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REAL Most Broken Class


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Broken = overpowered = strongest.


NOT broken = unreliable/annoying/frustrating/etc. Please don't vote for "most disliked".


**Important:** be specific; pick the last option "Another Build" if your build pick is missing from the list, e.g. if you. want to vote power mesmer, necro, thief, ele.

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Those are some impressive numbers for Condi Mirage considering the nerfs last patch brought it to level with most of the other duelist builds.


Three way tie imo: scrapper, herald, and chronobunk or maybe chrono in general. I'm voting scrapper because I see scrappers almost every game, and sometimes they hold 1v3's, and that; imho, just shouldn't be a thing regardless of skill.

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I personally don't think Condition Mirage is a problem anymore. Scrapper kinda can be dealt with though it's slightly overtuned. For me, the real problem is Soulbeast in general. It has too much of everything in one build/spec. Great mobility, great dammage and great survivability.


I understand that a player's skill can be involved to achieve great results everywhere, but I never played ranger before and I have better results than with my main. I kinda have this with scrapper to be honest, but it lacks great dammage to be on par with soulbeast.

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> @"Euthymias.7984" said:

> Where is the "None" option?

> I dont think anything's particularly "broken". Scrapper's still slightly overtuned, but it'll probably get another shave and people will still complain that its too much, just because they dont know how to deal with any Bunker/survivable duelist build.


Can only have 10 options. But you should just not vote in that case.

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> @"TorQ.7041" said:

> Non are broken else you would see 4 every game but that's not the case.


*Most* overpowered. You can take it as *strongest class*, if you like. It says nothing about *how much stronger* it is compared to the rest. Also that logic is false because some builds stack better than others, for example a roamer might be mandatory in 100% of teams but you still can't use more than 1-2 because you need other roles as well.

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Boonbeast, hands down, is still the most broken thing in this game.

While bunker scrapper (=mender) sure is the tankiest spec right now, it doesn't really have "winning" MUs.

Soulbeast on the other hand is still very much unkillable in a 1v1, whilst having the damage to actually kill anything.

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> @"Quadox.7834" said:

> > @"TorQ.7041" said:

> > Non are broken else you would see 4 every game but that's not the case.


> *Most* overpowered. You can take it as *strongest class*, if you like. It says nothing about *how much stronger* it is compared to the rest. Also that logic is false because some builds stack better than others, for example a roamer might be mandatory in 100% of teams but you still can't use more than 1-2 because you need other roles as well.


I still stand on what I believe. Nothing is currently over powered right now. I think mes 2 seasons ago was over powered because it could kill with Condi pretty quickly and easily but it self was diffcult to kill with a big health pool and mobility as well as being able to be in 2 places at once. The only build able to kill it effectively was prot holo.But now mes been nerfed it's pretty balanced.


People will argue scrapper but really lots of builds can kill scrapper and it's easily out rotated since it has crap all mobility.

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> @"TorQ.7041" said:

> > @"Quadox.7834" said:

> > > @"TorQ.7041" said:

> > > Non are broken else you would see 4 every game but that's not the case.

> >

> > *Most* overpowered. You can take it as *strongest class*, if you like. It says nothing about *how much stronger* it is compared to the rest. Also that logic is false because some builds stack better than others, for example a roamer might be mandatory in 100% of teams but you still can't use more than 1-2 because you need other roles as well.


> I still stand on what I believe. Nothing is currently over powered right now.

I never challenged your belief. I clarified that overpowered/broken in this poll doesn't have to mean "so broken that people run 4 of it every match" or "able to 1v1 every other class easily". It just means "which build is stronger than the others". If you don't think there is a build that sticks out, that's great!

> I think mes 2 seasons ago was over powered because it could kill with Condi pretty quickly and easily but it self was diffcult to kill with a big health pool and mobility as well as being able to be in 2 places at once. The only build able to kill it effectively was prot holo.But now mes been nerfed it's pretty balanced.


> People will argue scrapper but really lots of builds can kill scrapper and it's easily out rotated since it has kitten all mobility.

People will argue all kinds of builds, as we can see in the poll :).

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revenant and thief are miles above anything else


i've been playing gw2 since release and i still don't understand how can classes like these be allowed to exist lol


why do you even have walk animation with a, GET THIS, _MELEE_ class, when ALL YOU DO IS TELEPORT in a TAB TARGET GAME (so you dont even have to aim)


its a common sense/standard/logic that melee classes have more "stats(damage if assassins and defense if tanks)" than ranged ones but the price they pay for it are being melee

revenant's damage is inflated as hell while they even have decent hp but they dont pay the melee toll because they're not actually melee, they have free guaranteed disengage with ungodly amount of stunbreaks


anyone lowly enough to reroll to rev is just abusing the class to its fullest, while thief is the same but worse in most situations (and better in a few).


What's the point of having a melee class if it doesn't play as a melee? IF you gave revenant a rifle that could shoot through walls it would be overpowered and people would complain but that's EXACTLY WHAT WE CURRENTLY HAVE ANYWAY? THe only difference is that they can get hit by aoe if they go in but the damage works the same way as a rifle that 1shots through walls with no line of sight would


> @"TorQ.7041" said:

>But now mes been nerfed it's pretty balanced.


mes is balanced? so going from the best class in the game to the worst class in the game (worse than ele) in a year makes it balanced? ok


mirage is complete garbage and the irony is that since chrono has broken chrono mechanics - anet will probably nerf core mesmer (which will affect mirage even further) instead nerf chrono which is the actual problem




this game's balance is actually abysmal with the last patch, and you can see it with how dead the ranked queue is and how it consistently matches ppl with 150+ rank difference


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Went with herald even though it's close. Yolosmith, spellbreaker, boonbeast, bunker chrono all can do too much.


I would like to point out that both condi mirage and scourge still provide a problem to the whole balancing system: They dumb out too many different conditions. If the amount would be brought down (not big stacks but cover condis), at the same time cleanses could be brought down and make a lot of condi builds viable again. These two builds still break the whole condition/cleanses-game (together with the stacked cleanses of course, which more or less anybody can do).


But the definition here is "overall strongest" and with the nerf to condi mesmer, rev is quite tough. Just like everybody predicted, but well....

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> @"incisorr.9502" said:

> mes is balanced? so going from the best class in the game to the worst class in the game (worse than ele) in a year makes it balanced? ok


*Silently files nails*

People won't take you seriously if you just keep spouting assertions that egregious. Mesmer/its derivatives have never at any point been the worst class in the game for the entirety of GW2. The furthest they've fallen is out of meta, and even then they were still viable picks, just not __the best__ ones.


>@"The main topic of the thread"


Right now its scrapper IMO, but Spellbreaker, Holosmith, Boonbeast and Scepter on Mes all need a bit of tuning on some key skills. I've seen a couple of heralds chewing through anything nonbunker too. They might also need a look. For SB and Herald though, their alternative specs need to have their viability rebalanced (Zerker and Renegade respectively.)


But yeah. lets not do bunker meta, then we can work on the heavy bursts.


Alternatively, we could just __break everything.__ You have an overperforming/strong spec on everything but Elementalists and Thieves. Bust two more classes and we'll all be too busy calling each other OP/protecting our own OP things to actually point solid fingers at anything in particular.

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