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Do people feel off about the Gem store weapon and armor skins ?

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To me it feels quite wrong since the progression for the game is cosmetic.

I think if the skins were a reward for a quest like the Caladbolg or the Griffin would be good, so you just buy a DLC quest for content and it also happens to have cool reward at the end.

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I don't feel bothered by it cuz of currency exchange ans the fact that certain cosmetics are account bound on acquire.


Aside from buying LWS2 all the gems I bought were converted from gold to gem. And some cosmetics in game can't be bought in TP or in Gem Store so it still balances out for me.

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> @"Vancho.8750" said:

> To me it feels quite wrong since the progression for the game is cosmetic.

> I think if the skins were a reward for a quest like the Caladbolg or the Griffin would be good, so you just buy a DLC quest for content and it also happens to have cool reward at the end.


That's how they make money. The good news is that it's only cosmetic and you can buy these skins with in game currency as well. They also have skins available via regular gameplay, although I doubt anyone would argue against seeing more of that!

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> @"Vancho.8750" said:

> To me it feels quite wrong since the progression for the game is cosmetic.

> I think if the skins were a reward for a quest like the Caladbolg or the Griffin would be good, so you just buy a DLC quest for content and it also happens to have cool reward at the end.


There is some weapon/armor skins you can earn in game, though they are behind lengthy grinds (DLC ones). But they are there at least, even if in small amounts.


But for a game that revolves around cosmetics, it is a bit off-putting that almost all those cosmetics are Gem Store only. Not many have the hundreds of gold to convert to gems to afford an outfit/armor skin, so they have to spend real money to get any of these skins.


I get they need to make money and god forbid we suggest adding skins to the actual game or else everyone will scream at you for it, but they really do need to add some skins to the game that we can earn at least. Kind of tired of the only way to get anything new in this game is to whip out the credit card instead of actually playing the game.

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As other people have said Anet have to make money somehow and I'd prefer them to do it by selling cosmetic items than anything which gives players an actual advantage in the game, or charging a subscription fee.


Although I buy very few gem store weapons and armour skins myself because I generally prefer the ones found in-game. For example I really like Caithe's Crystal Bloom Sword, but I didn't buy it because when it was released I'd just recently gotten [scion's Claw](https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Scion%27s_Claw "Scion's Claw") which is not only a beautiful weapon but feels more fitting for the Commander than a copy of Caithe's new sword.

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There are quests for that sort of stuff, e.g. griffon, beetles and i presume skyclaw.


I hate these types of quests as there's no thought process to it. I prefer the LW stories, I'm not into it, but at least there's a thought process in it and it's building up for an expansion or something.


I've always hated side quests for weapons/armors, I never do them in any other games, I only do it in GW2 cuz it's a necessity (can't get mastery points without griffon etc). I've never done the Caldaborg side quests, because it's not a necessity for me. [i also have many side quests on my "To-do-list" all those funerary armors -___-''' and the one that requires 1080 mistonites -- some of them are so tedious, I'll do them when I have absolutely nothing else to do].



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I feel off about people who ignore the stuff that IS released in the game, and claim that you can only get weapons and armor in the gem store. It's not even close to true. I just made three new weapons recently, through a quest line introduced between living story episodes. Glider skins, mount skins and outfits are almost exclusively gem store items, with very very few exceptions. But armor and weapons...there are tons of that stuff you can unlock in the game, some of it grindier than others.


And of the weapons in the black lion chest, many of those can be bought on the trading post for gold. People who support the game by spending huge money on keys get the benefit of getting some gold back, and the rest of us get skins.


In Guild Wars 1, you could run DOA and get a tormented weapon but I bought my tormented weapons from other players. The way I got the gold for that, was to farm whatever it was I was farming. A lot of those runs were mindlessly boring. I'd rather have taken out my credit card, than sit and waste game time farming feathers, or playing a 55 monk outside of bergan hotsprings, or raptor farming. I don't find that fun. But I didn't want to run DOA a bunch of times, so I farmed gold in game to buy the weapons. This is better for me, not worse.


I also have made 23 legendary weapons since launch and I'm well on my way to my 24th. Most armor and weapon skins are not gem store exclusive.

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> @"SpyderArachnid.5619" said:

> > @"Vancho.8750" said:

> > To me it feels quite wrong since the progression for the game is cosmetic.

> > I think if the skins were a reward for a quest like the Caladbolg or the Griffin would be good, so you just buy a DLC quest for content and it also happens to have cool reward at the end.


> There is some weapon/armor skins you can earn in game, though they are behind lengthy grinds (DLC ones). But they are there at least, even if in small amounts.


> But for a game that revolves around cosmetics, it is a bit off-putting that almost all those cosmetics are Gem Store only. Not many have the hundreds of gold to convert to gems to afford an outfit/armor skin, so they have to spend real money to get any of these skins.


> I get they need to make money and god forbid we suggest adding skins to the actual game or else everyone will scream at you for it, but they really do need to add some skins to the game that we can earn at least. Kind of tired of the only way to get anything new in this game is to whip out the credit card instead of actually playing the game.


What is tiring for me imo is some of the entitlement in these forums. There is no subscription cost to this game, there is new, free updates that have already added _alot_ to the game, yet people want MORE? for free! How dare they dont give me stuff for free! /s There is a whole new updgradable armor sets coming with the new LW episode along with new map, new mount and a new legendary weapon. How's that fitting into the definition of new stuff being released only through the gemstore? Also guess what.. converting gold to gems and then buying stuff from the gemstore is ALSO playing the game. That gold came from you playing the game, no?


The current model is fine as it is, imo.



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Some time ago, MoB pointed out that individual skins are never going to appeal to everyone. People like different things. For this reason, there are always going to be players who like a skin that is a revenue driver and prefer that it be an in-game reward. That some of those people are going to complain is about as inevitable as Thanos thought he was.


There's no doubt that the game's design and business model asked a lot of cosmetics. They are endgame rewards and also drive a lot of the game's revenue. With those restrictions, ANet has done a pretty good job of providing "enough" skins for both purposes. As I noted above, satisfying all players with skin distribution was never going to happen, so the best ANet is going to be able to do is to provide enough rewards to keep people playing and enough to fund development.

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I'm a sucker for the premium mount skins. :/


Not everything in the store will appeal to everyone - character outfits, finishers, mail delivery and novelties do absolutely nothing for me - but the range of content at least gives people options... and as long as none of it feels forced or essential, I'm happy.

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Mount skins I have no problem with. Outfits I am sometimes willing to buy.


Weapon skins, not so much, partly because there are so many to choose from. I may love a weapon skin, but then I will usually use it for just one character, possibly temporarily. I always use my legendaries, partly to show 'em off, because it took so much effort to get them. Purchased weapon skins do not have the same brag value. ("Look, I have money to waste!") If I am not using it, and it sits in the wardrobe, I feel guilty. Funny how I can waste endless precious hours of a short life getting a legendary and feel only pride, but I look at the Storm Bow skin in my wardrobe and think, "OMG, I can't believe I wasted 7-8 bucks on an appearance change for a non-existant toy weapon and don't even use it."


Re armor, I haven't seen any actual gem store armor I care about. Except occasional hats, which is why I wish they worked with outfits.

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> @"Rain.7543" said:

> > @"SpyderArachnid.5619" said:

> > > @"Vancho.8750" said:

> > > To me it feels quite wrong since the progression for the game is cosmetic.

> > > I think if the skins were a reward for a quest like the Caladbolg or the Griffin would be good, so you just buy a DLC quest for content and it also happens to have cool reward at the end.

> >

> > There is some weapon/armor skins you can earn in game, though they are behind lengthy grinds (DLC ones). But they are there at least, even if in small amounts.

> >

> > But for a game that revolves around cosmetics, it is a bit off-putting that almost all those cosmetics are Gem Store only. Not many have the hundreds of gold to convert to gems to afford an outfit/armor skin, so they have to spend real money to get any of these skins.

> >

> > I get they need to make money and god forbid we suggest adding skins to the actual game or else everyone will scream at you for it, but they really do need to add some skins to the game that we can earn at least. Kind of tired of the only way to get anything new in this game is to whip out the credit card instead of actually playing the game.


> What is tiring for me imo is some of the entitlement in these forums. There is no subscription cost to this game, there is new, free updates that have already added _alot_ to the game, yet people want MORE? for free! How dare they dont give me stuff for free! /s There is a whole new updgradable armor sets coming with the new LW episode along with new map, new mount and a new legendary weapon. How's that fitting into the definition of new stuff being released only through the gemstore? Also guess what.. converting gold to gems and then buying stuff from the gemstore is ALSO playing the game. That gold came from you playing the game, no?


> The current model is fine as it is, imo.




A bit of an over-reaction there don't you think? No one was acting entitled, they were just suggesting maybe we should get some of these skins that are constant gem store items, in the game to actually earn. No one asked for anything for free, they wanted to earn the items via gameplay. Like they mentioned, like the Caladbolg or Gryphon way. I don't see that as asking for something for free. They just want to work for something and feel like they earned it, instead of just handing over a credit card.


There is one armor set coming in the next story, not sets of armor. And a new mount. The map isn't a reward you get, it's just a new zone to wander about in, so not sure why you even listed that as it is not related to anything we are talking about. Not impressed by the new Legendary, as it is just another Greatsword yet again. Because the Greatsword is the dominant weapon for pretty much everyone now as all the other weapons have been nerfed into the ground.


Converting gold to gems? Yeah, have fun with that. An outfit is 700 gems. That's 252 gold. Do you have 252 gold just lying around to get an outfit? Not many do. Or how about a mount skin? That is 1200 gems if you want a specific one. Do you have 432 gold lying about to spend on that? Again, not many do. People always talk about being able to exchange gold for gems, but no one considers how much gold it actually costs to buy enough gems to afford most things in the gem store. Not everyone is sitting at thousands of gold to convert into gems to buy a couple items.


This is coming from someone who spends anywhere from 60-100 dollars a month on the gem store. I support Anet just fine. But like the OP, I too would like to earn some neat skins in game by actually playing, instead of always having to spend money.

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