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Griffon Mount requirements. No sir, I don't like them.

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The gold issue (250) some mentioned: PoF is an expansion. Expansions are usually built for players who have already played through previous content, therefore are assumed to have hoarded some gold by now. If you are expecting to have all mounts shortly after you've jumped into the game for the first time, you are doing something wrong (i.e., you might need to adjust your expectations and be more patient).

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> @"Rogue.4756" said:

> Why so angry? It isn't a difficult process. Doesn't even take all that much time. Can be a bit expensive. For me since I don't craft , I sold my mats to pay for it.


If the OP is willing to buy the griffon unlock from the store.. in game cost should not be a barrier.. credit card will do the same thing for both options :0

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> @"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:

> > @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> > Mmos are timesinks, not for people with limited time.

> Stop passing your views on MMOs as some kind of absolute standard. MMO are games, first of all. If game contains boring timesyncs devoid of actual gameplay ("move to a certain point according to some guide, press a button" is NOT gameplay), it's just bad game design, not a "MMO game design". It's simply not a game, it's a chore inserted there to cut expenses on developing some interesting game mechanics which would make your journey to the prize engaging. It's not some kind of "special gameplay" used in MMO we need to respect, it's a lack of gameplay for which we should call Anet out.


So.. your saying the griffon collection entails a lack of gameplay or that it's a chore.. so would you prefer what the OP is petitioning for then instead.... cos that's would make the content really interesting, so very rewarding, a real challenge.

Either way, sorry to burst your bubble but MMO's.. and I mean many if not all of them require a certain amount of content to act as time sync's.. they act as a buffer to the devs in order to keep the flow of content under some form of schedule.. otherwise we would be sat here complaining of nothing to do because content cant be developed fast enough for us... and yeah there is also a requirement to try to keep players logged in for as long as possible in the hope that we might be tempted to spend real money in the cash shop.. dang ANET for being a business not a charity!!

That is not a lack of gameplay it is a necessity, besides players see content in different ways.. sure the griffon could be considered a chore to some whilst others may actually enjoy it and find it fun, I know I did.

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> @"Spamwagon.1972" said:

> Honestly - I HATE the requirements to acquire the griffon mount. I don't want to do them, and frankly - I won't, EVER do them. However, I would like the advantages of a griffon mount, and would be happy to pay real money to get them. Please offer the griffon mount on the real money transaction store for whatever you feel is an appropriate price. I am certain that many people would appreciate it. Let me reiterate - I will NEVER..... NEVER do the current requirements for the griffon mount.


> NEVER. It actually makes me angry.



Well the good news is you don't need the griffon mount, so let's all take a second to thank ANET for making optional things optional.


As for making the mount purchasable with real money, that just opens the door for any item that requires any amount of work to obtain following in the same path, and that is just pay 2 win.


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I haven't seen anyone all this time say something bad about the griffon and the quests that you need to do,

I really enjoyed the suprise at the end of the story and i really enjoyed the quests and things you have to do to get the griffon only bad thing is the 250 gold but i can understand it.

Its a game so play it :D there are many things to do in GW2 some are hard others time consuming in the end it depends what you like to do.

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> @"Spamwagon.1972" said:

> Honestly - I HATE the requirements to acquire the griffon mount. I don't want to do them, and frankly - I won't, EVER do them. However, I would like the advantages of a griffon mount, and would be happy to pay real money to get them. Please offer the griffon mount on the real money transaction store for whatever you feel is an appropriate price. I am certain that many people would appreciate it. Let me reiterate - I will NEVER..... NEVER do the current requirements for the griffon mount.


> NEVER. It actually makes me angry.



Alright, well I guess you will NEVER get it. It would be completely unfair for those of us who actually spent the time and effort to go and get it. It doesn't matter if _you_ dislike the requirements, Anet will never bend to your will. Take it or leave it.

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> @"Spamwagon.1972" said:

> Upon the CHORUS of urging - I tried to get the crystal oasis bounty done tonight. Spent 3 hours talking in map chat and looking at an empty LFG queue, and did NOT get it done. I didn't enjoy that experience, and that's why I would like to just pay arenanet and be done with this tedious nonsense.

I originally thought it was crazy at first to have to rely on others to get the mount. But it really is not that bad. You need to step back and get out of your own way and just accept what you need to do.


If you have a commander Tag start your own LFG. If not and there is not a specific group posted then try and find a bounty train. Once you get on a train talk to the commander see if he will help you out most will. If that all falls short try and find a PvE guild and ask their help. What I am saying is you have options and if you choose not to utilize them then you really can't complain. Map chat can work sometimes but its hard to tell if you are in an almost empty map sometimes unless you get the "would you like to change maps" notification.


I myself only have limited time to play at night 2hrs or so and I was able to get it without much problem. Like some have said there is absolute Zero chance this will be sold in the gem store. Have you tried getting the beetle yet because there are a lot of similarities to obtaining the griffin.


What time zone are you in and what time frames do you typically play?

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> @"Excursion.9752" said:

> I originally thought it was crazy at first to have to rely on others to get the mount. But it really is not that bad. You need to step back and get out of your own way and just accept what you need to do.



If this game were Skyrim you'd have a point, but given it's an MMO, why would it surprise anyone that group content might be required? This mount isn't like any of the other mounts in PoF, the fact that it costs 250g would be the 1st clue :)


The Beetle mount also requires some group content, and in a very small way, so does the Warclaw, unless you're able to solo the Lord and cap a keep by yourself.


I remember feeling a bit of anxiety when I started working on mine, figuring that by now there would be very few players looking to complete this collection. Turns out I was quite wrong. All I needed to do was activate my /mentor tag and broadcast on map what I was doing, and in every case within a few minutes people would trickle over; some I presume for the collection, others I would imagine just wanted to help (cuz GW2 peeps are awesome)


If you aren't getting any bites, then just move to a different part of the collection. I certainly wouldn't have waited 3 hours.


Also, currently the SAB event is taking place, so now is definitely NOT the right time to try and get groups. Wait until the festival is over (mid April?) to maximize your chances of success.

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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Excursion.9752" said:

> > I originally thought it was crazy at first to have to rely on others to get the mount. But it really is not that bad. You need to step back and get out of your own way and just accept what you need to do.

> >


> If this game were Skyrim you'd have a point, but given it's an MMO, why would it surprise anyone that group content might be required? This mount isn't like any of the other mounts in PoF, the fact that it costs 250g would be the 1st clue :)


> The Beetle mount also requires some group content, and in a very small way, so does the Warclaw, unless you're able to solo the Lord and cap a keep by yourself.


> I remember feeling a bit of anxiety when I started working on mine, figuring that by now there would be very few players looking to complete this collection. Turns out I was quite wrong. All I needed to do was activate my /mentor tag and broadcast on map what I was doing, and in every case within a few minutes people would trickle over; some I presume for the collection, others I would imagine just wanted to help (cuz GW2 peeps are awesome)


> If you aren't getting any bites, then just move to a different part of the collection. I certainly wouldn't have waited 3 hours.


> Also, currently the SAB event is taking place, so now is definitely NOT the right time to try and get groups. Wait until the festival is over (mid April?) to maximize your chances of success.


If you read that part again they dident put up a lfg request or mentor tag s/he just sat there looking in the lfg window for a group it seems.

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How old are you? Most things in life takes works and effort, the same thing applies in this game. Don’t you think most of us have a limited time schedule? Work, studies, family life. Few people are full time gamers. If you can’t do the achievement in one day, then just split it it up. It’ll still take less than a week if you spend like 15-30 minutes on it each day. A lot of people would certainly be willing to help with portals and guiding as well. So the “I’m too busy” argument isn’t really working here, it just implies a selfish attitude.

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By having it on the TP, that would invalidate those that have achieved it via collections. I did 99% of it on my own, an ex guildie helped a bit. I did the egg collections first, then the others whilst saving gold up along side it. When I did the final bit and got the screen saying I got the gryphon, I fell back on my chair and punched the air with both arms. That is my greatest accomplishment to date.


I'm sure someone will help you out. It is tedious at first, believe me. However, when you DO get it, the sense of accomplishment is uplifting.

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Honestly havent read all comments. But its basically one of those things that everyone agree is BS, but if you have done it, you forget how BS it is and almost want others to suffer, just because you either dont want everyone to have griffon, or because lack of knowledge for how BS it really is.


Everyone back when Griffon was released said the events will be almost impossible to complete in the future, waited a few months before getting it so just getting enough people to do these events was pretty hard, and it is one of those things that literally are impossible to complete on your own based on AOE.....And this is from someone who used to solo Arah paths with a thief.... it was BS back then, prob a lot worse now, since it requires people.


Besides, it truly is boring having a griffon is very different than getting for example a legendary. The whole "you need to work for it" mentality when it is not a cosmetic, seems very weird, specially in this game.

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> @"zengara.8301" said:

> Honestly havent read all comments. But its basically one of those things that everyone agree is BS, but if you have done it, you forget how BS it is and almost want others to suffer, just because you either dont want everyone to have griffon, or because lack of knowledge for how BS it really is.


> Everyone back when Griffon was released said the events will be almost impossible to complete in the future, waited a few months before getting it so just getting enough people to do these events was pretty hard, and it is one of those things that literally are impossible to complete on your own based on AOE.....And this is from someone who used to solo Arah paths with a thief.... it was BS back then, prob a lot worse now, since it requires people.




I see plenty of comments in this thread agreeing that things like the gold cost and the Facet bounty need to be looked at by Anet. What almost **everyone** agrees on though is that OP's "gem store" solution is a horrible one and shouldn't ever be considered by Anet.

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While I do think the gold requirement is a bit excessive I had the gold available when I went through the quest to get it. Overall I found getting the griffon easy and had it done in no time. I got it fairly quick after the guides came out. It really wasn't any more hard than getting the roller beetle. My only real gripe about the griffon and other mounts is the limited dye channels on the default skin. I don't understand why people think the quest is hard.

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> @"Spamwagon.1972" said:

> It would be nice if you offered a BYPASS option on the gem store, once a character finished the Path of Fire Campaign, to allow them to acquire the Griffon Mount.


> Many people do not enjoy group content or jumping puzzles/collections - those people are impeded from getting a Griffon Mount, unless they engage in activities that they don't like.


> This is completely unlike any other aspect of the game. Large game mechanics (like mounts and masteries) are granted to the player either through traditional play through the campaign (solo friendly), or by a multitude of different solo friendly options.


> Please offer a gem store option, or integrate the griffon into the solo campaign - whatever (you guys are more creative than I am). Just please allow another solo method to acquire it.


I soloed it for the most part with my scrapper. The only part I think really requires any help is the dead house meta and I'm sure there are still people doing that event. I always solo story content.

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> @"zengara.8301" said:

> Honestly havent read all comments. But its basically one of those things that everyone agree is BS, but if you have done it, you forget how BS it is and almost want others to suffer, just because you either dont want everyone to have griffon, or because lack of knowledge for how BS it really is.


> Everyone back when Griffon was released said the events will be almost impossible to complete in the future, waited a few months before getting it so just getting enough people to do these events was pretty hard, and it is one of those things that literally are impossible to complete on your own based on AOE.....And this is from someone who used to solo Arah paths with a thief.... it was BS back then, prob a lot worse now, since it requires people.


> Besides, it truly is boring having a griffon is very different than getting for example a legendary. The whole "you need to work for it" mentality when it is not a cosmetic, seems very weird, specially in this game.


I enjoyed the Griffon collection very much. I sure as heck don’t “not want others to have the Griffon” nor do I “want others to suffer like me (I had fun with the Griffon collection)” or whatever. And I had no trouble getting groups for group contents when I did the Griffon collection 6 months ago. The problem isn’t that there are no more players for group contents; it’s that new players don’t know the proper way to get groups for these contents or just aren’t willing to put much effort. I still help players who claimed to have been stuck on a group content for “weeks” and it takes me minutes to help these players get into groups.


From my experience, the majority of these players who are stuck for “months” on group contents are vastly exaggerating. They don’t know to check all maps for bounty trains, or aren’t willing to join a train and wait for the Facet’s turn, or get upset if they don’t get a group right away, etc. I even offered to help the OP, but I haven’t received a single whisper requesting help.


Maybe Anet will need to change the group contents months or years from now, but at least for now, it doesn’t take months to find groups if the player knows how or are willing.

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> @"zengara.8301" said:

> Honestly havent read all comments. But its basically one of those things that everyone agree is BS, but if you have done it, you forget how BS it is and almost want others to suffer, just because you either dont want everyone to have griffon, or because lack of knowledge for how BS it really is.


> Everyone back when Griffon was released said the events will be almost impossible to complete in the future, waited a few months before getting it so just getting enough people to do these events was pretty hard, and it is one of those things that literally are impossible to complete on your own based on AOE.....And this is from someone who used to solo Arah paths with a thief.... it was BS back then, prob a lot worse now, since it requires people.


> Besides, it truly is boring having a griffon is very different than getting for example a legendary. The whole "you need to work for it" mentality when it is not a cosmetic, seems very weird, specially in this game.


The collections are easily doable. The issue is that there are players who insist on joining existing groups rather than create their own. Those players will just sit there looking at the LFG and assume that it’s impossible.

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