finisher") and give them stances on utility (a "stance tank" rather than a "dodge tank" capable of small bursts of extreme survivability to land their combos and blow their init) This would be a melee thief who trades his built in shadowstep for stances to close the gap in stead, and the combo skills would be more cc or interrupt focused than mobility/damage. He still has, of course, weapon and utility shadowsteps at his disposal, which are more limited in nature, just the like assassin's shadowsteps were more limited than the thief's steal!


Ritualist seems like a good necro spec (heck, the original white mantle ritualists were necros) Give them engi-style kit utility skills for the urns, and mainhand focus that summons spirits so they can have a cool weapons-free dual wielding look. Make their shroud reactive to the urn they're holding, granting them a spirit on the 5 from witch the 1/4 skills are cast sort of like ventari revnant.


Monk would be a great Guardian spec. Rather than giving them a new weapon, make guardian monks wear cloth, but change their virtues to an ele-style mechanic where they choose to be in "armored mode" (returns the lost armor, putting them at heavy armor level again) "Smiting mode" (significantly increased damage output) or "protection mode" (significantly increased boon duration and outgoing healing) and this mode remains active until they change. Basically in stead of having weak passives and occasionally powerful spike abilities, they always have two weak passives and one very strong one. Give them a set of powerful smiting spells as utilities, Ray of Judgement as elite obviously.


Fill in the other specs with new or more GW2 lore related stuff in those expansions. I especially like the idea of an expansion with monk in which every class gets an alternate armor class spec with no weapon attached, but gets game changing passive stat shift as a result. Heavy armor engis, light armor thieves, medium armor warriors, etc. Would certainly shake up the economy and almost require build templates becoming part of the game in that expansion, and give a lot of people whole new collections, skins, and achievements to go for in past content that maybe they didn't before.

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> @Astralporing.1957 said:

> It's because of people thinking that way that charr armor (and sometimes asura one as well, especially feet) looks the way it looks.

Charr armor looks fine to me, though I'm not an artsy type so maybe there's something that I haven't noticed.


> (hint: no, it's not as simple as you think it is)

I've been working in the industry for over two decades, and although modeling is not my department, I'm quite familiar with it by now. As I said, seen it done, didn't seem to take much work.


I always hated it when players shot down suggestions on the forums, saying things like "it'd be too hard to code" for easy-to-implement features and "it should be easy to add" for hard ones. Urgh. That kind of guesswork is worthless, it's best to leave it to the devs to determine what's easy and what isn't.

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  • 2 years later...

> @"Grebcol.5984" said:

> So now that PoF didn't add any new race which one would you like to see in a future Xpac? Personally i would highly like to see a dwarf comeback. Would fit perfectly into the story now and this race has a rich & big lore. Second Choice would be Tengu for me.


I don't really care which race would become playable , I'd love to see largos but I'm perfectly fine with Tengu as well . Either way it is something new to explore as a race and story and that's fine with me .


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The idea of an underwater assassin and they're design is just so cool. I'd love to see what they're home map would look like.

They'd probably be the easiest to implement too, They could use the same animations, outfits and armor as humans and for voice acting all you'd need to do is add the mask reverb effect onto the existing ones.

The only issue I see with adding largos would be the wings since they're already a back piece but I suppose since the race is such a mystery you could retcon that by saying they're not actually a part of the body but a piece of special armor made by the largos.

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Anet adding a new race in the next expact is extremely unlikely, for a multitude of reasons that i don't think i need to repeat (because they were being mentioned in most previous new race threads).


That saying, if a new race were to be added, it would have to be a race that has some connections with Cantha. This, of the races mentioned in the poll, rules out Dwarves, Kodans, Largos and Jotun. As well as Ogres, Skritt and Quaggan of the other popular choices. What remains is mainly Tengu, Dredge, Naga and Yeti.

Notice, though, that Canthan Empire in the past engaged in an extensive campaign of racial purification. That caused Tengu to emigrate, and most likely driven both Naga and Yeti to extinction (or at least to brink of it). Current fate of Dredge is less certain - seeing as they were party underground-living race it might be possible for them to be exiled from aboveground but still retain their underground holdings.


As such, currently only Tengu and Dredge have any kind of sense, with only Dredge potentially having any Canthan origin, Tengu being a race with Canthan past ties, but currently completely Tyria-based.


Notice, also, that the Canthan Dredge would be different from the Tyrian ones (as all the original dwarven tunnels connecting those two branches of the Dredge race have collapsed long before events of Factions, leaving them separate and evolving their own culture and history from that point on).



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Decided to pop my head back in the forums. Haven't played in 2 years after finishing PoF living world.


If there are no new races, I'll not bother. I've got other games to play. But if there are, I would keep my word and start playing again. Looking forward to seeing what's in the works.

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