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What Is The Main Reason You Block People?

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Most of my blocks come from ranked PvP. It's where GW2's most toxic players hang out. Someone had a harassment/degradation storm ready for me when i didn't take a loss too seriously. I've also received harassment for my build. Guys, it's a game. Yes it's ranked, but it's still a game and no new builds will happen if everyone always plays meta.

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I block people that are toxic or leavers and rename them so I can always recall tho that [insert insult here] was if I ever run across him again.


Guild Wars has the worst block system imo. Thinking of PvP when other players block you first and spam afterwards so you can reply... when you have someone blocked you shouldn't be able to whisper / mail him!

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I mean, almost all of the above, really. But harrassment is probably the most common. If you're being annoying in map chat, I'll probably block you. It's mainly a problem in sPvP and WvW I feel, since people apparently feel like they have to prove something just cause it's PvP.

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I block for three reasons, PVP in any form( spvp/wvw) and people who have 'Adult' conversations in game which I don't want my little one too see. If I could clear down my chat so it didn't follow me around, that would be cool and save me some trouble. I suppose that could be classed as spam. Oh and the odd gold seller.

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Have few hundreds of players on my blocklist and every single person is properly named after the reason they were blocked for. But it would propably be twice as much, if I didn't go trough the blocklist from time to time and give some people a second chance. My reasons for blocking other players: trolling, verbal insults, verbal, sexual or religion harrassment, match manipulation in PvP, rare occasions of wintrading in PvP, very rare occasions of hacking, group ganking in WvW. Trolls and light verbal insults get a second chance once every few months, the others will be blocked permanently. That's the unfortunate state of GW2's "friendliest MMO" community. Few years ago, I only had bots and gold sellers on my blocklist.

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Spam. Need to see chat clearly. Usually toxic players are insecure idiots, so they're easy to say 1 simple thing somewhere that makes them shut up that makes it obvious to their face that they're being dumb in a nice way. I've seen them take a match serious in unranked once and pointed out just that which shut them up. Generally, people set metas for output effect not for flexibility effect value, so I don't take those seriously. Also meta builds just don't normally hold a fluency of character portrayal for Fashion Wars in terms of complimentary of a desired look or theme vs what you'd like to try. I guess in that regard I play Fashion Wars the hard way? I just want my characters to look and feel like characters. If I find a combination I'm not feeling or liking, I reroll the character slot entirely. It's actually an enjoyable way to explore the game with.


But yeah, generally only block things making things difficult for me to keep up with things I want to be able to see. Otherwise I take salt fine. If anything I normally feel bad for the salty people.

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> @"Gop.8713" said:

> Either by accident or for convenience, like if I'm trying to follow some chat and some person other person is saying a lot in another chat so it gets distracting, I'll block the 2nd person. But I always unblock them once the need has passed, so my block list is always empty . . .

If it's another chat, you can just disable that chat in the chatbox menu for the time being, and enable it again afterwards (and even read what's been said on that chat channel while you had it turned off). I've disabled team/map/guild chat temporarily before, to better follow other channels, then re-enabled and checked once the urgent discussion was past. Personally I find this a lot more convenient than temporary blocking.


As with many others, my blocklist is primarily filled with gold-sellers of old (I should clean them out one of these days, I haven't seen any gold-sellers in ages). I do however block the occasional troll that gets on my nerves when I found their comments have an impact on my mood, but in the six years and 10k plus hours of playing I haven't gotten beyond 10 or 12 of those.



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I use the nick-name function to keep both my friendlist and my blocklist organized. The nickname reminds me why I added a specific account to a specific list. For the block-list I use four categories:


- Goldseller: self-explanatory

- DBag: people who insult others, tease others, threaten others, provoke others, frequently swear, spam immature stuff, use sarcasm/irony on people who have trouble, people who shame other players, people who teabag in competitive, .... the usual stuff.

- UA Farmer: unattended farmers. I know it is a personal decision that everyone has to make for himself. I decided that I do not want to play with those people. Making gold in GW2 is not difficult and there are always alternatives.

- Never again: those people left a lasting impression on me. Most of them are from former guilds which broke apart due to drama they participated in. A few traitors and a few people who would normally be in the DBag category, but have shown an extremely aggressive behavior.


Every year, during the last days of December, I remove all people from the DBag category. People have good and bad days. Maybe I've just met that person with a very horrible timing. Next time we meet, the situation might be different and we get along well.


If I happen to meet someone from my blocklist in a guild or party, I unblock them but leave the nickname active. If the player turns out to be a nice person, the nickname gets removed. Never again means never again, no exceptions.


EDIT: A little off-topic. About the Goldsellers. Their numbers have decreased, but they are still there. The reason why many of us do no longer get those annoying PMs is rather simple. Goldsellers have no access to convenience-sections. The more time you spend in the towns, the more likely you are to get one of those PMs. At least that was my experience so far.

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I block people all the time. Truth is I don't even communicate to often with others in game without having a reason to. Chit chat does not really do it for me. But I do watch the chat and if I see something foolish or someone just trying to troll its an instant block. While I may have to put up with it in my day to day life I don't have to in a video game :smile:

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Usually I only keep a casual eye on map chat and don't engage in extended conversations there. So I've never had anyone attacking or trolling me ingame. If I see someone making ugly homophobic or misogynistic comments to other people though, I'll block them as those are not folks I care to hear. That's the only thing I've ever blocked anyone for. Never had anyone spamming me or trying to sell me gold. If that happened, I'd block them but just haven't needed to yet.

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