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Hey PvE players, are you all ok with how things are going or you want some changes made to PvE

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I think we should ask for a better integration of WvW into PvE. A first step already has been done - with the Warcat. Next step - in my opinion - should be to create points where damaging other players is possible. The best initial solution seems to be in the World Bosses places. I think that the pilot for this change can be the Claw of Jormag event - by activating the "friendly fire" during the attack phases. Then, ANet can expand these zones.


Because the WarCat is a WvW mount. It seems useles in PvE without any WvW element involved.

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Just want ANet to make boon corruption/boon strip have effect when facing defiance/break bar. Which would be infinitely healthier than pouring thousands boon on PvE boss.

- Defiance: Boon corruption/boon strip act like removing a stack of vigor.

- Breakbar: Boon corruption/boon strip act like removing a stack of stability.


It would put specializations that heavily rely on boon hate into an environment where they don't have to compete against each other for boon hate, making cooperating healthier. All while not hindering group comp with poor boon hate.

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Fashion. I want moar FASHION!!!


The daredevil changes in ireno's pre balance change notes scare me. I guess the openess is nice, but it's not something I should be upset about until I play it. But I am.


I also kind of want breakbars gone, but that will probably never happen.


But, I guess pve has it's charm. That's enough, right?

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I’d like for them to return to the living world, but improved on ls1

There should be a current event between every chapter, that explains whats happening in the rest of the world.


And one of my biggest gripes is that after completing an episode, you never return to that map for the story.

Maybe it would’ve been better if they make 2 or 3 really big maps each season and add stuff to it with every episode.

Kinda like Silverwastes and Dry Top, but more expansive yet

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I’m not OK with how things are and regret having spent so much money on this game when I started. Anet’s tendency to ignore major issues brought up by a lot of players over years really makes me lose faith in the company.


1) Too many unhealthily bright camera flashes. They hurt my eyes from my own skills (I can't even play Holosmith), other players' skills, mount skills, enemy skills, gathering Volatile Magic, gathering tools, story, etc.


2) Too much visual clutter when doing large group events resulting in unengaging, boring, and mindless skill spam-fest since the players can't see what the enemy is doing, or even see the enemy. Too many skill effects, names of other players/minions in squad obstructing view, the enemy target nameplate at the top center that can't be moved and obstructs large enemies so players don't even know what they’re targeting, etc.


3) Ridiculous aggro range of PoF enemies (900 in PoF compared to 600 everywhere else). Currently, the aggro range is so infuriatingly annoying, I just don‘t do PoF stuff except when I have no choice (such as needing to upgrade mounts, which can only be done in PoF maps). Playing in PoF is like eating at a restaurant filled with pesty flies that constantly annoy you. Kill some flies and before I can mount, more flies aggro from out of nowhere. Kill those and before I can mount, ANOTHER group of flies aggro. Kill those and before I can mount... here comes ANOTHER kitten aggro! This kitten aggro range takes the fun out of exploring. I can't even look at the map or chat before something disrupts me, again.*


If I use a weird analogy for how Anet tends to ignore major issues brought up by a lot of players over the years, it's like a very talented chef made a very delicious steak. Then, for some reason, the chef decided to pour sugar on the steak because, you know, sugar tastes good. And when people say the steak seems great, but they can't really taste it since the sugar is ruining it, AbandonNet… er, I mean, the chef just shrugs that it's annoying to fix it and has started cooking something else.


*Every time I mention 3, somebody goes on about how PoF isn't difficult. Nobody is talking about difficulty. Please comprehend properly.

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I agree on visual clutter being bad. And YOU need to be able to turn off nameplates as its a struggle to see anything in meleee range in zergs due to nameplate spam.

And theres nothing wrong with the aggro range, pof is much easier to play in than hot. And even if its actually true, at least some challenge have to remain in pve easymode openworld. Its a nonissue.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > I'd like to see them slow the pace of new content . . .



> You know, there’s this guy in Scrubs had the perfect quote for this:

> “I can’t go any slower, so.. yes, i come to a complete stop”


Oh they can def go slower. Maybe 2 ls eps a year, thin out the festival schedule a little bit . . .

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There's the few things I've bought up on other threads already, so I won't go in much detail on those, but the most significant one is probably revamping core content (i.e visual fidelity, PvE maps, typos, bug fixes in core story).


That and maybe decreasing enemy density in some core and PoF maps. I personally have no issue with longer aggro ranges, but rather I feel that not being able to simply enjoy traveling through some maps without being harassed by enemy NPCs or fighting one enemy NPC and accidentally staggering into the aggro range of the next can be irritating. Sometimes ANet seems to overpopulate maps, or areas of maps that are meant to be relatively safe territory with too many enemies almost as if they don't realize just traveling is a valid, fun type of gameplay, maybe not for everyone, but that's what mounts and waypoints are for. I can see that making farming some materials a bit harder though.


Overall recently my general gameplay loop has been fun though. I've been doing a lot of farming and there's not much I can talk about there.


>! If I was to hold my head a bit high in the clouds for a moment, I would absolutely love a commonplace dynamic encounter type system in the game. Where instead of seeing a field with say 8 or so enemies standing in the open, those spawn points were treated as event nodes, and when a player passed nearby an encounter had a chance of triggering, such as various enemy spawns, animals grazing, animals chasing each-other, friendly patrols etc... in a similar vein to encounter nodes in games like Skyrim. While in GW2 you do already get things like moas running around in packs and, from what I've seen, more AI behavior PoF maps, a lot of NPCs in a lot of maps do just stand around, and replacing some normal enemy spawn points with encounter nodes may help make the world feel a little more alive.


>! Realistically I doubt something like that would ever be implemented in existing maps. Partly due to workload, and partly due to the negative impact it could have on other aspects of the game, such as making it harder to farm certain materials or Exp from enemy mobs, mentioned prior.

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> @"Cristalyan.5728" said:

> I think we should ask for a better integration of WvW into PvE. A first step already has been done - with the Warcat. Next step - in my opinion - should be to create points where damaging other players is possible. The best initial solution seems to be in the World Bosses places. I think that the pilot for this change can be the Claw of Jormag event - by activating the "friendly fire" during the attack phases. Then, ANet can expand these zones.


> Because the WarCat is a WvW mount. It seems useles in PvE without any WvW element involved.


At the risk of devolving this thread into another PvP in PvE discussion, I am completely against this idea. PvP content (and WvW) is in it's own area and should remain there. I understand from the previous threads on this that many would quit/uninstall the game if PvP were allowed in open world.


If "Friendly Fire" were incorporated, I think that you would have kitten players purposefully attacking other players just to be kitten-holes. PvE doesn't need this, in my opinion.

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Let's just say that every regular player will have their own ideas on how the game can improve, so there's always going to be people suggesting the many things that could improve the game experience.


On the balance side of things, since pve is mostly a dps race, we see that the bulk of the complains go along the lines of "reaper doesn't do enough damage to be raid material (despite it being the tankiest class without any stat investment needed)."


But, unlike PvP / wvw, pve players tend to also want to improve little things that are more qol than balance. Like, will they ever autohide the mouse cursor when viewing a vista?

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > @"Gop.8713" said:

> > > I'd like to see them slow the pace of new content . . .

> >

> >

> > You know, there’s this guy in Scrubs had the perfect quote for this:

> > “I can’t go any slower, so.. yes, i come to a complete stop”


> Oh they can def go slower. Maybe 2 ls eps a year, thin out the festival schedule a little bit . . .


They're almost there... 2 more months or so for every episode, bam!

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I like PvE as it is atm but there is always room for improvements and new additions.


Mostly I want a bigger and complete world.

That basically means more regions and explorable locations and filling the gap left in the story from Living world season 1.


Living world has been enjoyable in recent years although I'm not a big fan of the grindy elements of the new maps, lots of rewards sure but spending weeks farming the same events gets extremely tedious for me so I rarely persue many of the rewards.

I will always prefer expansions to the living world thus I want more expansion based content rather than living world.

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GW2 needs decreasing gains on hard-CC. *Needs*. Stability is insufficient (or just done wrong) for trying to stop it, and it pops up far too often in PvE mobs.

Apparently, the devs toyed with having Defiance on things (Rev Shield skill, Mounts), but it didn't work out for some reason or another. And that makes me sad, because it seems like one of the best possibilities for CC resistance.


Though, slightly different take, since we need to be able to CC first then resist: when a hard-CC occurs, the effect happens, then proportional to the amount inflicted, the player's defiance-equivalent would begin. It gets chipped down by hard-CC as normal but doesn't block cripple/etc. Stability then would force the player-defiance to max out and gain (instead of lose) value over time.

This "stacks" thing isn't working, so it's time for a change.


Meanwhile, HoT enemies need a huge overhaul for counter play. It may be that all enemies need a hidden Stamina value that can be affected by Weakness, especially prevalent in enemies that dodge (also looking at you in PoF, branded griffons...).

Shadow leapers with their ranged auto-dodge are some of the worst, but could be great with just a tweak. Instead of pure auto-dodge, make the first attack they receive apply a unique Evade Range buff.

Smokescales need to null *damage* in their smoke fields but not be immune to push/pull effects. (Also need to not do it *every 10 seconds*...)

Vet. Bristebacks need a much faster Defiance rotation if they're going to use a high damage skill that lasts longer than two full evades.

..and so on. Just about every enemy in HoT needs similar tweaks.

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> @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> why not at production time halve the total open world content and add more support for wvw and pvp?

My guess is that the statistics that ANet have show a larger population in open world than WvW/PvP. They will probably want to develop for the majority rather than the minority.


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I'm not ok with 80% of OpenWorld content at all, as it's mind-numbingly easy. It's mostly about core Tyria content, it's somewhat better in DLC maps. Suffices to say I can take out certain champions single-handedly in core Tyria, and I'm pretty mediocre player with not very meta build of one of the somewhat crappy professions (Ele/Weaver). For certain power-house professions it will be even easier. Basically, I have nothing to do in core Tyria when I reach lv80, except from very few challenging events and certain bosses.


I see solution in creating a system which will be maintaining a separate, more challenging instance of every map in the game you can only enter if you wish to yourself (like, an NPC is put beside each map entrance portal, offering you to enter there, plus some option in Settings which if set will always take you to that hardcore version of any map you enter). In that instance of a map all mobs will have more HP and will hit harder, but as well they'll have better AI and will be much more agressive and pro-active too (like, actively will be trying to interrupt player's skills and apply conditions to them). All content in that map instance (hearts, events etc) will have much better rewards than "vanilla" version of the map as well. Overall difficulty should be adapted for a small party of 2-3 ppl.


If implemented this way, it won't be irritating casuals, but will allow people who want to see an interesting gameplay to have fun in OpenWorld.

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I am pretty happy with the state of PVE. I also enjoy a touch of WvW from time to time. Have tried sPvP but wasn't my cup of noodles. A big plus for me, right now, is that there is definite separation between PVE and WvW. My personal preference is for absolutely no integration between the two. I like both.... but separately..

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> If "Friendly Fire" were incorporated, I think that you would have kitten players purposefully attacking other players just to be kitten-holes. PvE doesn't need this, in my opinion.

You think? :) I'm pretty sure it will happen, especially in core Tyria maps where you can create whatever you want number of disposable FTP accounts.


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> @"kharmin.7683" said:

> > @"Stand The Wall.6987" said:

> > why not at production time halve the total open world content and add more support for wvw and pvp?

> My guess is that the statistics that ANet have show a larger population in open world than WvW/PvP. They will probably want to develop for the majority rather than the minority.



based on what? empty maps?

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