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Do you think we will get new elite specializations in Living World Season 5?

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So far, we know next to nothing about Season 5. There were vague plans before the layoffs to have "expansion-like" content on the living world, but we have no idea if that will remain, or if the Season 5 will follow the idea of not adding a new map per release, or anything else really.


One kind of popular content that could be classified as "expansion-like" would be new specializatons. I have seen a few people wondering if the recent changes to skill types would be a sign of ArenaNet playing with ideas for new specializations (like the command skills for rangers and the preparation skills for thieves).


Do you think we will get new elite specializations in the next season of the Living World?

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If there's going to be one, it'll be obvious in the first episode, since it will need to have hero challenges. The elite itself however wouldn't be available until halfway through the season, to give everyone enough points. Expect it to be an underwater one however.

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Kind of black white poll, but i think we won't until they advertise yes.

I think, given some bigger content patches in s4, i believe we'll get some nice masteries or abilities, but don't expect too much


I would rather like big maps with more extensive meta-events.

Like, 1 hour map-meta event, 2 hours local events (short meta's).

That way you have 7 cycles (24/3) with 2 hours of events that local pugs can clear, followed by a big meta event that requires map wide organisation

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I think ANet might be up to something new. E-Spec system causes a lot of problems and it's very visible since the introduction of PoFs second set E-Specs. It is a great concept and I really like exploring new specializations but I think their overall design doesn't help balancing the game.


We might see something completely different.


All we can hope for is that we can get _something_! And I'm optimistic about it. We see ANet experimenting with Core Swap, maybe in the near future we will get another event that uses class mechanics. I feel like they're testing the ground and that is great.

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> @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> I would hope not. Really hope we get no more period. They can't balance what we have now.


there will probably be at least 1 more set of elite specs for the canthan expansion (and we know its going to happen eventually as we do eventually have to go to cantha to confront the deep sea elder dragon) i imagine that will then be the final E-spec of all the classes.


I just want an elite spec for mesmer that actually changes shatters into something else... i love mesmer but i despise shatters and we still haven't gotten an elite spec that changes our class mechanic.

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> @"Adrianna.3092" said:

> > @"Kylden Ar.3724" said:

> > I would hope not. Really hope we get no more period. They can't balance what we have now.


> there will probably be at least 1 more set of elite specs for the canthan expansion (and we know its going to happen eventually as we do eventually have to go to cantha to confront the deep sea elder dragon) i imagine that will then be the final E-spec of all the classes.


> I just want an elite spec for mesmer that actually changes shatters into something else... i love mesmer but i despise shatters and we still haven't gotten an elite spec that changes our class mechanic.


If they do Cantha I (and quite a few guildmates) are done. Kitten sick of retreading the same kitten ground.


Give us NEW areas. There is some 80% of the planet never even _seen before._

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> @"Healix.5819" said:

> If there's going to be one, it'll be obvious in the first episode, since it will need to have hero challenges. The elite itself however wouldn't be available until halfway through the season, to give everyone enough points. Expect it to be an underwater one however.


We wouldnt need any hero challenges, as things are rn there are enough hero cjalle ges in the game for at least one more spec.

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We will not see new e-specs. They already don't know what their current classes are supposed to be and balancing everything without ruining fundamental core builds and playstyles seems to be beyond their league as well. As for the "expansion like features". They did this already in living world season 4 where they continued adding 2 mounts, craftable gear sets via big collections and such. The only difference with an expansion is that you get content (maps/achievements/story) worth for about a month of play if you rush in an expansion vs 1 week of play on a new living world map. I am not even sure they would add new especs if they decide to make a new expansion (if they do). Legendary weapons also were expansion content but they already said they finished with those if not mistaking. As for the Cantha comment I saw earlier. I have not played gw1 but given Cantha is an Asian styled place I would love to see it in gw2 (I simply like Asian influences and gears like kimono's and the likes).

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> @"zealex.9410" said:

> We wouldnt need any hero challenges, as things are rn there are enough hero cjalle ges in the game for at least one more spec.


They wouldn't do that. They would want there to be enough points within the season itself to allow everyone to obtain it by the time it was released, otherwise you run into the problem of the majority, which doesn't have 100% completion, either being forced into it, or required to wait out the remaining episodes for enough points. Remember, HoT already made that mistake, which was originally going to be even worse by additionally requiring 40% of core.


If they were actually going to do an underwater elite, it would probably be half the cost and introduced in the 2nd or 3rd episode, at which point the story would go underwater.

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> @"Healix.5819" said:

> > @"zealex.9410" said:

> > We wouldnt need any hero challenges, as things are rn there are enough hero cjalle ges in the game for at least one more spec.


> They wouldn't do that. They would want there to be enough points within the season itself to allow everyone to obtain it by the time it was released, otherwise you run into the problem of the majority, which doesn't have 100% completion, either being forced into it, or required to wait out the remaining episodes for enough points. Remember, HoT already made that mistake, which was originally going to be even worse by additionally requiring 40% of core.



Why? They clearly were fine with ppl not obtaining stuff on release when it comes to the skyscale or the leggie trinkets, so why would it suddenly be an issue if you had to get the rest of the available hps to unlock a spec?



> If they were actually going to do an underwater elite, it would probably be half the cost and introduced in the 2nd or 3rd episode, at which point the story would go underwater.


Underwater specs would be a waste at this point since underwater is only a very small part of the playable game with its own rules which ppl dont really prefer over land specs.

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Nope. Just the same, rushed, hollow content we usually get for LW episodes that are meant to space out time between the real content of expansions. Unfortunately, we have at least another year or more before the 3rd expansion. Assuming Anet doesn't have yet another internal issue that threatens to get the entire game and series shut down.

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I hope not, spec changes and rebalancing drives me nuts. I do not enjoy having to go through all 10 characters and re-figure out a new build for them every time. And I am thoroughly sick of the PvE nerfs Necros and Eles keep getting. Leave PvE balance alone, they don't have to be balanced. PvE should be fun.

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