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Most annoying monster in GW2

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They die in one hit.

But will **always** without fail cripple you for a good few seconds


But most annoying enemies are always those that block or evade, without countering.

There’s no point to it. Its just prolonging the fight extending the suffering, postponing a death.

For example, the gryffons. They fly up.. do nothing for a few seconds. Do a swoop. Do nothing for a few seconds, and them land again.

Almost 10 seconds of nothing but waiting.

Oh, I just remember, that ninja in SAB with the glove.

He kicks two blocks, and then goes into block mode, for absolutely no purpose whatsoever

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> For example, the gryffons. They fly up.. do nothing for a few seconds. Do a swoop. Do nothing for a few seconds, and them land again.

But most annoying enemies are always those that block or evade, without countering.

I think such mobs must always come with a group, so they would support others with their abilities. Like, I like how dustmites support hydras, make the whole combat more challenging. Anet needs really plan they combat encounters better..


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In no particular order:


**Mordrem Sniper** - As long as I know they are there, I just kill them first. What usually happens though is they wait for me to get knocked down and then drop their fire trail on me.

**Mordrem Terrorgriff** - The stupid "we don't care where you were standing, this will still draw you in and knock you down while blocking projectiles" trail is stupid.

**Jacaranda **- I swear as soon as I load onto any map every single one immediately starts heading my way.

**PoF Harpies** - If Tyria was real, the dragons would have all died millenia ago at the claws of the Harpy DPS machines.

**Awakened Canids** - High DPS? Check. Lots of CC? Check. Spends a lot of time in an untargetable state? Check.



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Aside from others that have been mentioned (which I agree with, especially PoF harpies and awakened canids!), I've been doing a lot of Orr map completion on my alts and noticed that underwater risen have **_crazy_** aggro follow range. I can aggro one at an underwater POI, swim up to the surface and 6,000+ units away (I know how far it is by hovering over the POI I aggro'd then risen at) and they're still aggro'd on me. They don't keep aggro on land for that great of distance. It's a very niche situation, but I find it incredibly annoying every time it happens and it makes breaking combat to get on my skimmer a much longer process than breaking combat on land.


Oh, one I haven't seen mentioned yet is the mordrem stalkers. Playing a melee-only character in HoT maps and running into one is pretty much instant death. They absolutely eviscerate me every time. Just completely ripped to shreds in an instant.

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Sand lions and dust mites: Blind spam. Dust mites are actually worse in that it's *their only attack*.


Jade anything. Stuns galore.


Desolators. High damage chase with no counter until they get tired.


Shadowleapers. Auto-dodge ranged then poison-field leap constantly.


Veteran Bristlebacks. High damage projectile attack that lasts longer than any dodge/block/reflect, plus defiance so they can't be stunned easily.


Veteran Smokescales. Bite bite bite dead.


That hammer-wielding ponce in the Season 4 zones. Literally every other attack is a knockdown.


Maaan, remember when *karka* were the worst thing? How times have changed.

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I've been waiting for someone to make this post so i can release all this frustration in 1 long paragraph, here we go:

+PoF Harpies: they can use Dragonhunter and Spellbreaker skill!! HOW?! WHEN?! WHY?! throw in the Matriarch and you are screwed! The DH harpy is the most annoying one out of 3, it dealt high dmg; it lay down Test of Faith to cripple you and push you backward.

+Veteran Canid: beside knocking you down then violate you, they also cheat with their claw swipe attack, my character clearly moved out of it melee range but still got hit and lost 50% of health (deadeye).

+Anything that constantly blind you can go to hell especially White Mantle Mesmer with Guardian WM combo, not only do you have to deal with blindness/confusion but also aegis and healing from the guardian, also the mesmer wm has no right to have a second health bar.

+Tendrils are annoying to melee but not as bad as Leeching Thrasher, it animation for 2 different attacks are the same so you can't never predict if it going to leech your health and heal other modrem that you have painfully mow their health down

+Modrem Tormentor: their attack not only dealt high dmg but also inflict long torment duration

+Branded/Icebrood Griffion: just remove their evade Anet, it add nothing special other than make the fight longer than it has any right to be

Other annoyances but can be countered:

+Smokescale just evade their Assault then lure them out of the smoke then dps them, but if you run into 2! Hope you r not squishy

+Hydra just circle them, why the hell are it heads have higher health than it body?!

+Floating plant: reduce their aggro range Anet or better yet reduce their knockdown range, i lost count how many time i got knocked down out of nowhere

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> @"Pirindolo.9427" said:

> + Any of the ranged mobs (snipers I believe) in HoT maps with that fire trail that kills you in 1 second

I really did hate these. If you wernt able to dodge/move out of them fast enough, instant downed and heaven forbid if 3 of em had you in their sights.


Personally, i find this to be an issue of only certain classes (Thief/Ele, eg low base hp classes).

It's also painfully obvious that the devs do not test content like season stories, or even main story with these classes (Go fight Balth with them).

Some are so absurdly difficult compared to classes that can stack some HP with out crippling their damage. Can be almost night and day in comparison depending on the two classes being compared.

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