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Predictions for LW preview on Aug 30

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> @"XYLO.7031" said:

> Did the other seasons get a special event like this one? What could it mean?


I am likely wrong but the last big event was introducing HOT. So this to introduce a season that does not come after an expansion is just puzzling. Which puts me in the camp wondering if this will be expansion level content.


They might be able to pull it off if they reuse existing maps with minimal additions. I do not know about other people but I do not need another map not connected to the rest of the world and that I will probably never enter again a month or so after it gets released. New reusable maps are great but if it will just be another farm .... meh ... we already have plenty of those.


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> @"EmmetOtter.8542" said:

> That's what I think. What do you think will happen?


-Another tepid story arc -filled with more try-hard, unsympathetic throw-away characters and even more awkwardly-handled pandering.

-More annoying map currencies. Iceonium, Liquidium, Seaweedium, Goobledypoopium(mustn't leave out the quaggans) Jormagite, and a bunch of other rubbish- feel free to name some of your own.

Combat abilities for gliding or while mounted which need to be unlocked/puchased with those currencies. Because that was so much fun before(gag)

-Yet another gem store-milking mount -if not an underwater one then probably a dolyak of some sort needed to climb over ice, because after spending the last several months seeing nothing but stupid brand crystals the next thing people want is more of the same except white and sometimes underwater. Yay?

-Possibly another round of overdone e-specs which will render previous specs worthless while further destroying any faint hopes of future balance. Some professions will be exalted of course but if you aren't playing one of those- well, up yours!(haha!)

-Alliances(but I doubt it), which won't do anything for wvw because the people exploiting the system now with transfers will be exploiting that system too.


Just have to add this:


Underwater combat... Please no? It's probably one of the least enjoyable aspects this game has on offer. A rework is just going to make it a revamped version of the least enjoyable experience the game has on offer. It's why the predictions for it seem so spot on because it's just the sort of thing ANet would choose to waste money and work hours on. Not because it's cool or interesting, but because they're just that out of touch. And yes, if you're reading this- Honour of the Waves sucked.


A mount won't make it better. Even if by some blind chance they decide to make it a pressure diving suit which increases mobility and has its own set of weapons mounts(because Taimi needs to be given something to do to keep her relevant and to show everyone how cool engineers are in story elements but how absolutely rubbish they are as a player profession) Even then it's still going to be underwater and just on the off people are still reading here - Honour of the Waves sucked. Bitterfrost Frontier sucked just as hard -except for the chicken kicking bit of it- that was inspired.

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I'm convincing myself of the (highly speculative) idea that Anet have found an optimal process between LW and expansions - and LW5 is the new way forward combining the expansion model and LW model into a single unified content delivery system.


If this is the case, whether or not there remains to be a dedicated expansion 3 afterwards, goodness knows - however I wouldn't be surprised if LW5 turns out to, in essence, be expansion 3 delivered over the year, and future content continues to follow this format.


Question being then how do they monetise it - no idea, if it happens to be the case, will just have to wait and see.

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Underwater content can be very enjoyable if we're given underwater mounts and revamp some of the useless skills for each class (I hate the #3 Trident skill for mesmer. So annoying when it doesn't have a forward dash like spear, and having to switch and lose the damage from the dash just to close the gap between me and the enemy is unjustifiable! This is just to name one of the many!)


The content itself is boring only because the travel speed is so slow and feels sluggish, quite realistic though in regards to how it'd be in real life. But this isn't real life, this is a game. We need some sort of improved quality of life with underwater content to make it feel more rewarding and engaging than it currently is. A mount is a quick fix but that's just the start. I am glad they've focused on this issue in the past but after that one revamp, we haven't had anything since which is what makes me worry.

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I predict a 40 minute presentation about living story and its evolution throughout the course of the game, with probably 15 minutes of where we've been and old trailer footage. Then a 2 minute trailer, which might be pushing it, for the upcoming episode. Then maybe a 3 minute q&a. And the episode will be coming with game changing expansion level content unlike any we've ever seen before: A new map, a 2 hour story chapter, and if they're feeling really ambitious new armor or weapon skins that will stretch the longevity of the map to last 4 or 5 months until the next episode.

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> @"Iozeph.5617" said:

> > @"EmmetOtter.8542" said:

> > That's what I think. What do you think will happen?


> -Another tepid story arc -filled with more try-hard, unsympathetic throw-away characters and even more awkwardly-handled pandering.

> -More annoying map currencies. Iceonium, Liquidium, Seaweedium, Goobledypoopium(mustn't leave out the quaggans) Jormagite, and a bunch of other rubbish- feel free to name some of your own.

> Combat abilities for gliding or while mounted which need to be unlocked/puchased with those currencies. Because that was so much fun before(gag)

> -Yet another gem store-milking mount -if not an underwater one then probably a dolyak of some sort needed to climb over ice, because after spending the last several months seeing nothing but stupid brand crystals the next thing people want is more of the same except white and sometimes underwater. Yay?

> -Possibly another round of overdone e-specs which will render previous specs worthless while further destroying any faint hopes of future balance. Some professions will be exalted of course but if you aren't playing one of those- well, up yours!(haha!)

> -Alliances(but I doubt it), which won't do anything for wvw because the people exploiting the system now with transfers will be exploiting that system too.


> Just have to add this:


> Underwater combat... Please no? It's probably one of the least enjoyable aspects this game has on offer. A rework is just going to make it a revamped version of the least enjoyable experience the game has on offer. It's why the predictions for it seem so spot on because it's just the sort of thing ANet would choose to waste money and work hours on. Not because it's cool or interesting, but because they're just that out of touch. And yes, if you're reading this- Honour of the Waves sucked.


> A mount won't make it better. Even if by some blind chance they decide to make it a pressure diving suit which increases mobility and has its own set of weapons mounts(because Taimi needs to be given something to do to keep her relevant and to show everyone how cool engineers are in story elements but how absolutely rubbish they are as a player profession) Even then it's still going to be underwater and just on the off people are still reading here - Honour of the Waves sucked. Bitterfrost Frontier sucked just as hard -except for the chicken kicking bit of it- that was inspired.



So, if there’s basically nothing that could please you and you’ve hated nearly everything they’ve done for who knows how long... why are you still here? I’m not saying the game is perfect but there are many of us that have enjoyed the content they’ve put out.

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  • 2 weeks later...

> @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > They suggested that it won't be world ending threat level. That's fairly different than "not directly about the Elder Dragons".


> I read that, too, but can't seem to rediscover the comment/thread. Do you happen to remember where it was posted?


Stated in the Q&A portion of the Guild Chat on War Eternal.

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> @"Arden.7480" said:

> # Remember - hype is very unhealthy and will only lead to disappointment.


> Yes, it's 45 mins long. Yes, it can be showing something cool, but it's still A MONTH away (when I write this post).


> Anet only announced this so soon to give people time to book a place to sleep, to prepare, take some days off.


> But that's a top tip - if you expect way too much, just don't spend your money on the journey to Seattle, do it just for fun and possibly making new friends.


> Just saying to minimize all those disappointment posts "That's not what I expected...", "I feel disappointed" etc. if you don't set yourself for disappointment, you won't be disappointed.

> Just saying...




Hype is only bad if whats shown doesnt live up to it and if the devs dont set proper expectations.

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> @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > @"Ashantara.8731" said:

> > > @"Konig Des Todes.2086" said:

> > > They suggested that it won't be world ending threat level. That's fairly different than "not directly about the Elder Dragons".

> >

> > I read that, too, but can't seem to rediscover the comment/thread. Do you happen to remember where it was posted?


> Stated in the Q&A portion of the Guild Chat on War Eternal.


There certainly was some dev comment on this forum, too, as far as I recall. (?)

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Im expecting exactly the same kind of content from season 3 and 4 with some new minor "expansion like" feature that wont do anything to refresh peoples interest in the game, such as a new system to replace mastery. We will almost definitely see the same structure of: a couple hours of story content, a new map with a meta event farm, some achievements, and a shiny new toy hidden behind a time gate.


What we can expect NOT to see is more telling. There will very likely be no increased focus on:

- Fractals and Raids, and endgame pve in general.

- sPvP, both balance and content.

- WvW, both balance and content.


Unless there has been an unprecedented increase in development efficiency, and resources available to anet, expecting anything other than what we received in season 4 will likely be met in disappointment.

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My prediction is that the LW5 story line will revolve around us trying to prevent Jormag from being awakened, so we will fight some minor boss. I expect they will introduce some features but nothing major for LW5 other than Swiss tournaments for WvW, level 500 crafting and then hit us with the next expansion involving both Jormag and Primordus.

The expansion will bring the larger features including the build templates and new raids and fractals as well as two new open world boss encounters in the far Shiverpeaks.


Once we have the expansion they will announce LW6 followed by the final expansion which will take us to Cantha and Bubbles with the introduction of not one but two races, Tengu and Largos.

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> @"Pifil.5193" said:

> > @"Ayakaru.6583" said:

> > Don't forget the two hour analysis video by Wooden Potatoes


> Only two hours? Did he only see 5 minutes of the presentation? ;)


Oh sorry, should've clarified. The two hours is the rush video he makes after the event is finished, to summarise and put everything in perspective.

After that he has like 2 weeks where he uploads a 90 minute video everyday on each little detail

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Shouldn’t Aurene by now more powerful than both Primordrus and Jormag? She now has Kralks, Zhaitan’s, Balthazar, Joko and Mordremoths powers. She can’t die and magic does not twists her mind, as Kralkatorik said in the Descent episode. Don’t know about Bubbles, but it seems that we no longer need to confront dragons directly anymore thanks to her power.


That being said I know from other games that everything can be justified if the writing is good enough. So if they want to make Jormag even more powerful then they are going to do it.

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at fisrt need split bad and good predictions ..


so start from bad:

again each mini map have uniq currency

some zones to explore in mini map can be accesed whithout some meta

some water content .. (Why this is not good ? - I hate water after aquatic ruins fractal redisign)

still not possible get additional mystic coinc/mistic clover from new mini-maps

some event can't be done after 2 month wiht existing 5 ppl on mini-map location




jw and cooking up

no more new mounts in ls5

new stat combination (condi damage + boon duration + expertise + power/perc)

don't touch current dungeons


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> @"Omernon.9762" said:

> Shouldn’t Aurene by now more powerful than both Primordrus and Jormag? She now has Kralks, Zhaitan’s, Balthazar, Joko and Mordremoths powers. She can’t die and magic does not twists her mind, as Kralkatorik said in the Descent episode. Don’t know about Bubbles, but it seems that we no longer need to confront dragons directly anymore thanks to her power.


> That being said I know from other games that everything can be justified if the writing is good enough. So if they want to make Jormag even more powerful then they are going to do it.


I thought each dead dragons power got split bettwen all the rest of em, so both jormag and primordus will have zhaitans and mordremoths powers.

Nor kralk tho since that got comsumed by another dragon.

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