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Skyscale mount, horrible acquisition implementation !

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> @"eldrin.6471" said:

> > @"Krizek.5672" said:

> > > @"eldrin.6471" said:

> > > yes its horrible but some seem to like it.i done most of it up to sky scale saddle and gave up.to much grind in what was a no grind game.

> > >

> >

> > So dont take it as a grind. For example during the collection I have found some activities I have missed during mine gameplay. For example in Desert Highlands - Dwarven mines with those plates and I have completed those weapon skins. Or on LS maps I havent finnished map rewards. So now I have all corsair skins + as I have figured it out, its a good start for the new Vision trinket. Or just do metas on maps, enjoy them, because later on they will be dead as used to be. Or you can do WvW or PvP for reward track. Final reward is 10 + selectable 50 and I dont count previous rewards.

> >

> > As you can see there are more ways how to obtain currency.

> >

> >


> the whole collection is grind.repetitive tasks over and over and over.read all the threads on the forums and reddit about it

> grind is what some mmorpg s use as a substitute for proper content.guild wars 2 has gave up its values and abandoned a lot of its loyal customers who came to the game because it claimed to be different.check out there manifesto from 2010.


Can you please stop repeating the same stuff (you clinging to the manifesto) over and over again in different threads? We get it, you don't like the collection and you stopped at the skyscale saddle (I think you posted the same content message at least 4 times in these forums). Some of us pointed out to you that the grind here is purely optional as the mount is just ay style item giving you no advantage over others and is also tied to legendary item. And mastery points from skyscale track are just numbers which also give you no advantage. However you keep on ignoring those posts and still see everything only one way, there is no point trying to show you any other way by now. Just provide a different type of feedback instead of shuffling words from your default statement and reposting it every day. Thank you.

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based on that manifesto i bought there game .and spent thousands of hours and thousands of uk pounds. on guild wars 2.

now 7 years latter they stick this horrible grind fest of a collection in the game that one must do to progress our level .

putting the word mastery in front of the word level is just a sneaky way of getting out of manifesto commitments

and since these forums are all we got as a way of reaching out to anet.il not be letting people like you silence me.

mods can do that if im out of line. .



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Just finished the last part and unlocked the mount last night. The map currencies where honestly no big deal. I already had most, and the 3 or so that I did not have enough of I was able to complete in one evening. The one I had the least of was the ones from dragon fall (roughly only 125 or so) but they where honestly the easiest to get. Farmed the nodes on the map and did the events. Even the time gate was not a big deal, annoying yes, but I still unlocked the mount in less then a week only playing a couple of hours a day (and missing the first couple of days the mount was available).

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I'm a casual, I play an hour a day maybe 3 or 4 weekdays and perhaps 5 over the weekend if I have time. I was a little put off by the map currency requirements, but ultimately it only took me 12 days to get my Skyscale. Getting the map currency was a bit tedious, but now that I have the mount I am glad it wasn't that easy to get. It gives me, a filthy casual, a sense of accomplishment. My $0.02.

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> @"eldrin.6471" said:

> based on that manifesto i bought there game .and spent thousands of hours and thousands of uk pounds. on guild wars 2.

> now 7 years latter they stick this horrible grind fest of a collection in the game that one must do to progress our level .

> putting the word mastery in front of the word level is just a sneaky way of getting out of manifesto commitments

> and since these forums are all we got as a way of reaching out to anet.il not be letting people like you silence me.

> mods can do that if im out of line. .






> Hey folks,

> I just want to take a second to address this topic, because it’s something we state as one of our key philosophies – but don’t often clarify exactly what we mean we say it. And because everyone and their mother has their own unique interpretation of what grind can mean, it’s very simple for this to feel like we’re not following our own guidelines when we build and implement content.


> When our company president said we have an anti-grind philosophy way back before Gw2 shipped, and when it has been repeatedly reinforced since then, our statement is simply: “We don’t think you should need to grind to get the best gear and stats in Guild Wars 2”.


> So what exactly does that mean:

> * The best gear/stats: This means to have statistically the best abilities in the game, you shouldn’t need to, by our definition of the word, grind. This goes for leveling and getting top gear (by our definition that’s ascended gear, legendary being an optional extra thing you can do, but don’t need to do.)

> * Grind: To us, grind means being required to do the same boring activity over and over again. In particular, the biggest reference we’re talking about here in traditional MMO’s is having to kill the same creatures over and over again to farm for levels or gear. In Gw2, you can gain exp and levels from a massive variety of game play, game modes, and content types. Same goes for the ability to acquire the gear to build up your characters. Similarly, ascended mats can be acquired from a wide variety of content types and game modes to allow you choice and options so you don’t need to grind to complete those goals. Our new mastery system continues to this promise as well, which we’ll go into more detail on soon.


> There are certainly optional activities in the game players can embark on that I think we’d openly accept fall into the category of our definition of more “grindy”. Earning certain unique skins, and in particular some titles absolutely qualify as things we’d put on this list. Legendary weapons have components to them that fall into this category, though we’ll be doing work in HOT to make this much less the case. We feel these are optional choices players don’t need to do, but can if they want, and because they are optional are acceptable within our statement that “Gw2 doesn’t make you grind to have the best gear/stats”. That doesn’t mean we can’t make those activities more fun as well, but when we say “no grind philosophy” we’re not including optional things you can do, but don’t need to do, in our definition.


> Hope that helps a bit, that’s our philosophy and definition we’re going by when we make those statements. They may not align to your definition of grind, and that’s ok – we’re fine with that! It’s just important you know what we mean when we make that statement so you can make decisions about how you view Gw2 and judge us by our actions/words.


> Thanks again for being so passionate about this topic and the game which ever side of the discussion you fall on. It’s something incredibly important to modern MMO’s and gamers in general, and we truly appreciate the dialogue you all are having on topics like this. It’s what makes better games for all of us.

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> @"Ayrilana.1396" said:

> > @"eldrin.6471" said:

> > based on that manifesto i bought there game .and spent thousands of hours and thousands of uk pounds. on guild wars 2.

> > now 7 years latter they stick this horrible grind fest of a collection in the game that one must do to progress our level .

> > putting the word mastery in front of the word level is just a sneaky way of getting out of manifesto commitments

> > and since these forums are all we got as a way of reaching out to anet.il not be letting people like you silence me.

> > mods can do that if im out of line. .

> >

> >


> https://forum-en.gw2archive.eu/forum/game/gw2/No-grind-philosophy/page/4#post4733273


> > Hey folks,

> > I just want to take a second to address this topic, because it’s something we state as one of our key philosophies – but don’t often clarify exactly what we mean we say it. And because everyone and their mother has their own unique interpretation of what grind can mean, it’s very simple for this to feel like we’re not following our own guidelines when we build and implement content.


> > When our company president said we have an anti-grind philosophy way back before Gw2 shipped, and when it has been repeatedly reinforced since then, our statement is simply: “We don’t think you should need to grind to get the best gear and stats in Guild Wars 2”.


> > So what exactly does that mean:

> > * The best gear/stats: This means to have statistically the best abilities in the game, you shouldn’t need to, by our definition of the word, grind. This goes for leveling and getting top gear (by our definition that’s ascended gear, legendary being an optional extra thing you can do, but don’t need to do.)

> > * Grind: To us, grind means being required to do the same boring activity over and over again. In particular, the biggest reference we’re talking about here in traditional MMO’s is having to kill the same creatures over and over again to farm for levels or gear. In Gw2, you can gain exp and levels from a massive variety of game play, game modes, and content types. Same goes for the ability to acquire the gear to build up your characters. Similarly, ascended mats can be acquired from a wide variety of content types and game modes to allow you choice and options so you don’t need to grind to complete those goals. Our new mastery system continues to this promise as well, which we’ll go into more detail on soon.


> > There are certainly optional activities in the game players can embark on that I think we’d openly accept fall into the category of our definition of more “grindy”. Earning certain unique skins, and in particular some titles absolutely qualify as things we’d put on this list. Legendary weapons have components to them that fall into this category, though we’ll be doing work in HOT to make this much less the case. We feel these are optional choices players don’t need to do, but can if they want, and because they are optional are acceptable within our statement that “Gw2 doesn’t make you grind to have the best gear/stats”. That doesn’t mean we can’t make those activities more fun as well, but when we say “no grind philosophy” we’re not including optional things you can do, but don’t need to do, in our definition.


> > Hope that helps a bit, that’s our philosophy and definition we’re going by when we make those statements. They may not align to your definition of grind, and that’s ok – we’re fine with that! It’s just important you know what we mean when we make that statement so you can make decisions about how you view Gw2 and judge us by our actions/words.


> > Thanks again for being so passionate about this topic and the game which ever side of the discussion you fall on. It’s something incredibly important to modern MMO’s and gamers in general, and we truly appreciate the dialogue you all are having on topics like this. It’s what makes better games for all of us.


Insert *THANK YOU* gif here

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> @"eldrin.6471" said:

> yes its horrible but some seem to like it.i done most of it up to sky scale saddle and gave up.to much grind in what was a no grind game.



It's not a grind, unless of course you have your own ideas of what that is.


> @"DeadTreeJig.6714" said:

> I'm a casual, I play an hour a day maybe 3 or 4 weekdays and perhaps 5 over the weekend if I have time. I was a little put off by the map currency requirements, but ultimately it only took me 12 days to get my Skyscale. Getting the map currency was a bit tedious, but now that I have the mount I am glad it wasn't that easy to get. It gives me, a filthy casual, a sense of accomplishment. My $0.02.


An example of the true market this game caters to ...

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> @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> The collection is long because its used for making the legendary trinket. And honestly, it's not even that long now that they reduced the timegates.

> Collecting the currency isn't hard. There is hearts, metas, and nodes/chests. Either knuckle down and grind it out as fast as you can or just go back to the maps once a day for a short while. It's not really that difficult. Just maybe... stop avoiding getting the currencies like you said you do? This sounds like a self inflicted problem to me.


> You say that 250g is nothing but then complain that you don't have the time to farm up some map


I’m still yet do wondering what I needed lol.... I Don’t have a griffon due the grind needed to acquire it for my playtime in pve, some scales that e need are in places that I can’t get xd


The resources needed are actually acceptable the issue is the collection items.


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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> > The collection is long because its used for making the legendary trinket. And honestly, it's not even that long now that they reduced the timegates.

> > Collecting the currency isn't hard. There is hearts, metas, and nodes/chests. Either knuckle down and grind it out as fast as you can or just go back to the maps once a day for a short while. It's not really that difficult. Just maybe... stop avoiding getting the currencies like you said you do? This sounds like a self inflicted problem to me.

> >

> > You say that 250g is nothing but then complain that you don't have the time to farm up some map


> I’m still yet do wondering what I needed lol.... I Don’t have a griffon due the grind needed to acquire it for my playtime in pve, some scales that e need are in places that I can’t get xd


> The resources needed are actually acceptable the issue is the collection items.



You should be able to reach any and all of the scales by borrowing the skyscales available on the map

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> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> -We need more content!

> -Here, new ls4 maps

> -We finish them in 2 hours! Need more content!

> -Here, Skyscale, and a new leg--



This. Personally I liked that I had something to do for a week after I breezed through the last chapter, even the farming a bit dull after mining and filling hearts on the same map several times over but it was fun to strategise how I was going to farm it the quickest so I could farm the mats while I was waiting for the 4 day feeding to roll around again (did it before the 28th) not add another 4 days to the whole collection by only farming once I got to the saddle collection. But tbh now I have Skyscale I miss not having it. Having something to work towards was more fun than actually having got it. If I'm not helping others to get theirs I basically log out and wait for the next content release as I have no interest in crafting the new legendary trinket.

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> @"Latinkuro.9420" said:

> Good day Anet,


> So I will try to be as polite as I possibly can be.


> I understand people complained about the gold cost when you released the griffon.

> but in all honesty, 250g is not that much.

> Yet, you listened and now for the skyscale, you decided to instead ask for a ton of RNG based account bound map currencies.

> That's fine and all, but at the very least give the players that have the gold the option to bypass the RNG currency farm.

> On top of that, that currency is RNG based, I hate that !!! I avoid your RNG gathering like the plague that it is.


> Now, if I want this mount I cannot avoid this plague you have created, because all goody a.net decided that indeed 250g is too much to ask for a mount.

> Well, to me those RNG account bound currencies are a much more unacceptable issue !


> For two very important reasons:


> 1 - I don't have 8 hours a day to play the game and farm, I have a life, a job, and bunch of other stuff to do, and honestly that is not what I would call fun !

> 2 - Those RNG based account bound currencies are a plague, a disease this game does NOT need !


> That's it, I'm done !

> I will say this, this happens again I'm quitting this game, even though I love it so much !




> Also, why is this collection like 20 times longer than any mount collection before it ? like really kitten !!!



Bye Felicia

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> @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> > > The collection is long because its used for making the legendary trinket. And honestly, it's not even that long now that they reduced the timegates.

> > > Collecting the currency isn't hard. There is hearts, metas, and nodes/chests. Either knuckle down and grind it out as fast as you can or just go back to the maps once a day for a short while. It's not really that difficult. Just maybe... stop avoiding getting the currencies like you said you do? This sounds like a self inflicted problem to me.

> > >

> > > You say that 250g is nothing but then complain that you don't have the time to farm up some map

> >

> > I’m still yet do wondering what I needed lol.... I Don’t have a griffon due the grind needed to acquire it for my playtime in pve, some scales that e need are in places that I can’t get xd

> >

> > The resources needed are actually acceptable the issue is the collection items.

> >


> You should be able to reach any and all of the scales by borrowing the skyscales available on the map


Btw this m8 be offtopic and not the best way to ask.. but scales are random on map? Or guides showing them are accurate?


Asking this because I dot have a way to acquire some scales since I don’t have the griffin.


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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> > > > The collection is long because its used for making the legendary trinket. And honestly, it's not even that long now that they reduced the timegates.

> > > > Collecting the currency isn't hard. There is hearts, metas, and nodes/chests. Either knuckle down and grind it out as fast as you can or just go back to the maps once a day for a short while. It's not really that difficult. Just maybe... stop avoiding getting the currencies like you said you do? This sounds like a self inflicted problem to me.

> > > >

> > > > You say that 250g is nothing but then complain that you don't have the time to farm up some map

> > >

> > > I’m still yet do wondering what I needed lol.... I Don’t have a griffon due the grind needed to acquire it for my playtime in pve, some scales that e need are in places that I can’t get xd

> > >

> > > The resources needed are actually acceptable the issue is the collection items.

> > >

> >

> > You should be able to reach any and all of the scales by borrowing the skyscales available on the map


> Btw this m8 be offtopic and not the best way to ask.. but scales are random on map? Or guides showing them are accurate?


> Asking this because I dot have a way to acquire some scales since I don’t have the griffin.



You can rent the skyscales.

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Skyscale took me 15 days and 6 of that i spent to farm currencies, three chars, using taco for nodes if i had time or just daily hearts. Took less than 3 or 4 hours a day depends on my work schedule although i was lucky that i had spare charged quartz . The funny thing is griffon took me 26 days to farm that 250g, guess we're just different or i'm suck at making gold. Tell you the truth, i was extremely worried when they announced the mount which i thought i have to make like 500g for it.


Assuming you only have 1 level 80, hearts in each map plus 5 in dragonfall vendor per day can easily pull 25 to 30 each maps. Mistborn will takes awhile cuz there is no heart there, to sum it up :

- Kralk Ore // Istan // 75 + 5 //> 80 per day

- Difluorite // Sandswept // 20 + 5 //> 25 per day

- Inscribed Shard // Kourna // 25 + 5 //> 30 per day

- Mistonium // Jahai // 15 + 5 + 25 from Rifts (grab 1 or 2 rifts if you can along the way) //> 20 ~ 45 per day

- Branded Mass // Thunderhead // 20 + 5 //> 25 per day

- Mistborn // Dragonfall // depend on you so //> ??? per day


All you need is get "MUSTHAVEITNOW" out of your head.

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> @"Kanok.3027" said:

> > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> > You say that 250g is nothing but then complain that you don't have the time to farm up some map currencies?


> Wallet Warriors. Gems to gold for easy gold.


"easy gold"


Working for one's gold vs playing a video game....


Which one is the easy option again?

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Depends on the job description. Some people literally sit in a cubicle doing nothing all day and get paid. Some also leech off tax payers. Like I said, easy gold by their comparisons, if they think spending a few hours on content to get gold is too much.

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> @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> > > @"Aeolus.3615" said:

> > > > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> > > > The collection is long because its used for making the legendary trinket. And honestly, it's not even that long now that they reduced the timegates.

> > > > Collecting the currency isn't hard. There is hearts, metas, and nodes/chests. Either knuckle down and grind it out as fast as you can or just go back to the maps once a day for a short while. It's not really that difficult. Just maybe... stop avoiding getting the currencies like you said you do? This sounds like a self inflicted problem to me.

> > > >

> > > > You say that 250g is nothing but then complain that you don't have the time to farm up some map

> > >

> > > I’m still yet do wondering what I needed lol.... I Don’t have a griffon due the grind needed to acquire it for my playtime in pve, some scales that e need are in places that I can’t get xd

> > >

> > > The resources needed are actually acceptable the issue is the collection items.

> > >

> >

> > You should be able to reach any and all of the scales by borrowing the skyscales available on the map


> Btw this m8 be offtopic and not the best way to ask.. but scales are random on map? Or guides showing them are accurate?


> Asking this because I dot have a way to acquire some scales since I don’t have the griffin.



The guides are accurate, and as someone else said, you don't need the griffon.

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> @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > @"Kanok.3027" said:

> > > @"Mewcifer.5198" said:

> > > You say that 250g is nothing but then complain that you don't have the time to farm up some map currencies?

> >

> > Wallet Warriors. Gems to gold for easy gold.


> "easy gold"


> Working for one's gold vs playing a video game....


> Which one is the easy option again?


Thats not fair comparison and you know it. Mixing apples and oranges.

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> @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > Which currency is RNG based?


> Only the treats as far as i know.

> And those drop on 10-20 kills avaregely.

> It shouldn't take more than an hour to get all treats.


Er, no. They drop from ordinary mobs on a 20% chance. The only one I had trouble with was bats, with a minor fuss on Skale. All the others were less than five kills each, and for several it took only one. So definitely less than an hour.

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Honestly, the entire collection was fine in practice, it was just the time gates that made it terrible but now those have been reduced. I was able to get all the treats pretty quickly(no more than 10 kills for each one) The only issue I had with the collection is the map currency requirement for the saddle. Just the 250 req not the gold or anything just reduce the currency by half to 125 or hell even 150 but an entire stack makes getting the saddle depressing when you weigh the time involved compared to the abilities you get in the mount, I know so many people who have stopped at the saddle step.

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> @"Steve The Cynic.3217" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > > @"Blocki.4931" said:

> > > Which currency is RNG based?

> >

> > Only the treats as far as i know.

> > And those drop on 10-20 kills avaregely.

> > It shouldn't take more than an hour to get all treats.


> Er, no. They drop from ordinary mobs on a 20% chance. The only one I had trouble with was bats, with a minor fuss on Skale. All the others were less than five kills each, and for several it took only one. So definitely less than an hour.


Drop rates tend to leave people with biases.

From that i conclude the average Joe will need a few more kills.

Just a few. Hence 10-20 remains realistic.

20% drop rate isn't the same as a guaranteed drop every 5 kills.

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> @"Forda.6359" said:

> Honestly, the entire collection was fine in practice, it was just the time gates that made it terrible but now those have been reduced. I was able to get all the treats pretty quickly(no more than 10 kills for each one) The only issue I had with the collection is the map currency requirement for the saddle. Just the 250 req not the gold or anything just reduce the currency by half to 125 or hell even 150 but an entire stack makes getting the saddle depressing when you weigh the time involved compared to the abilities you get in the mount, I know so many people who have stopped at the saddle step.


It's a pain but lowering the mat requirement significantly like that would just be a slap in the face of everyone who already did it the hard way. If you aint got time to mine dry each map several times over with multi characters in a single day or only have 1 level 80 you got to remember you can't fail the collection for taking X days longer to do it than somebody else. You can take your time. Get your mats for the day then do something else until map resets. Taking longer isn't the same as being too difficult because you know you're guaranteed to get it done eventually if you just stick at it.

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