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Option of making players being able to attack/get attacked in the open world

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Lots of "PvE players" tried WvW simply for the mount. Some stayed, most didn't.

Most people I know play more than one game mode anyway.


OTOH, I'm all for new WvW maps to bring some new life to the game mode. Wouldn't that work too for your purpose? If only WvW players weren't so much against it... :P

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Considering how ArenaNet does things, if they ever added open world PvP, you'd need to specifically enable it to participate, you'd auto-rally with PvP disabled and locked for 5 minutes when downed/killed, and it would automatically disable within the area of an event. Expect it to be something closer to costume brawl than traditional PvP.

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> @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> > > @"cNd.1096" said:

> > > Why people are against something that doesn't affect them? If you don't want to fight with other players in PvE maps then fine - don't do it, but let others have fun this way if they feel like it. Personally I would love to see some kind of duels in PvE, like it was done in 4story for example.

> > Because it does affect them. If players duell in open world pve, they will produce visual and audio noise for other players in the area, and potentially have an influence on other people's play experience, too, for example when they upscale events and mobs without participating or fill out the population limits on maps that try to go for a map-wide meta event.


> Anet DO NOT have problem with the visual noises in the game. If that was an issue for them they wouldn't add all those shiny weapons, and armors, and mounts, and gliders, and World Bosses to gather all those shinies on one place.


Actually the design of both the legendary trinkets and runes suggest that they do care about visual bloat to a certain extent

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You never know, for all you leavers if open world pvp existed, how many would come and play because 1) they want to try it and 2) they don't play because normal pve maps don't interest them. Obviously this game doesn't appeal to all and this may create a different market and different players.

A different game.

How much is the next season going to be just rinse and repeat of all the other seasons, in a game that does a race for content? C'mon you can't want that month in month out?

This is why I want Cantha. Cantha introduced different kinds of pvp outside of hall and arenas. The new PvP is a start.


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> @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

> > @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > Open world wont kill gw2. PvP/WvW players will have something to do in the open world and thus learn more about PvE on the way. PvE players on the other hand will get used to seeing players getting killed by other players and maybe learn more about the PvP/WvW community a little bit more while communicating with some WvW/PvP players. And thus go do some PvP and WvW. What my idea is basically bringing all the community together around all the contents that this game is providing, not splitting them apart. I know WvW players playing the game doing only WvW, not knowing what a guild hall is even. I know PvE players who havent played WvW a single time. I know PvP player that does only tournaments. Why all of you think splitted community is a good community ? WvW struggle for fresh blood ? How do you suggest they do that ? Go out in LA spreading the good word and putting posters on the bank and trading post ?

> >


> So what's your plan to make up for the loss of the PvE players who will quit the game if OW PvP is implemented? Really, I'm interested in how you will replace me and many of my friends.


You and your friends will quit anyway if such a small thing like seeing ppl fight in your precious PvE zones make you quit the game. ;)

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> @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> PvP/WvW players will have something to do in the open world and thus learn more about PvE on the way.

Maybe they could simply play the PvE content to learn more about PvE. Which they can do already.

>PvE players on the other hand will get used to seeing players getting killed by other players and maybe learn more about the PvP/WvW community a little bit more while communicating with some WvW/PvP players. And thus go do some PvP and WvW.

That PvE players don't go to PvP/WvW already speaks to what they've learned about those communities. As many have stated in this thread, PvE players don't enjoy being ganked, so they stay away from PvP/WvW.


>What my idea is basically bringing all the community together around all the contents that this game is providing, not splitting them apart.

Having different places for PvE/PvP/WvW content in GW2 is inherent by design. Why would they now force differing aspects of content to merge?


> WvW struggle for fresh blood

Maybe that content isn't as popular with the GW2 community as some may wish for it to be? Maybe other games do WvW better, so those who enjoy that content aren't playing GW2?



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> @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

> > > @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > > Open world wont kill gw2. PvP/WvW players will have something to do in the open world and thus learn more about PvE on the way. PvE players on the other hand will get used to seeing players getting killed by other players and maybe learn more about the PvP/WvW community a little bit more while communicating with some WvW/PvP players. And thus go do some PvP and WvW. What my idea is basically bringing all the community together around all the contents that this game is providing, not splitting them apart. I know WvW players playing the game doing only WvW, not knowing what a guild hall is even. I know PvE players who havent played WvW a single time. I know PvP player that does only tournaments. Why all of you think splitted community is a good community ? WvW struggle for fresh blood ? How do you suggest they do that ? Go out in LA spreading the good word and putting posters on the bank and trading post ?

> > >

> >

> > So what's your plan to make up for the loss of the PvE players who will quit the game if OW PvP is implemented? Really, I'm interested in how you will replace me and many of my friends.


> You and your friends will quit anyway if such a small thing like seeing ppl fight in your precious PvE zones make you quit the game. ;)


So you have no plan to counter the loss of players, but you claim this change won't harm the game. In that case, I have to ask: why are you playing a game focused on casual, cooperative OW PvE if you want PvP in all game modes? I assume it's the game's lore and style, which I love as well.


As for players quitting irregardless, those I know would not quit because of 'seeing people fight in your precious PvE zones.' We would quit because of principle. We play this game for it's PvE, not PvP, and I at least have absolutely no desire to start down the slippery slope of OW PvP. Especially when a game mode like WvW is already available.

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> @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> PvE players on the other hand will get used to seeing players getting killed by other players and maybe learn more about the PvP/WvW community a little bit more while communicating with some WvW/PvP players.


I don't think seeing people duel in open world will make any PvP deniers more likely to become interested in PvP or WvW, since the directives in both game modes are much more complicated and not just about "killing others on the way". I imagine they might even feel stressed out by such encounters and no longer "safe" in their environment, regardless of whether it's an optional thing or not.


> @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> PvP folks are leaving because Anet is not respecting their own system and letting people abuse what monsters they created to please YOU PVE folks.


How exactly is the PvE community at fault when it comes to ANet's inability to handle their game's balancing properly by, for instance, making completely separate skill sets and trait lines for each game mode or blocking elite specs in PvP, or to add new map content to WvW?

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For people that keep bringing Wow in this debate, i used to play Wow since BC until MOP, i choose a PVE realm since i was a noob but even there you can put your pvp on.

It was a nightmare for leveling in some zone in case some idiot was waiting for you to AOE so you can get flag and kill you.

Not to mention on the forums there were plenty of complain about this in PVP realm, most of them didn't even bother to leave the city, just level from lfg system in dungeon and have high level so you can also go kill.

They make after that some open zone pvp which was abandoned very fast because of the imbalance between horde and alliance.

WoW was made with PVP in mind, Horde vs Alliance was a team and now it falling, you can see that in Battle of Azeroth which should be more PVP oriented in open world failed, they needed to give boost to the alliance so they can turn there PVP tag on.


Let go back to Gw2, as already people explain, there are plenty of place were you can kill other people, you have your personal arena for duel in Sun's Refuge.

So let say you say one person doing a event and he is flag by mistake , you can go to kill him and maybe he loose the event.

Let say that you are new person in gw2 and you don't know about the flag, you put it by mistake and you get killed by a high level because this will happen. I remember before that there were people in Wow that killed others in starting zone and city.


In my case, what will i win if i kill other person in open world, do i get some unique stuff that helps me or i just have nothing better to do and kill people to show how better i am then them instead of showing my skill in sPVP


For people that want this, make a poll or a petition, show Anet how much you care, maybe they will listen.

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I think it would be cool if they made a new Edge of the Mists map with good pve metas and have one side play D and one side play O. Pit 2 servers against 2 servers and have one try to advance the meta and have the other side stop it.


They could also support dueling I'm a map like this, give it an arena where people could meet up and play against each other.

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This is what I would like to see and its based off and old MMO I played when I was ***_cough_*** younger...


Order/Chaos system for guilds.

Players may participate in Order/Chaos by being in a guild that is set to Order or Chaos. This can be set by changing the guild type. This can only be changed once every 7 days


Earn combat experience by killing the opposing faction. Earn titles and rank for getting so much experience. Diminishing returns for killing the same player over and over after the first kill. This would be reset daily. Killing people higher rank than you rewards more experience.


Since you have the ability to switch guilds pretty much at any time you could choose when you wanted to participate in the system. So those who never want to touch the mode wont be bothered while the others are having at it in a map.


I think this would be amazing personally.

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> @"Rasimir.6239" said:

> No thanks. The whole game's story as well as all of the gameplay systems are based on the concept of cooperation. No juvenile idiots spamming duelling invites or noisily fighting right on top of my character. No newbies getting tricked into activating the switch and getting slaughtered by people getting their kick from easy kills.


> If you want to fight other players, go to wvw, pvp or your guild's arena. No need to bother the rest of us with that nonsense.


I mean, the story of this franchise is full of conflict and fighting and the combat is very much pvp oriented.


As for the duel invites, i think you havent been following mmo, times have moved on and you can opt to have pvp or not.

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> @"Lilyanna.9361" said:

> I mean y'all say it's gonna kill gw2 but the game has already been on a decline. I see the same folks in certain maps, in the same spots. There are barely roamers now, only zergs. You can look at WvW and you'll see they are practically begging for new content. PvP folks are leaving because Anet is not respecting their own system and letting people abuse what monsters they created to please YOU PVE folks.


pvp folks are leaving. ok bye can i have their stuff ?


i see lots and i mean LOTS of ppl in every map both in tyria and the expansions ones.


btw according to me game is far from being dead but even if we'd remain so few to keep only one server alive in maintenance mode i'd be ok with it at this point of the game.



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> > @"Sir Alric.5078" said:

> > > @"Gopaka.7839" said:


> > This is NOT World of Warcraft. The people who enjoy Guild Wars 2 PvE do so precisely for its cooperative nature. The lack of open world PvP in this game is not a bug or an oversight. It's a feature. One that made many people choose Guild Wars 2 instead of World of Warcraft.

> > Also, many people advocating for open world PvP try to make their proposal more appealing by saying that it would of course be only optional, and so it would not hurt those who just want to PvE. However, i feel like you are forgetting something: many level 80 maps have map wide meta events that require coordination in order to be successful. If half the map player population is busy ganking each other instead of helping take down the boss, the metas will fail, and that will surely hurt the PvE experience.


> No idea why you mention the metas. If a player doesn't want to interact with the meta it doesn't matter if he's fighting a random choya or hydra or another player or whatever. The idea of the topic is to give more options to the game for all kinds of players, so the game looks more appealing to the people.


First off, this is NOT WoW. I chose to play this game instead of WoW because the PvP and PvE are kept separate.


He mentioned the metas because the maps only hold so many people. If half of those people are running around pvp'ing then people that want to come help do the meta, so that it can be done successfully, cannot get onto the map. Take Tequatl for example. If half of the map is off PvP'ing then the ones that want to do Tequatl won't be able to get enough people together to defeat him.

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> @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > @"Cyninja.2954" said:

> > You keep assuming that arguing with some of the worst problems currently being present is in any shape or form an argument FOR your idea, when it's the exact opposite. You don't want to make things which are bad even worse. The fact the game is already struggling in certain areas is a reason NOT to put more strain on specifically those things.


> So what you are saying is "don't poke it cuz it might feel pain... just let it die on it's own... it's the natural way of life" ?


That's not even a valid or in any applicable response to what I wrote. The games has problems on a basic level of programming (skill lag when to many server queries happen), art (visual noise from items and skills) and design (map populations and map isntances).


Your argument that adding to those problems because they already exist is nosensical. This has nothing to do with spvp and wvw struggling but rather touches on how pvp in open world would make all of those issues worse, when they are already a problem now.

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> @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > @"Li Xiaolu.4823" said:

> > Just a suggestion for those who want to have open-world PvP. After killing a player you will be arrested by the Seraph, Peacemaker, Wardens, Lionguard …… and sent to prison for lets say two week online time. :)


> Well... What you are saying has been done in many games, but the fact that the one you are killing has agreed to be killed in the first place means you don't have to be arrested overall. Your idea can be implemented in a smaller scale if you fight in the cities, but this means even more of the "precious" resources, that all of you are talking about like Anet is starving to death begging for piece of bread, will be spend.


If you are saying to only have it in the cities then why not just stay in the current PvP areas where it is intended?

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> @"Diak Atoli.2085" said:

> > @"Gopaka.7839" said:

> > Open world wont kill gw2. PvP/WvW players will have something to do in the open world and thus learn more about PvE on the way. PvE players on the other hand will get used to seeing players getting killed by other players and maybe learn more about the PvP/WvW community a little bit more while communicating with some WvW/PvP players. And thus go do some PvP and WvW. What my idea is basically bringing all the community together around all the contents that this game is providing, not splitting them apart. I know WvW players playing the game doing only WvW, not knowing what a guild hall is even. I know PvE players who havent played WvW a single time. I know PvP player that does only tournaments. Why all of you think splitted community is a good community ? WvW struggle for fresh blood ? How do you suggest they do that ? Go out in LA spreading the good word and putting posters on the bank and trading post ?

> >


> So what's your plan to make up for the loss of the PvE players who will quit the game if OW PvP is implemented? Really, I'm interested in how you will replace me and many of my friends.


Doing this effectively killed Aion for pretty much all of their PvE players. It would do the same to this game. Once the majority, if not all, of the PvE crowd leaves I wonder how he plans to replace them?

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