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Why people so mad?

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As somewhat of a critic of ANet and GW2 but someone who of course still enjoys the game, I don't see why people are so maaadddddd about the reveal event. The story is what drives the game. What did you expect?


Assuming there is more more easily accessible content, instead of the super grind that 99% of GW2 is and perhaps some more cosmetics outside of the ever looming Gem Store, I think this will be great. If I could pick anything though, it'd be more optimisation and bug fixes to the old game, since so many were left behind and haven't been touched in 7 years. These guys need more than a 1 man patch team. I would very much like to see QoL updates, improved cursors, and such. I hope each of our characters gets 1 free build slot each. I'd be pretty mad if it cost 1200 gems for a build slot. All of these things can still be achieved.


Overall I think the event was pretty good. And it's nice of Anet to give HoT away for free - that's also beneficial to everybody else.


(Please though, no more mount unlock grinds... the Griffon and Skyscale I can live with... but, no more... I'll die).

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ArenaNet hyped the event into something big - which it was...just not in the way people erroneously thought it would be. Some people took the hype and *ran* with it, speculating about elite specs and expansions (which ArenaNet had already - repeatedly - confirmed there would not be an expansion) and thus were disappointed when it turned out to be...exactly what ArenaNet had announced: a new Living World story and some features within.

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It's an error of marketing, if anything. If you factor out how it was revealed and just think about the stuff coming, it's a lot and very exciting. Sure some details were unanswered (like the timeframe on next fractal, raid, what's next for legies) but if you expected everything to be answered now, that's on you IMO. They will reveal more as the time approaches.

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To put it bluntly and concisely :


People went with hopes of seeing either : Expansion-grade content announced. An expansion announced to be in the work. Neither happened.


That's Literally all there is to it. I can understand though. There was a lot of fanfare about not doing expansions and instead releasing Episodes with Expansion content. The problem is that this showcase, for many was the Opportunity to show what they meant by that. Instead, there was no such thing. The announcement seemed to look more like a classic Living Story content. Expansions werent mentionned, and the features of the episodes dont really fit within the scope of what players consider "Expansion content". For most, Expansion content means : New Specs (the crux of expansions) and impactful Mastery tracks (namely, masteries that can be used outside of the map they're discovered in. They got neither, and people understably feel upset, and feel like they've been given the run around.


I'm not one of those, because I went to this announcement with a casual stride, hands in my pockets, missed the entirety Stream, and didn't get what I wanted, but ultimately got Something I did want, but didn't expect would be announced. While I'm not in the aforemented "hater" position, I Certainly can understand what they're thinking.


My hope is that this string of critical communication faillures does not lead to Anet stopping to bother talking to us, for fear of overburdening negativity to whatever they announced. I'm not saying players shouldn't voice their discontent, I'm saying they should do so with respect for the people they're talking to.

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I'm not mad with what they announced, more frustrated at what they didn't announce. Yes it was always a lws5 announcement, but waiting on scraps of content every 3 to 4 months that will die out once they need to dangle a new carrot is not the way to go. Living World is becoming more like the nail being slowly driven into the coffin.

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You can't be serious. This event was literally a trailer of a minor patch + merchandise. Build templates take forever while a single guy already made them years ago without access to the source code.

Arc already has as many free build slots as you want.

Story it what drives the game? Gw2 is not a single player adventure. Doing story once every 3month is not keeping the game alive. They didn't give you hot for free because they are good guys. They ran the numbers and decided that this will boost pof sales and potentially gemstore sales.

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People are mad because Anet put on this big song and dance about the "BIG ANNOUNCEMENT". They booked a venue and everything. The announcement can be summarised as follows:


"Nothing is changing we're just gonna be doing the same thing we've been doing over the past few years."


I mean why bother with this big announcement just to tell us its business as usual?

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Most people I know went in with low to no expectations or hype and came out disappointed.

While I appreciate them trying to market better and generate hype around the game, this could have been just the usual blog post about LW coming up.


The reason that matters is because it not just being a blog post meant a lot of people had some tiny shimmer of hope that if they had anything to show at all, this would have been the opportunity to do it.

Seeing no mention of Fractal CM's, Raids, Elite Specs, Expansions etc., not even the slightest tease or a "we hear you, it's coming and more of it", probably means it's not even on their radar, and the content a lot of people want may be close to 2 years away, if it even ever comes. And a lot of people know they can't wait that long, no matter how much they love the game.


Strikes to get people to group up and play together, to maybe transition into more engaging content, is great and probably the only positive to come out of this, but there is going to be no hardcore community left to transition into by the time this stuff is substantially enough developed.


I like the lore and universe of GW, having been with the franchise for 14 years now, and I do enjoy having some casual fun playing story when it comes out, but even though I'm really not expecting much gameplay wise from it, the fact that 90% of max level open world and story mobs can be killed by literally pressing one button (Sword of Justice, Icerazor's Ire, Rapid Fire, an on and on) is a joke.

You might as well not have a combat system at all for open world and just get "Press F to defeat creature" prompts. The level of gameplay is in such a sad state.

Supposedly in lore threatening Story bosses being either bursted in 5-10 seconds or being able to be defeated by autoattacking while eating dinner or watching a show on the side leads to severe ludonarrative dissonance, crushing any and all immersion, besides not being fun or engaging.


That just makes it really hard to get excited about Living World, as it's delivering no features, engaging solo- or repeatable, challenging group content for PvE, with PvP and WvW being beyond life support at this point, rotting in the basement.


The game is just so painfully easy that it ruins the experience, wasting the incredible interactive combat system they have build, which many of us love too much to give up for another game. But if Anet refuses to make any content that makes use of it at all, then what is the point.



I appreciate the effort and Strikes are a move in the right direction, but man do we need more than that and fast, because the time for "potential", after 7 years, is over. Non ultra casuals need content, and they need it 2 years ago.


It's not anger, just disappointment over all the wasted potential with no change in sight.

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"For the one who has nothing, something is everything. When everything is gone, nothing is the only option."

(What I'm try to say is that I do understand the frustration, but, I don't know, I was raised to be appreciative of everything that is given. I guess I feel like the "hype" was a bit misplaced, but their heart is probably in the right place. I was happy to watch the devs and everyone else that were there when it was live just made it sweeter. I hear about the good they (and by proxy, us) do for society. This goes beyond a game, you may even call it a social experiment. ) Also, I haven't slept yet and am running on caffeine and NCIS...

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Living world episodes without an expansion behind is not much for a game. We players expected that Anet will bring much more content to keep us busy. Build templates are nice but is not new content, strikers are interesting but it uses already ingame raid bosses so its not new content, pvp thing nothing new , nothing new for wvw. 2 hours of new content every 3 months is not enough. Maybe the LW5 epsiodes are epic with alot of new content and it will keep us busy 2 months, idk........ but Anet didnt say this also. So ya we are mad.

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The story is not what drives the game for me. I don't even have a single living world story complete...I just don't care for an imaginary story of dragons and God's.


What gw2 has is a combat system that is second to none in the gaming world.


When they said something big I didn't expect the same old expected living world content.

Pvp items like armor is not new content. It's new items/equipment. New content is what living world is. But god for bids pvp to get the same treatment like new game modes new tournaments more then every 4 hours.

New maps is also not new content when you think about the fact that conquest is the same game mode we've had for the past 7 years.

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Maybe some people are "mad"...especially on reddit...which is where angry people go. >.>


But honestly, what Ive seen among the people I know who play isnt anger. Its disappointment and a feeling of being let down. Maybe realizing that this game really wont be going much farther than where it is currently. Reality setting in, maybe.

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What they did end up talking about was great stuff from my perspective, but im not that happy because on top of what is being said here about the expansion level content not being present in like any way, also remember that:

people paid for travel and lodging to see a 45 minute living world discussion, not 15 minutes of living world and 20 minutes of advertisements and special expac deals. everything they showed us was really awesome, but once again, how am i supposed to feel waiting all week for a 45 minute living world presentation, to have only 15 minutes spent on what i tuned in for, and the total time stopping ten full minutes short. last time they had a presentation, they delivered on what they said they would be talking about. This time, they not only failed to fully deliver the presentation they repeatedly advertised, but they didnt even make the allotted time before running out of things to say about the future of the game.

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* Yes finally more Norn lore!


* New peeps if they buy PoF get HoT for free. Awesome way to get new people to join the game! Yes thank you.

* Exclusive HoT veterans pack. Mordrem-themed glider, Vanguard Title, and gem store skin voucher.

* People who own PoF but not HoT will have the expansion added to their account for free.

* More Kodan lore, yay!

* 4 content teams working on the game now. Nice!

* Prologue, Grothmar Valley, yay charr lore

* Far Shiverpeaks, yay norn lore

* Adding existing masteries into future content so they aren't stuck on one map. Joy, hated that I put points into that and it only worked on one map

* New mastery line that deals with spirits of the wild (oooooo)

* Strike missions, an introduction and ease into raids (nice, might actually try that to see if I want to raid in this game and is a great way to get people interested in it as well)

* Okay, Bone Skinner some Wendigo horror right there.

* Episode 2 has new world boss, Drakkar

* New armor set for PvP, swiss-style tournaments, more seasons in between conquest seasons

* World restructuring still happening

* Merchandising, art work book

* Hot Topic will be carrying GW2 t-shirts, nice more brand awareness

* Funko pop Aurene, Rytlock, Joko, also includes a code for a funko pop mini in-game (god damn Aurene is cute)

* And finishes with Rytlock beating the piss out of someone in the only way Rytlock can do


I love that people who bought HoT is getting some goodies as a veterans pack. I love that people who bought PoF are getting HoT for free. I saw the constant tweets as more reminders more than anything else because I always forget streams exist (and Blizzard wouldn't stop with it's WoWC spam to the point I had to suppress them for the rest of the month). I understand disappointment though I'm just glad it's people over-expecting/over-hyping even though we know living story usually just introduces a new zone and a few tidbits. I'm just glad after reading all these comments and then watching the stream it's just cherry picking at things and not a Blizzard hyped Diablo 4 then told y'all you're getting a mobile phone game thing. Congrats on 7 years of the game, loved seeing the people dressed up in the theater, and can't wait to see what the new mastery does, along with what the lore is behind the forgottenish wild spirits of Owl and Wolverine.

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They made an announcement to reveal less than an average episode trailer.

You could've not gone to the event and you wouldn't have missed anything.


People wanted to know what to expect for LS5. If anets stance is 'nothing', then that's not a lot to look forward to.


Now, i know it'll provably five contentwise, as LS4 was. But don't make it a big announcement like that. Just show the video on your website. Next year they'll do an expansion announcement event (>IF<) and no one will show up expecting this again.

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