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A plea for veteran roamers to be more dignified

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For the sake of this poll, dignity means not attacking those who did not want to fight and/or are a lot weaker than you, unless they attacked first.


Back in the past when I was still learning to become a better roamer, I fought anyone and everyone I met.

Their class didn’t matter. Their ranks didn’t matter. Their guilds didn’t matter.


But as time went on, I got better and better at roaming.


Zerglings became boring to fight against because they were not in the right build and don’t have the same level of experience in solo/small group fights.


New low rank players were also equally boring to face.


In short, I stopped picking on Zerglings, new Low ranks etc.

Players who are not equipped to provide a challenge, I moved past them.


Yet I see many veteran and skilled roamers still going after a lot weaker opponents.


Where is the fun, respect and honor in thumping someone who is a lot weaker? Where is your dignity as a veteran roamer?


Let those Zerglings and new players go!

We would respect you more for your graciousness and dignity to not farm nooblets like us.


Thanks with ?

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Low rank players are not necessarily new.

Zerglings do not hesitate to kill an outnumbered foe.

There is not meant to be any safe zones.

Sure, discretion to kill is up to the person, but you cannot control what they decide - this is a mode where killing other players gives points/xp/participation.

If we're meant to just leave certain ranks or groups alone, would you rather rank only available to attack same rank?

People play the way they want, there is less to do with dignity when it comes in this kind of mode and what we are meant to do. If they want to be friendly they can be friendly in Armistice Bastion or eotm.

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Who decides just how many ranks of difference is an acceptable target?

You I suppose.


How about instead of putting out a post telling people not to attack zerglings you spend the time teaching the zerglings how to gear up and fight properly?


Part of WvW's problem for newcomers are all these "unwritten rules". All these silly personal "thou shall not"s don't help the game at all. They create a situation where newcomers are afraid to pick up supply and learn what it is. They are afraid to attack other players because they "might be dueling", and think all rewards are on pause until they join voice chat.


Humblebragging about your code of honor and a poll does not make it any better.

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All i want to do is get my daily done! Leave Brittany alone! Always jumping me when im trying to cap ruins, bad enough some sic'em sniper smokescreens me from 2 miles away , but got to have that mesmer popping clones all over the map like hes leading an army! Dont even get me started on that engi smashing me with his hammer while his turrets are thumping me to bits just as he finales me with lasers..i think he even had a shark with a laser! Im just a wee noob trying to finish a daily a tiny little asura that wouldnt hurt a flea. WvW is rough, everyone is op but me. So before you decide to dance on my corpse next time, think about the children!!










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Destroy them all,

I don't play a glass cannon to play nice rofl


and yeah demonseed said what all roamers are thinking, these "weaker" players runs from 1v1s but will jump you in a heart beat if you are already in a fight. I don't hold it against them but I certainly am not going to baby them. Your little story of being bad at first is something everyone experiences, no need to turn the new players into the next gen special little snowflakes.

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My name is Randy Lahey and Im making another useless poll that wont help in any way and wont change anything.

But please, vote and lets show that WvW-community is not dead and we're adultish and worth of game devs time and effort.


Thank you, and dont forget to leave a like, im on the road to 30k likes and I want my parents to be proud of me.


_PS: Actually answering poll, depending on my mood, if Im bored then Ill attack anything that moves and is not mounted. If im chilling, then I dont care until I see some cocky boiz or some1 attack me first._

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A thing that happened yesterday:


I was capping a camp while one of my guildies was running a fair distance away. He got jumped by 2 enemies, a rev and a scrapper. We are the same combo. They chased him all the way to the camp while I capped it, he delayed them just enough. The rev was of course full dps and got my guildie down. I rush in, blowtorch the revs face and start stealth ressing. While the rev burn to death in seconds, we get up, stomp him and proceed to roflstomp the remaining scrapper. He was kitten, luckily.


So after that 2v1 gank, which then lead to a 2v2 with one of us starting from down and equal conditions in theory given identical classes (stealth, reveals, rev dps)... my guildie gets whispers about how he is one pushed.


TL;DR even in perfect conditions everyone is a hypocrite. Theres no such thing as dignified.


Also we jumped on him.

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I don't share your definition of "roamer". What you describe is "ganking" to me.


Why did I chose the "I am already dignified option"?

* I respect people waiting for Veteran Vets to respawn & I do not take advantage of them before, during or after the small fight with the Vet

* Unless I have a participation problem for being "out of activity too long" (which can happen during scouting), I leave Veteran creatures alive for other players

* I don't fight other players over sentry spots, when it is clearly their intention of only going for that daily thing and they have not been roaming on the map for a while

* I don't ambush people after a tied fight that was discontinued by both sides, when the enemy has started to move away from me

* I don't play (or have played) broken game mechanics with the only goal to kill unexpecting enemies (e.g. ghost thieves, stealth sniping, soulbeast elevation sniping at 1500+ range etc.)

* I don't drop siege blueprints on the dead or dance on their bodies

* I don't whisper rude remarks to allies and enemies

* I aid my enemy on daily defender by attacking tower guards & gates, so they can spend 2 supply on a gate repair to get their daily, just because the participation for defense events is so random some times


I am not an angel. I do fight other players. I do try to steal away camps from under their noses. I wreck supply lines. But I always thin about enemy players as people who want to have some fun during their limited leisure time, just like me. So, "Don't be a dick" and "don't forget to love each other,"

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I cant count the times i have been roflstomped by "low ranks". I also cant remember the times i have killed Diamonds, mithrils with ease. Yesterday i beat a "god of pvp" holo twice, on scourge, from an EU server. Thats one of the beauties of this game, you never know the skill of your opponent.

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i dont make myself a head and leave the „who attacks whom“ to everyone self decide. thats called culture.


for myself i attack everyone on sight as i believe someone entering a combat gamemode wants to fight. i dont care about who he is or what class he plays. even if im on zerg build and alone cause running to the squad. i killed a souldbeast as support firebrand, took 25 minutes until he went down on retaliation.


though i have always respect for my enemies, i dont dance on them after fight, i dont throw siege on them, i dont whisper them etc. cause i dont need that.

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Red is dead.


Saw 2 people hitting the vet boar for thier daily, killed them both but not the Boar..

Oh man, the rage whispers.


I tried explaining that its an open world pvp map but to no avail. They got aggressive so I camped the boar for a while refusing them thier dailies.


Unfortunately most people are going to read this and instantly think I was being an ahole but this is what happens when the roaming scene gets gutted.. You take what ever scraps you can get and it applies to all ranks and all players.

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> @"sephiroth.4217" said:

> Red is dead.


> Saw 2 people hitting the vet boar for thier daily, killed them both but not the Boar..

> Oh man, the rage whispers.


> I tried explaining that its an open world pvp map but to no avail. They got aggressive so I camped the boar for a while refusing them thier dailies.


> Unfortunately most people are going to read this and instantly think I was being an kitten but this is what happens when the roaming scene gets gutted.. You take what ever scraps you can get and it applies to all ranks and all players.

And you didnt even get to the plot twist: There is no veteran boar that gives daily veteran slayer.


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Usually I don't try to force fights vs. single low ranks meaning I chase them or initiate while they're unaware, but I don't really see the point in completely ignoring them. If they directly cross my path, take literally more than 10 seconds to notice me (without stealth), don't withdraw from objectives I'm trying to defend and/or expect me to just let them walk through me I might kill them. Or not. But players, especially noobs since they seem to not notice the gesture, aren't good at repaying courtesy. You let them walk, they turn around and try to get you when you get busy fighting someone/something else, you let escape into a tower, they go firing you at you with cannons etc. ...


I also have limited sympathy for people going there just for the dailies. Yeah, it can be nice to get them fast, but you're entering a PvP game mode. You can hope (and be thankful) for courtesy but never demand it.


Also, like you said, you got better by fighting better players, if everyone of those would have just ignored you when you started out there might have been less incentive to get better. If players want to learn they won't mind a fight (or the occasional reminder to watch one's back), as long as you don't just roll over them with gank squads.

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You expect people who get kicked from squads and are called worthless on a daily basis to show dignity?


They are salty for life, you can't convince them anything. They wouldn't know what's dignity if it slapped them in the face.


All they know is "my game my rules", just like the rest of pve snowflake community.

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Eh... I think I'm already about as naive and courteous as they come. I tend to avoid players who don't look like they're roaming ( you can't always tell, but most of the time you can just by "how they move" ) or will straight up disengage on a fight if the player seems to be completely uninterested in fighting back. This isn't always the case, and I do habitually attack backliners or players out of position in zergs, but most of the time I'll let players be if they're not interested in fighting.


However... This is why I refer to myself as "naive." Because I never seem to learn that just because I let someone go doesn't mean I won't run in to them 2 minutes later with half a dozen friends. And it happens often... Being nice doesn't mean good karma. If you can't live with that, don't do it. It might annoy me if I spare someones life and they don't mine, but I also didn't make a deal with them that they had to pay the same respect. So it is what it is.


> @"Voltekka.2375" said:

> I cant count the times i have been roflstomped by "low ranks". I also cant remember the times i have killed Diamonds, mithrils with ease. Yesterday i beat a "god of pvp" holo twice, on scourge, from an EU server. Thats one of the beauties of this game, you never know the skill of your opponent.


"Always assume your opponent is a genius until proven an idiot."


My #1 rule of thumb when roaming. Doesn't matter if they appear to be a total noob or a PvP God, treat everyone as a threat until you're certain they are/n't.

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> @"EremiteAngel.9765" said:

> For the sake of this poll, dignity means not attacking those who did not want to fight and/or are a lot weaker than you, unless they attacked first.


> Back in the past when I was still learning to become a better roamer, I fought anyone and everyone I met.

> Their class didn’t matter. Their ranks didn’t matter. Their guilds didn’t matter.


> But as time went on, I got better and better at roaming.


> Zerglings became boring to fight against because they were not in the right build and don’t have the same level of experience in solo/small group fights.


> New low rank players were also equally boring to face.


> In short, I stopped picking on Zerglings, new Low ranks etc.

> Players who are not equipped to provide a challenge, I moved past them.


> Yet I see many veteran and skilled roamers still going after a lot weaker opponents.


> Where is the fun, respect and honor in thumping someone who is a lot weaker? Where is your dignity as a veteran roamer?


> Let those Zerglings and new players go!

> We would respect you more for your graciousness and dignity to not farm nooblets like us.


> Thanks with ?


Stop telling other players how to play and trying to assert some “honor code” into the mode where there isn’t one created by the devs.


WvW is a pvp zone and players are rewarded currency, items and participation for attacking other players. If someone doesn’t like being attacked, in a zone designed for beating up other players, then there is an entire mode created for that they can enjoy.

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> @"DemonSeed.3528" said:

> > @"Widmo.3186" said:

> > If im chilling, then I dont care until I see some cocky boiz or some1 attack me first._


> haha, those can be pretty funny moments:

> "come on, just do one wrong move....just give me an excuse to kill you"


One of my favourite things to do on trapper thief is to pretend to afk while stood on my traps and just wait for them to attack. You get some great salty whispers that way xD

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me at solo or duo playing:

jumping walking jumping walking jumping walking jumping walking jumping walking jumping walking jumping walking jumping -> see enemy -> wave them -> waiting

wave them a second time -> waiting

a ) they wave back and i keep jumping + walking my way

b) they attack me and i attack back ( -> nice duel or bad duel )

c ) they run away

d ) ~ 5 % they are jumping too and do some /salute emote.


yeah i know I'm the best player on my server !!!!!!1111111111111



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