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Classic Server?

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How big is this "large" community? And what are we including in this? Proper vanilla - so no wardrobe, champ bags, megaservers and other features introduced post launch? Only features from before HoT? So no guild halls and missions either? What about WvW - how will worlds be assigned to those without impacting existing WvW?


Might need to flesh this proposal out, although to be honest I'm pretty certain the way Anet wants to keep players playing together, splitting them up is pretty much against how they want to develop their game.

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The game as it was in 2012/2013 is different from the one today. Skill points instead of Hero Points. Builds were created differently. No specializations. No masteries.


It's hard for me to see how the original game was better in any way than the current one today. To each their own...

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I don't think they even have the code any more. They can't just "spin up" a server. In fact, they're moving to removing servers completely other than the very broad NA/EU split which is needed for technical reasons. (Hmm, I wonder if once the world is mostly on 5G there won't be a concern about lag between continents so MMOs will be able to do away with such splits entirely and just have a globally persistent world).


It seems unlikely to me that enough people would both be interested in and willing to pay for a "vanilla" server to make it worth ANet's while to essentially rebuild it from scratch. It'd be more work than an expansion, and personally I'd rather have an expansion or gobs of Living Story than go back to most of what vanilla offered. (Minor exceptions: pre-NPE starter zone activities, and mix and match town clothes. Everything else that is gone was in my opinion replaced with better stuff).

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> @"Donari.5237" said:

> I don't think they even have the code any more.

Largely, they don't have lots of the old code in a state that it can be used by the current game. Presumably, their change management system has records that include the old code... but that would require that ANet return to their old tools.


So the two ways to provide "Classic GW2" (even presuming anyone agrees upon what that might look like) would be:

* Start up an entire project, using the same ~100 positions dedicated to GW2 pre-launch, and re-make it from scratch, using current tech.

* Start up an entire project, using the same ~100 positions using the old tech and try to recover the old code that was in place early on.


In either case, it also means additional QA, additional support, and dividing players between two universes without any crossover.


It's hard to imagine any price that ANet could charge that would come close to attracting enough fresh blood to account for those costs.

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > Beyond seeing other players' mounts, gliders, and elite specs, how are you prevented from playing core gw2?


> Some people don't like the power creep at World Bosses, WvW, PvP, and Dungeons, among other things.


Solid point.

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@"Ashen.2907" and others.. it's not a matter of not being able to rock core in the current meta. anyone can core it up all the live long day. one issue is that many players that made a name for themselves (however stupid that may sound) during vanilla, quit when HoT came out. A whole community dipped out when the xpacs and specs hit the scene. and speaking to a community of people that wish there was a vanilla version of the game that existed out there, I know sounds like a pipe dream, but a boy can dream.

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@"Donari.5237" - Version control, branches, etc.. allow for various various of code to be saved/deployed. Anet has this in place as do many software companies. It's not a matter of 'building it from scratch", simply a matter of pulling the code set from a certain repo and slapping it on a publicly exposed server. will it happen? probably not.. but again, a boy can dream.

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I think a more feasible proposal would be certain instances in which Elite Specs aren't available. It wouldn't be "simple" to add a toggle for that; it would just be a small internal project rather than a massive undertaking with dozens and dozens of staff involved.


Then the question would be: to which instances? and under what restrictions?


**If** the resources are available and it's not ridiculously expensive, I think ANet could do something like this:

* Proof of Concept: add to the dungeon entrance interface the option of "core specs only." See if that renews interest in dungeons. Or that could be done in a BETA environment (only dungeons, only Core specs). If it goes well, then...

* Trial Run: Dungeons, option for custom PvP arenas, Fractals, EotM maps (since those are apparently not in widespread use)


My guess is: it wouldn't appeal to that many people outside of free-to-play and their associates.

(Also: my guess is that it might be ridiculously expensive anyhow.)

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> I think a more feasible proposal would be certain instances in which Elite Specs aren't available. It wouldn't be "simple" to add a toggle for that; it would just be a small internal project rather than a massive undertaking with dozens and dozens of staff involved.

I think the piece that comes into question here, are the complaints of 'damage nerfs' that occurred to some of vanilla regulars.. *cough cough* DD ele.. imo it wouldn't be worth it to begin with unless damage could be normalized from vanilla to current.



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> @"tdopun.7439" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > I think a more feasible proposal would be certain instances in which Elite Specs aren't available. It wouldn't be "simple" to add a toggle for that; it would just be a small internal project rather than a massive undertaking with dozens and dozens of staff involved.

> I think the piece that comes into question here, are the complaints of 'damage nerfs' that occurred to some of vanilla regulars.. *cough cough* DD ele.. imo it wouldn't be worth it to begin with unless damage could be normalized from vanilla to current.




Isn't that what balance is supposed to do?

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> @"kharmin.7683" said:>

> Isn't that what balance is supposed to do?


I mean. it was clear that anet struggled with the idea of balance when the xpacs came out. so... "yes?" when done correctly balance should resolve the issue with the damage creeps. but still, we've had a lot of creep-hot-fixes over the years...

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How would it be monetised? They would need a new gem shop removing all the mount, glider and other skins after all and a new trading post id assume so that no items post hot could be on there, which mean wholly different values for gems and gold.


How big is this community we are talking? Thousands? Hundreds of thousands? 5?


What would players be doing? I mean competitive will be a struggle. There will be no raids, no fractals and the personal story plus core maps would be it. Is that sustainable? A lot of mmos with classic servers build the same expac content back on over months. I take it no new content at all?


Which festivals would they have? Halloween as it was then im guessing (no bad thing), sab with less rewards? Wintersday with 2012 rewards or all successive?


Im glad you acknowledge it as a pipe dream, but what specifically is this large community asking for? I assume everyone is in agreement about what is wanted?

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> @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > Beyond seeing other players' mounts, gliders, and elite specs, how are you prevented from playing core gw2?


> Some people don't like the power creep at World Bosses, WvW, PvP, and Dungeons, among other things.


People who dislike change should refrain from playing MMO's. I mean, if a person dislikes images of violence, probably best to steer clear of seeing John Wick 3, y'know...



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> @"Turkeyspit.3965" said:

> > @"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:

> > > @"Ashen.2907" said:

> > > Beyond seeing other players' mounts, gliders, and elite specs, how are you prevented from playing core gw2?

> >

> > Some people don't like the power creep at World Bosses, WvW, PvP, and Dungeons, among other things.


> People who dislike change should refrain from playing MMO's.



Oh, I'm not an advocate for this by any means. I'm just saying: people aren't asking to go back to 2013 just for Nostalgia (although I'm sure that's part of it).


I certainly miss the joy of being on my World's First Tequatl kill, after many (many) attempts. I wouldn't go back to that day when defeating the same boss again for the 20th time was only 70% probable.


> I mean, if a person dislikes images of violence, probably best to steer clear of seeing John Wick 3, y'know...

Not the best analogy, is it? There's only one GW2 and it isn't the same as it used to be.


This would be a bit more like preferring classic Bewitched with D. York and having to deal with D. Sargent taking over the role: the show had the same name; for some people, it lost its flavor. Or as a more modern example, preferring Shailene Woodley over Willa Holland in the OC, GoT's recasting of Tommen and Myrcella, Last Man Standing recasting ... oh nearly everyone between s1 & s2.


Again, you're correct: MMOs evolve and people who play them should get comfortable with that, since it will keep happening.

It's nevertheless the case that some changes are more universally appealing than others and it's not crazy to want some features the way they used to be (or to change again).

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> @"tdopun.7439" said:

> @"Ashen.2907" and others.. it's not a matter of not being able to rock core in the current meta. anyone can core it up all the live long day. one issue is that many players that made a name for themselves (however stupid that may sound) during vanilla, quit when HoT came out.

Why would you think they would return? Remember, they didn't leave because they didn't want the game to change. They left because they didn't like the direction of changes. The vanilla server would be, by definition, a server with no updates - a server without future.

Somehow i don't think there would be that many people interested in this kind of game.



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> @"tdopun.7439" said:

> There's quite a large community of individuals who are not tremendous fans of any of the xpacs. Anet, would you ever consider spinning up a Classic Server? GW minus xpacs?


According to GW2 Efficiency the number of people playing without expacs is less than 6%. While I understand that registered users of the site tend to be on the more "hardcore" end, it's a real number.

Looks to me like people like the Xpacks.


If you think people are really eager to give up their mounts and gliders for some kind of retrogaming fad, then please cite the numbers for this "quite a large community of individuals".

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